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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
In my opinion there should be no multi-billionaire's. What do you need more than a billion for? What do you even need hundred's of million's for? If you aint going to spend it what's the point?

I.M.O. anything you earn over a billion should be given to charity. Everyone's seen the advert's trying to get you to give money to little starving African's. Dont ask me, ask that billionaire over there.

If £5 from me can feed an African for a month. What would a billion do for them?

That's my rant. I doubt anybody will reply but with the whole Battle Of The Billionaire's angle it's really bugging me. Are WE the normal people really meant to sympathise if a billionair has to shave his head? Heai grow's. No biggie.
Agreed, My hearts not going to be broken if I see Donald Trump bald. Billonaires dont deserve that much money just because all they do is produce things. As corny as this may sound, I dont see how selling things is more important then say, a fireman,policmen,medtics job. They get paid more for some reason but they really arent needed.
if i had a Billion dollars i would buy and sell people and the ones i keep would be the ones that are going to be caged and the repeatively poked with a stick
I agree with what you are saying however if they have earned it then its theres to do with what they want.
IF I had multi Billions I would create my own Wrestling Fed. Proper not backyard. Have it on TV and own the whole of New Zealand Wrestling and have Names that come out of New Zealand be as big a names as Triple H, HBK, Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle.
I find it really interesting how the richest people in the world are also the most giving.

Warren Buffet game most of his money to Bill Gates who in turn gave it and most of his own money to charity.

It gives you some hope that maybe this world isn't entirely greedy.

But I'd be careful who I'd give my money to when it comes to charity because a lot of african governments pocket the money, and the people who need it the most might end up not seeing any of it.
I think most billionaires do give to charity and so they should, because they could save lots of communities in poverty around the world if they gave them at least a few million dollars. People thousands of times poorer than some of them are more generous, and those damn business people just walk around lording it over everyone that they have to do physical labour while some of them can just sit in an office and order people around, or just inherit money and sit on their ass all day. You're right Jake. Once people go over at least 1 billion, they should give the rest to charity, to people that really need it, because currently, the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.
In most business classes that I take, it's actually in the material that we have to study that it's a company's social responsibility to give to charity, etc, and the same applies to rich people. They're pretty much obligates morally to help out those in need, just like the richer countries of the world are obligated to help out the poorer countries.

Most of them do help out... the ones who don't, you can pretty much be certain they're not the most legal of people, lol.
I don't know if most of you are aware, but the reason that Billionaires give to charity and stuff like that is because in America, its a Tax write off... meaning that if you donate to charity, you get a significant amount cut off from your taxes... meaning, that if Donald Trump donates a couple million to help out New Orleans, then he won't have to play so much when taxes come around... its stupid I know. But its true, thats how the rich keep getting richer, is because they can afford to lose the 2 million, and then earn it back... instead of paying the Government 4 million. and only getting maybe a million back.
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