Bischoff: Can He Be A Fresh Character?


Pre-Show Stalwart
So, I think Eric Bischoff is a talented guy. I actually think that he is a great on air character and portrays the slimy, egotistical character really well. (It might be because that is a true persona). I also think he has some talent as a producer and is a good man to have with some input on creative. I think that being with Hulk Hogan is bad for him. Not only on screen but off. I think he is so in awe of the man that he cannot say no to him. But, if you look back to the days when he was in WWE without him, I think he came off as a great GM and on air persona.

So how can he freshen up his character and make his presence more meaningful in TNA. Currently, he runs immortal, but clearly plays second fiddle to Hogan. We've seen this before. A large group of older guys doing the power struggle thing. Bischoff ran the NWO and they were a bunch of older guys not wanting to give up their spots with a few young guys to keep it fresh. Same with Immortal. Eventually, Sting will win this battle, Dixie will get her company back, and Hogan will be red and yellow, brother. So where does that leave Bischoff?

Where I'd go, would be to make him a manager. Give him a heel group of wrestlers and let him be the mouthpiece. It doesn't have to be a true stable, but more like the Heenan Family. Each guy can cut their own promo, with Bischoff. Here's where I'd make it a little fresher for him. Bischoff always runs with the vets. But, what I'd do is have him pandering for clients and have all the vets turn him down. I'd have him finally have to reach out to the younger guys. I'd start with Gunner. Obvious connection with Immortal. Gunner needs a mouthpiece and bischoff would be great. Then, I'd bring in some guys for him to manage. Possibly, Natural Selection from NWA Hollywood. Brian Cage and Shaun Recker. (P.S. I think Recker will be a star and he reminds me a bit of a combo of Ric Flair/Dusty Rhodes in some promo work) Use his influence to get title shots for guys that really don't deserve them. Piss of the vets. But use his talents for talking on the mic to help build young guys.

What do you think?
So, I think Eric Bischoff is a talented guy. I actually think that he is a great on air character and portrays the slimy, egotistical character really well. (It might be because that is a true persona). I also think he has some talent as a producer and is a good man to have with some input on creative. I think that being with Hulk Hogan is bad for him. Not only on screen but off. I think he is so in awe of the man that he cannot say no to him. But, if you look back to the days when he was in WWE without him, I think he came off as a great GM and on air persona.

So how can he freshen up his character and make his presence more meaningful in TNA. Currently, he runs immortal, but clearly plays second fiddle to Hogan. We've seen this before. A large group of older guys doing the power struggle thing. Bischoff ran the NWO and they were a bunch of older guys not wanting to give up their spots with a few young guys to keep it fresh. Same with Immortal. Eventually, Sting will win this battle, Dixie will get her company back, and Hogan will be red and yellow, brother. So where does that leave Bischoff?

Where I'd go, would be to make him a manager. Give him a heel group of wrestlers and let him be the mouthpiece. It doesn't have to be a true stable, but more like the Heenan Family. Each guy can cut their own promo, with Bischoff. Here's where I'd make it a little fresher for him. Bischoff always runs with the vets. But, what I'd do is have him pandering for clients and have all the vets turn him down. I'd have him finally have to reach out to the younger guys. I'd start with Gunner. Obvious connection with Immortal. Gunner needs a mouthpiece and bischoff would be great. Then, I'd bring in some guys for him to manage. Possibly, Natural Selection from NWA Hollywood. Brian Cage and Shaun Recker. (P.S. I think Recker will be a star and he reminds me a bit of a combo of Ric Flair/Dusty Rhodes in some promo work) Use his influence to get title shots for guys that really don't deserve them. Piss of the vets. But use his talents for talking on the mic to help build young guys.

What do you think?

That's a tough one and I totally agree about Bischoff being better off without Hogan. I think if he walked into WWE tomorrow he'd be fresh again, but TNA is a bit trickier. Without putting much thought into it I think I'd throw him back into commentary. He's always been pretty good at the broadcast booth so I'd let him stay there for a while doing pretty much what Michael Cole is doing now. After a while I might work him back into an onscreen power position, but I think the freshest thing he can do now is commentary because that hasn't been his regular job in about a decade and a half.
Maybe after all this Sting stuff he leaves and goes back too WWE and joins Nash and the nWo just a thought or a great dream
I was a huge fan of Bischoff's work as General Manager on Raw a few years back, but the OP is absolutely right in pointing out having Hulk Hogan around him is bad for business. It changes his behaviour, his outlook, his storylines.

Also, Bischoff as an authority figure is almost entirely played out at this point. He did it in WCW, he did it in WWE and now he's doing it in TNA. Playing the same schtick across three promotions and twenty years? That'd get tired for anyone.

I'm actually rather intrigued by the idea of Bischoff as a manager angling for clients, like some grubby agent, always trying to sign more talent undeservedly. Suddenly all his lines about "making more money" and "needing all the championships" would make sense! Have him pick a guy on the roster and try to push him to the top so he can earn the most money. That's Bischoff's MO to a tee. It'd make a hell of alot more sense than always trying to run the company, as it's backfired three times in a row. It's time for Easy E to evolve.
Eric has the ability to be a kick ass manager. I like the OP's suggestions about him being a mouthpiece for some of the younger or less developed characters (Jesse Sorenson, Matt Morgan and Krimson come to mind). The only problem is that Eric has a strong personality and might overshadow his onscreen charges but if he finds the right balance this could be the beginning of a new chapter for him.
He should managed someone rising and young superstar like Gunner or something

I agree with this as Gunner has a lot of potential he just is not a great talker. Bischoff is good on the mic, can hype up a wrestler and he can draw heat. He works better as a heel and him Gunner would be a good combination.

An I also agree, I wouldn't mind if Hogan left and Bischoff stayed as Hogan is a waste of money and he takes the spot light off the young guys. Bischoff wants to push guys and they X division for he knows it made them big. Hell, I even read that Hogan's contract has stated he must be shown on camera for a certain amount of time. Thats why he is shoved down our throats. An I would take EB an put him off screen as production wise or as stated above me place him with Gunner to really help him get over.

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