Booker T's own AJ effect... to a degree


Championship Contender
I am super happy that Eve won her match against Kaitlyn tonight to decide who would be the Assistant to Booker T.

I kept thinking it cant go the other way and be all faces, you need a heel to give a new dynamicto the authority scene on SD! It's needed. And I think this creates a nice little Angel/Devil type aspect on the shoulders of Booker T figuratively with Eve on one shoulder as his Assistant and Teddy Long on the other as his Senior Advisor.

I think AJ is the better GM, love her character and unpredictability, and she's adorable. But Booker T may be getting his own dose of the AJ effect in a different way where he becomes unpredictable in his decision making.

Sure he could down any diabolical decisions Eve brings to the table, but I think having two people under him, heel and face, could have him make decisions that are and are not popular with the WWE Universe when consulting both and this ultimately could lead to Booker T playing a heel GM down the line and we all know he can be a heel.

I get the feeling too that that look Booker gave her may have him fall for Eve. I also enjoyed Regal's little pre-match speech to Eve. And I could see him playing a part as well. I like the idea of an Eve/Regal conspiracy against Booker T and Teddy Long.

What do you guys think about the Booker T Administration and Booker T's character being up in the air as he has a face and heel under him that could sway him either way or somewhere in the middle?
I am super happy that Eve won her match against Kaitlyn tonight to decide who would be the Assistant to Booker T.

I kept thinking it cant go the other way and be all faces, you need a heel to give a new dynamicto the authority scene on SD! It's needed. And I think this creates a nice little Angel/Devil type aspect on the shoulders of Booker T figuratively with Eve on one shoulder as his Assistant and Teddy Long on the other as his Senior Advisor.

I think AJ is the better GM, love her character and unpredictability, and she's adorable. But Booker T may be getting his own dose of the AJ effect in a different way where he becomes unpredictable in his decision making.

Sure he could down any diabolical decisions Eve brings to the table, but I think having two people under him, heel and face, could have him make decisions that are and are not popular with the WWE Universe when consulting both and this ultimately could lead to Booker T playing a heel GM down the line and we all know he can be a heel.

I get the feeling too that that look Booker gave her may have him fall for Eve. I also enjoyed Regal's little pre-match speech to Eve. And I could see him playing a part as well. I like the idea of an Eve/Regal conspiracy against Booker T and Teddy Long.

What do you guys think about the Booker T Administration and Booker T's character being up in the air as he has a face and heel under him that could sway him either way or somewhere in the middle?

You think AJ is a better general manager why on Earth would you say that. She's relatively new just finished playing a lunatic and still show signs of it, at least Booker is far more established and has the whole package. I'm glad Eve fine ass won her match. Equal opportunity,
You think AJ is a better general manager why on Earth would you say that. She's relatively new just finished playing a lunatic and still show signs of it, at least Booker is far more established and has the whole package. I'm glad Eve fine ass won her match. Equal opportunity,

You dont need experience to be great. She is the best thing going today and has been a great compelling female character, but character is general. Closing Raw, opening Raw, being the focal point. Now she's a GM, but she's still that same unpredictable AJ and that's what makes this special. It's different and never been done before and it's going to take off in a big way later down the line. She's revisiting what made her in some ways and she needs to intergrate that into other stars in due time and she will.

Booker is in trouble of being that cooker cutter face and we've always had either clear heel or face. AJ can get away with either or. All I'm saying is now Booker T has something under him that can give him that type of thing through his support team. I know he can be a good heel or be a beloved face.

He's doing well, but it cant be same song and dance. He has his own thing he brings to the table, but face Booker will get old like Long after a while and Eve is the saving grace of his GMship in this situation. Teddy is not. But he can be of use by conflict with her under Booker for now. There needs to be a battle within Booker's administration with Booker being back and forth with both in his good graces on and off.
You think AJ is a better general manager why on Earth would you say that. She's relatively new just finished playing a lunatic and still show signs of it, at least Booker is far more established and has the whole package. I'm glad Eve fine ass won her match. Equal opportunity,

I'm still not sure about casting AJ as a general manager; she seems better suited to the role she so successfully played the last few months.... the petite, femme fatale who's right on the edge of getting her little butt kicked by the very men she's trying to seduce into doing things her way. I loved seeing her come skipping to the ring wearing shorts and those funky sneakers. Now, in a pants suit and a position of authority, she's still cute but no longer sneaky-submissive and I wonder if her appeal to fans will hold out. I sort of doubt her run as GM will last long....but they'll still be using her as a performer; she's created a solid niche for herself.

Booker T, on the other hand, comes off as downright heroic and has the "oomph" to enforce his decisions, which are delivered in his own wide-eyed, bellicose style. Even guys like Sheamus and Alberto Del Rio quiet down their protests when Booker is standing in front of them, saving their rebellions for afterwards. Wrestlers didn't have to worry about being beaten up by their GM when the position was held by Eric Bischoff, Teddy Long or Vickie Guerrero, right? With Booker, they're not so quick to cross the's one of the reasons I hoped Triple H was going to take a GM position a while back; Man, there's an enforcer.

I agree with the OP that having Eve as a countering agent to Booker's "face" GM position is a good idea. The truly effective GMs are the ones we can't stand. Rather than having Eve openly oppose Booker, however, she should be in constant conflict with Teddy Long, looking to undermine his good decisions and planting seeds of discontent wherever she can.

The three of them should make an entertaining program in itself.
i like AJ as the GM, she's fairly entertaining and she still shows signs of her crazy AJ self and of course, she's cute. as for Booker T. glad he's the GM for the simple reason it gets him off commentary and it let's Booker T. be at his best. he's not a commentator, but he can speak. not sure i am a fan of him having assistants though, AJ doesnt have them. i was hoping Booker would run the show and assign Teddy to be a manager to any wrestler he wanted.
I would like to see a feud between the GM's but this one will be different.. instead, i'd have AJ & Booker T vs Eve and Regal.

I mean, that segment with Eve and Regal on this weeks Smackdown, it was strange to have him give her words of advice, but I think Eve will worm her way up to Booker T and get him to give her a divas title shot as he isn't a fan of hers at the minute. Eve loses the match due to Teddy Long interfers and distracts Eve allowing Layla to retain the belt. I'd then go on to Eve blaming Teddy for the loss and Booker T says that she lost the match and isn't getting another title shot. Eve gets p****d and walks away only to hatch a plan with Regal to plan to take down Booker and Teddy and take over the role of Smackdown. This would then set up Eve and Regal vs AJ and Booker for a mix tag at Survivor Series with the winning team becoming the GM's of both shows (Eve/AJ for Smackdown and Booker/Regal for RAW).

I think AJ is a better GM than Booker T, he's just bland in my opinion and AJ is living her dream of working with the top stars and has shown that what she is given she can take the ball and run with it. I do think though that AJ's stint of GM won't last as along as Booker's.
i kept hoping booker t as gm would be like him on commentary, where he was a face who would understand the motivations heels have because he had been through it all as well.
for example when barrett woult interrupt ortons matches and cost him wins he would say something like "dat's what you got to do to make it big in this business cole, get advantages at every price, whatever it takes".
so i had hoped he would give the faces a challenge by giving heels opportunities to see who is truly worthy of holding titles etc.
but now he is just in full-on face mode, i think bringing eve in is bad because she shouldnt be needed if booker had his previous character and i dont really like to see eve in a backstage role. all it will lead to is more soap opera backstage scenes and maybe robonaitis taking over SD someday...
Let's hope they give The Booker T/ Eve/Teddy dynamic some time to develop. The timeline of the "People Power" era was a pretty good one, probably because it was sort of short. I think Booker T could be Smackdown's GM for quite some time. This role is a better fit for him than commentator, and he can still attend the announce booth from time to time. He's already doing a great job of interacting with the current talent and conveying emotion to the crowd.

I was thinking, whenever Raw needs a new GM (if AJ goes back to wrestling) I would like to see Jerry Lawler step away from the announcer table and run Raw. I think he could do a villain much like McMahon had done, just look at his past feuds with Bret Hart.

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