Bipolar Disorder

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Mexican Geek

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I've been reading a lot about this, because i think I am Bipolar. i need to go to a doctor though, but the symptoms are there.
According to the 4 Bipolar disorder types, my case approach more to the Cyclothymic disorder. My ups and downs episodes are not that severe, and i think that my state can't be classified as a mania but as a hypomania.

Anyway, i know two posters who can really help on this thread, and maybe help me with some answers :)
I'm bipolar. But I think Echelon probably knows more about it than me. I was diagnosed as it but that's it. I dont go to the doctor for check ups. And I refuse to take medication.
Hypomania is generally a less extreme state than mania, and people in the hypomanic phase generally experience less of the symptoms of mania than those in a full-blown manic episode. During an episode of Hypomania one might feel an uncontrollable impulse to laugh at things he or she does not normally find funny. The duration is usually also shorter than in mania. This is often a very 'artistic' state of the disorder, where there is a flight of ideas, extremely clever thinking, and an increase in energy.

Cyclothymic disorder is a lesser form of Bipolar Type II, which is what I have, strapped together with Schizophrenic tendencies. People with Bipolar Type II spend a greater amount of time in the depressive state then people with Bipolar type I, who spend more time in the mania state.

People with Bipolar Type II are 3 times more likely to commit suicide then those who have Clinical Depression.
for one Aerandir, Self-Diagnosis is never the most reliable method of determining Wether you have Bipolar disorder. Id trust a Trained professional to diagnose me if I had a Mental health issue. Because they can answer all of the questions when they diagnose you if you have anything. Self-Diagnosis can lead to you experiencing the symptoms but not actually having it or It could make you feel that it is worse than it really is. That is just my opinion on this though.

But regarding that I do have a question about Mental Health, What is it called when something trivial like someone not responding to say a "See you Later ....." comment or something similar sends you into a tailspin in terms of self opinion and Self Worth called?
You are right Shadow, that is one thing i need to deal with it: Asking for help. And maybe that's why i feel that the "sympthoms" are developing into another thing. Maybe it is not Bipolar Disorder, but the problem is, several years ago, my parents and i went to therapy, because we used to argue soooo much, and also i was kind of "a rebel" (in their words) just after spending a lot of time and money, we quited the therapy and kept fighting :D
anyway, my experience with the therapist was awfull, i mean, i was a 15 years old boy who hated to answer personal questions to a stranger, so from that day, i dont believe on psychologists nor psyquiatrists, and prefer to discuss my worries to any good friend.
But i guess none of them are some kind of Freud, so i better start checking on the local yellow pages for some hot, on her late 30s female therapist :D, that should help a bit!
BTW, one of the things that annoys me the most is when i feel really down about everything, most of the times at morning, but sudenly everything is good and colorful, just to change again 1 hour later. I hate when my mod change so damn fast, because i dont have the time to exactly analize whats wrong at the moment, because im so mad about it, that i try to concentrate in other things insteado f the problem, or im sad about it, so i dont have the will to face the problem.
Maybe one of you guys wants to give me some tips about this, like any kind of activity or mental exercises who helps.
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