BJ Penn and Mirko Cro Cop Retirement Page


Warrior Forever
Randy got one so I believe it's only fair that one is made in honor of these two MMA legends who both retired after losing saturday at UFC 137. Both men were pioneers in the sport and had a major impact in framing what Mixed Martial Arts has become today.

I have been a true die hard fan of Mirko Cro Cop since seeing him head kick KO Igor Vovchanchyn back at Pride Total Elimination 2003, since then the former Croatian Special Forces and Parliment member has held a special place in my heart. Not only did I love him for his style, composure and demeanor, but there was something about how he went out to perform and nothing else seemed to matter, none of his personal life or feelings ever interferred because he was a fighter through and through. Even though the end of his career may not be what he'll be best remembered for, he fough like a champion in every one of his fights from his biggest wins to his roughest defeats and that is how to truely judge a fighter. Every fight that he had was a treat to watch and I will never forget him as a fan, and his influenece as a fighter and as a man will always be with me.

BJ Penn was a guy who I used to hate, during the days when he was mortal enemies with Matt Hughes I was on the Hughes side and if he hated BJ then so did I, I didn't like his personality but I loved how he fought. Then as time went on and I saw more of his good side and qualities I became more and more of a fan until I was a devoted follower. I loved watching that damn hawaiian fight, he had a few times where he wasn't strong enough mentally or physically but BJ always fought his heart out, you don't wear two belts in the UFC by coasting. I saw Cro Cop's retirement coming but Penn's was a shock to me, I saw it coming in a year or so but I thought after hanging with Jon Fitch and having a good fight with Nick he would stick around for more action but I guess it was just the right time for him. I really hope to see him stick around the company and maybe snag a deal like Dana is trying to get Matt to take, but whatever happens I will always look back fondly on BJ Penn's career, especially when he subbed Kenflo.

Well that's what I had to say about them, now lets hear from everyone else. Tell us what you though of each fighter, your favorite fights of theirs and anything else you wish.
Well, BJ Penn isn't retiring, thank God; he's just taking some time off. Otherwise, I'd type up a huge monologue here expressing my love of this man, lol.

Cro Cop though... well, he is gone, and it was an absolutely wonderful career.

Cro Cop should go down as one of the best, most exciting Heavyweight fighters in combat sports history. Not just MMA, but all of combat sports. Years from now no one will remember these last couple of fights. Fans, old and new, will watch his highlights on Youtube and simply be amazed at what this guy did in the ring/cage. Not many people, from any combat sport, have a highlight reel like Cro Cop has. And not to mention it was all against great competition. He is a legend in the truest sense of the word, and he will be deeply missed in this sport.
I think we will see Penn back in action, it was a rough lost but he still has to much to offer and Dana White will throw some big money at him to come back for at least one "real" retirement match. Penn is an asset to the company and this was no way for Penn's career to end...
I'm a heavyweight fan, and I have been for a while now. But when I clear my mind, and think of mma. One thing comes to mind. Right leg, hospital, left leg, cemetery

Cro is an absolute specimen, and should be looked at for inspiration for all smaller heavyweights. His fight with Fedor in 05 was fucking amazing, and while I didn't see it live. I did see his fight with Aleksandr before his fight with fedor. I saw that head kick and was stunned.

I could ramble on for a while, but in the end Cro cop will be missed.

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