Unscripted '15 & Roulette Rounds: Recap & Discussion


the Frog

Hello WZCW Universe,

I am back from my vacation and ready to catch up on all the insanity that has happened during my absence. This recap and discussion article is packed full content. Below are the recaps for Unscripted 2015, Meltdown Madness 7 (119), and Ascension Anarchy 6 (95). Further below are a few prompt questions for you to answer and discuss. Feel free to discuss anything you wish from the past two rounds, but keep it all in good fun.


Unscripted 2015

  • The show opens up in Beijing, China. Meltdown GM, Vance Bateman greets us and reveals the stipulation for the World Title main event. Tastic and Dorian come out to see the reveal. Lucha Libre Rules wins the fan voting over a Street Fight. Bateman tells them they need to decide their “second” for the match. Tastic chooses Mikey Stormrage. Dorian chooses Ty Burna.
  • James Howard defeated elegANT ©, Noah Ryder, and Bruce Irwin in an Elimination 4-Way to win the Elite X Championship.
  • Steven Holmes is backstage scouting talent. Stacey Madison is curious as to why.
  • Eve Taylor defeated Kagura Ohzora via pinfall and received Kagura’s title rematch for the Elite X Title.
  • Slaughter and Burna prepare for tonight’s main event. Slaughter leaves, and Ty Burna gets haunted by the mysterious burlap sack masked man.
  • Leon Kensworth interviews James Howard backstage about his title win. Eve Taylor confronts him and says the title would look better on her.
  • Mikey Stormrage defeated Logan McAllister via pinfall in an Open Challenge Match. Garth Black originally came out after winning the fan vote, but Johnny Scumm threw him off the entrance stage out of jealousy.
  • Freddie Fortune is backstage as he hypes Team Russia’s upcoming title match. He puts Team Russia over and says they will put an end to Cerberus’ reign.
  • Chris K.O. and Theron Daggershield greet each other backstage and talk about how much respect they have for each other.
  • Chris K.O. defeated Theron Daggershield © via pinfall in a Must Use Opponent’s Finisher Match to win the EurAsian Championship.
  • Cerberus is interviewed by Johnny Klamor backstage. They say that Team Russia has given them a wake up call. They are going to prove they are the best tag team around by winning. Hial Cerberus!
  • Cerberus © defeated Team Russia via pinfall with Everest as Special Guest Referee to retain the Tag Team Championships.
  • Ty Burna is backstage looking for the man who haunts him behind a burlap sack mask, Constantine. The lights flicker as Ty gets even more furious.
  • Ty Burna confronts Vance Bateman backstage and says he is going to the ring to call him out. If anyone stops him, he will annihilate them.
  • Ty Burna is in the ring and calls out Constantine. He gets his wish and the two have an absolute brawl. It finally ends when Constantine pushes Ty Burna off a stretcher, that EMTs put him on, and off the stage into a series of tables. Constantine leaves Ty damaged.
  • Dorian Slaughter defeated Matt Tastic © via knockout in a Lucha Libre Rules Match to win the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship. Matt won the first fall by DQ, Slaughter won the second with a pinfall, and the third with a submission knock out. Mikey Stormrage checks on Matt post-match.

Meltdown Madness 7 (119)

  • It should be noted that all matches on this show were randomized.
  • The show opens up in Glasgow, Scotland. WZCW World Champion, Dorian Slaughter, starts us off and welcomes the roulette rounds. Slaughter says there is nothing he fears. The segment ends with some haunting theatrics, but nothing comes of it. Dorian leaves with a snarl.
  • Ramparte is getting ready for tonight when Steven Holmes shows up. Ramparte asks him what he wants, but Steven says he just wanted to see Cerberus up close before saying he will move on.
  • Ramparte defeated Garth Black in a Tables Match.
  • Constantine defeated Max Steele via pinfall.
  • Meltdown GM, Vance Bateman, catches EurAsian Champion, Chris K.O., backstage. He gives him an early warning that he will be defending tonight against multiple opponents, but he won’t tell him who.
  • Leon Kensworth happens to find Backstage Bob backstage unconscious after appearing to be attacked by a mystery person.
  • Johnny Scumm defeated Logan McAllister via pinfall.
  • Leon Kensworth interviews Garth Black backstage when Johnny Scumm ambushes Black and beats him down before fleeing the scene.
  • Chris K.O. © defeated Kendrick Xavier, Kagura Ohzora, and S.H.I.T. in a Submission 4-Way Match to retain the EurAsian Championship.
  • The announcers hype Ascension Anarchy.
  • Dorian Slaughter © defeated James Howard in an Over-the-Top-Rope Match to retain the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship Constantine haunted Slaughter after the match and targeted him as his next victim.

Ascension Anarchy 6 (95)

  • It should be noted that all matches on this show were randomized.
  • Mikey Stormrage and Matt Tastic start the show by walking to the parking lot. Theron Daggershield is also there. Tastic says he doesn’t think his match will be anything special. Ascension GM, Becky Serra, shows up puts Theron and Mikey in a taxi cab to meet WZCW Owner, Mr. Banks, at an undisclosed location.
  • Dr. Zeus defeated Matt Tastic and Titus via submission in a triple threat match.
  • Mikey Stormrage chomps on Taco Bell in an uncouth manner as he and Theron ride to their location.
  • Matt Tastic is still in the ring. He apologizes to the fans for losing the belt and feels bad for not delivering as a top face of the company should. Tastic looks to leave when Ramparte comes out and says that he should worry about who the next face of the company will be, because Cerberus will assume the role. Tastic takes offense to the way Ramparte words things and cuts him down with some insults. Ramparte gets upset over not being respected. They two get in each other’s faces, before Matt steps back and calms down. Tastic mentions one last thing before he leaves. Cerberus may be one of the best tag teams, but they have never beaten Live Mas.
  • Leon Kensworth interviews Dr. Zeus backstage about his return tonight. Zeus talks about ambushing The Eternal Question (the man he took the spot of for the triple threat earlier). Zeus says he is ready to continues God’s work
  • Noah Ryder defeated Logan McAllister via pinfall.
  • Everest greets Titus backstage to welcome him back. However, someone ambushes Everest and knocks the camera-man over. Titus didn’t see who did it, but the cameraman says it was someone he has never seen before. Cohen says it must be connected to the Backstage Bob attack too.
  • elegANT & Eve Taylor defeated John Doe and Armando Paradyse via pinfall to win a mystery prize. After the match, Becky Serra comes out and reveals the mystery stipulation that they get to pick their opponents next round, but they must do it as a team. elegANT picks the tag team champions as their opponents. Eve appears to hesitate, but she shocks everyone when she asks for it to be a title match. Serra books it.
  • Flex Mussel arrives backstage and Ramparte greets him to hint at the events that have unfolded in his absence concerning Live Mas and Eve Taylor.
  • Theron Daggershield and Mikey Stormrage arrive at a Hardware Store where Mr. Banks is waiting there for them. He tells them they will be competing in a Hardware Store Brawl where the winner will get a mid-card title shot of their choice.
  • Mikey Stormrage defeated Theron Daggershield via pinfall in a Hardware Store Brawl Match for a mid-card title shot of his choice. The match was very fun.


For the first time ever in WZCW history, Unscripted and the Roulette Rounds were featured back-to-back. However, despite crowning three new champions at Unscripted, does the landscape really look all that different? Let me know what you think. We want to hear your voice, WZCW Universe.

1.) Out of all the surprise returns, which one did you enjoy the most?

2.) This year we saw two champions meet face-to-face in the main event of Meltdown Madness. Next year, would you like to see every championship defended no matter what? The opponents would be randomized, but the titles would all be on the line (guaranteed).

3.) Who benefited the most from the last two rounds?

(Please keep in mind that discussions in the WZCW.com area are to be within the confines of kayfabe. Please refrain from bringing up issues like match length, typos, formatting, or etc.)


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1) I enjoyed the return of Titus the most. As to who had the best return, hands down the good (or bad) Dr. Zeus.

2) Yes

3) Eve Taylor, who now has 2 title matches coming up in the next few rounds.

Honourable mention goes to Noah Ryder, who was able to defeat himself this past roulette round. A rare feat.Feel free to edit this out Kermit.
1.) SHIT definitely. Miko has proven himself time and time to be one of the best RP'ers in the fed. And somehow always manages to keep SHIT looking pretty fresh. Titus would be my runner up. First HOFamer to compete full time.

2.) Yes.

3.) Chris KO has a ton of momentum after 2 well fought back to back title defenses. I'd say Eve Taylor as a runner up. Sure, she's earned two titles shots, but she has to go through her stablemates for one of them. Not exactly the easiest thing to do.
1. The fed doesn't quite feel like the fed when Titus isn't around or S.H.I.T> is gone.

Maybe it's my own biases because I came into the fed the same round Titus returned (the buildup to KC V), but Titus always has a sort of nostalgia for me. S.H.I.T. does, as well, and it's always great to see Miko writing. I think the only reason (and it's a dumb one) that I'm going to go with Titus is because we did see S.H.I.T. have an awesome run with Hard Metal Penetration. Titus had more of a shock value, because I had no clue he was returning. S.H.I.T. I kinda, sorta, maybe guessed at when I was told these rounds would have a lot of returns, but I never expected Titus, in the slightest.

2. I mean, initially I would say yes. But then again, that also gives the distinct possibility of double champions in the fed, and I'm not really a huge fan of the idea. I just think it makes more sense to keep your belts on different people, and we have just enough belts to spread around. Having Dorian get both the Elite X Title and World Title would have put the rocket on his back, but it also gets a little redundant. Then, you have the possibility of a guy defending two titles at the PPV, and it just seems rather messy.

3. I was going to say Dorian Slaughter :(

Um, probably KO. I'm also looking at this from a writing standpoint, as well as a momentum standpoint. I'd also say Ramparte had a lot of momentum these two rounds. I'd say Cerberus as a whole, but Flex didn't have a match for the roulette rounds. Ramparte managed to defend the belts, beat Garth Black in a tables match, and now it seems like 3,263 members of the fed want in on the tag belts (only slight exaggeration). So there's going to be no end of fodder for his RP's, and really a lot of great matchups on the horizon.
2. I mean, initially I would say yes. But then again, that also gives the distinct possibility of double champions in the fed, and I'm not really a huge fan of the idea. I just think it makes more sense to keep your belts on different people, and we have just enough belts to spread around. Having Dorian get both the Elite X Title and World Title would have put the rocket on his back, but it also gets a little redundant. Then, you have the possibility of a guy defending two titles at the PPV, and it just seems rather messy.

I think you are missing the concept a little. Either that, or I explained it poorly. Each champion would defend. Meaning that they could not be paired up with another champion.
1. I'm still fairly new, so the returns didn't have the same effect for me, but I'd have to go with Titus due to him bein a HOF'er

2. Most definitely

3. Gotta say Eve. Multiple title shots this round? #Win
1) Titus. I liked all of the returns, but it's never a bad thing to have a legend on the roster. He would literally fit perfectly anywhere on the card. Awesome character too.

2) I want to see every title get defended at the Roulette Rounds. Maybe have it to where if two champions to end up in a match together, have one move one or two slots up/down so that each title goes up for grabs. This includes the tag team titles. Now, the question gets raised for what if a wrestler is unable to compete that round? The answer to that is #1 contenderships being up for grabs in place of the champion/team that was unable to compete that round. The new contender could then cash in for the following show or for the PPV. There was a lack of these types of opportunities at the 2014 Roulette, so this year's was a lot better, but as a fan I think the wrestlers would benefit from every title being guaranteed to either be up for grabs itself or have a contendership getting awarded via the roulette.

3) Eve Taylor. She has a Tag Team AND an Elite X opportunity. That's awesome.

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