Bischoff on the State of TNA

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
Bischoff recently did an interview with Monday Night Mayhem in which he answered a series of questions from fans about the general state of TNA, as well as a few specific tidbits like Matt Hardy and J-Woww.

The revelation of "They" at Bound For Glory, the comparisons of Immortal with the nWo, & why he believes fans should not think TNA is going backwards with what has unfolded since 10.10.10: "I think the parallels to the NWO is obvious to everybody, and to some people, they're frustrated and are thinking we're going backwards. The truth is people enjoy watching a power struggle: whether it's politics, a war, American Idol, or whatever it is, people like to watch it, and they identify with it. What are seeing right now is really the best of a formula that we know works, along with a new edge to it. It's going to be different from the NWO, but there I think the basic story elements are there, and it's a story people can relate to."

His opinion on the likelihood of Matt Hardy joining TNA, what he could add to the company/bring to the locker room, along with his thoughts on Matt's visible online presence: "I don't follow Matt Hardy on YouTube or anywhere else. I really don't know Matt Hardy that well. I interacted with him for a little while in WWE. He's a great talent. He's achieved a lot of success. In terms of how or if he's gonna end up in TNA, that remains to be seen. I think it's a wait & see kind of proposition. There's nobody's sitting back with a blueprint of how Matt Hardy can possibly fit into TNA, and what we're going to do, and how we do it. Let's wait & step at a time. We don't even know if he's coming to TNA. If he does, I think we would have to sit down, talk to him, see where his head is at, see what his point of view is, see what his goals are, see what his perspective is, and kind of take it from there. It's very premature to talk about Matt Hardy's impact in TNA at this point."

The future of TNA ReAction on Spike TV: "We did get picked up for another ten episodes, and we're very, very excited about that. We think it's a great storytelling device, and it gives us a whole new way to present characters, present storylines, let the audience get to know characters in a much different way, I feel in a more intimate way. It gives the characters a different perspective, so all in all, everybody is happy with it. We are going to try some new things. Jason (Hervey) & I have been talking, along with Kevin Sullivan, who is instrumental in the success of the show. We have been talking about different ways to incorporate some new ideas into ReAction, because ReAction it's the type of show that allows us to experiment, and we could try things that we might not be comfortable trying in other formats. Some of it'll work, some of it won't. Keep watching, because we'll be trying new things. That's one of the things the wrestling business needs right now is a freshness, a new approach, & a willingness to experiment, and that's what we're gonna do."

J-Woww's impact thus far in TNA since her debut & what celebrities, and despite what people may believe, why Eric is against "bringing in celebrities for the sake of bringing in celebrities": "She brought awareness. It's obvious. CNN, TMZ, & everybody else was talking about TNA. One of the bigger challenges for TNA is awareness, so I think the people & principles that were involved in bringing J-Woww to TNA did a phenomenal job of achieving what is probably one of the most critical things in TNA, which is awareness. I'm a guy that's brought a lot of celebrities into the wrestling business. Bringing in celebrities just for the sake of bringing in celebrities: I'm against it, despite what a lot of people think. It's gotta be the right celebrity for the right reasons at the right time. Not that I've been right on the money with these decisions, but I've been right more often than I've been wrong. I think it's great if a celebrity happens to be at the right point (in terms of pop culture awareness), happens to fit into a good TNA storyline, and happens to be available: Let's go, let's do it. I don't think there's a strong mandate to go out and try to find celebrities to populate TNA just to hopefully get awareness."

Where we will see Jeff Hardy go as the new TNA World Heavyweight Champion & the leader of Immortal: "It's uncharted territory in many respects. I know this is going to sound unconventional, but there is no plan with Jeff. Jeff is a free spirit. Jeff is a very unique guy. He's a unique human being. He's a unique character. He's a professional. I think we're just going to let it flow and see where it goes. I think if Eric Bischoff sat down with a piece of paper & a pen and tried to write that story, we'd probably get it wrong, because we're not in Jeff Hardy's head the way Jeff Hardy is. I think what want to do is provide him with Jeff Hardy a platform, and a direction, & an inspiration and see where Jeff Hardy can take it."

Thoughts on his answers? Concerns?
I think his answers were very reasonable. What he said about JWoww in TNA was so true. All it did was help put the TNA name out there a bit more which I think is definitely something TNA accomplished. I also like how TNA doesn't have any specific plans for Hardy and his heel turn. It just shows how much input and leeway the talent in TNA have on their angles and storylines. Not everything is so scripted and molded which should probably make things a bit more interesting with Jeff having say in the direction of his Anti-Christ character and the whole Immortal angle.
I think his answers were very reasonable. What he said about JWoww in TNA was so true. All it did was help put the TNA name out there a bit more which I think is definitely something TNA accomplished. I also like how TNA doesn't have any specific plans for Hardy and his heel turn. It just shows how much input and leeway the talent in TNA have on their angles and storylines. Not everything is so scripted and molded which should probably make things a bit more interesting with Jeff having say in the direction of his Anti-Christ character and the whole Immortal angle.

I totally agree as well. Bischoff has put some good answers out there. TNA are become more known due to what's happening among the company now. With the "Fight Bullying" policy, it's just publicizing TNA that bit more.
Hopefully, it can push them right out there.
Bischoff does some interesting interviews because he is adept at being the right amount of candid. Something that probably shows through in what people like about reaction. For those interested the interview he did on total nonstop podcast shortly after BFG I found really interesting. It went into depth about the way TNA is trying to tell stories differently, state of the business etc. touching on many things that have been being discussed.

I like how TNA is going back to one thing that seemed to work better in the attitude era, that being the wrestlers cultivating their own gimmick more. Basically, they give them a spot but it is up to the wrestler to make something out of it. That motivates the talent both from a morale and a work ethic perspective. It seems to keep things more fresh and makes sense to me to have "success" (most likely judged by mass audience appeal) determine who rises opposed to one or two iron-fisted gatekeepers essentially imposing their will on the audience.
I think he did a very good job with his answers. The J-Woww comment was so true and I am also glad to see Reaction get another 10 episodes.
Bischoff's comments on how they are going to plan out the immortal angle are just pathetic. So TNA have Vince Russo, a guy who booked some of the greatest storylines back in the attitude era, and Eric Bischoff, the guy who was the brains behind possibly the greatest stable in pro wrestling, on their creative team and yet the fate of their biggest angle depends on the fancy of a guy whose brain has been fucked up by drugs. Seriously, Jeff FRICKIN Hardy is going to plan out the immortal angle? It just shows the lack of long term planning in TNA and makes them look juvenile in the eyes of wrestling fans.

Its all right for the wrestlers to have a say in the angles in which they are a part of. Its quite another thing to let them plan the whole storyline. Its the same shit TNA does with promos as well. I mean just look at some of the promos that their wrestlers cut. It seems as if the guys haven't even talked backstage as to what is going to be said. Now I can sense that all TNA marks are ready to point out how much WWE scripts their promos but look, overscripting results in generic promos. No scripting results in WTF promos. Between generic and WTF I'd take generic anyday. Two very good examples of WTF promos are the ones between Foley and Flair to set up their Last Man Standing match and the promo last week between EV 2 and Rob Van Dam. In the promo between RVD and EV 2 I still don't get what Raven was tring to say. It seemed he was just throwing out random big words to sound smart.
Bischoff's comments on how they are going to plan out the immortal angle are just pathetic. So TNA have Vince Russo, a guy who booked some of the greatest storylines back in the attitude era, and Eric Bischoff, the guy who was the brains behind possibly the greatest stable in pro wrestling, on their creative team and yet the fate of their biggest angle depends on the fancy of a guy whose brain has been fucked up by drugs. Seriously, Jeff FRICKIN Hardy is going to plan out the immortal angle? It just shows the lack of long term planning in TNA and makes them look juvenile in the eyes of wrestling fans.

Its all right for the wrestlers to have a say in the angles in which they are a part of. Its quite another thing to let them plan the whole storyline. Its the same shit TNA does with promos as well. I mean just look at some of the promos that their wrestlers cut. It seems as if the guys haven't even talked backstage as to what is going to be said. Now I can sense that all TNA marks are ready to point out how much WWE scripts their promos but look, overscripting results in generic promos. No scripting results in WTF promos. Between generic and WTF I'd take generic anyday. Two very good examples of WTF promos are the ones between Foley and Flair to set up their Last Man Standing match and the promo last week between EV 2 and Rob Van Dam. In the promo between RVD and EV 2 I still don't get what Raven was tring to say. It seemed he was just throwing out random big words to sound smart.

To be honest I didn't read it as Bischoff saying that Hardy was controlling the whole storyline more where he goes with his own character? Makes sense to me and Jeff so far seems to be pulling it off.

I like most of what Bischoff said. I'm still not sure where I stand with TNA but they're definatly getting me more intrested, if they can push on and actually provide some sort of challenge to the E it can only be good.
Bischoff's comments on how they are going to plan out the immortal angle are just pathetic. So TNA have Vince Russo, a guy who booked some of the greatest storylines back in the attitude era, and Eric Bischoff, the guy who was the brains behind possibly the greatest stable in pro wrestling, on their creative team and yet the fate of their biggest angle depends on the fancy of a guy whose brain has been fucked up by drugs. Seriously, Jeff FRICKIN Hardy is going to plan out the immortal angle? It just shows the lack of long term planning in TNA and makes them look juvenile in the eyes of wrestling fans.

No, numb nuts, Jeff Hardy is going to plan JEFF HARDY. Where the FUCk did you read that Hardy's planning the Immortal angle and PLEASE OH PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE show me proof that Hardy's brain has been fucked up by drugs. Please.
No, numb nuts, Jeff Hardy is going to plan JEFF HARDY. Where the FUCk did you read that Hardy's planning the Immortal angle and PLEASE OH PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE show me proof that Hardy's brain has been fucked up by drugs. Please.

Chill dude I'm not bashing TNA for no reason.

Jeff Hardy is the leader of immortal. The way you are going to book Jeff is going to have a major impact on how you will book Immortal. Look at what Eric said:

It's uncharted territory in many respects. I know this is going to sound unconventional, but there is no plan with Jeff.

He has no fucking plan. He does not know where he is going. Does that smell like success for you? It smells like chaos to me.
Bischoff said that he is giving wrestlers bulletpoints and things to cover then letting the wrestlers create their own image. That was said months ago. Give them the avenue and where you want them to go and let them pave their own road.This worked in pro wrestling for 40 years with guys more screwed up than Jeff Hardy. He has no plan basically means that every week he is telling the guys what he expects, what he wants accomplished and tells them to go do their job and make it happen. Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan, Jeff Jarrett, D-Lo Brown, Pat Kenney or Kevin Sullivan shouldnt have to move these guys around like robots to get them to perform well. Bischoff and Hogan are giving these guys some creative freedom and it is helping the product. I have no problem at all with having no direct plan for Jeff Hardy as long as he accomplishes the goal set for the show that night.
No, numb nuts, Jeff Hardy is going to plan JEFF HARDY. Where the FUCk did you read that Hardy's planning the Immortal angle and PLEASE OH PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE show me proof that Hardy's brain has been fucked up by drugs. Please.

The headline to that segment said plans for Jeff Hardy AND Immortal, I don't think it's unreasonable to make the connection he did, Infact not making that connection is a willed choice because you're giving Bischoff the benefit of the doubt, but what was written leads me to believe that Hardy has control of Immortals direction as well as his own.

And as far as Hardy's brain being messed up by drugs, we have no empirical proof of that, but there is circumstantial evidence, he's currently up on drug trafficking charges and let's face it, drugs or no drugs, Jeff Hardy is a weird dude, the way he thinks is... pretty crazy and not in a good way. I do see your point, he is making heavy accusations without solid proof, but it's not something he entirely pulled out of his ass
I think most of Bischoff's answers sounded pretty reasonable overall. They don't seem to have much of a plan, at least that's the way it sounds. That's alright for a short term, but that's simply not going to work in the long run I don't think.

As for Bischoff's comments about power struggles, I disagree to a large degree. TNA has done a lot of power struggle storylines in the past and, quite honestly, I'm tired of seeing them play out on TNA programming. For me, it doesn't feel fresh feel the least bit fresh or interesting. It just ultimately feels like something that they've done over and over again within a relatively brief span of time.
As for Bischoff's comments about power struggles, I disagree to a large degree. TNA has done a lot of power struggle storylines in the past and, quite honestly, I'm tired of seeing them play out on TNA programming. For me, it doesn't feel fresh feel the least bit fresh or interesting. It just ultimately feels like something that they've done over and over again within a relatively brief span of time.

I'll have to agree with you here. I don't know what Bishoff thought when he said that, but me as well as a lot of other people don't really go ape-shit for the power struggle. I have no reason to care. As a matter of fact, the only reason why I care to some degree is because I actually want Immortal to run the company, 'cause I freakin' love the way Bischoff, Flair and Hogan are on TV these days. Just like Sting said a month ago, we watch it to see the bad guys, not the good guys. I missed the classic asshole characters. I mean REAL douchebags. That's what these guys are ( comes incredibly natural, wondering why? ). I don't want Dixie on TV much, she doesn't have to be, so fuck her. She's a good president, kept a company together for 7 years. Something Double J -- a wrestler -- couldn't do.

I believe that Bischoff figured we'd enjoy this, 'cause a power struggle hasn't been done in quite a long time. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the last real power struggle where the bosses and everyone was involved was back in the '90's, The Corporation stuff. You could count The Nexus too but I never saw this as a power struggle, more of a struggle to explain how these complete nobodies, who all suck ( yeah Barret too ), have no backing from any sort of staff guy or authority, are going to take over an ENTIRE company that's been around for 20+ years just by ... guess what ... beating Team RAW, without any stipulation. Anyway, my point was -- Bischoff figured that since it hasn't been done in a long time, people will enjoy it. Partially true. Some did, others didn't. I can't say which group liked/hated it more, but me -- I could do without it. I'd MUCH rather see the guys from Fourtune go against eachother in feuds and all, 'cause they're all awesome, than see their careers halted for the betterment of this storyline which I HOPE is going somewhere good, then the halt will be justified.
Good grief, aren't we full of TNA marks tonight. I thought a gathering like this only happened in Orlando. How can anyone applaud Eric for the interview when he admitted:

A) we're going to see the same NWO angle from 15yrs ago, but 'a little different' - read PG standard - so an angle which ruined a company gets to do so again, but in half the time.

b)They will continue to book D list faux celeb nobodies that no outside of a few small group of devout founds has heard of (hmm sound familiar?) or care about. Thus money and time that could be spent on talent and getting exposure the correct way goes down the kharzi.

c) They will loosen the controls on the talent - read, ok, we've run out of ideas already. This means more WTF promos and coming on the back of the chair shot ban this week, more botched spots as talent hasnt come up with a coherent plan for the match or angle - result, more injuries and blown storylines.

D) the home run: Jeff is a unique guy we just want to let develop - translation: we have no faith in jeff to follow instructions we give he in is current mental state. And even if we did, the likelihood is, he'll end up in jail soon away.

The only reason the strap is on Hardy is because he was in the short term - i.e. one night, the one who would draw the biggest reaction. Honestly, you couldn't make it up. If the dislike between VKM and Eric wasn't so well known, you'd swear Eric was there to devalue the company to the point where WWE can buy it for peanuts. He managed it once by accident, on this form, he might even top the disaster he created in WCW.
Good grief, are we full of ignorant people tonight.

A) we're going to see the same NWO angle from 15yrs ago, but 'a little different' - read PG standard - so an angle which ruined a company gets to do so again, but in half the time.

First of all, the nWo was the angle that also MADE a company. It was an angle including people like Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Hulk Hogan and a bunch of other cronies. The only people that are in it are Hulk and Bischoff. nWo wasn't the key factor in ruining WCW either, get your facts straight.

Second of all - "A little different" = PG Standard. You mean, that group that instructed Abyss to violently attack a guy, leaving him in a pool of his own blood, told Abyss to brand a guy's nuts with 10.10.10, made Jeff Jarret throw Joe from a high spot, AGAIN leaving him in a pool of his own blood, handcuff Kurt Angle and smash his neck into a hard place, and overall manipulate the company leaving nothing but bloody bodies behind them. Right, I can see why you think it's a PG standard. No unproteced chair shots to the head, right? I can just SEE the 8 years olds flocking to see that PG rated TNA with all the blood and violence in it. Kids love that shit.

b)They will continue to book D list faux celeb nobodies that no outside of a few small group of devout founds has heard of (hmm sound familiar?) or care about. Thus money and time that could be spent on talent and getting exposure the correct way goes down the kharzi.

Celebrities in wrestling is no new thing, TNA didn't make it, and it certainly didn't break them. They got the right celebrity to give them some exposure, and IF they get another one, they'll do it so it means something. Money well spent.

c) They will loosen the controls on the talent - read, ok, we've run out of ideas already. This means more WTF promos and coming on the back of the chair shot ban this week, more botched spots as talent hasnt come up with a coherent plan for the match or angle - result, more injuries and blown storylines.

Yes, the people who planned out a well-built nine month long storyline, delivered one of the biggest shockers this year, continued the storyline, explained it, cut the fat from the group ( Morgan and soon Williams ) - AGAIN in a logical manner, have run out of ideas. I admire your intellgence.

D) the home run: Jeff is a unique guy we just want to let develop - translation: we have no faith in jeff to follow instructions we give he in is current mental state. And even if we did, the likelihood is, he'll end up in jail soon away.

What IS his "current mental state". Could you please illuminate all of the marks here what Jeff's psychological problem is, Captain Knowledge?
first mr bishoff when you ran wcw down you try running raw down thats when wwe drop you in the trash track know you trying to run tna down are you getting paid to ruin wrestling entertaiment you got fired by awa you got couldn't do nothing with hogans star wrestling the only reason you steal around is hogan know you bringing him down also kevin knash was right by leaving tna sting well who knows eric you no good for tna rick flair is no good for tna and hogan you just going to ruin the only dignity he has left his career dixie carter maid the biggest mistake hope linda mc helps her get you off tna
Just once I wish I could read a thread in the TNA section and not have to read flat out ignorance from people who obviously do not watch the nor care for the product. There isn't a monopoly anymore and we're not living in the 90's.. get over it.. shit. Now on to the topic..

Dear Mr/Ms Malenko,

1) The NWO was a game changer for the entire business in many ways. It also was not the first time that angle was done so why are we shocked a variation of that theme is once again being used? If there is 1 thing you can depend on wrestling for, it's staying true to the basic formula of good vs evil.. the few vs the many and watching babyfaces overcome overwhelming odds during the darkest hours of their career. lets not act like TNA is doing something that WWE or any other organization hasn't done in the past or currently like.. NEXUS. Just because they suck, are boring and nobody cares doesn't mean they aren't the 2010 NWO..or at least that was the intention I'm sure.

2) You really have the nerve to say anything about celebs in TNA after PEE WEE FRICkIN HERMAN just hosted. Last time I saw him on tv he was being taken out a xxx movie theatre for jerking off...

3) THis is what wrestling used to be about, should be about and always will be about.Fuck vince and his hollywood writers. What part of the game is that? His father would roll in his grave if he knew how bad Vince bastardized this business. You blame the talent having creative freedoms on their botches? Wrestlers are never told what to do inside the ring, only what kind of story to tell. that's how things work in the reality outside the WWE universe.

4) It's called respect. Jeff is a living legend who puts asses in seats. A guaranteed hall of famer. He should have creative control over his character.. especially since it's literally an extension of himself since he doesn't wear a mask or use any real gimmick other than being a risk taker.
It's going to be different from the NWO
different. not the same. different. just because it is similar does not mean it is the same and will have the same results.

anyone who thinks nWo ruined WCW has NO CLUE as to what was going on at the time. nWo was what gave WCW higher ratings than WWE at the time. yeah I guess why would TNA want that.

book D list faux celeb nobodies
JWoww is not D list. she probably has more fans just herself than all of TNA. Jersey Shore is HUGE on MTV. if it wasn't, TNA would not be going with a Shore gimmick.
even to those who think JWoww is D list, then WTF is Pee Wee Herman? when was the last time he was relevant? at least TNA used a celebrity than directly tied into a story line.

I guess it's easy for uneducated wrestling fans to just assume that because WCW went out of business it just had to do with Bischoff and nWo. do some research.

TNA is going in the right direction. there is a lot more right now to bring in general fans than there ever has been before. TNA can have all the young great wrestling talent in the world, but if nobody knows who they are it's not going to make a difference.
I am going to give Bishoff the benefit of the doubt here. He is right about the”nWo” angle being a proven formula. I mean really, look at the Nexus, the Invasion angle, DX. They all run parallel to the nWo. I hope that he can add more to this and possibly pick up where the nWo left off. There is still potential there.

Bishoff isn’t going to comment on Matt hardy until after the 90-day no complete clause is up.

Bishoff is right on about Reaction. I would rather watch an hour of “story-telling”, interviews, and backstage footage than have to sit through an hour of WWE Superstars.

I can see the benefits of the celebrity aspect to Impact. It worked some for the WWE with the celebrity guest hosts and now just with the celebrity guests. It has really worked since Wrestlemania I. My wife hates TNA, but she snuggled right next to me when she heard J-Woww was making an appearance. I wasn’t even sure who J-Woww was…I do now ;)

As far as giving Jeff freedom with his character and some creative control, I like it. Jeff has not ever really been given the chance to do this. I think Jeff Hardy could do some amazing things, and really help TNA rise up even further. TNA obviously agrees, as they have invested a great deal in him. Let’s give him a chance and judge him later.
I agree with the majority in his interview. He said they are letting Jeff go out and do his own thing. Which in reality hasn't been bad. His character is more intriguing and cooler now then ever before. I don't understand why TNA had to pay J-Woww 15 thousand, but at least it wasn't someone huge like Leno or Rodman in WCW. They had to pay them a ton and give whatever they gave the celebrities to Hall, Nash, and Hogan.

TNA did get the publicity they wanted out of the appearance. I love the fact that TNA hasn't even talked to Matt Hardy. I could care less if he showed up or not, but would laugh my ass off he TNA denied him after all of his videos. DECEPTION...
He has no fucking plan. He does not know where he is going. Does that smell like success for you? It smells like chaos to me.

Wow. Can you read?

He has no plans for Hardy's CHARACTER. Promos, Certain heelish actions, etc.

Everything smells like chaos to you and everyone here. That word overused. Try a new one.
Wow. Can you read?

He has no plans for Hardy's CHARACTER. Promos, Certain heelish actions, etc.

Everything smells like chaos to you and everyone here. That word overused. Try a new one.

Instead of this extremely lame attempt to bash me why don't you try reading the original question

Where we will see Jeff Hardy go as the new TNA World Heavyweight Champion & the leader of Immortal:

And I guess you already know the answer. Sorry but it seems to me like there isn't any plan regarding Jeff who you know happens to be the leader of Immortal. The way you book the leader is the way you book the stable. A stable is just supposed to carry out what its leader thinks. Yet, according to you, he has concrete plans for Immortal and yet none for Jeff Hardy? It seems to me that he just randomly selected a guy for a heel turn and he told him "Hey let's see what you can do from here". I do not think even he has an idea as to what the objectives of Immortal are.

His answer to the first question seemed pretty vague too. What the hell is this new edge he is talking about that is going to make Immortal different from NWO?

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