Bo Dallas - Where did things go wrong?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I was watching some videos of Bo Dallas in FCW/NXT and the guy had some promise - sure he needed to grow/gain some experience but he was putting on some quality matches.

My question is WHERE DID WWE GO WRONG WITH BO?! He had some buzz while in NXT, he even made some appearances on the main shows & got some hype, but just like the Ascenion he made his debut & fell flat. Is it because of his gimmick (which gets some good heel heat), is it because he got injured, what is it that made this guy that once had some buzz & chatter seemingly disappear?
Because WWE is incredibly fickle. Every performer on the roster is basically in an abusive relationship, where they are the flavor of the month, and they are all vying for Vince (and Hunter's) attention.

This is no different than Fandango, Adam Rose, Zack Ryder, etc.

Unless they want you to be over, you won't be. Certain performers are better at treading water like Bryan or Sandow, but ultimately you'll only ever get as far as they want you to.

Bo's injury sidelined him slightly, but the truth he was already on a downward slope prior to that.

After going on a great win streak "20 and Bo!" they had him lose his first televised match to R-Truth of all people, on a Raw with no reason or build.

This is just how they operate, Bo could be like the modern day version of early Kurt Angle, where he's so corny it gets over. I was going to FCW and NXT shows basically the entire time Bo was here, so I know first hand that he is very capable and very charismatic, but they have to facilitate the opportunity for him. Even when you get yourself over outside of TV like Ryder did, if they don't want you in that position they'll do everything in their power to shit on it. Don't ask me why, because if I ran a company and the fans were responding to someone I'd cater to them over my own ego…but what do I know?
Because WWE is incredibly fickle. Every performer on the roster is basically in an abusive relationship, where they are the flavor of the month, and they are all vying for Vince (and Hunter's) attention.

This is no different than Fandango, Adam Rose, Zack Ryder, etc.

Unless they want you to be over, you won't be. Certain performers are better at treading water like Bryan or Sandow, but ultimately you'll only ever get as far as they want you to.

Bo's injury sidelined him slightly, but the truth he was already on a downward slope prior to that.

After going on a great win streak "20 and Bo!" they had him lose his first televised match to R-Truth of all people, on a Raw with no reason or build.

This is just how they operate, Bo could be like the modern day version of early Kurt Angle, where he's so corny it gets over. I was going to FCW and NXT shows basically the entire time Bo was here, so I know first hand that he is very capable and very charismatic, but they have to facilitate the opportunity for him. Even when you get yourself over outside of TV like Ryder did, if they don't want you in that position they'll do everything in their power to shit on it. Don't ask me why, because if I ran a company and the fans were responding to someone I'd cater to them over my own ego…but what do I know?

Fantastic points, I agree 100%!! I felt the exact same way as you did about him at FCW & NXT shows - he put on a great show, was a very capable champion & people looked forward to seeing him at the shows. All the points you made about Vince/Hunter I believe ar on point & how I felt not just about Bo but many others. I've got to repeat - I agree 100%!!
I have to think some of it has to do with the crowds. The NXT crowd is a bit of a smarky crowd who were in on the joke of the BOlieve gimmick. The main show crowds weren't as in on the joke when it transferred over, and I think that killed a fair amount of his momentum.
If you expected great things from Bo when he made it to Raw I don't know what to tell you. Raw and NXT serve different masters. New guys generally get pushes and then get pushed down. Few get to really showcase their stuff until they really get over. Dallas never did. He exceeded my expectations for him in his short time before his injury but it was mostly with his comedy.

But the answer to your question is mostly his injury but also that he is not that talented as a professional wrestler.
I am, was, and always will be a Boliever. I Bolieve that it all went wrong wen he suffered an injury.

I think life could have been better for Bo if there was a cruiserweight division
Others have already have stated the facts. He outlasted expectations due to his comedy act (Which he is very funny BTW),but he is not that good in the ring.. Its rather surprising to me considering he is a rotunda but it is what it is i suppose.. When he got injured it killed all the momentum he had and plus losing to R-Truth when he was 20-and BO just did not do him any favors at all..

The Crowds can be very fickle and one starts the others flock over to join in.. I think he will be okay in the end but nothing like he was! A lower tier mid card guy is about what we can expect
They failed because

Bo Dallas the name
Boooo leaving......
Usings Stratification as a finisher killed him as serious threat from that point
Bo Dallas was demoted to nothingness during his mini-feud with Jack Swagger, which did admittedly kind of suck. The story was fine, but they lacked in-ring chemistry and their matches were boring. It also hurt Swagger's momentum for awhile, but Swagger was kept on more because he's a better actual wrestler. Bo has the right personality, but lacks the in-ring ability to work as an effective jobber.

I thought he was making a comeback considering he gets a big moment at Wrestlemania. But nothing has come from it.
I can't exactly put my finger on it, but I think that it probably had something to do with those yellow teeth. Invest in Crest white strips and maybe they'd put the belt on you Bo.

Seriously, he's just not that good. He's midcard 4 lyfe at best.
I thought he was making a comeback considering he gets a big moment at Wrestlemania. But nothing has come from it.

What big moment was that? I must have blinked and missed it. Seriously don't even remember him being there.

As for Dallas, he sucked, legit sucked. He wasn't that great in the ring, his gimmick at first was funny but got tiresome fast. Also think a lot of people compared him to his brother Bray and were expecting more. I know I was. He won't go far with what he has right now.
If you expected great things from Bo when he made it to Raw I don't know what to tell you. Raw and NXT serve different masters. New guys generally get pushes and then get pushed down. Few get to really showcase their stuff until they really get over. Dallas never did. He exceeded my expectations for him in his short time before his injury but it was mostly with his comedy.

But the answer to your question is mostly his injury but also that he is not that talented as a professional wrestler.

I agree with most of what you said here, including the part in bold. The thing is, that is a BS catch 22 from WWE. You get TV time when you start getting over, well how do you get over without it?

When the fan base at large doesn't watch NXT a lot of the momentum doesn't transfer over, which is why you have to give them some time for the audience to get acclimated.

Adrian Neville is the perfect example so far…he wrestled a Raw match a few months back, made his official debut at the Raw after WM, which has a VERY smart crowd, so they are of course super familiar with him, and to the audience at home it makes him come across as larger than life to see the reaction he got. Then he has a match that he gets to shine in. Week 1=A+

Tonight, he gets a singles match, against the WWE champion, didn't expect him to win, but still a good showing against a top guy. Week 2=A+

That is how you debut NXT talent. Bo got TV time, but not enough for his momentum to really pick up steam, and see where he could go. I would've put the IC belt on him, and let it roll from there.

As far as him not being a great wrestler, I agree he's not the best, but as "sports entertainment" seems more and more to supersede wrestling ability, as long as you're adequate in the ring that seems to be enough. Hell, they thought Miz was good enough to hold (and retain!) the WWE title, and main event a WM with it, and that was 4 years ago! If he could do it, I'm not sure what they think Bo is lacking.
Where did it go wrong? When was it right?
He got beat by R-Truth for really no reason at all and then shortly after, got injured. Both are momentum killers.

A straight comedy act is never going to have longevity.
For crying out loud. I realize that you're a fan and you're curious about something, but this is all just pure silliness. I don't think that anyone or anything went wrong with Bo.

Bo Dallas is only 24 years old. In terms of time, he's an extremely wealthy young man.

He was tasked to go out and annoy the crowd with arrogant self-help philosophies, and in my opinion he played that role very well. I recall a few crowds doing a "WE BOLIEVE!!" chant. I don't think he fell flat at all, I think that the only thing keeping him from involvement on tv is his injury.

I don't think that he's disappeared per se, he's injured and off tv. I don't think that HHH or Vince would let someone with his legacy wander over to a competitor. They'll either repackage him or let him keep being entertaining.
What big moment was that? I must have blinked and missed it. Seriously don't even remember him being there.

As for Dallas, he sucked, legit sucked. He wasn't that great in the ring, his gimmick at first was funny but got tiresome fast. Also think a lot of people compared him to his brother Bray and were expecting more. I know I was. He won't go far with what he has right now.

He eliminated Zack RYder and started prouncing around the ring, yelling "I did it!". It was kind of strange, as the announcers were treating it like he had just eliminated himself, but apparently they were wrong as he got in and was taken out by Hideo Itami. Nothing major, but the camera did stay completely focused on him during this moment.
He was never going to go far. He's a low card comedy act. He's also one of the most unappealing looking wrestlers on the roster. The better guys from NXT will have long and rewarding careers, the rest get exposed on the main roster.
He was alright in WWE for a minute, they really laid in those "motivational" promo videos for what seemed like ages before his debut... gave him a winning streak, had him beat Mark Henry several times, then confusingly get taken out by R-Truth who is unaffected by wins or losses. His name sounds stupid, his finisher was terrible. I don't remember much about his matches other than Ryback completely destroying him on his second match back several months ago. He looked like he didn't belong in the ring. He also has a very strange look. They have a ton of guys with better physiques and in-ring ability to be used as jobbers that they aren't using.

One thing I'm also confused about, is him coming out and telling Sting he needed to "BOlieve!" just so he could could get the Scorpion Death Drop... really? Sting is here to make a post WrestleMania announcement and Bo Dallas comes out? Not sure where they are going with him now.
This isn't a case of anything Bo is doing "wrong", but the reality is the reason he HASN'T been released is cos of his brother and his father being there.

Windham/Bray is clearly the more talented sibling and always has been, yet Bo had a better "look" until the Wyatt gimmick cemented. With Dad as an agent as well and Bray now a top 5 guy on the roster in real terms (his performance at Mania being hurt will have earned him MAJOR stroke) then Bo is pretty well "OK" for a while. His schtick hasn't quite worn it's welcome in the same way Adam Rose, Fandango or Heath Slater's have and they of course still have one last dice roll with him...

They can make him a member of a new Wyatt family...

A spell off TV, grow a beard and he is instantly transformed... and as Bray's "real" brother it does add something to him if they go that way... done right his failed "Bo-leif" in himself makes him easy prey for Bray Wyatt... and while it wouldn't lead to a World title, as a lower mid member of the family he could easily feud with the Stardusts of the world.

Bo is also someone who would benefit if WWE does re-institute a Cruiser division or similar. He's the kind of guy who even with his current gimmick could make it work like Matt Hardy did back in the day with Mattitude... he could have strong matches with Neville, Balor and Hideo, guys who he's either worked with before or who weren't around when he was in NXT.

It's far too soon to count him out as failed but probably too late for him to really "make it", but as I always say... WWE NEEDS midcard for life guys, like Tito Santana, like Rick Martel, like Koko B. Ware and Hercules... and Bo is a very good modern equivalent to Lanny Poffo... a brother who is better but has skills that are worth keeping around.
I liked Bo Dallas, he had one of the better comedy gimmicks we've seen, probably the best comedy jobber since Santino. He does it well, but that'll never make him champ.

I think it would be funny to have him take a spot as Miz's new assistant/ stunt double. He's silly enough to pull it off and there is a vacancy there. Him and Miz could cut promo's about how if he works really hard he could be a star like the Miz etc... Bo leive he would make it big one day and so forth.
Could be a funny angle.
he's been gone long enough off screen that many have probably forgotten his previous gimmick. I would do a total revamp. Who else could use a bit of a new direction? His brother Bray Wyatt! I would make Wyatt family 2.0 really be about family, I'd have him recruit Bo and hoping they can stay healthy I'd either have Bo as Bray's number one flunky/follower or have the two team for awhile and make some impact in the tag team division.
I don't think anything has gone wrong with Bo. He's very young, which is a good thing for him. He comes from a wrestling family, so I doubt he's going anywhere. WWE can be very fickle, so they suddenly decided to have him lose to an irrelevant wrestler while he was on an undefeated streak. Same thing with the Ascension, twice with Wade Barrett. One of those was against Bo.

WWE seems to think insignificant losses will generate heat, they don't. They just make the heel look stupid and weak, that's not heat. I don't think Bo was quite the heel magnet that WWE hoped for upon debut, all lot of that has to do with the majority of casual fans missing the development of the character down in NXT.

When a new wrestler debuts as their self, and their character subsequently develops on screen, there's an attachment. Cena was a generic face that developed into the heel white rapper. Imagine if Cena debuted in the rapper gimmick. It might not have gone as well.

Bo debuts as Bo-lieve, few saw the evolution. A year prior he was a generic babyface in the Royal Rumble. This is a challenge for all NXT guys and gals debuting past and future, how will their characters translate. Guys like the Ascension and Adam Rose had their gimmicks altered while debuting, and floundered on the main roster.

Bo has time on his side, and that's not a Wyatt reference. I don't think sticking him with his brother for Wyatt family 2.0 is the answer. I don't think Wyatt ever should have lost the family but that's another story. Eventually the two real life brothers should cross paths. But I think Bo needs to be built up more before that day should come.

Start sewing the seeds now. Have Bo take a page out of Wyatt's book and start a faction of Bo-lievers. Have him take some other guys that are floundering in the lower card and start a faction. Keep it to two or three guys plus Bo. Rowan isn't doing anything, that could set up the collision with Bray later. Swagger, Slater, Rose, the Ascension, Truth, Fandango, Ryder: what are they all doing?

I don't love Bo, but I think he could succeed. His character is a inspirational speaker. Give him some inspired superstars to do his bidding.
he simply was never given a chance, no actual program with anyone and he's still only 24(25 soon). Which is why I'd put him in a tag team with Maddox for a lengthy time. That's as high a ceiling as Maddox has but they could do great things in the tag division.

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