Book This! - General Discussion

Got reviews up for SG, Peep, and Theos shows. Id like to become actively involved in reviewing shows, so if anyone else would like me to review their show, hit me up with a PM or just post in here. All of you do an excellent job of laying out shows, and they se booked then the actual product we get on TV. Im going to review Proph's show if he has no objection to it. Check ut my reviews, and let me know if you want me to review yours.
Thanks for the reviews LSN and Sign Guy, really helps.

EDIT: One thing I would like to clear up is that I made sure the show was a little promo heavy. I needed to get storylines and such started and the appearances of people like RVD, Joe and others weren't needed. I'm sure I get most of the roster in my next show.
Started planning the second show, looks good. That format takes forever though, but it is worth it. Makes mine look different.
That show needs more format dude. I want to read it but it just looks like a chore, it is just one big block of blue text. I'm going to give myself a rest and try to read it later.

While I'm on formatting, instead of putting my matches in Quotes, I am thinking of doing a different font. Thoughts?
Checking it out at the moment.

EDIT: Just saw the review and thanks Peep. One thing I would like to cover is the smarkiness of some of the promo's. The thing with Angle was something I wanted to do. I had the idea to tease a retirement and having him mention that he left the WWE on "insert date" was needed. Another thing was the Jeff Hardy promo, didn't like it. I find it hard to right for him at the moment. Until I can put my own spin on his character I'll do my best to keep the promo stuff short. And yes the show was promo heavy, expect some more match next week.

Thanks again.
No problem, always nice to see something different. Once again, TNA is like a Book This dream and I'm sure you will make it great.
Finally got the ball rolling on my go home show. Got the intro done, some promos (including Zack Ryder's, though it ain't as good as last week), and beginning on some matches now.

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