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Blacks Only.

Smooth Sexual Chocolate

Grapefruits of Wrath

So to sum up the article, 5th grade African American students at Ann Arbor elementary school in Ann Arbor Michigan (10% African American population) apparently got to go on a special field trip to listen to a renowned African American rocket scientist speak to them. White children where not allowed to attend.

They take the defense that it was just the school’s efforts to close the achievement gap between white and black students, but lets be real here, if it was the other way around, we'd never hear the end of it from the likes of Al Sharpton, and friends.

Why would white, or any other race kids not benefit from interacting with a rocket scientist. Wouldn't the fact he happened to be black help their perspective on race more positively, rather than creating an exclusively black event?

Please, someone give me one good reason why the other children couldn't attend this field trip.


Edit: Link Fixed
I can't get the link to work, but this is an awful idea.

It completely segregates the children.. instead of letting them all hang out together on a field trip and have fun, you make a political statement? That opens up a big can of worms, because now the kids will realize "racism" better than they ever did before, and the kids are in the midst of the storm. "Sorry kids, only the African-American kids can with us today. Sorry Caucasians, Hispanics, and Asians, you get to sit around and do schoolwork."
So basically what they're trying to do is close the gap between achievements of White and Black children, but ultimately increase the open acceptance of making differences because of colors?

To me that's absolutely ridiculous, it seems as if they're neglecting the possibility of furthering the decreasing of racism America, or any other place in the world, just for the sake of furthering the education of one part of a school, rather than putting a combined effort into teaching ALL kids about something.

Besides, sure it's gonna teach the African American people something that there's a chance that the white kids doesn't know, and in the end, what do we have, the African Americans knowing something the whites doesn't, but the whites still knowing something the African American kids does not know.

In the end, it's not gonna change anything with the achievements and knowledge of the kids no matter skin color, it's all about putting forth a proper effort in teaching kids, and making them care for learning.

While I have to admit I'm not very clever on the subject of why the African Americans aren't achieving the same results as the white kids in that school, but 'm led to believe that the African American kids will ultimately be able to reach the same level, if they bother to put efforts into it (I'm not saying they aren't, but there's got to be some kind of way to put them further in their position that's obviously lacking knowledge, without neglecting the possibilities of teaching other people new things)
'Positive discrimination' is one of the stupidest concepts known to man and does nothing but make things worse. As a white person this legitimately pisses me off - not doing good for that whole race not being an issue thing. For everything that there's been inequalities in, people seem to try and make up for that with things like this - the same happens with giving females opportunities in some cases, and not males. All it does is reinforce the fact that you CAN treat someone differently due to their skin colour or gender.

What if, as a white student, I was interested in Rocket science? Wouldn't my having a place be more important than a black student who had no interest in it? There are literally no good arguments FOR this to happen. And, as has been said, if it were the other way around you'd hear NOTHING but complaints. At the very least the school would issue an apology, and someone would probably lose their jobs. Now, the school is actively saying, yes, we're only giving this opportunity to some students due to race. Completely stupid, as it seems to be welcomed by some.
There are better ways to close the achievement gap between races. The first of which is to stop telling kids there is an achievement gap. Kids get the idea that they don't have to achieve as much if they are a minority because there is a ready made excuse for them to fail.

Everyone has the same opportunities now, and preaching achievement gaps does nothing more than discourage people from taking those opportunities because they think they are "good enough."

This field trip is a travesty. If it were the other way around, the entire school board would be put on trial. Where is Al Sharpton? Where is Jessie Jackson? Those two clowns are the biggest racists in America. They don't want to stop this behavior. They want to encourage it. No equal rights movement is about equality anymore. They are all about special treatment.

"Oh white people, your great grandparents were so mean. Give us stuff or we'll make a scene!" This is why minority children can't seem to climb out of the hole. They need a ladder, but Al and Jessie are too busy lobbying for an elevator that the ladder never comes.
If Martin Luther King was alive he wouldn't take kindly to a "black only" field trip. He'd be a very upset man. That being said this is the perfect example of reverse racism. I mean what are you teaching these kids? That its OK to be mean to the white kids?
This is a perfect example of why we seem to just be flat out unable to grow as a nation. No matter the situation, no matter what sort of progress winds up being made, someone always manages to do something to bring things back around to race.

When it comes to issues of race, there's very much a societal double standard. If this field trip had been set up to where only white children were permitted to attend a lecture held by a white rocket scientist, this would be all over the news. CNN would be reporting it every hour, it'd be on the front page of the New York Times, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson would all be out in force, the ACLU would be organizing protests and threatening legal action and so on and so forth. But, when it comes to discrimination towards whites, I think it's become something that's more acceptable and tolerated.

We're all aware of how African Americans have been treated in the United States. It's shameful and a tragedy, there's no mistake about that. I also know that racism discrimination is something that isn't going to go away, but it seems that Caucasians don't really have any options offered when it comes to discrimination. I think that there's the assumption that just because Caucasians make up some majority of the U.S. population that they can't be discriminated against and that's simply not true. It's not nearly as common, I'll grant that, but it does happen and it probably does happen more often than we think.
It's absolutely ******ed, and it would be even more ******ed to look at it as anything other than flat out discrimination and segregation. So a famous African American rocket scientists gets to talk to a group of students, who thought up the idea that white students shouldn't be able to see why race clearly makes no difference, and that anyone can do whatever the fuck they like with their lives. What were they thinking?

Who ever came up with the idea for a black-only field trip should lose their fucking jobs.

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