Book your own year in Wrestling.

The Raven's Epitaph

Getting Noticed By Management
Here's how it works:

1) Start from the Royal Rumble with ANY matches and ANY superstars of your choosing. (No more than 10 matches).

2) Work your way through the PPV calendar (any year you want, doesn't have to be the current calendar) right through till December.

3) For each PPV you have to list the matches, and say who wins the match itself. No stories are needed at all, you just book the card, say who wins and move onto the next PPV using the winners from last months PPV.

4) Lastly, have fun and keep it clean!​

(I'll begin mine soon.)
Royal Rumble
January 23, 2011.
02 Arena - London, United Kingdom.

Match 1
Table Tornado Tag
World Tag Team Championships

Matt Morgan & Mike Knox vs. Rhyno & Chris Benoit

Matt Morgan & Mike Knox

Match 2
Royal Rumble Qualifier
(Winner advances to Royal Rumble match)

Raven vs. X-Pac vs. Christian


Match 3
Intercontinental Championship

Kazarian vs. Shane Douglas vs. Drew McIntyre


Match 4
Elimination Chamber
Undisputed Championship

AJ Styles vs. Goldberg vs. John Cena vs. Ken Shamrock vs. Brock Lesnar vs. Sabu

Ken Shamrock

Royal Rumble Match
Triple H
Sean O'Haire
Alberto Del Rio
Kevin Nash
Skip Sheffield
Bryan Danielson
Tyler Black
CM Punk
Chris Sabin
Alex Riley
Amazing Red
"Macho Man" Randy Savage
Bret Hart
The Miz
Chris Masters
Evan Bourne
Ric Flair
The Rock
Chris Jericho
Stone Cold Steve Austin
Billy Kidman

Chris Sabin
Royal Rumble

Madison Square Garden
Match 1:Generation Me vs. Motor City Machine Guns for the tag titles
winner Generation Me

Match 2:Beth Pheonix vs. Chyna for the womans championship
winner Chyna

Match 3:Sabu vs. RVD
Winner RVD

Match 4:John Cena vs. UnderTaker for the WWE championship
winner Cena

Match 5:Royal Rumble Match
The Rock
Ric Flair
Kurt Angle
Randy orton
Aj STyles
CM Punk
Triple H
Booker T
The Miz
CHris Jericho
Steve Austin
Big Show
Wade Barrett
Randy Savage
John Morrison
Eddie Guerroe
Rey Mysterio
Mike Awsome
Scott Steiner
Shane O' Mac
Ricky Steamboat
Kevin Nash
Brock Lesnar

winner The Rock
can we switch ppvs in the order we want them?
Like Royal Rumble then the Money in the Bank PPV and ad StarrCade in December?
Febraury 19, Staples Center

Survivor Series:The Last stop Before WrestleMania

Team Punk: CM Punk, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Hulk Hogan, AJ Styles vs. Team Austin: Stone Cold, Arn Anderson, Tully Blanchard, Ric Flair, Billy Kidman
Winner Team Punk

Sheamus vs. Batista
winner Batista

Team HBK: Shawn Michaels, Orton, Generation Me, Rey Mysterio vs. Team Guerroe:Eddie Guerroe, Lesnar, Motor City Machine Guns, Kaval

Team Benoit:Chris Benoit, RVD, Mick Foley, Mike Awsome, Raven, vs. Team Bryan: Daniel Bryan, Dudley Boyz, Sabu, The Sandman

Elimination CHamber for the WWE championship
Cena vs. The Rock vs. Undertaker vs. GoldBerg vs. Kurt Angle vs. Jericho
winner Cena
SkyDome in Toronto

Rey Mysterio vs. Kaval vs. AJ Styles
Winner AJ styles

TLC for the Tag championships
Dudley Boyz vs. Hardy Boyz, vs. Generation Me, vs. Motor City machine Guns
wimmer Dudley Boyz

Daniel Bryan vs. Chris Benoit
Winner Benoit

6 man tag
NWO:Hulk Hogan and the Outsiders vs. Ric FLair, Tulley Blanchard, and Arn Anderson
winner the Horseman

CM Punk vs. Stone cold
winner Steve austin

Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar
winner Brock Lesnar

UnderTaker vs. Sting
winner Taker

Chris Jericho vs. kurt Angle in a submission Match
winner Angle

Shawn Michaels vs. Eddie Guerroe
winner HBK

John Cena vs. The Rock for the WWE championship
winner The Rock
January 15th 2011 Live in Miami Florida


Alberto Del Rio vs. Christian
Christian wins to become #1 Contender for the World Title

Kane vs. HBK

HBK wins!

Randy Orton vs. The Miz

Randy Orton wins.

Hardy Boyz win.

(STEEL CAGE) Winner faces The World Champion...on Monday Night RAW!
John Cena wins.

KAVAL vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Kurt Angle
Intercontinental Championship
Kurt Angle wins the I.C Title

1 Rey Mysterio
2 Dolph Ziggler
3 Vance Archer
4 Shad
6 Curt Hawkins
7 AJ Styles
8 John Morrison
9 Chris Sabin
10 Justin Gabriel
11 Edge
12 Chris Jericho
13 Dave Otunga
14 Wade Barret
15 Daniel Bryan
16 MVP
17 James Storm
18 Robert Roode
19 The Pope
20 RVD
21 Undertaker
22 Heidenreich
23 Sheamus
24 Chavo Guerrero
25 CM Punk
26 Joey Mercury
27 "Dashing" Cody Rhodes
28 Ted DiBiase
29 Evan Bourne
30 R-Truth

John Morrison wins.

On RAW (Re-Cap)
John Cena def. HBK via DQ interfearance from The Rock's music.

Christian & Edge def. Paul & Brian for the Tag Titles

Randy Orton, Big Show, Mysterio, and Kaval def. Kurt Angle, Kane, The Miz, and Ziggler

Daniel Bryan def. MVP


Jack Swagger returns to face Daniel Bryan for the U.S title
Daniel wins, Kaval is ringside looking at Bryan

Kurt Angle vs. Matt Hardy (Intercontinental Championship)
Kurt Angle wins.

John Morrison vs. The Miz (Winner gets the Main Event Spot at Mania)
Morrison wins

WWE Championship:
Randy Orton vs. Christian (Last Man Standing)
Christian wins via Killswitch, and Edge spearing Orton.

World Championship:
John Cena vs. HBK vs. Sheamus vs. Kane vs. Undertaker vs. Chris Jericho
(Elimination Chamber)
When Sheamus was walking to the ring...HHH made his return hit Sheamus with a sledgehammer, and he couldnt get into the chamber.

Cena is interupted by The Rocks music, Undertaker then chokeslams Cena. Taker eliminates Cena.

HBK sweet chin music on Taker, for the pin...1,2,3!!

Kane, HBK, Jericho are left in the ring..

Jericho pins Kane.

HBK & Jericho are left.

HBK wins and retains the title...

after the match.

John Morrison runs down and hugs HBK...

HBK hits a sweet chin music on Morrison.


WRESTLEMANIA 2K11: Dream Matches come to life
Live in MSG, NYC

Undertaker vs. Wade Barrett
Undertaker wins.

Rey Mysterio vs. Alberto Del Rio (If Rey loses, his career is over)
Alberto Del Rio wins via interfearance from his "rich friend" Ted DiBiase jr.

HHH vs. SHEAMUS (II) if HHH loses, he retires.
HHH wins.

Mr. Anderson vs. The Miz
The Miz wins.

Randy Orton vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin
Randy Orton wins.

Bret Hart vs. Chris Jericho (Submission Match)
Jericho wins.

Kaval vs. Daniel Bryan (U.S Championship)
Daniel Bryan wins.

Kurt Angle vs. Jack Swagger (I.C Championship)
Swagger wins.

Kane vs. The Big Show
Kane wins.

Triangle Ladder Tag Match:
MCMG vs. Gen. Me vs. Paul&Kendrick

Gen Me win Tag Titles.

Money in the Bank:
Justin Gabriel vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Drew McIntyre vs. CM Punk vs. AJ Styles vs. Chris Daniels vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Evan Bourne

AJ Styles wins!

WWE Championship: Edge vs. Christian vs. Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy (TLC MATCH)
Matt Hardy finally wins the WWE Title at Wrestlemania!

Main Event: The Rock vs. John Cena
John Cena def. The Rock..then out comes Hulk Hogan & beats up The Rock.

John and Hulk stare down eachother.

John Cena then gives Hulk Hogan an AA. and does the U-Cant-See-Me to Hogan.

Stone Cold comes to the ring, and The Rock, Cena, Stone Cold have a beer bash.
then Randy Orton comes to the ring, and looks at everyone viciously...looks like hes gonna RKO someone. Then Orton punts Hulk Hogan. They throw Hogan out of the ring.

Then the whole TNA locker room (who have been buried cuz of hogan come out) and they throw Hogan out of the Arena.

Cena and The Legends are celebrating with drinking beer.

Main Event: John Morrison vs. HBK (World Heavyweight Championship
Morrison wins, HBK passes the torch to Jomo.


Rey Mysterio vs. Aj Styles in an ulltimate X
winner AJ Syles

Randy Orton vs. Brock Lesnar
winner Lesnar
Post match Triple H attacks both men with a sledgehammer

Eddie Guerroe vs. CM Punk
winner CM Punk

Chris Jericho vs. Kurt Angle vs. Brett Hart in a triple threat submission match
winner Kurt angle

RVD vs. Mike Awsome
winner Awsome

The Dudley boyz vs. Road Warriors for the tag belts
winner dudleys

Ric Flair vs. Scott Halll
winner Flair

Chris Benoit vs. Shawn Michaels for the intercontinental championship
winner Benoit

The Rematch
John Cena vs. The Rock for the WWE championship
winner Rock

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