Blast from the past!!


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So I guess this would be for an older fan base but was thinking of all the wrestling that was out there when I was a kid(80's/90's) and I was trying to figure out which one I missed the most.
There were so many to choose from in those days. WCCW, NWA/WCW, AWA, WWE(F), MID-SOUTH/UWF, Florida, Memphis, ECW, St.Louis, and more. I lived in an area that got see all of them and it was amazing. I think the ones I miss the most are St.Louis and Mid-South/UWF.
Wrestling at the Chase(St.Louis) was an awesome show. Everyone who was anyone in the business passed through that area. One week Flair would be there the next Steamboat, then Race, hell even Hogan made a few stops toward the end.
Mid-South/UWF was way ahead of its time in the way feuds were booked.The style of the wrestling it's self was a look ahead at the more hardcore wrestling that was to come. Many top stars were there from the Freebirds to an unknown dude with face paint called Sting. The company didn't last long after Bill Watts tried to go national but while it lasted it was one of the better companies around.
So the question is what companies from those days do u miss and which ones do wish would have survived?
Of the ones that you mentioned, the ones that were available to me that i knew of were, WCCW, AWA, NWA/WCW, and WWF/E. AWA was always on as soon as I came home from school, and I would rush home to see it on time. I also loved the Von Erichs in WCCW. I would say that of the two I miss AWA the most just because of my memories of it being the first thing after school. I wish that WCCW could have survived along with the Von Erich brothers that passed away. They were mega popular at that time and would have loved to see how far they could have taken it.

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