Boring or bad speeches.


Mid-Card Championship Winner
I went to a lunch today to accept a scholarship and the speaker went on and on with a slide show about his trip to give aid to Africa. It was about as interesting as a friend showing you pictures of their trip to Florida.

"So, that's a cow... and they trade those for wives. The number of cows depends on your status in society. For example, a doctor is expected to trade twelve cows for a wives."

Not to mention the fact that he made an odd comment about how he was handing out seed and he told the people he was giving it to not to fight over it... Ya know, jokingly. He got a little chuckle from some old rich people. Yep, he was having a laugh at how uncivilized they are.

Uncomfortable, dry, long, and I expect something better. Maybe something about our life journey, enjoying our time in university, or general optimism about the future. But this was crap.

Any boring/bad speeches that you've sat through stick out in your memory?

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