Bobby Lashley Return


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Bobby Lashley Now Accepting Pro Wrestling Bookings
by Matt Boone September 24, 2011

Lashley Bookings sent along the following ...

Bobby Lashley is now accepting bookings for future wrestling events and appearances. If you're interested, you can email [email protected] with any information you have on the event and/or your promotion. Be sure to follow Bobby Lashley on Twitter @FightBobby and look out for his new website coming soon!

To check out a brand new, exclusive one-on-one WZ interview conducted with Bobby Lashley, during which he discusses the impact UFC has had on pro wrestling, CLICK HERE.

Now my question is would you like to see him in WWE. He had a good run but I felt he left too early and could have been a major player and the first African-American WWE Champion (FULL AFRICAN AMERICAN not The Rock) I for one was pretty pissed when he lost to Cena at The Great American Bash as I thought he should've won. Obviously the RAW title picture is pretty crowded and The Rock and Cena might fight for it at Mania but what about Mark Henry he (kayfabe) injures Randy Orton and since Christian and Shameus are in a feud now he can fit perfect into the title picture as he is the WWEs "Last Hope" to dethrone Mark Henry and stop him from causing havok throughout the locker room.

So my question is do you think its a good fit for him?
Can he produce enough ratings to help a starving Smackdown?
Would you like to see him?
I swear we just did this a few days ago... but whatever.

I never got on board with Bobby Lashley. Big guy, huge build, not awful in the ring...couldn't talk without making me laugh out loud. One of those strange guys whose voice doesn't fit his physique at all. Vince certainly got on board with him, even allowing him into the feud with Donald Trump and Umaga at WrestleMania. Definitely one of the only ECW champions in the WWECW era that was credible, dominant, and slightly interesting. But I just could never see him going past that level.

Too many big guys with opportunity in the WWE right now. What's the point of bringing him back, honestly?
Mike "The Kid" Killam;3434078 said:
I swear we just did this a few days ago... but whatever.

I never got on board with Bobby Lashley. Big guy, huge build, not awful in the ring...couldn't talk without making me laugh out loud. One of those strange guys whose voice doesn't fit his physique at all. Vince certainly got on board with him, even allowing him into the feud with Donald Trump and Umaga at WrestleMania. Definitely one of the only ECW champions in the WWECW era that was credible, dominant, and slightly interesting. But I just could never see him going past that level.

Too many big guys with opportunity in the WWE right now. What's the point of bringing him back, honestly?

understand what your saying completely but thats why I say put him on Smackdown how believeable is it that a guy with plenty of talent like Cody Rhodes or Ted DiBiase or even Drew McIntrye is going to beat a 450 pound man who took out Kane and Big Show and if you go with my story line he will also take out Randy Orton I just dont see anyone but Orton beating him unless its like Undertaker but hes not even active right now he does his Wrestlemania stunt and thats pretty much it although based on a article WWE posted a few days ago he may be returning at Hell In The Cell but if they want him to be healthy for Mania you cant have him become Champion because we have to see him every week (unless your Alberto Del Rio lol) but what do I know. I just thought hes not that old hes an insane athlete and can produce somthing new and intresting for Smackdown.
If Lashley were to return to WWE, that would be the biggest mark-out moment for any wrestling fan, and if Lashley were to come back, put Lashley on Smackdown because Smackdown could sure use the star power on their brand
Yeah I like him to go back to WWE. He is the second freak athlete that I've seen in the WWE since Brock Lesnar. Forget that unsuccessful career in MMA and go back entertaining the fans. You are less hurt, and probably earn more money :lol:
This is hardly necessary. Lashley is one of those guys who they pushed and pushed even though he wasn't really charismatic enough to make it as a top guy. To this day I'm not really sure what they saw in the guy, not that he was a bad wrestler, but god were his promos awful. And you can't have awful promos when you're feuding with the boss, that just doesn't work. There are about a million people I would rather bring back before him, but I guess if they really wanted starpower then it might work out okay. They'd just have to make sure that he's really committed this time before they do anything important with him.
If Lashley were to return to WWE, that would be the biggest mark-out moment for any wrestling fan, and if Lashley were to come back, put Lashley on Smackdown because Smackdown could sure use the star power on their brand

Really? Bigger than Rock returning last year? Or when Bret returned in 2010?

I liked Lashley, I think Raw would benefit from having him around. I wouldnt put him on Smackdown as they have Big Zeke already. I do think a return to TNA is the more likely destination though.
LOL @ "the biggest mark out moment for any wrestling fan." This year alone has had a ton of way better mark out moments than that: Booker T's return, Nash's, Rock's, Christian winning the belt, Punk's shoot, Punk winning the belt, Bryan winning MITB... I could go on. All moments that either had a tremendous nostalgia factor or a shocking win for an "internet darling." I'd say that pretty much all of those got people way more excited than Lashley coming back would; in fact, I don't think all that many people would care until WWE refreshed people's memories on who the hell he was.
I would definitely want to see Lashley return. He was on his way to stardom but then left shortly after he faced Cena for the WWE Championship. Lashley probably won't help Smackdown's ratings much but from an entertainment standpoint he would be a big help because he will fit in perfectly into the world title scene unlike in TNA where he did absolutely nothing. Henry's current push would have been good for him. Give him a push similar to Batista's and he will go far. I look forward to it if he does return.
I would love to see Bobby Lashley return to the WWE. The Smackdown roster right now is so damn week that they could use some talented athletes. I'll admit he wasn't the best promo guy out there, but he did have charisma and he certainly beat JOMO and some of his terrible promo's which are god awful. He was athleticly gifted and was amazing in the ring. I remember watching his match vs The champ John Cena back the great american bash in 2007, and man what a match that was. I thought one day this guy will be a champion. I would love to see him return and feud with Mark Henry, Randy Orton and maybe he could benefit from returning as a heel and feuding with Randy Orton and get a possible title run as the world champion. I don't see why so many people have bad things to say about this guy, he is an amazing athlete.
If Lashley were to return to WWE, that would be the biggest mark-out moment for any wrestling fan, and if Lashley were to come back, put Lashley on Smackdown because Smackdown could sure use the star power on their brand

The first half of that statement is pure, 100% hyperbole if I've ever read it. Bobby Lashly isn't even remotely a star on that sort of level and it's ludicrous to even attempt to suggest otherwise.

As to the topic itself, I've got little interest in Lashley coming back to WWE. He's a legitimate powerhouse with a great look, I give the guy credit for that because anyone would have to be a complete fool to say he wasn't. He was decent inside the ring but no charisma and no real personality. And while I know his voice isn't his fault, it is kind of funny.

The WWE currently has guys as big and strong as Lashley, or even bigger & stronger, like Sheamus & Mark Henry that are just simply much better than Lashley.
I have very little interest in Lashley coming back to WWE. The only time I really was remotely interested in him was when he was feuding with Booker T over the US title on Smackdown a few years ago. That was it. The guy has a great look but personifies the term "dialtone personality" and has zero charisma. Big guy and pretty solid in the ring but unless you can establish a genuine connection with the fans with what you say on the mic, chances are you're going nowhere fast. And as Jack-Hammer already said there are already big guys who are better than Lashley. No need to bring him back.
I was a big fan of Bobby Lashely. He had the tools to be a star, but it seem the WWE dropped the ball with him following his injury. Though I guess he is at fault as much as them due to the whole issue with his wife being released and what not. If Lashley came back that would be great. He is a powerhouse guy and a believable star anywhere on the card. He could go in the ring and that made up for his lack of personality. Lashley could fit anywhere on the card. He could be a solid midcarder vying for the US or IC title or even jump back into the main event picture (likely on SD) and fight for one of the world championships. I doubt we'll see Lashley back unless the WWE has serious interest in pushing him as I think that is the only way he'd come back.
You boys have pretty much covered it but i'd like to chime in as well. Like Theo I was a pretty big Lashley fan back in the day. He definitely had the look but was lacking in mic skills, however I always thought that his body language worked so well that he didn't really need good mic skills as long as you just kept him in the ring all the time, what I'm trying to get across was even though he just plain didn't have mic skills he could get by without them and still draw. If the landscape of the WWE was still like it was back when he was in the WWE specifically around 05 then that was the perfect time with the roster they had back then, but if he came back now I think he'd get lost in the mix and he wouldn't get the respect or position in the show that he deserves. Bobby Lashley was good in his time, but his time was his first run in WWE from 05 to 08 and frankly I hope that it's his only run because I'd hate to see him come back and be wasted, he's older now and although he can still perform I think his best years are behind him.
I don't see a difference between Lashley and other mid-cards on WWE that have failed to get over like McIntyre, Kofi, Swagger, Morrison.

I believe he had the chance to get over as a legit main event or upper tier mid-card during his time with TNA, similar to what Christian and RTruth did. But he clearly IMO never reached that level despite getting the ECW title and despite a decent push (at least I thought he did) in TNA.

So I don't see how he could or would help WWE right now on either brand.
I though lashley had a good look & average in ring skills, but once he opened his mouth he turned me off from his character. I know it was not his fault, but its hard for me to take someone serious w/that voice. I think if he was to come back I could see him competing for the midcard titles and maybe working his way up to the world championship. I don't think he would win unless he was able work on his mic skills & be able to get people interested in his in ring performance & make people believe the dominant character that he portrays. If he could get a manager to do most of the talking somewhat like teddy long was to mark henry back in 03. I could see him starting a feud w/ezekiel jackson & maybe throw in Mark Henry. A three way to see is the most dominant on smackdown.
understand what your saying completely but thats why I say put him on Smackdown how believeable is it that a guy with plenty of talent like Cody Rhodes or Ted DiBiase or even Drew McIntrye is going to beat a 450 pound man who took out Kane and Big Show and if you go with my story line he will also take out Randy Orton I just dont see anyone but Orton beating him unless its like Undertaker but hes not even active right now he does his Wrestlemania stunt and thats pretty much it although based on a article WWE posted a few days ago he may be returning at Hell In The Cell but if they want him to be healthy for Mania you cant have him become Champion because we have to see him every week (unless your Alberto Del Rio lol) but what do I know. I just thought hes not that old hes an insane athlete and can produce somthing new and intresting for Smackdown.
I would like to see lashley return I'm a huge lashley fan I met the guy he's real cool but yeah he would be a great addition to smackdown and fued with mark Henry if Henry were to "injure" orton and smackdown is short on mainevent faces
Bobby Lashley wasn't bad.. he was kinda a "Brock Lesnar" gone wrong in some area's. He was kinda stiff and brainless in the ring but.. I actually wouldn't mind seeing him back and didnt mind seeing him when he was a member of the WWE. He was quite solid.

He sold me when i watched him face John Cena for the WWE Championship back years ago. I thought that was a good match, and he performed well. The ending was great, and he made it pretty believable at that time as far as being a legit threat to Cena.

Put him on Smackdown though, if he were to come back. He would be a ideal fit to go against Randy Orton, Mark Henry.. I think him and Ezekiel Jackson could have a interesting feud and bout.. Sheamus and him could be interesting as well. So i could picture him in the WWE again and wouldn't mind seeing it. Especially him on Smackdown, not sure if he would fare to well on Raw but Smackdown...Yes
I think he would be a great asset on Raw. CM Punk keeps talking about all the people who were released... He can hint that he knows someone who wants Vengeance (that can tie into the Vengeance PPV)...

Then one day on Raw, when Triple H is in the ring doing a dictatorial promo, Bobby Lashley can return and announce he's going after Triple H, Mr. McMahon and all the management who kept him down.

Eventually, he can move to Smackdown to take down Mark Henry, but he would definitely be an asset in the tag team match alongside Punk, Cena and Rock at Survivor Series.
I enjoyed his WWE run. I was watching the Royal Rumble 2007, where he defended the ECW title against Test. Went back and YouTubed some of his matches. I'd like to see him come back, at some point and get a title run. He's powerful and agile in the ring.

I never really saw his TNA run, the only thing I remember about it was that his wife was somehow involved.

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