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Bonus: AS 94 Recap

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the Frog

No discussion this time as we are just on the doorstep of Unscripted 2015. However, feel free to freshen up on what happened on the Ascension 94 SuperShow before heading into one of WZCW's biggest events of the year.

Ascension 94 SuperShow

  • Opening tribute for Christopher Lee and Dusty Rhodes. R.I.P.
  • We are live from New Delhi, India.
  • Manager Freddie Fortune comes out with Team Russia. Fortune says they should be the tag champions after what happened last round. He says tonight they will take out their frustrations on Eve Taylor and Kagura Ohzora.
  • Ascension GM, Rebecca Serra, comes out and sympathize with Team Russia. She says they will face Cerberus in a No DQ Tornado Tag at Unscripted. Team Russia will also get to select two of the three possible stipulations for fans to vote on.
  • Fortune says that their two possible stips will be: 1) Fortune will be special guest referee. 2) If Cerberus loses, their rematch clause is void.
  • Noah Ryder defeats Cassanova, Johnny Scumm, and Super Boss Nova in a Fatal Four-Way via pinfall on Super Boss Nova. Bruce Irwin was out on commentary for the match, and Ryder will be in the Elite X Title 4-Way at Unscripted with elegANT ©, Irwin, and another unknown superstar.
  • Cerberus discuss their current situations backstage. Tension is high as Eve worries about getting back her title and Cerberus worries about Team Russia.
  • Serra congratulates Noah Ryder backstage. After Ryder walks off, James Howard appears and is upset about not getting a title shot while a rookie like Ryder gets one. He flips over an equipment rack and storms off.
  • Vee A.D.Z. defeated Prince via pinfall. James Howard attacked Prince after the match out of anger of not getting a title shot at Unscripted. Howard’s wife Dinah came out and stopped him. They left together to talk things over.
  • Serra, Chris K.O., and Theron Daggershield rolled dice for the possible match stipulations for the EurAsian Title Match at Unscripted. They rolled: 1)Finishers are Banned. 2) Code of Honor Match. 3)Must Win Using Opponent’s Finisher.
  • WZCW Announcer, Sebastian Copeland, sits down with Mikey Stormrage to discuss the open challenge that Mikey has issued for Unscripted. Mikey says he is ready to get back on track to going after the world title.
  • Team Russia defeated Eve Taylor and Kagura via pinfall. Eve Taylor didn’t save Kagura and allowed her to be pinned. Team Russia recites the Russia National Anthem post-match.
  • Ty Burna is backstage looking for the mystery man who keeps haunting him. The mystery man finally reveals himself to be John Constantine! Constantine disappears after revealing himself. Ty is pissed.
  • Eve Taylor and Kagura Ohzora bicker backstage in different languages. Kagura’s manager, Gozaburo steps in and breaks them up.
  • Sebastian Copeland sits down with Gozaburo. Gozaburo hypes the match between Kagura and Eve at Unscripted. Kagura wants to teach Eve some respect.
  • James Howard and The Eternal Question wrestled to a no-contest. James locked in his submission finisher and wouldn’t let go. Serra came out and told him to stop. Howard releases the hold, but looks to end TEQ’s career with a chair. Serra gives in and puts him as the final man in the Elite X Title Four-Way at Unscripted. James still hits TEQ with the chair.
  • Copeland sits down with Garth Black. Garth Black talks about his upcoming match with Dorian Slaughter and what a win could mean for him going into the the pay-per-view.
  • Dorian Slaughter defeated Garth Black via pinfall. Slaughter tells Matt Tastic post-match that what he did to Black was just an example of what is to come at Unscripted.
  • Copeland sits down with elegANT. elegANT talks about his upcoming match against a mystery opponent. He also reveals the possible stips for the Elite X Title Match at Unscripted: 1) Elimination 4-Way. 2)Gauntlet Match. 3)Championship Scramble.
  • Theron Daggershield & Chris K.O. defeated Cerberus via pinfall. Chris K.O. used Theron’s finisher to end the match. Also, out of respect, Cerberus shook Theron and Chris’ hand post-match.
  • Cerberus cut a heart-filled promo about their journey in WZCW. They talk about respect their opponents now and how Everest always believed in them. Their stip choice for Unscritped will be Everest as Special Guest Referee. Team Russia cuts them off and it quickly turns into a brawl. Team Russia, with Fortune, get the upperhand until Cerberus’ butler Morley makes the save. Cerberus stands tall in the end.
  • WZCW Announcers, Cat Connor and Jack Cohen, speculate on who elegANT’s mystery opponent will be in the main event.
  • Veejay defeated elegANT via pinfall. Hometown favorite, Veejay, hugs elegANT after the match to complete the face turn. elegANT leaves to let Veejay celebrate with the crowd. Dorian Slaughter comes out and beats down Veejay. Matt Tastic makes the save and announces his match stip choice for fans to vote on: Lucha Rules!


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