Book This! - General Discussion

Yeah I'm all for that Jam, your Power 10 thing is really cool. I'm have almost written this episode, will probably finish it tonight. Won't post it however, I will give everyone time to check out and give lengthy reviews to Theoski. Sorry I'm hogging Cody Theo, but have got so much planned for him.

Thanks Peep! You needa post is ASAP! WE all want to see what happens with Rhodes! :D oh and still counting on a review from you dude.
Hey guys, gonna be putting up a WWE Superstars show. It'll showcase the undercard of both brands and some FCW guys. Won't be a long show. Just some guys wanting to prove they belong.

And Zack Ryder! WHOO! Where the Brokskis at?
Peep are we going to be having a prediction contest for Extreme Rules? I plan on doing one for Sacrifice once I get there.
Yeah, sure. A couple of matches could still be announced for the show yet...

Don't want to put the predictions in my main thread, should we make a prediction contest thread in the lounge?
Mine will be run in my thread, always have and it works better. When I did one for Survivor Series it worked to keep them in my thread.
Might do it so it's like: post a review and pop it at the end kind of deal. Might add questions as well as just guessing the answer.
I'll likely throw in a prediction thing at the end of my thread and run it much like the WZPC. So you'll pick the winner, how they win, how confident, first match, last match, and occasional bonus questions.
Couldn't sleep so I finished up my go home show and have it up and posted. Not overly thrilled with it, but I think it sets up nicely for Extreme Rules.
Just finished my show, won't post for a couple of days. Will go around handing out reviews until then; Theo, Proph, Signy, jam, GCB.
Couldn't sleep so I finished up my go home show and have it up and posted. Not overly thrilled with it, but I think it sets up nicely for Extreme Rules.

I'll review after Origin is finished tonight, very exciting stuff Theo.

Just finished my show, won't post for a couple of days. Will go around handing out reviews until then; Theo, Proph, Signy, jam, GCB.

In that order?

In something unrelated I was looking for an image of CM Punk version Jesus. I typed in CM Punk beard and what comes up...a picture of Theo. Amazing stuff.

EDIT: Big Sammy just went over, 12-0 and I'm happy.

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