Billy Gunn Wants To Come Back


Pre-Show Stalwart
So im sure we all know the reason Billy was released from WWE and then went around shooting on WWE,HHH he had very very harsh words towards HHH and burnt bridges for him to return as a agent if what he says is true in his latest interview

Billy Gunn was one of my all time favorites i love him as Mr Ass he done great as Billy and Chuck and the one billy gunn was also great and i have his theme from the one billy gunn as my ring tone.

Thoughts? do you want to see Billy Gunn back in WWE as a on air talent,manager, Agent ?

Do you think VKM, HHH will forgive him and let him back?
Personally i think billy could offer alot as a agent. I cant see him returning as a on air talent though because quite frankly that part of his career is over and i think he has to deal with it.

I also always liked billy, i was never a huge fan of the guy but i always respected him and thought he had all round ability. But do i think he will come back? the distant future. I mean X-Pac is currently working as a talent scout for the E and i wouldnt be suprised if billy got a agent job but i think at this moment in time they are not really in need of more agents or what not.

on another note i think its a deffinate that he will be in HOF one day...maybe with Road Dogg?
Somebody's tired of working indy dates.

Seriously, both Road Dog and Billy Gunn have bashed WWE, Triple H, JR and countless other's ever since they left from WWE. Road Dog seem's to be the more bitter of the two, but I can't see either of them ever having another in ring match in WWE. Their both way past their prime, only a Royal Rumble appearance is the only possible time.

But, seriously, if I ever heard a more valid way of kissing someone's ass, this is it.
Burning bridges is a shitty thing, I've never had any problems with Billy Gunn, I've always enjoyed his ring presence from Smoking Gunns to the Lone Gunn (skip rockabilly) to the New Age Outlaws. Billy had minor success in the singles division but over all Billy is/was one of the best TAG TEAM guys in the business. He held the aclaimed title of most tag title runs until Edge took the throne, but Billy could be what WWE needs to re-invent the tag division. Edge as well could be a great addition to the producers who run that division to light it up but Billy wrestling in WWE I don't see it, I don't see him in the Rumble either he wasn't that impactful as a singles guy to get a Rumble spot, but producer/HOF with Road Dogg then absolutely.
If Bret Hart can come back anything is possible. As we all know in the wrestling business anything can happen. These vets are getting older and many are just tired of the immature things they are holding grudges for so they're apologizing. No one wants that weight on their shoulders year after year. If they can live with it that's fine, but many just want to have the closure and move on so they can forget about it.

In doing so Vince and the WWE has said apology accepted and even offered them jobs for financial security. IE Bret Hart, Xpac, Nash etc. All of them have insulted Vince and the company over the years, but are now back.

I could see him in a trainer role or something one day.
I think he shot himself in the foot. NEVER burn bridges in business...especially wrestling. Wrestling is like Hollywood. You are in the spotlight almost 24/7 and word gets around about your attitude and your work ability.

I never really liked him, but I respected him.

He can bring a good eye for talent scouting and training OR and on-air role, but Edge will be a perfect fit for that role when he decides to come back. Triple H has too many GOOD people working as talent scouts and trainers...adding one more, especially Gunn, will just make everything convulted.

He better just go find a 9-5 job because I think his days in WWE were over the minute he last walked out the door.

As for HOF...its a longshot but him and Road Dogg trashed SOOOO many people that I think they blew those chances.
No I don't think Billy Gunn should and would be brought back. Gunn and Road Dog talked so much shit about Triple H I think Triple H could forgive Gunn just accept his apology but get him an internal job with the wwe I don't think so. He said if he saw Triple H he'd punch him in his big ass nose.
I dont think Billy Gunn will come back. Like others have said, burning bridges is a bad thing.

However; the WWE Tag Team division sucks hard. They could use someone like the New Age Outlaws to come back and run that division. Hold the belts for a while until a good team forms.

I for one would not mind seeing Road Dogg and Billy Gunn come back and be tag champs for ~ 6 months. As long as they can perform in the ring :) I know others will disagree but c'mon, what other tag team is there right now?
Call it a guilty pleasure, but I always liked Billy Gunn. I would love to see him back in the WWE. While he still looks good and can move, his in ring stuff isn't his biggest asset. Billy Gunn can talk. Hell, he can out talk most of the current roster. He should have been a main event guy after winning KOR and facing Rock at SummerSlamm, but I always head the top guys didn't want to put him over.

People don't give Gunn credit. He was beyond over in 1998. He and Road Dogg were as over as CM Punk is today with the New Age Outlaws. In their interview they said the in 98 they were the third biggest merch sellers behind Austin and Rock. I'd certainly believe it because I was in junior high and you couldn't go 5 minutes without hearing a kid say "oh, you didn't know" or "suck it". They were more over than Hunter, Pac, and Chyna in that group. I saw a hell of a lot more Outlaws shirts than I ever saw Triple H shirts in school.

Billy Gunn is a really underrated superstar, and should definatly be brought back.

P.S. I'm An Assman is the greatest entrance theme of all time.
You know what? WWE doesn't need him, Dolph Ziggler is basically Mr. Ass 2.0. Hell I've even seen Ziggy use the Fame-Asser from time to time.

The thing is, now that HHH is in a position of power(I mean his real position, not his on-screen position), all of his friends and former friends are going to come out of the woodwork looking for a job. It's kinda sad really that they didn't invest their money well when they were making it good in WWE and now they gotta swallow their pride and beg for a job. If he truely wants to come in and help the "kids" out, then that's good, but it all just seems like they are hoping HHH forgives them and brings them back to the Kliq.
Billy Gunn was released because he was surplus to requirements. There is no hidden agenda behind it. Some people have speculated it was because he disagreed with his position within the company and vented and the odd rumor was he failed a drugs test which has never been proven.

He was however highly critical about Triple H around '05 and '06, and even came up, with the Voodoo Kin Mafia or whatever he and BG called that group, as a way to slate Triple H and Shawn Michaels in public.

Personally, I liked Billy Gunn. Thought he had his moments, I never thought he'd amount to anything big but I enjoyed his runs as "Mr. Ass" and "The One" Billy Gunn. Also he and Chuck Palumbo made a pretty funny tag team, I thought that whole thing was great - yes it gave large homosexual inclinations but I'm not a homophobe and saw a lot of hilarity in it.

Hes aged now though, coming up on the big five-o in a couple years, and I just don't see him having it. Maybe him as a road agent could work, with the odd occasional appearence, and a part of me says he has probably allowed the grudge with Paul to fall, so I don't think that'd affect a possible return. He wouldn't be the first person to leave WWE, bash some of the top guys and then make a return.
u know if the wwe offered some old tag teams limited contracts like the one they gave to bret hart like that 4 months it would do wonders for the tag team divisions. most of the old tag teams that were awesome in the day could sure do some part time work. for one billy gunn and road dogg both arent doing a lot. road dogg inducted his dad in the hall of fame so that has to count for something.

all in all i think billy gunn was a good wrestler but he wasnt much without road dogg. i remember back in school when one kid would shout ' oh you didnt know' then the rest would shout in sync. ' yo ass better call somebodyyy' so i believe both billy gunn and road dogg should return to put over some tag teams. maybe even invite back jbl and simmons for a short period. or how about sexay and scotty 2 hotty or rikishi. i mean in todays pg era they would work well with the crowd. especially with the dance routine

some of these guys could come back push the other tag teams then leave. hold the titles for some time and crush all on comers. i know for a fact that if APA were to come back they would kill all other tag teams and hold the belts then if a team like miz and r truth were to win the titles from them it would promote interest and at the same time bring back prestige to the tag titles.

anyway thats my idea
I wouldn't mind seeing him back personally IF it's in more a tag team role with Road Dogg.

They could build them up and give them the straps for a few months to give the Kings of Wrestling a credible tag team to feud with when they debut.
I love how everyone is talking about burning bridges in WWE. Bret came back. Hogan came back.

I'd love to see Billy Gunn come back at the Royal Rumble. Though I think with the attitude era gone he couldn't be Mr. Ass.

If WWE wants to get the ball rolling on a tag division, The New Age Outlaws are a great team to have. Not saying it should focus on them but both know their stuff & can help the younger guys grow. I think both Roadogg & Billy could be great agents.
I love how everyone is talking about burning bridges in WWE. Bret came back. Hogan came back.

I'd love to see Billy Gunn come back at the Royal Rumble. Though I think with the attitude era gone he couldn't be Mr. Ass.

If WWE wants to get the ball rolling on a tag division, The New Age Outlaws are a great team to have. Not saying it should focus on them but both know their stuff & can help the younger guys grow. I think both Roadogg & Billy could be great agents.

Thats because the return of hart and hogan draws money for vince. Its business. This is 2011, no one care about the new age outlaw, especially the casual viewer. The tag division is dead. If the wwe wants to revive it, they can do it anytime without bringing back any old timer.

I dont see how billy gunn and road dog can come back taking into account of what they said and did during their vkm skits.
I always thought Billy Gunn was a good worker, and I really think he should have gotten a little bigger push after his KOTR win. That being said, I don't want to see him or any other 80s or 90s star back in WWE full time. A Rumble cameo or a one and done on Raw or Smack Down is fine, but these guys don't need to be on TV week in and week out taking time away from young developing talent. I think Billy could be a very good hand in developmental or as an agent. He did burn a lot of bridges however, and his little incident last year with his mistress in Canada def. doesn't help matter any.
i don't see a role for him in the current wwe. my understanding is that he is still in good shape and can still work pretty good but i don't see him fitting in. you could make him a manager but most wrestlers turned managers work because the manager was really over - billy gunn never was. dx was, even the new age outlaws were but his solo career always seemed to lack something so i don't really see how someone would benefit from having him as a manager. as for an in-ring talent to put guys over, he has been away from the wwe for a while now so a lot of the audience may not be familiar with him. even though he is a former champ, i think a lot of the wwe audience wouldn't really care - he is just some guy from the past. in order to make those wins count, they would need to rebuild him by letting him beat some current talent which kind of defeats the purpose. plus, what would they do about his gimmick since it is not really a pg thing? i think he would end up like golddust - could serve a purpose behind the scenes but as an on-air character, his time has passed.
I liked Gunn prior to the Voodoo Kin Mafia. I just thought this was a HORRIBLE stab at WWE and fucked up their entire chances as a group - both him and BG should have known better than to do this tbh.

I don't see the point in bringing him back. For him to become surplus to requirements for the WWE again? For him to go off somewhere else again and whine and complain he was misused - again? He's not worth it and tbh he strikes me as trouble. Someone who will be with a company then publically slate that company for giving him a pay cheque. I would not trust having Kip James/Billy Gunn ANYWHERE near the company personally.

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