Booking the Bella Twins

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Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
The Bella Twins have a unique aspect about them, they are identical to each other. But can that be a cancer on their career? If one falls, the others.

But can the WWE writers raise to a level where they can put out a strong story line for the twins. It is wearing thin, doing tag team matches, or doing switcheroos. So I wonder if you think the WWE writers will put in a bit of effort with the opportunity they have to create a better story line.

If you have ever read The Comedy of Errors or Menaechmus by Shakespeare or Plautus, you will have read comedies that feature one to two sets of identical twins. They constantly have "errors" of identity. Could the WWE write a story line where one of the Bellas became champion, and the other one would constantly be attacked by Divas trying to weaken the champion? Instead of doing a switcheroo during the match, one could be made to look weakened against her sister.
Booking the Bella Twins?

I have an idea... don't do it at all. They are garbage as wrestlers, their characters don't have anything interesting, just like any other diva besides McCool, Maryse and Beth Phoenix, they are just two regular divas that don't even have the talent necessary to be in the WWE...
I think they should run a storyline where one wins the women's world title, and the other one buys a replica belt from Much like the poster suggested, do an error of identity storyline, with the faux champion getting attcked backstage. This could be the greatest storyline in the history of professional wrestling. Good thing there's currently nothing better going on in wrestling that we can talk about, eh? Like Bret Hart....who cares??? Let's all discuss the Bella Twins.
I think they should run a storyline where one wins the women's world title, and the other one buys a replica belt from Much like the poster suggested, do an error of identity storyline, with the faux champion getting attcked backstage. This could be the greatest storyline in the history of professional wrestling. Good thing there's currently nothing better going on in wrestling that we can talk about, eh? Like Bret Hart....who cares??? Let's all discuss the Bella Twins.

Except that's going to confuse the shit out of everyone involved. The announcers even made it clear that they don't know which one is which. There really shouldn't be any storylines involving these two, and they should simply be eye candy, as they have been since they debuted.
Any use of the Bella twins as wrestlers has been killed for me. All I can see them as is two chicks who hang out with the guest hosts. That's ALL they've been until last night and now that's all I can see them as. Also add in the fact that they're not exceptional in any way and they're really, like other have said, just eye candy.
Hell, make one of them turn of the other take make one bad ass heel out of one of them. They can start dressing different as well. Enough with this identical crap. The only difference I can tell from one to the other is that one has thicker legs. Yum.
Actually...I noticed that both Bri and Nikki are more heavy set than Mickie James (who is being subjected to a horrid storyline regarding her weight). While they are pretty to look at and are nice to follow on Twitter, they do not have the bodies for being a knockout diva (pun intended) in the WWE. It's not cool that they forced Mickie James to job to that horrid wanna be singer Jillian (Ozzy said it best..."Close my ears forever!") because she was "too fat to be on RAW", yet, haven't said much publically about the Bella Twins looking a little out of shape.
It's clear how quickly some of you forget or don't notice. When the Bella debuted on Smackdown without her twin she put on some very good matches.

Because they haven't been in any real action since they left Smackdown, you've all seemed to brand them as useless, because they've been hanging out with the GHs.

They have way more talent than Maria, Candice, Torrie Wilson or any of the WWE divas who don't know how to wrestle who are pushed to the moon.

I can already think of a good story where they start dating a superstar, and it gets confusing who's who, etc.
It's clear how quickly some of you forget or don't notice. When the Bella debuted on Smackdown without her twin she put on some very good matches.

Because they haven't been in any real action since they left Smackdown, you've all seemed to brand them as useless, because they've been hanging out with the GHs.

They have way more talent than Maria, Candice, Torrie Wilson or any of the WWE divas who don't know how to wrestle who are pushed to the moon.

I can already think of a good story where they start dating a superstar, and it gets confusing who's who, etc.

Except the match they just had on Raw on Monday was horrible. Even for a regular Diva match, which is saying a lot. When you're trying to gain some credibility as a diva, or even a tag-team diva, after not doing any kind of wrestling for weeks and weeks, the last thing you want to do is have a terrible match.
The Bella Twins have a unique aspect about them, they are identical to each other. But can that be a cancer on their career? If one falls, the others.

But can the WWE writers raise to a level where they can put out a strong story line for the twins. It is wearing thin, doing tag team matches, or doing switcheroos. So I wonder if you think the WWE writers will put in a bit of effort with the opportunity they have to create a better story line.

I honestly think that WWE overlooked the easiest possible (and best possible) storyline to put the Bellas in. Have one turn heel and have them feud with each other. You'd have the good twin and the evil twin. They had the perfect opportunity during the Miz & Morrison VS The Colons feud because one Bella could side with the faces and the other with the heels, and then they could have kept that going until one has fully turned heel on the other. The momentum from that storyline could have led to a good split between the twins where one is a heel on one show and the other is a face on the other show. Leading up to a reunion at some point where they are a face team again. It'd be great and I don't see how WWE never did it.

If you have ever read The Comedy of Errors or Menaechmus by Shakespeare or Plautus, you will have read comedies that feature one to two sets of identical twins. They constantly have "errors" of identity. Could the WWE write a story line where one of the Bellas became champion, and the other one would constantly be attacked by Divas trying to weaken the champion? Instead of doing a switcheroo during the match, one could be made to look weakened against her sister.

Maybe, that could be an interesting storyline to see, but I prefer my idea I listed above, where one turns on the other and it turns into a good twin VS evil twin feud. That would be a better idea because it would be easier to split them up at some point if they did that. Otherwise if they ever got separated (it could happen) at a draft then they wouldn't have nearly as much momentum by themselves that they could be in danger of being future endeavored.
Maybe, that could be an interesting storyline to see, but I prefer my idea I listed above, where one turns on the other and it turns into a good twin VS evil twin feud. That would be a better idea because it would be easier to split them up at some point if they did that. Otherwise if they ever got separated (it could happen) at a draft then they wouldn't have nearly as much momentum by themselves that they could be in danger of being future endeavored.

Sorry dagger, but I'd rather watch the idea of TM.
Like he said, the fact that they're identical is something kinda unique.
One sister (or brother) being face while the other is heel, and fighting each other is done to death.
When they teased that during the Colons/miz&Morrison bout, everyone was like "What? ... AGAIN?", and I think that's why they stopped.

I don't think they'd be in danger of being future endeavored. They're appearing every week with the guest host. You might find that stupid and useless, but with Vince thinking the guest host thing is a a good thing, showing the bellas with the guest host every monday night is just a sign that they'll stay.

They're not that good in the ring? Come on, the entire diva division is a clusterfuck, I don't care if they can't wrestle that well, I want good storylines first ! Make Brie (Or Nikkie, w/e) win the title, make the precedent champion (Maryse ?) attack the wrong sister, and that'd be fun as hell. Introduce some couple thing here and there (The miz for maryse, someone for one of the bellas, even a referee, I don't care..) and that could be pure entertainment! (Well, pure diva entertainment, I know...)
Sorry dagger, but I'd rather watch the idea of TM.
Like he said, the fact that they're identical is something kinda unique.
One sister (or brother) being face while the other is heel, and fighting each other is done to death.
When they teased that during the Colons/miz&Morrison bout, everyone was like "What? ... AGAIN?", and I think that's why they stopped.

TM did have a good idea. I just like mine more. Everyone's entitled to their opinions, and I can understand that some people don't like sibling feuds. However, the fact that they are twins would make a feud between them interesting. Especially if the tag teams had been involved like they were with Colons and Miz/Morrison when a heel turn was teased by one of the Bellas.

I don't think they'd be in danger of being future endeavored. They're appearing every week with the guest host. You might find that stupid and useless, but with Vince thinking the guest host thing is a a good thing, showing the bellas with the guest host every monday night is just a sign that they'll stay.

I meant if they get separated, THEN they might be. If they remain together and hang out with the guest hosts, they should be fine.

They're not that good in the ring? Come on, the entire diva division is a clusterfuck, I don't care if they can't wrestle that well, I want good storylines first ! Make Brie (Or Nikkie, w/e) win the title, make the precedent champion (Maryse ?) attack the wrong sister, and that'd be fun as hell. Introduce some couple thing here and there (The miz for maryse, someone for one of the bellas, even a referee, I don't care..) and that could be pure entertainment! (Well, pure diva entertainment, I know...)

Attacking the wrong sister could be interesting, but if one of them won a championship then I think that we would be in for an annoying title reign full of them switching places all the time. Sure it'd be something new, but I'm not a big fan of twins trading places. Eventually some fans might get sick of the fact that they are always trading places and it will feel like both of them are the champion. I guess some people would rather see that instead of "good twin VS evil twin" but once again people are entitled to their opinions. WWE probably just has them spending time with the guests on Raw every week because they cannot seem to come up with anything else for them to do. Hopefully we will see an actual storyline with the Bellas sometime because even if it revolves around them trading places all the time, anything is better than just spending time with the guests every week.
TM did have a good idea. I just like mine more. Everyone's entitled to their opinions, and I can understand that some people don't like sibling feuds. However, the fact that they are twins would make a feud between them interesting. Especially if the tag teams had been involved like they were with Colons and Miz/Morrison when a heel turn was teased by one of the Bellas.
It's not that I don't like siblings feud. I loved the hardy's feud, I even would have loved a Colon's feud. But the hardy feud was something like january->april, and the colon's fact in june or july. This kind of feud just happens to often right now in the WWE, and I'd love something "fresher".

I meant if they get separated, THEN they might be. If they remain together and hang out with the guest hosts, they should be fine.

I totally agree, they're not eye candy enough alone, and their wrestling skills are limited, but jillian is still in the raw roster tho...

Attacking the wrong sister could be interesting, but if one of them won a championship then I think that we would be in for an annoying title reign full of them switching places all the time. Sure it'd be something new, but I'm not a big fan of twins trading places. Eventually some fans might get sick of the fact that they are always trading places and it will feel like both of them are the champion. I guess some people would rather see that instead of "good twin VS evil twin" but once again people are entitled to their opinions. WWE probably just has them spending time with the guests on Raw every week because they cannot seem to come up with anything else for them to do. Hopefully we will see an actual storyline with the Bellas sometime because even if it revolves around them trading places all the time, anything is better than just spending time with the guests every week.

They could do so much more than switching places.
They could send the wrong sister in the match, and when the sister has lost, make the match restart with the real champion sister.
Or could sent the champion in the match, but if she lost, the other twin could stil largue that she is the champion, and the match should still be restarted.
A heel (maryse) could attack the champion and cause a (kayfabe) injury. But the other sister could go one on one, arguing she's the other sister, and so on.

Melina injured, raw doesn't have that many face divas around, even less "good" divas. The twins need to be booked as real contenders.
There is a way to push the Bella's without the fact they're identical being used at first, I see that as a way to continue a storyline.

The question is how? Simple.

The current lack of Melina means there is space for new contenders. Lets say Maryse was to win this tournament. Sure she may feud with the other finalist for a while but then what? Simple, elevate one of the Bellas with a shock win in a contendership match. Sure, the IWC will think "wtf" at first but hear me out.

Then, we have the title match. That Bella loses but is ever so close. Now bare in mind the Bella's normally hang out with the guest host. With that twin competing more often, the other is left to the job of catering for the guest host's needs and becomes jealous each week. Another match is made another week and she gets closer. Then one week, she almost gets the win with a finisher on Maryse in her final title match but the referee is down. Suddenly the other twin comes out and hits her sister with her finisher. The guest host, a heel guest host, comes out and quickly announces the match has been made into a triple threat. The pinfall is made with a groggy referee... one, two, three.

One Bella has pinned her sister, turning heel, to win the Championship.

Now you have a feud simply not based on "Sisters hating on each other". It is the story of the twin who has exceeded in her wrestling and the twin who has always been a novelty act for the guest host... jealousy sparking from there and the shock betrayal. From here, both divas can feud with Maryse still in the mix claiming she never lost the title (typical triple threat title loss argument) and also that she got screwed! This way, the fans can still be into the feud if Maryse is still involved in a triple threat match because Maryse is over, whilst the developing Bella storyline feud continues enough to hopefully spark interest.

Have either the heel Bella retain or the face one regain... then you can feud them for another month. Where you go from there is optional, you've created a champion and a contender of both face and heel natures.

From here switcheroo tactics could still be pulled. For example, lets say the heel diva contined to retain. The face Bella could be knocked out backstage the next week by the heel one and then the heel one could come out to "pretend to be her sister" during a number one contenders match. She is purposely pinned by her opponent to screw her sister out of a potential new title shot etc.

Now when the sister betrayal angle could be wearing thin, it has a new dynamic added.

I would say Brie for the face and Nikki for the heel, they seem more natural at those roles.
I'd book Maryse in a 2 on 1 Handicap Match against them, and then have Maryse squash them. Then I'd release them.

Hell, it's pretty much what she did to begin with on Monday night. The Bella Twins are the most useless people on the WWE Roster. I can't even make a joke about who they're more useless than, because they truly are the most useless people on the roster. Most of the time, they're window dressing for whoever the guest host is. The problem with that is that they're not even particularly attractive for the most part. One of them is really trashy too with a tattoo over her box.

They have no real wrestling talent at all. They're not good looking. The one thing they were able to get by on, which is switching places when they actually wrestle, was squashed by Maryse when she saw the switcheroo.

The WWE needs to release the Bellas and bring in girls who are attractive that can actually wrestle, or at least have the raw talent to be able to become a wrestler. The drive to want to be a wrestler would be a nice thing to have as well. These two seem perfectly content in what they are, getting by on (and as a result, getting paid handsomely for) being moderately attractive twins, and not caring at all about the company they're working for.
Everyone who is saying their match on Raw this week was shit, which I'll admit to agreeing to, needs to remember something; the Bella twins haven't really been put into serious, regular in-ring competition since coming to Raw. That right there will be the biggest contributor to them not being flash when the bell rings but remember, they were a pretty good pair of competitors on SmackDown when they debuted.

As it's been said, in-ring talent matters secondly if the angle is good and they pull it off well. Don't believe me? Stone Cold Steve Austin. Dude couldn't wrestle for shit compared to some of his contemporaries but he had style. S'all that mattered.

As for any idea I'd throw in to improve the Bella's standing, cos it would be worth it after all:
- Turn them both heel.
- Have one win the Diva's title and maintain the reign with the switcheroo (hey, it's cheap but effective)
- Continue their angle of hanging off the arms of GHs...with the twist of "suggesting" matches to suit their needs.
- Have another Diva (I vote Kelly Kelly, cos her push is well overdue) to call them out on their dastardly deeds. Diva X gets subjected to the ol' heel in power treatment; handicap matches, screwjobs et al.
- Bring it all to a head at the next PPV, book the winner based on crowd reactions.

Reading that back, it looks so simplistic. Yet I'd watch that over anything else Raw's wasting it's Diva talent on.
Not that I'm biased...
It's clear how quickly some of you forget or don't notice. When the Bella debuted on Smackdown without her twin she put on some very good matches.

Because they haven't been in any real action since they left Smackdown, you've all seemed to brand them as useless, because they've been hanging out with the GHs.

They have way more talent than Maria, Candice, Torrie Wilson or any of the WWE divas who don't know how to wrestle who are pushed to the moon.

I can already think of a good story where they start dating a superstar, and it gets confusing who's who, etc.

Is no completely like that, I thing they are not great in the ring, but they are not completely aweful. The had a couple of nice matches on Smackdown against Victoria and Natalia, and one each with Katie Lea (Could someone let The Former Queen Of Caos Wrestle? Please?) that ame out to be good, but since they came to Raw that as right now out of average performers (Maryse is good, not great but good, Kelly is a little stale and not really getting better, Eve is good but still learning and Jillian has got a lot of ring rust and has become sloppy as Hell) Bri really had a bad match with Maryse (To be fair, there is not much you can do when they give you 3 minutes for a match) and their moves in tag matches has come a little off.

The thing with the switch is getting a little stale but given the proper storyline and more ring time (let them have a 10 minutes match on the house shows, even if they suck if any diveahad a decent amount of time at house shows or a match on each one instead of a Bikini Cintest or shoot T-shirts to the crowd all will improve a lot) it could work.

But also for that you will need for Creative to give a fuck about their Women's division. Good luck with that.
I really don't know why the Bellas are even considered wrestlers, look how long they've been 'escorts' for the hosts of Raw. Even Eve and as much as I like Kelly Kelly cmon...I think that's the main thought of creative in terms of the divas on Raw right now. I think that gives you the point of what they think of their female wrestlers. If WWE wanted to really shape things up, they'd quit looking for female wrestlers from modeling contests and then training them. They'd look for athletes first.
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