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Bischoff Breaks Hogan's Promise


Lord And Master
Staff member
At the last edition of Impact Wrestling before the Slammiversary PPV, Hulk Hogan promised Sting and Anderson that there would be no shenanigans on his or anyone else's part. Following said promise, Sting verbally berated Hulk about "cutting the cancer", pointing to Eric Bischoff. As of Sunday, Eric interfered in the World title match by referee Jackson James by coming in and tapping the mat. Sting confused believing he got a 3 was low blow'd and beaten by Anderson while Bischoff looked on in joy. With that in mind, what lies ahead? Will Hulk be angry at Eric for breaking his word and see that Sting was right? Or will Hulk shrug it off and embrace the new World Champion? Are Eric's actions related to benefit Immortal by luring Anderson to the faction? Or were Eric's actions just reactive to Sting's claims?

In my eyes, it seems Eric acted solely out of being vindictive. And merely interfered to finally shut up Sting. While Anderson may align with Bischoff and not necessarily Immortal, it seems to just be a minor role played on the act as he'll probably go off on his own again to face Kurt Angle. I'm hoping this is more of Eric getting in Stings face than empowering Immortal. I was liking Hogan's heel persona as the company leader but in time he just became more of a spokesperson for Immortal than an authority figure. This story seems to steer him in that direction while leaving Eric to lead the faction or just Anderson alone. Simply put, I'd much rather have Sting/Hogan/Bischoff than Immortal recruiting Anderson and everything Hogan and Sting did Thursday being nothing more than swerve fuel.
I do hope this was just Bischoff acting on his own against Sting. Anderson is a type of heel that doesn't need a large group surrounding him and at this point, Immortal is all but done. It's just Hogan and Bischoff as heel authority figures now. One of the best things about Eric's involvement that it got the belt off Sting so hopefully if Hogan does face Sting at BFG it's not for the world title. Also, this does make me interested to see where this storyline goes next.
I see one of two things happening
Hogan gets pissed at Bischoff and we see the start of the face turn after he faces Sting
Hogan does nothing and the Network is pissed off. Now this may be a story they started back when Mick was still with them and planned for him to get involved but without him their best bet is to use Desmond Wolfe as the foil
First off, I really do enjoy Impact over WWE.....That being said, does anything that happens within Impact make ANY sense?

-The "Network" making decisions on a PPV?
-Tommy Dreamer heel turn, then leaves Impact
-Immortal injuring Bobby Roode, then British Invasion gets a tag title shot.....not Immortal
-Bischoff getting involved in Main Event of PPV, after Anderson has repeatedly double swerved Immortal.
-Abyss getting DOMINATED by Crimson, then becoming a "Monster" again by going after smaller X Division guys.
-Vince Russo STILL has a job.
-Pope/Joe feud just dropped for Joe/Crimson feud.

But, I will continue to watch every week......and shake my head at the end of every show.
I think it's a a swerve leading to a swerve with intention of swerving again in a few months time

Scenario. Hogan gets pissed at Bischoff, which eventually leads to a rift and Hogan turns face and makes Sting happy, Anderson goes Immortal only for them to later turn on him when and if Jeff Hardy returns and Hogan reveals that all along he was in charge of the network and that they were secretly out to screw Sting and Anderson was just a byproduct

Sounds like the sorta ******ed no sense storyline that TNA dishes out :)

and no WrestleFan73 bugger all that TNA does or to a lesser extent WWE does makes any sense anymore. They have people with ADD writing the scripts.
First off, I really do enjoy Impact over WWE.....That being said, does anything that happens within Impact make ANY sense?

-The "Network" making decisions on a PPV?
-Tommy Dreamer heel turn, then leaves Impact
-Immortal injuring Bobby Roode, then British Invasion gets a tag title shot.....not Immortal
-Bischoff getting involved in Main Event of PPV, after Anderson has repeatedly double swerved Immortal.
-Abyss getting DOMINATED by Crimson, then becoming a "Monster" again by going after smaller X Division guys.
-Vince Russo STILL has a job.
-Pope/Joe feud just dropped for Joe/Crimson feud.

But, I will continue to watch every week......and shake my head at the end of every show.

This is what is wrong with TNA...they have no long term direction. It's the same as the latter years of WCW, both of which Russo ran the creative side of the company. If you look at WCW what made them successful was
1. Signing already developed older WWE stars
2. Raping ECW's roster
3. The Mid-Card talent

TNA has none of these to work with! Sure, they signed Ken Anderson, RVD, and Jeff Hardy but they signed them to very expensive contracts that aren't really beneficial to the company. Kurt Angle and Christian were the best signings they made and have panned out nicely. ECW doesn't exist so there is no talent poaching going on with them.

But the main factor here is IMPACT's waste of there young mid-card talent. Besides A.J. Styles is there any home grown IMPACT champion???? NO! This company is making the same mistakes that WCW did and letting talent have free reign. Jeff Jarrett still has some pull around those offices and should've been warned them about these things happening.

THE BIG PROBLEM is simply Vince Russo and IMPACT creative. The fact is that there is NO creativity in Impact Creative. I'm not an avid viewer but the times I do catch Impact ALL the storylines are completely changed or gone. I did a count of how many times Jeff Jarrett has switched from heel to face and vice versa since the show has been on....14!!!! 14 times! That's simple laziness in your creative team that a character has to change 14 times. The reason WWE and the McMahons are so successful is because they draw their storylines out and make sure that the storyboard makes sense and is well developed. Impact just throws things around until they make a good show not a good story. The proof for this is the whole "Network" fiasco and how that was handled. They basically started this whole network storyline because they didn't know what to do! and more importantly....they didn't know how to end the Hogan/immortal/dixie angle. They proverbially wrote themselves into a corner.

They need to do a complete overhaul of creative and actually bring in a guy who can see the future and plan development. Vince Russo is a good idea guy but not a good story guy, Russo was best when he had McMahon filtering him.
This is what is wrong with TNA...they have no long term direction. It's the same as the latter years of WCW, both of which Russo ran the creative side of the company. If you look at WCW what made them successful was
1. Signing already developed older WWE stars
2. Raping ECW's roster
3. The Mid-Card talent

TNA has none of these to work with! Sure, they signed Ken Anderson, RVD, and Jeff Hardy but they signed them to very expensive contracts that aren't really beneficial to the company. Kurt Angle and Christian were the best signings they made and have panned out nicely. ECW doesn't exist so there is no talent poaching going on with them.

But the main factor here is IMPACT's waste of there young mid-card talent. Besides A.J. Styles is there any home grown IMPACT champion???? NO! This company is making the same mistakes that WCW did and letting talent have free reign. Jeff Jarrett still has some pull around those offices and should've been warned them about these things happening.

THE BIG PROBLEM is simply Vince Russo and IMPACT creative. The fact is that there is NO creativity in Impact Creative. I'm not an avid viewer but the times I do catch Impact ALL the storylines are completely changed or gone. I did a count of how many times Jeff Jarrett has switched from heel to face and vice versa since the show has been on....14!!!! 14 times! That's simple laziness in your creative team that a character has to change 14 times. The reason WWE and the McMahons are so successful is because they draw their storylines out and make sure that the storyboard makes sense and is well developed. Impact just throws things around until they make a good show not a good story. The proof for this is the whole "Network" fiasco and how that was handled. They basically started this whole network storyline because they didn't know what to do! and more importantly....they didn't know how to end the Hogan/immortal/dixie angle. They proverbially wrote themselves into a corner.

They need to do a complete overhaul of creative and actually bring in a guy who can see the future and plan development. Vince Russo is a good idea guy but not a good story guy, Russo was best when he had McMahon filtering him.

haha gonna regret saying this and coming from a long term WWE fan,
Ya mean like *using current stories) the Anonymous Raw GM, Cena getting fired only to return the following night, The Nexus split,
Kane in general (ya never know if he's a heel or not) He's a heel champ, Taker gets injured, Edge takes his place and within a month Kane is out of the title picture and back to being a joke face
I'm sorry but WWE suffer the same stupidness with stuff making no sense, though it is alot less.

If you are talking about the past, ie like b4 the Cena era then yes the storylines were alot more dynamic and long lasting. Since then it's the A.D.D generation so storylines last 1 month at most with a few exceptions.

Agree though, Russo is a cancer,
Jeff Jarrett still has some pull around those offices and should've been warned them about these things happening.
He wasn't funding the company for 1 thing so he had bugger all say, and secondly he was part of the issue with WCW, he's as self serving as the next guy and for the first 6 yrs or so he was to TNA what everyone sais Triple H is to WWE (iow Power Trip), without the ability to back it up.
First off, I really do enjoy Impact over WWE.....That being said, does anything that happens within Impact make ANY sense?

Yes, quite a bit of it makes sense. Allow me to demonstrate.

-Tommy Dreamer heel turn, then leaves Impact

They couldn't reach an agreement on a contract. It happens. Businesses have given an employee a large promotion only to have them leave a month later because they took a better job offer. Sports teams have signed players to multi-year deals only to release them the next summer. This wasn't an issue of bad writing or booking.

-Immortal injuring Bobby Roode, then British Invasion gets a tag title shot.....not Immortal

Ray is feuding with AJ, Jarrett is feuding with Angle, and Gunner is feuding with Young. That leaves Hardy and... who? Rob Terry? Bischoff? What tag team did Immortal have to face Beer Money? Better to find a solid heel team to reap the benefits then just throwing together some random pair from Immortal's roster.

-Bischoff getting involved in Main Event of PPV, after Anderson has repeatedly double swerved Immortal.

Yes, Anderson has swerved Immortal. But Sting has made it his life's work to take Hogan and Bischoff down. And just a few days ago, Sting stood nose-to-nose with Bischoff and called him a "cancer" while suggesting that Hogan should cut him off. Who should Bischoff be more concerned about; Sting or Anderson? It's the lesser of two evils scenario, and it's perfectly believable.

-Abyss getting DOMINATED by Crimson, then becoming a "Monster" again by going after smaller X Division guys.

How does Abyss losing to Crimson disqualify him from being able to manhandle the X-Division? Crimson is a powerhouse who's being given the Goldberg treatment. Nothing about that loss tells me Abyss should suddenly be unable to throw Kendrick and Amazing Red around a ring.

-Pope/Joe feud just dropped for Joe/Crimson feud.

How was Pope/Joe "dropped?" The feud began in January and ended in April with Joe getting a clean win in the cage match at Lockdown. You had a three-month storyline with a blow-off match; perfectly normal booking and an exceptionally long feud for the mid-card. And besides, what more did you really want to see from that story? Most people were calling for it to be over.

Not trying to be a dick by breaking down your post, but just showing how the logic and reasoning is there if we look at things objectively. Sometimes, when we're TRYING to bitch and moan, the complaints lack substance.
I hope Hogan turns back face in the coming future.
Hogan could turn on Bischoff and say Sting was right. Hogan could maybe strip Bischoff of his power, and that could leave Bischoff as the "manager" of Immortal. Bischoff being the lawyer type could maybe say he still does have power and Hogan can't strip him of that. you could have a power struggle back and forth.
right now with Hogan and Bischoff running Immortal, how long do things go this way? at some point doesn't there need to be a change?

I think the Roode injury makes sense. I read that the original plan was to have Storm reunite with Chris Harris allowing Roode to go singles, but then at the PPV were not happy with the shape Harris was in. whether Harris is back or not, it would be better for TNA to have Roode go singles.
TNA=WCW. I tune in, watch the show and wonder WTF is going on. Do we really need swerves every single week? Anyone who is older sees it coming. Its like...let me guess....hogan blah blah will do this, or bitchoff will do this etc.

Simply TNA has better wrestling and storylines, but the storylines make no sense. Im glad they atleast try to create new exciting things.....but they end in a week when it could of stretched out over a couple months.

WWE= Stretch out same old boring thing(No storyline) for months on end.
TNA=WCW. I tune in, watch the show and wonder WTF is going on. Do we really need swerves every single week? Anyone who is older sees it coming. Its like...let me guess....hogan blah blah will do this, or bitchoff will do this etc.

Simply TNA has better wrestling and storylines, but the storylines make no sense. Im glad they atleast try to create new exciting things.....but they end in a week when it could of stretched out over a couple months.

WWE= Stretch out same old boring thing(No storyline) for months on end.

Lol Here we go. What swerve? Hogan wanted a clean match, Bischoff didn't want Sting to win on his own agenda. A swerve is if Hogan interfered with the damn match.

Can we officially agree why nobody takes the IWC seriously now?
While I think a Hogan face turn could be interesting, if he feuds with Bischoff then one of them has to win. Then you essentially "lose" one of them from tv. Thus, I would probably choose the option where the network is put off by this behavior and we get a new representative to try and keep them in line. Then you can build to Sting-Hogan at BFG. Match will likely not be much to look at but the build would be really interesting. I guess there is some intrigue in a Sting and Hogan team taking on someone but I am not sure exactly who and what the point would be.
What a shock. Eric Bischoff gets involved in the main event of a PPV. Yep, never saw THAT ONE coming.

Geez. Same old, same old.
I still think----two or three months down the road, which ever direction Hogan goes, and/or if he feuds with EB....there will ultimately be a "finger poke of doom" :worship:occuring at a PPV, with the belt, or power, or direction of the company at the helm~~ and will ultimately give it back to Hogan. Sorry to say....once a recycler of storylines...always a recycler of storylines...
It doesn't matter what TNA does, the high almighty "IWC" will find any way they can to bash it. You talk about a same old, same old. IWC takes the cake on that bullshit. Every week, the same sorry assed biased post by these dopes. Can you seriously imagine if these guys actually booked matches? Shit, you think wrestling is in trouble now.

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