Bischoff hints at more road shows

shattered dreams

Hexagonal Hedonist
I always find Bischoff interviews quite interesting. His most recent hot seat segment on Monday Night Mayhem (about the only show that covers wrestling that is consistently worth a damn) was no exception. You should listen just to hear his comments on the ten percenters. He ripped them a new one and it was awesome. However, he also hinted (in typical coy Bischoff fashion) that Impact may be going on the road some more this summer. Basically the caller asked about a rumor that Impact was going on the road part-time soon. Bischoff said it would be irresponsible to confirm or deny that report but he did just so happen to mention he was really looking forward to this summer.
This is one of the biggest things that TNA needs to do right now. I think the best option for TNA right now is to do one taping outside of the Impact Zone per month. They could do like they did in Fayetteville and tape two shows, or they could just tape one. Or they could do a couple more PPV's on the road, but I think doing TV on the road would be more beneficial at this point.

Hell, even if it's just a couple more Impact Wrestling tapings on the road this year, they will really help the company at this point. Especially with the re-branding of TNA Impact to Impact Wrestling, they need to get their new company name out there and get on the road and show people what they are all about: Wrestling.
Obviously its good. Good for exposure, good for the company and brand name, somewhat good for the wrestlers and more importantly good for the fans. The show from North Carolina was one of the better iMPACT!'s and with the new rebranded name of iMPACT! Wrestling, cleaner look and somewhat(I'm saying this loosely!) different product, it can only do better... I hope I don't regret saying that.

Maybe the go-home edition of IW's going into PPVs should be on the road. Go to places like Chicago and Philidelphia, go to a place with hardcore wrestling fans and suck a few in. And twelves editions on the road a year wouldn't be bad, also the costs surely wouldn't be high.
This is obviously great for the company. Road shows, in arenas larger than the Impact Zone, give a televised event a much more professional feel. Plus, the Impact Zone audience isn't always great as far as what you want from a wrestling crowd. Watching Impact last night I saw plenty of people who clearly weren't paying attention to what was going on and looked generally bored. I really hope TNA (or Impact Wrestling, if you prefer) can make travelling for shows more of a regular thing, eventually being what they always do. It would be a huge step for the company.
Definitely! The Impact Zone, and it's crowd sucks. I swear, sometimes i see the same people sitting in the crowd week in and week out! Plus, I promise last week during one of the matches, there was someone reading in the crowd. REALLY?? READING? That's absurd. When one of you're audience members is so bored that they decide to read, it's time to move on! When they were in Fayettville, it felt like a wrestling show. It had that "feel" that the crowd was into it. I hope Eric B's words are true, Impact Wrestling on the road can bring many opportunities!
Can we just get the PPVs out of the Impact Zone, then we'll THINK about getting the free television out of there.

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