Bob "Hardcore" Holly: "I would fit in well with TNA"

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"I went down there and did a match for their Hardcore Justice pay-per-view. It was a six man tag with me, Magnus and James Storm against Aces & Eights. I really enjoyed working for them. They were a great group of people, and it was great seeing a lot of guys I’ve worked with in the past." As far as the talent, they got a bunch of good guys. Everybody seems to be happy. There was no stress whatsoever. It was nice being down there in an environment like that. It was a really good time for me. And you know, we’re working on something for me to come back and do more for them."

"I think, honestly, I would fit in really well with TNA. The shows that they do basically wouldn’t be full-time like WWE, so that is a thought. Another thing too is that I’m still in great shape. I still work out five days a week and I still eat six times a day. I’m just a phone call away; I’m always ready to get back in the ring. So if the time does come and TNA wants me, I’ll definitely be ready. You never know what the future holds. Never say never."


As I made mention of in the four-way tag thread for the Slammiversary PPV match, I honestly had no idea Holly was a free agent. I always pictured him as something of a WWE-lifer who, if he wasn't still wrestling would likely be a road agent or in some backstage role with WWE still.

Admittedly I haven't actually seen the match he did with Magnus and Storm for the PPV, but it sure seems like he was well received based on what I'm reading, and recent images of him, bad tattoos aside, have him in much better shape than someone like Chris Harris, for example.

So what do we say? Would you welcome Holly to TNA? Good veteran signing, or are you more in the pool of the ever-present "WWE reject" clan?
TNA has trouble finding air time for all of their guys as is, why sign someone with no upside like Bob Holly? He'd make a fine agent or trainer, but putting him in the ring is wasting a spot that could be better filled by a younger guy that still has a future.
Like Thriller mentioned, he'd be fine as an agent or something along those lines, but as a wrestler? No. The guy was never anything special in WWE so I doubt he'd do anything for TNA, especially since he's 50 years old! If he does turn up, hopefully it's a one off appearance and either drifts back into obscurity or takes a backstage role.
That depends. Can we leave him in OVW to beat the shit out of noobz? Because outside out of that, I see no real reason to have him on TNA TV. It's not like with Chavo who's a long established Crusierweight. Having him be a team with Storm would be one heck of a waste for James Storm. Not to mention it would be pointless for Holly to be in a short term team.
Having him be a team with Storm would be one heck of a waste for James Storm. Not to mention it would be pointless for Holly to be in a short term team.

You know who they did that with?

They did it with a rookie Cody Rhodes. You know where Cody Rhodes has gone since that time?

Absolutely nowhere.

I can't tell you how much I do not want to see this. Actually, I can, and I'll do it in rhyme

Hardcore Holly's time has come and passed
I will not watch him, I can't be assed
He wasn't even good in his prime
He's a guy that never drew a dime.
Sparky should really sit this one out
Sparky shouldn't be out and about.
I don't even want him training rooks.
He'll just bully them; that's how it looks.
Hardcore needs to get my off my TV
Hardcore, go away, and let me be.
If TNA was smart(and I question that a lot) they would not sign this loser. He was in wwf/e for 15 years and only wrestled in like 2 wrestlemanias. Plus he is a jerk and a bully(I don't care if he would have you believe otherwise). Nova recently wrote a facebook blog about him recently pretty much calling him a miserable person who makes others miserable and that he was buddied up with the right people, hence why he was in wwe for so long. He was a nobody within the 15 years he was in wwe and he is a bigger nobody now. His book came out recently so that's why he is doing interviews now and the such, but after awhile he will go back to obscurity where he belongs. Ok I'll stop ranting. A big NO to Bob Holly in TNA or anywhere!
Bob Holly is a stiff. The last memorable thing he did was get his back sliced open during some match on ECW. And he got heel-turned on by Cody Rhodes when Legacy was formed.

Other then that, Bob Holly can suck it.

There's enough WWE trash in TNA right now.
TNA has trouble finding air time for all of their guys as is, why sign someone with no upside like Bob Holly? He'd make a fine agent or trainer, but putting him in the ring is wasting a spot that could be better filled by a younger guy that still has a future.
Young guys need old guys to put them over. Hardcore Holly was always a reliable feud for your up-and-comers; nothing fancy, but a good solid couple of months of work with a guy who fans recognize. Some people got over from working with him, some people didn't, but those older guys who can work with anyone are a necessity.

I'd bet most of you have forgotten considering how bad he flopped in TNA, but Matt Hardy, before he got all don't-give-a-shit in the WWE, was a pristine example of this kind of character. If you want to be someone, you have to beat someone, and you don't start off by pinning John Cena.
Young guys need old guys to put them over. Hardcore Holly was always a reliable feud for your up-and-comers; nothing fancy, but a good solid couple of months of work with a guy who fans recognize. Some people got over from working with him, some people didn't, but those older guys who can work with anyone are a necessity.

I'd bet most of you have forgotten considering how bad he flopped in TNA, but Matt Hardy, before he got all don't-give-a-shit in the WWE, was a pristine example of this kind of character. If you want to be someone, you have to beat someone, and you don't start off by pinning John Cena.

A 50-year-old career jobber isn't going to give anyone credibility. TNA has plenty of people signed that could work anywhere from squash fodder up to warm body in the midcard that aren't doing anything right now. You don't need to bring in an old guy that hasn't been relevant in years just to job.
I've been very critical of TNA and I have read some cruel comments about their organization but for Spark Plug to say he would fit in with their organization is just the lowest insult anyone could throw. Bob Holly must have an incredibly low opinion of TNA.
A 50-year-old career jobber isn't going to give anyone credibility. TNA has plenty of people signed that could work anywhere from squash fodder up to warm body in the midcard that aren't doing anything right now. You don't need to bring in an old guy that hasn't been relevant in years just to job.
You say career jobber like it's a bad thing. That means he's been busy his whole career, and contrary to popular belief, the only role in professional wrestling is not world champion.

Those midcard guys in TNA who aren't doing anything- who are they? Have they ever been anybody? What major accomplishments do they have that a) make people at least pay attention and b) make them someone worth beating? The big problem with the TNA mid-card is that it's a bunch of nobodies doing nothing because there's nothing worthwhile that they're capable of doing. There's no one worth beating in the TNA mid-card, because no one's heard of any of them.

You bring in performers from other organizations that people have heard of so that your performers can beat them and look better. Bob Holly put a lot of people over in his time. I don't see anyone in the TNA mid-card that's consistently capable of putting people over without losing their credibility.

To be fair, you can't imagine TNA would use a guy like him properly. Look at RVD's X-Division title run- where he feuded with no one, beat everyone, no one cared when he lost it, and did nothing for the belt. A guy like RVD these days is practically made to put your up-and-comers over.

I did laugh a little at the 'fit right in' comment... because yup. A guy who legitimately assaulted someone over a speeding ticket would probably be a good fit in TNA right now.
Holly was an average talent throughout his career, he had very little charisma and the only things he really had going for him were his great physique and he could throw a dropkick.

I dont really see the need in TNA to hire a 50 y/o career midcarder at all, there is enough talent on the roster as it is who dont get enough TV time without adding Bob Holly to the mix as well. He would add nothing to the company and it would be a waste of money that could be spend hiring a young up and coming talent who can actually be of use to TNA.

I hope we don't see him back on TV again, and he just stays on the indie circuit or works backstage in one of the companies as an agent or something like that.
Hardcore Holly was and will always be a career scrub. What's his most memorable moment in WWE? Having his neck broken by Brock Lesnar? The awful and predictable WWE Championship match at the Rumble? Maybe just maybe a handful of people will recognize Holly if he pops up on an episode of Impact. And where could he fit in? Aces & Eights is already full of career "never was or never will be" wrestlers, and I can't picture too many people caring about a Hardcore Holly singles feud.

It's been pointed already, but TNA's roster is already crowded, and they don't need to add someone like Holly. I can't see an upside to bringing in Holly at all.
Holly wouldn't be all that interesting as Storm's tag partner. As others have stated, he is older and doesn't add a lot to the match from any angle.

I think Chris Harris is coming back to reform AMW. I remember during the Beer Money break up there were some rumblings about reforming AMW, so I think TNA put things on the back burner and they are reforming now.
Really Bob Holly could not be a good fit in TNA the only way he would is that he would join ACES and 8's and take out either Anderson D'LO Brown or Brisco and Bischoff he would be a tremendous fit for ACES and 8's and when the stable ends his run should end in tna and should just retire and hopefully get inducted in the WWE HALL OF FAME
TNA is more edgier and he wouldn't have to wrestle full time. I think it would indeed be a perfect fit for him.
of course he would fit in with TNA, washed WWE has been,. never made it to the main event after many gimmicks. His backstage demeanour was fucking disgraceful, took liberties against guys that he felt he could push around. Brock took him down a peg, gave the locker room much needed payback when he"accidentally" broke his neck.
Robert Howard is nothing more than a mid card bully who jobbed when told and bullied when he thought he could. Whats the highest singles title he held, The WWE Hardcore Title, a belt women, Harvey Wippleman and dozens of bottom of the barrel talent held for minutes at a time. Hell he even fucked the finish of his match at Wrestlemania 16. Im usre his new book will be an epic read of "gee how tough and great was I".......
The only time Hardcore would have fit in with TNA was back when they did the ECW run. TNA could have used him to claim that WWE was invading. I, for one was shocked to find out that he wasn't working backstage or on the road for WWE. Kind of surprising there that he wouldn't be an agent since it seems like all the older guys generally fall into that role as their career winds down. Other than that how could Bob Holly fit in? He's WAY past his prime, he never was really utilized in WWE besides as a jobber, scumbag etc etc. I think his greatest pop was in fact after he came back from the broken neck and that's just because people do respect guys that return from such a serious injury but look at how quickly his "popularity" faded. On the other hand if someone, like say "Molly Holly" decided to sign with TNA and pick back up with that type of gimmick why not bring in Hardcore as her manager/trainer. Keeps him out of the ring, adds more Knockout to the Knockouts division. No harm no foul as long as they keep Holly out of the ring. Once in a blue moon sure let him wrestle in a mixed tag style match but otherwise keep him out of the ring.
Holly might fit in well with TNA, but there's no need for him to show up.

Hardcore Holly is one of those guys who wasn't anything memorable, but rather just kind of around for a long time. Think about it: he had three forgettable tag title reigns, a few Hardcore Title reigns (though far less than noted grappler Shawn Stasiak) and not much else. Yeah he was around for a long time, but he never ascended up the card and never had anything above some minor midcard glory. Beating Holly doesn't help anyone in TNA, and given that they only have two hours a week on TV, all he would do is take up time that other people on their roster desperately need.

No on Holly coming to TNA.
NO NO NO!! TNA already has way too many old timers hogging the spotlight (HOGAN, STING) and plus he'd probably just be another addition to A AND 8's that no one wants in it. TNA needs to look for young talent that can actually support the company in the future. Also some guys like rvd and booker t when they came to tna they only seemed to collect a paycheck and didn't seem to fit in or care at all and holly would probably do the same.
Other then maybe the odd appearance at one of TNA's x travaganza PPV'S , I have little intrest in seeing Harcore signed to a contract. I never found the guy that intresting in the first place and at 50 years old I don't really see what he can offer, Even though he would have made a far better member of the aces and eights then D'lo.
First off, I hate the term "WWE Reject." The guys that get released from WWE need to work somewhere, so why wouldn't they work for the #2 wrestling company? That being said, no they shouldn't bring in Bob Holly. I didn't read through this entire thread, but one name should be brought up if it hasn't already: Ken Anderson. Didn't Bob basically say in a shoot interview that if he saw Mr. Anderson again, he'd be in jail for murder? I don't know if he still has heat towards him, but bringing him in could be big trouble. That, and his reputation of roughing up the younger guys. They've got veterans like Angle, Sting, Chavo and the Dudleys. They don't need Holly. The TNA roster is loaded enough as it is and some guys go weeks without being on TV. I wouldn't be surprised if he got signed though.
I will say no as well. Holly is known for being a dick backstage, and that's a red flag. But the main thing is like everyone else has stated. He's never really had a memorable match or title reign. He's competed for the IC and WWE championships, but that's it. He wouldn't be helping anyone get over in TNA. Sure he could do a house she or dark match. But nothing more. I'll be generous and not call him a reject or has-been. But he's more of a never was.
His recent lack of class on the Cappotelli situation sums it up for me, he could have mentioned how he's sad it turned out the way it did or wished Cappotelli well but he used it to push his "I'm a bad ass and he pissed me off" attitude.

TNA would get very little benefit from him, he isn't a proven trainer and his rep would make any young talent wary of him, and thus push his self-admitted buttons... How would he react if one of these younger talents like an Aries or Garrett Bischoff displeased him? In his time in WWF/E never really had one classic match or moment it comes to something that of every tag team he was part of the others did better long-term. Even Crash had more to offer had he survived. If he had an 80's equivalent he was Dino Bravo - someone who always had a place on the roster but you never quite got why other than he'd been there forever or had something on someone, especially when more talented guys seemed to leave all the time cos they weren't getting pushed.
I always liked Holly, but he was a career midcarder who really couldn't offer TNA much inside the ring. The don't have enough tv time, and there are other established star that can put the younger guys over. Now if he were to be a trainer that would be a different story entirely. He would be great for the young guys to learn from. He was in the WWE forever and I am sure he knows his way around the business. In the ring no, but behind the scences I think he would fit in well there.

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