Book This! - General Discussion

GCB, where have I seen an open challenge from ADR before? Haha, just kidding man; great show as always, and I'll get you a review soon; same with you Proph.
Yeah we will probably do that. Red for Theo, blue for me.

After my editing I will get around to some reviews: Proph, GCB, jam and Grandsword are on my list at the moment.
Got some free time so I'll start Smackdown, big things planned for the show. *cough* World Championship match *cough*.
Just have to do one more promo, and then Smackdown will be ready, but I leave for a 5 hour trip (driving) in 6 1/2 hours. Sleep or Smackdown? Smackdown.
I'm finding that it actually is quicker to write it in full then in recap like I did before. Plus the promo stuff flows well.
I kind of want to do the promos and stuff in full, while just writing match finishes. Just hate writing all the little details, commentators and stuff.
I hate doing the announcers and they end up being random jokes that make me laugh. Like on Raw when King mentioned being in line for an ECW title shot. If you know your wrestling history it makes sense. If not then it looks out of placed. I get like that with random facts and stuff with announcing.
Things are going well for Smackdown, probably going to be one of the shorter shows but still going to give big impact.
Went from being one of the shorter shows to one of the longer versions really quick. Got my first match done and moving onto the next segment before finishing up or the night.
Went from being one of the shorter shows to one of the longer versions really quick. Got my first match done and moving onto the next segment before finishing up or the night.

Bro, I realize you probably get much praise for your storytelling capability, but damnit I don't care! I'm adding the short version of my opinion anyways, your "Book This" thread is fucking awesome man. Dude seriously I mean it's like really really good, I'm printing it off right now so I can read it when it's my wifes turn to drive when we go on vacation Monday.

Anyways keep the tremendous material coming, I'm a big fan!

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