Bill O'Reilly, Oh What A Simpler Time

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crafts entire Worlds out of Words
NEW YORK – Comic Jon Stewart told Bill O'Reilly that the "no spin zone" ringleader had become the voice of sanity on Fox News Channel, although "that's like being the thinnest kid at fat camp."

The host of "The Daily Show" and Fox's kingpin exchanged some good-natured shots Wednesday during Stewart's appearance on a network he relishes mocking. Stewart tossed off jokes but also criticized Fox for being a "cyclonic perpetual motion machine" opposing President Barack Obama.

"They have taken reasonable concerns about this president and this economy and turned it into a full-fledged panic attack about the next coming of Chairman Mao," Stewart said.

O'Reilly said the Obama attacks were primarily coming from Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck, who have two of the highest-rated programs on Fox. O'Reilly called Beck an "everyman."

"He just spouts," O'Reilly said. "He spouts for what he believes. If you think Beck spouts for the Republican Party, you're out of your mind."

Fox cut off the taped interview at that point, saying more would be shown Thursday.

Both men have appeared on each other's show before, but it was Stewart's first time back since 2004. O'Reilly annoyed Comedy Central by calling Stewart's audience primarily "stoned slackers"; on Wednesday, he amended it to "stoned slackers who love Obama."

There was even a dispute over who initiated the return visit. O'Reilly said on Fox earlier Wednesday that Stewart's representatives had asked for him to come on the show. Comedy Central spokesman Tony Fox said an O'Reilly producer requested the appearance.

Fox "is the most passionate and sells the clearest narrative of all the news networks, if ... you're still referring to it in that manner," Stewart said.

O'Reilly pointed out that Fox is like a newspaper with news and opinion pages, an idea Stewart poked fun at.

"Fox in and of itself doesn't say you're a news network all day," he said. "What is it, you're news from 9 to 11, then you're opinion, then you're news again from 1 to 2:30 except for the Jewish holidays? And then on alternate parking days you're news, but Christmas, you're not?"

Stewart was asked about a Washington Post column that suggested he was becoming disenchanted with Obama. "I don't take any of that seriously," he said.

But he did criticize Obama for not taking control of his agenda.

"It allows too much room for different narratives to take hold, for instance, a narrative that might emanate from a news organization of this ilk," he said.

Let's AP that bitch.

Remember when O'Reilly would get fired up and call then 4-Chan /b/ board a far left activist group? Or when he got pissed off because a lesbian couple won "Couple of the Year" at a California high school? Or when he would just sit there and mumble about the evils talking to people meant? Yeah, what a simpler time.

Jon Stewart, my Jewish Savior, has appeared on the O'Reilly Factor. He's done so before, but that's irrelevant. On said appearance my All Knowing Leader said that O'Reilly was the voice of reason on the Fox News Network. The voice of reason. A man who is in serious need of an anger management course and 5 fact checkers is the voice of reason on the Fox News Network. Oh, how could my Great Father be correct?

Beck and Hannity.

That's really all I should have to say, but I'll keep going to give FTS something more to bite his teeth into. Glenn Beck has made a supremely popular show out of spouting bullshit. That's all Beck does. He holds no true points, no facts and figures. Just bullshit followed by more bullshit. Hannity isn't quite as bad as Beck, but it's getting that way.

I'm not going to get into the News aspect of Fox News. I'm assuming they don't lie every other story. Apparently, according to FTS, they're the top unbiased network when it comes to news. I dunno. However, you can't deny the outright bias seen on the Beck/Hannity/O'Reilly shows. Especially Beck's show. Oh my god I hate that man. Did you know Palin is thinking about running for President with Beck in 2012? Yeah. I'll fucking blow myself up before that happens. Seriously. I will. I promise you. If Palin/Beck get elected to the office of the Presidency of the United States in 2012, Razor will be blown up by his own bomb. He won't kill anyone else, but he will probably take out an acre of trees.

At any rate, Bill O'Reilly. A man who has made a living blindly hating liberals is now the voice of reason on Fox News, because Glenn Beck has taken up the mantel of crazy, crying, over-reacting little bitch who would throw frogs at a phone and say "See? They aren't picking it up because they know it'll be more of Obama's lies! Don't answer your phones ever again!" And, sadly, half of his viewers will actually listen to him, ceasing to answer their phones until Beck tells them it's safe to leave the commune.

Is Jon Stewart full of shit on this one? Is O'Reilly worse than Beck ever can be? Is Beck the voice of reason on Fox? Is Beck actually sane, and I'm just blowing smoke? Stake your claim.
First off, I'm glad Jon Stewart is talking about this on shows beside his own. It might get people to actively seek out his show so that they don't watch ludicrously biased news channels anymore.

Second, that's just sad. Really, if O'Reilly is the voice of reason, something is seriously wrong. If someone who took a section of a website on the internet that's mostly full of bullshit as a serious threat is now the sanest person on a show, that show needs to be canceled post-haste. Then again, if it has Glenn Beck on it, it needs to go anyway.

Honestly, if Beck ever gets a show on a network besides Fox, then colour me shocked. I swear, the man is insane. He draws giant diagrams that make no sense, he makes outrageous claims that just make him look like a bigger idiot, and acts like he's just "someone who loves his country".

My point being that him and the rest of the Fox news crew are blowing everything Obama does completely out of proportion. He's not Karl Marx's bastard illegitimate child, and he's not going to kill your firstborn son. He's actually trying to help.

And Palin/Beck 2012 is scary shit. It really is. I once said that the whole 2012 end-of-the-world bullcrap would happen if Palin got elected to office. Now I'm starting to wonder.
First off, I'm glad Jon Stewart is talking about this on shows beside his own.

And I love how he takes 168 hours of weekly coverage, finds one thing Fox said, and harps on that one minute of coverage as clear evidence of bias. He never, however, shows Chris Matthews, which is just as biased to the left as anything Hannity says. He never mentions how Olberman and Matthews are banned from covering elections because of their open rooting for the Democratic party. Fox is the fairest hard news network on television, and every media study done will show that as true. The thought of "bias" on the network is from people who disagree with the commentary. Fox's commentary is no more biased than any other new network. And, while we're on the subject of bias, where are the calls to shut donw PBS and NPR, who's views are slanted far to the left and paid for by tax money?

It might get people to actively seek out his show so that they don't watch ludicrously biased news channels anymore.

Because Jon Stewart is not ludicrously biased? You only say that because he agrees with you. Last night, Stewart admitted his bias. Of course, you didn't watch the interview, so you're just talking out of your ass again, but we're used to that. O'Reilly mentioned an instance from two weeks ago where Fox cut to news coverage before Obama finished answering healthcare questions in a townhall meeting. The Daily Show bashed him for this. Meanwhile, Fox, CNN, and MSNBC all covered the loser of the Massachusetts Sentate elections entire concession speech. CNN and MSNBC did not show one live second of Scott Brown's victory speech, which is clear bias, unless you're stupid enough to think that the loser is a bigger story than the winner. O'Reilly asked Stewart why he didn't mention that. Stewart's response was a childish, "Oops." He added some conspiratorial shoulder shrugging. Give me a break calling Stewart unbiased. I like his show, but I have a problem with his calling himself a newsman when he attacks the right and just being kidding when he attacks the left. That implies that attacking the right is a public service and attacking the left shouldn't be taken seriously. That is clear bias.

Second, that's just sad. Really, if O'Reilly is the voice of reason, something is seriously wrong.

Really. I would love if you showed me how he is a right wing shill and I will show you example after example of where he sides with the left.

If someone who took a section of a website on the internet that's mostly full of bullshit as a serious threat is now the sanest person on a show, that show needs to be canceled post-haste.

And if someone takes one or two instances from his show to illustrate how biased he is, they should be banned from this website.
Then again, if it has Glenn Beck on it, it needs to go anyway.

Wow, more stupid bullshit from you. What a surprise. Glen Beck is ten times as legitimate as the Sportscenter guy who does fake news for the Peacock.

Honestly, if Beck ever gets a show on a network besides Fox, then colour me shocked.

He came from CNN you moron.

I swear, the man is insane. He draws giant diagrams that make no sense, he makes outrageous claims that just make him look like a bigger idiot, and acts like he's just "someone who loves his country".

The charts make perfect sense to me, but that's because I am a lot smarter than you. You have obviously never seen the show, and are just saying what the left blogs tell you to say, so let me explain it to you. Glen Beck hammers home the point that Obama's czars and cabinet members have no experience in the private sector, yet, they are trying to run a regulate it. That would be like putting me in charge of a hospital. And I don't even like Glen Beck.

My point being

You have one?
that him and the rest of the Fox news crew are blowing everything Obama does completely out of proportion. He's not Karl Marx's bastard illegitimate child, and he's not going to kill your firstborn son. He's actually trying to help.

I disagree. I don't think Obama is a communist setting up the death of the oldest male child. I don't think he is trying to help either. I think he is trying to centralize the economy and the government in order to keep the left in power. I also think that if he was trying to help, he would be doing something to help unemployment, which reportedly is up another 480,000 people today. Instead, he is choosing to ram healthcare down our throats against the will of the people. Yeah, that's someone trying to help.

And Palin/Beck 2012 is scary shit. It really is. I once said that the whole 2012 end-of-the-world bullcrap would happen if Palin got elected to office. Now I'm starting to wonder.

I struggle to see how Palin would be any worse than Obama. He is the worst President this country has ever had. He had a clear path to any legislation he wanted, but instead of uniting the country, he failed to unite his party and had to bribe Senators on his side into voting for the sham of a healthcare bill, and even at that, he failed. Thank God for the right of the people to organize, because those concerned citizens have saved us from the President. Thank God there is less than three years left of his reign of terror, and less than ten months before he is rendered impotent.
And I love how he takes 168 hours of weekly coverage, finds one thing Fox said, and harps on that one minute of coverage as clear evidence of bias. He never, however, shows Chris Matthews, which is just as biased to the left as anything Hannity says. He never mentions how Olberman and Matthews are banned from covering elections because of their open rooting for the Democratic party. Fox is the fairest hard news network on television, and every media study done will show that as true. The thought of "bias" on the network is from people who disagree with the commentary. Fox's commentary is no more biased than any other new network. And, while we're on the subject of bias, where are the calls to shut donw PBS and NPR, who's views are slanted far to the left and paid for by tax money?

Jon Stewart did a skit on his show once where he watched an episode of Fox news, looking for an instance where they mentioned him. It showed him curled up in his blanket, scared shitless of what he was watching, and when he was finally mentioned, he screamed that it wasn't worth it. A skit, yes, but it explains why he picks and chooses as you put it. And unless you've watched every single episode of his show since it began, you don't know that he never went after Olberman or Matthews. You need to remember, he has a half-hour time slot, which usually involves a 15-minute interview with someone at the end of the show, so he doesn't have a lot of time. So please, forgive him for not having the story you feel is important.

Because Jon Stewart is not ludicrously biased? You only say that because he agrees with you. Last night, Stewart admitted his bias. Of course, you didn't watch the interview, so you're just talking out of your ass again, but we're used to that. O'Reilly mentioned an instance from two weeks ago where Fox cut to news coverage before Obama finished answering healthcare questions in a townhall meeting. The Daily Show bashed him for this. Meanwhile, Fox, CNN, and MSNBC all covered the loser of the Massachusetts Sentate elections entire concession speech. CNN and MSNBC did not show one live second of Scott Brown's victory speech, which is clear bias, unless you're stupid enough to think that the loser is a bigger story than the winner. O'Reilly asked Stewart why he didn't mention that. Stewart's response was a childish, "Oops." He added some conspiratorial shoulder shrugging. Give me a break calling Stewart unbiased. I like his show, but I have a problem with his calling himself a newsman when he attacks the right and just being kidding when he attacks the left. That implies that attacking the right is a public service and attacking the left shouldn't be taken seriously. That is clear bias.

OK, I didn't want to point out the irony in you saying I only find Jon Stewart unbiased because I agree with him, but really? By that same logic, you clearly see Fox as unbiased because YOU agree with them, and your constant statements that they are the most unbiased hard news team on television proves this. And again, the "oops" statement is most likely from a lack of time. A lot can happen in the day, and by the time he gets to one news story, it might already been too long and people would've stopped caring. And, again, his "being kidding" when attacking the left isn't always the case. Like I told you before, he went after Democrats when they screwed up with their choice to run against Scott Brown. If you listened to him, you could tell he wasn't kidding, he was seriously pissed with them. So, yeah, he might be biased, but at least he'll come out and admit it.

And if someone takes one or two instances from his show to illustrate how biased he is, they should be banned from this website.

He took /b/ seriously. If he actually knew what he was talking about, he would know not to take it seriously. Would you prefer I bash him for him hating a lesbian couple? Would that be better for you?

Wow, more stupid bullshit from you. What a surprise. Glen Beck is ten times as legitimate as the Sportscenter guy who does fake news for the Peacock.

Comparing Glenn Beck to a sports columnist. That makes perfect sense.

He came from CNN you moron.

"Came from" being the key term there. As in, not there anymore.

The charts make perfect sense to me, but that's because I am a lot smarter than you. You have obviously never seen the show, and are just saying what the left blogs tell you to say, so let me explain it to you. Glen Beck hammers home the point that Obama's czars and cabinet members have no experience in the private sector, yet, they are trying to run a regulate it. That would be like putting me in charge of a hospital. And I don't even like Glen Beck.

So, by that logic, he would be a better choice? Because he has so much experience in that field, working as a news anchorman. Yeah, again, makes so much sense.

I disagree. I don't think Obama is a communist setting up the death of the oldest male child. I don't think he is trying to help either. I think he is trying to centralize the economy and the government in order to keep the left in power. I also think that if he was trying to help, he would be doing something to help unemployment, which reportedly is up another 480,000 people today. Instead, he is choosing to ram healthcare down our throats against the will of the people. Yeah, that's someone trying to help.

And Bush did nothing of the sort. He clearly didn't cover up Enron or the truth behind him going to Iraq to keep the right in power. No, not at all. Is everything just about power to you? And I'm not going to touch the whole "against the will of the people" bit because we'll be here all day if I do.

I struggle to see how Palin would be any worse than Obama. He is the worst President this country has ever had. He had a clear path to any legislation he wanted, but instead of uniting the country, he failed to unite his party and had to bribe Senators on his side into voting for the sham of a healthcare bill, and even at that, he failed. Thank God for the right of the people to organize, because those concerned citizens have saved us from the President. Thank God there is less than three years left of his reign of terror, and less than ten months before he is rendered impotent.

OK, I officially no longer want to talk to you. You cannot honestly call Obama the worst president the country's ever had with a straight face. If you can, you are either completely naive or uninformed. There have plenty of worse presidents than Obama in history, and there will most likely be many more in the future. But, of course, you think it's his fault the economy is in the shitter and that we're still fighting two wars. How delightfully unbiased.
Jon Stewart did a skit on his show once where he watched an episode of Fox news, looking for an instance where they mentioned him. It showed him curled up in his blanket, scared shitless of what he was watching, and when he was finally mentioned, he screamed that it wasn't worth it. A skit, yes, but it explains why he picks and chooses as you put it.

It also explains why I view you as nothing more than a punching bag. You, once again, fail to have a point.
And unless you've watched every single episode of his show since it began, you don't know that he never went after Olberman or Matthews.

Or....I can fucking watch him admit it last night on television.
You need to remember, he has a half-hour time slot, which usually involves a 15-minute interview with someone at the end of the show, so he doesn't have a lot of time. So please, forgive him for not having the story you feel is important.

We were talking about his being fair. It was a clear example of his picking on Fox for doing something because it appeals to his audience of stoned college kids, and then not reporting it when the other networks do it, and he still calls himself a legit newsman. You constantly fail to understand simple things. I'm not sure that you know how to read, and I am sure that you have no idea of what context is.

OK, I didn't want to point out the irony in you saying I only find Jon Stewart unbiased because I agree with him, but really? By that same logic, you clearly see Fox as unbiased because YOU agree with them, and your constant statements that they are the most unbiased hard news team on television proves this.

OK, you don't know how to fucking read. I have said, in this and other threads, THAT MEDIA STUDIES DECLARE FOX THE FAIREST HARD NEWS NETWORK!!!!!!!!! Learn to fucking read. The difference between you and I is that I can cite sources and you talk out of your ass. My Lord, read my posts before you choose to get yourself embarrassed. Holy shit, you are the chihuahua nipping at the feet of logic. Sure, you make a lot of noise, but in the end, you are nothing more than an insignificant annoyance.
And again, the "oops" statement is most likely from a lack of time.

Pretaped interview. He had all the time he needed. Once again, you're just talking out of your ass. Watch the interview before commenting on it.

A lot can happen in the day, and by the time he gets to one news story, it might already been too long and people would've stopped caring. And, again, his "being kidding" when attacking the left isn't always the case. Like I told you before, he went after Democrats when they screwed up with their choice to run against Scott Brown. If you listened to him, you could tell he wasn't kidding, he was seriously pissed with them. So, yeah, he might be biased, but at least he'll come out and admit it.

Seriously pissed at them as in openly endorsing their policies and being disappointed at their inability to win? Yeah, that screams of being not biased to me. At least Hannity admits his allegiances and doesn't hide behind jokes when he's out of line.

He took /b/ seriously. If he actually knew what he was talking about, he would know not to take it seriously.

Why shouldn't he? It is a site full of hate speech. We may take it as a joke, but someone might take that shit seriously. But, thanks for finding one example of his going overboard. That truly determines a pattern that he should be bashed for. I can find more examples of your idiocy in three threads on here than I can for O'Reilly.

Would you prefer I bash him for him hating a lesbian couple? Would that be better for you?

Yes, I would. Go ahead and tell me how intolerant he is. And then....when you're done with that, tell me how your being intolerant of his opinion is any better. You lefties love to preach tolerance while being intolerant of anyone's opinion who doesn't agree with you. It's funny. It's why the left isn't taken seriously by real grown ups. When O'Reilly speaks against gay marriage, he is speaking for over half the country, you fucking moron. Please, in 100 words or less, tell me what is wrong with his opinion on that lesbian couple? Frankly, I couldn't care less. I also couldn't care less if people judge them. If they want people to tolerate them, then they need to tolerate people thinking that their lifestyle is wrong. It's so easy to clamor for free speech when you have something to say, and easy to condemn when someone else does.

So, yes, please tell me how to be tolerant while being intolerant yourself. Amuse me some more.

Comparing Glenn Beck to a sports columnist. That makes perfect sense.

MSNBC lead commentator came from Sportscenter, you fucking moron.

But, he still does Football Night in America for NBC, so yeah, still there, pretty much.

"Came from" being the key term there. As in, not there anymore.

You said if he ever gets a show on another network....nevermind, you aren't smart enough for this.

So, by that logic, he would be a better choice? Because he has so much experience in that field, working as a news anchorman. Yeah, again, makes so much sense.

Did anyone ever accuse Glen Beck as being a newsman? You are an idiot. He is a commentator, he has never been presented as anything fucking else. I am sorry that news networks don't put disclaimers at the bottom of shows to say what is news and what is commentary. I would assume that putting the news shows in a newsroom and the commentary shows in a studio would be enough, but then again, I do overestimate your ability to wipe your own ass.

And Bush did nothing of the sort. He clearly didn't cover up Enron

Absolutely not. Not even fucking close. How would Bush cover up Enron? It went boom in front of everyone. You're an idiot. You have no grasp of the media, the news, or history.

or the truth behind him going to Iraq to keep the right in power.

You are an idiot. It has been established time and again that he got bad intelligence, but the left continues to drone on with their pointless lies and bullshit to smear a man who is a much bigger patriot than anyone who has ever pulled a lever to vote for one of these socialist *****es that people are pushing out of power right now.

No, not at all. Is everything just about power to you? And I'm not going to touch the whole "against the will of the people" bit because we'll be here all day if I do.

Yeah, we'll be here all day with me throwing facts at you, and your saying, "Nuh Uh, the NY Times is a conservative newspaper." I already embarrassed your stupid ass on that topic, and I would love to do it again.

Here's I'll put the information back up. Maybe this time you'll fucking read it, dumbass.


NBC is liberal.
CNN is liberal.
NPR is liberal.
USA Today is liberal.
Rasmussen is conservative, and they found the most support for this dumbass fucking bill. You fail to understand anything. Please, stop posting in this section. Your embarrassing your family.

OK, I officially no longer want to talk to you. You cannot honestly call Obama the worst president the country's ever had with a straight face.

Straight as can be. He is a joke who can't even get his own party to work with him without three hundred billion dollar bribes. He promises to eliminate ear marks, then uses them as a tool. He promises transparency, and then uses backroom deals to get legislation passed. The entire party campaigned on it, and they are turning their backs on it because the President is an impotent jackass.

If you can, you are either completely naive or uninformed. There have plenty of worse presidents than Obama in history, and there will most likely be many more in the future. But, of course, you think it's his fault the economy is in the shitter and that we're still fighting two wars. How delightfully unbiased.

The economy is shittier because he has done nothing but higher career politicians to try and overregulate the private sector. I would make this argument again, but you ignored it the first time because you aren't smart enough to understand it. Please, go read something you might understand, like an Archie comic.
It also explains why I view you as nothing more than a punching bag. You, once again, fail to have a point.

The point being that he watches Fox news for stories that have some semblance of truth to them, not just scare tactics designed to get idiots to listen.

We were talking about his being fair. It was a clear example of his picking on Fox for doing something because it appeals to his audience of stoned college kids, and then not reporting it when the other networks do it, and he still calls himself a legit newsman. You constantly fail to understand simple things. I'm not sure that you know how to read, and I am sure that you have no idea of what context is.

Oh no, he's picking on Fox. Poor them. Yes, they don't pick on anyone who doesn't oppose their viewpoints, they don't compare them to Communists or Nazis or fanatics at all. Also, I love how you just repeated O'Reilly's opinion that his audience is stoned college kids. That's showing intelligence there.

OK, you don't know how to fucking read. I have said, in this and other threads, THAT MEDIA STUDIES DECLARE FOX THE FAIREST HARD NEWS NETWORK!!!!!!!!! Learn to fucking read. The difference between you and I is that I can cite sources and you talk out of your ass. My Lord, read my posts before you choose to get yourself embarrassed. Holy shit, you are the chihuahua nipping at the feet of logic. Sure, you make a lot of noise, but in the end, you are nothing more than an insignificant annoyance.

OK, since you want to be angry, let's be angry: ANY STUDY CAN BE BIASED! It all depends on who was questioned and how many were questioned. I have tried to explain this to you, but you either blatantly ignore it, or assume that no conservative reports do this because you support them. If I'm biased, so are you.

Pretaped interview. He had all the time he needed. Once again, you're just talking out of your ass. Watch the interview before commenting on it.

I was still talking about the show. Stay on topic.

Seriously pissed at them as in openly endorsing their policies and being disappointed at their inability to win? Yeah, that screams of being not biased to me. At least Hannity admits his allegiances and doesn't hide behind jokes when he's out of line.

No, because they're in charge now and they're acting like they could lose their spot at any second. Oh, wait, according to you, they could. I'm talking to the wrong person here, you obviously can't look at this clearly.

Why shouldn't he? It is a site full of hate speech. We may take it as a joke, but someone might take that shit seriously. But, thanks for finding one example of his going overboard. That truly determines a pattern that he should be bashed for. I can find more examples of your idiocy in three threads on here than I can for O'Reilly.

Then that's their own problem. If he can't learn to step back and think before making outrageous statements, then he shouldn't have his job. And no, you'd find instances of me disagreeing with you, but that's idiocy in your mind, since you're always right. Obviously.

Yes, I would. Go ahead and tell me how intolerant he is. And then....when you're done with that, tell me how your being intolerant of his opinion is any better. You lefties love to preach tolerance while being intolerant of anyone's opinion who doesn't agree with you. It's funny. It's why the left isn't taken seriously by real grown ups. When O'Reilly speaks against gay marriage, he is speaking for over half the country, you fucking moron. Please, in 100 words or less, tell me what is wrong with his opinion on that lesbian couple? Frankly, I couldn't care less. I also couldn't care less if people judge them. If they want people to tolerate them, then they need to tolerate people thinking that their lifestyle is wrong. It's so easy to clamor for free speech when you have something to say, and easy to condemn when someone else does.

You are making it really hard for me to still want to talk to you. You cannot compare him being intolerant of gays and lesbians to me being intolerant of him. I can sum up what's wrong with his opinion on that lesbian couple in one word: prejudice. It is equally as bad as people hating blacks, or Jews, or Canadians. It's hate based on assumption and is unwarranted and unwanted. The lesbian couple in question have done dick all to hurt anybody and do not deserve hatred from this asshole, let alone half the country, as you like to believe.

MSNBC lead commentator came from Sportscenter, you fucking moron.

Good for him, no clue who he is, don't give a shit.

But, he still does Football Night in America for NBC, so yeah, still there, pretty much.

Hm....still don't give a shit.

You said if he ever gets a show on another network....nevermind, you aren't smart enough for this.

And I don't know how to read. OK, let me explain the concept of past tense: something that happened in the past, before now. He WAS on CNN, but now is not. And if he ever went back to CNN, I would be surprised. I would be equally surprised if he went anywhere else besides Fox. The reason being that he shares Fox's viewpoint, and wouldn't get anywhere near enough popularity if he went somewhere that didn't have an audience that shared that viewpoint as well. I'm the idiot here, huh?

Did anyone ever accuse Glen Beck as being a newsman? You are an idiot. He is a commentator, he has never been presented as anything fucking else. I am sorry that news networks don't put disclaimers at the bottom of shows to say what is news and what is commentary. I would assume that putting the news shows in a newsroom and the commentary shows in a studio would be enough, but then again, I do overestimate your ability to wipe your own ass.

When the commentary outweighs the news, and the commentators present their opinions as fact, then no, putting the news shows and the commentary separate from one another isn't enough.

Absolutely not. Not even fucking close. How would Bush cover up Enron? It went boom in front of everyone. You're an idiot. You have no grasp of the media, the news, or history.

Oh, so the trials of the guys in charge of Enron didn't drag on and on until they died? Wow, I guess I am uninformed.

You are an idiot. It has been established time and again that he got bad intelligence, but the left continues to drone on with their pointless lies and bullshit to smear a man who is a much bigger patriot than anyone who has ever pulled a lever to vote for one of these socialist *****es that people are pushing out of power right now.

You call it bad intelligence when he was told that there were no WMDs. I call it adequate intelligence and him ignoring it. What should've happened was that the president was told that there were no WMDs, that Iraq had no reason to go after the US, and the president should've said "OK", and go back to the REAL enemies still in Afghanistan. And I love how you chastise Kerry for hiding in his boat during Vietnam, yet call someone who used his dad's power to not go a patriot. You're openly biased now, aren't you?

Yeah, we'll be here all day with me throwing facts at you, and your saying, "Nuh Uh, the NY Times is a conservative newspaper." I already embarrassed your stupid ass on that topic, and I would love to do it again.

Here's I'll put the information back up. Maybe this time you'll fucking read it, dumbass.


NBC is liberal.
CNN is liberal.
NPR is liberal.
USA Today is liberal.
Rasmussen is conservative, and they found the most support for this dumbass fucking bill. You fail to understand anything. Please, stop posting in this section. Your embarrassing your family.

Maybe if the media didn't lie to this people about the bill, and maybe if people didn't believe that the bill was going to result in nationwide euthanasia, or that it was somehow the same as Hitler's plans, then that would most likely be different. In which case, good job, you fooled the people.

Straight as can be. He is a joke who can't even get his own party to work with him without three hundred billion dollar bribes. He promises to eliminate ear marks, then uses them as a tool. He promises transparency, and then uses backroom deals to get legislation passed. The entire party campaigned on it, and they are turning their backs on it because the President is an impotent jackass.

Hoo boy, this'll be fun:

George Washington: passed a tax on liquor, and when people protested, he personally marched down with the troops to quell them.
John Adams: legalized an act that allowed people to be fined or sent to jail for writing anything bad about the government.
Thomas Jefferson: signed an act that prevented black people from carrying the mail.
James Madison: the one responsible for the war of 1812.
Andrew Jackson: Openly in favour of removing Native Americans from certain states.

And that's just the beginning of the list. You want more?

The economy is shittier because he has done nothing but higher career politicians to try and overregulate the private sector. I would make this argument again, but you ignored it the first time because you aren't smart enough to understand it. Please, go read something you might understand, like an Archie comic.

Yeah, and you want to explain how the economy became so shitty to begin with? No, you don't, because that would require you being critical of your own party, and we know you can't do that.

Also, Archie's dead.
The point being that he watches Fox news for stories that have some semblance of truth to them, not just scare tactics designed to get idiots to listen.

Well, then the great majority of the nation must be idiots, because Fox News is now the number one network on all of cable in prime time. Once again, though, you resort to talking out of your ass. You can't prove a single thing you say, and you truly suck at this.

Oh no, he's picking on Fox. Poor them. Yes, they don't pick on anyone who doesn't oppose their viewpoints, they don't compare them to Communists or Nazis or fanatics at all. Also, I love how you just repeated O'Reilly's opinion that his audience is stoned college kids. That's showing intelligence there.

You're right. There are stoned post grads too.

OK, since you want to be angry, let's be angry: ANY STUDY CAN BE BIASED! It all depends on who was questioned and how many were questioned. I have tried to explain this to you, but you either blatantly ignore it, or assume that no conservative reports do this because you support them. If I'm biased, so are you.

These studies are done by Harvard, which would be biased against Fox. Stop just attacking the source, especially when you aren't smart enough to know about it. The other study is by George Washington University, and it is more liberal than Harvard.

I was still talking about the show. Stay on topic.

From the guy who hasn't even seen the interview the thread is about. Shut the fuck up dumbass.

No, because they're in charge now and they're acting like they could lose their spot at any second. Oh, wait, according to you, they could. I'm talking to the wrong person here, you obviously can't look at this clearly.

I look at it perfectly clearly. The party is revolting against Obama because he is politically nuclear right now due to the incompetence of him and his staff.

Then that's their own problem. If he can't learn to step back and think before making outrageous statements, then he shouldn't have his job. And no, you'd find instances of me disagreeing with you, but that's idiocy in your mind, since you're always right. Obviously.

Congrats. One example. I guess I should follow your lead and attack the source, whether I know anything about it or not. You lose. You lose bad. Every time you try and debate me, your parents get more and more disappointed in themselves.

You are making it really hard for me to still want to talk to you.

I get tired of losing things I'm not good at too. Don't take it personally. I'm just on an upper level intellectually. You aren't even on a level.

You cannot compare him being intolerant of gays and lesbians to me being intolerant of him. I can sum up what's wrong with his opinion on that lesbian couple in one word: prejudice.

That's not prejudice. He is espousing his values. Your calling him prejudiced is your way of trying, and once again failing, to attack a source because you aren't smart enough to make a good example. Bill O'Reilly was in favor of the decision to legalize sodomy, as he never wanted people to not be able to live their lives. He just isn't in favor of celebrating it. Whether you agree or not, it is his opinion, and his right to have that opinion, and your argument shows how you are hypocritical and intolerant. And stupid. I can't forget stupid.
It is equally as bad as people hating blacks, or Jews, or Canadians. It's hate based on assumption and is unwarranted and unwanted.

It's not hate at all. It's his voicing an opinion to an action that is contrary to his values. He never said they deserved to die for being gay. You are an oversensitive pussy about this.

The lesbian couple in question have done dick all to hurt anybody and do not deserve hatred from this asshole, let alone half the country, as you like to believe.

So you obviously aren't tolerant enough to allow someone to have an opposing viewpoint. Don't preach to me about tolerance. It is clear to me that you have no idea in the slightest what that word means. Tolerance doesn't mean automatically accepting it. It means listening to opposing viewpoints, something you are clearly not equipped or inclined to do.

Good for him, no clue who he is, don't give a shit.

Well, at least you admit not knowing something. You could have just made another ******ed fucking argument like you have been doing. But, we were discussing Glen Beck vs. The Sportscenter anchor. I guess you couldn't make the logical connection. That is, of course, because you don't have logic.

Hm....still don't give a shit.

Must be your special way of admitting defeat.

And I don't know how to read. OK, let me explain the concept of past tense: something that happened in the past, before now. He WAS on CNN, but now is not. And if he ever went back to CNN, I would be surprised.

Me too. People watch Fox.
I would be equally surprised if he went anywhere else besides Fox. The reason being that he shares Fox's viewpoint, and wouldn't get anywhere near enough popularity if he went somewhere that didn't have an audience that shared that viewpoint as well. I'm the idiot here, huh?

I love how you think Fox has a viewpoint, but universities with janitors, much less students and professors, smarter than you, who study it, disagree. But, hey, attack the source when you aren't smart enough to attack the facts, right? Furthermore, the owner of Fox was a Hillary Clinton supporter, so your theory is just a big pile of shit.

When the commentary outweighs the news, and the commentators present their opinions as fact, then no, putting the news shows and the commentary separate from one another isn't enough.

Two hours of commentary a day. O'Reilly is a centrist, Van Sustern is too. Two hours out of a 24 hour day (I felt the need to say there were 24 hours in a day because I doubt you know that) and you're claiming bias? Find one conservative, other than Pat Buchanan (about ten minutes daily) who has a voice on CNN or MSNBC. Those networks are far more biased than Fox. They don't teach you that in left wing dumbass school, so you didn't know that. Fucking idiot.

Oh, so the trials of the guys in charge of Enron didn't drag on and on until they died? Wow, I guess I am uninformed.

And that has what to do with Bush? God, you lefty idiots will do anything to vilify the guy whether it makes sense or not. Of course, you don't know what making sense means.

You call it bad intelligence when he was told that there were no WMDs. I call it adequate intelligence and him ignoring it.

So, when he questions the source, he's an idiot, but I am supposed to accept it when you do it? Fucking hypocrite. Fucking moron.

What should've happened was that the president was told that there were no WMDs, that Iraq had no reason to go after the US, and the president should've said "OK", and go back to the REAL enemies still in Afghanistan. And I love how you chastise Kerry for hiding in his boat during Vietnam, yet call someone who used his dad's power to not go a patriot. You're openly biased now, aren't you?

That was almost English. Good job, moron. Now, there was conflicting intelligence. The British seemed to get the same intelligence and went. But, you're working your way down the "This is what they tell us to say" checklist by referring to Bush's dad. That's how lefties go down in flames. Please, just give up, because you are not cut out for this at all.

Maybe if the media didn't lie to this people about the bill, and maybe if people didn't believe that the bill was going to result in nationwide euthanasia, or that it was somehow the same as Hitler's plans, then that would most likely be different. In which case, good job, you fooled the people.

Blame the media. MSNBC and CNN have been supporting the bill since day one. But, God forbid you use facts or understand anything, when you could just bash Bush and Fox. You sound like the party that is losing Massachusetts, New Jersey, Virginia, and soon the Congress and the Presidency. You can all go sit together and blame Fox and Bush in your worhtless hippie drum circle for all I care. Please, just quit. You suck shit at this.

Hoo boy, this'll be fun:

For me. It will probably make you cry some more.

George Washington: passed a tax on liquor, and when people protested, he personally marched down with the troops to quell them.
John Adams: legalized an act that allowed people to be fined or sent to jail for writing anything bad about the government.
Thomas Jefferson: signed an act that prevented black people from carrying the mail.
James Madison: the one responsible for the war of 1812.
Andrew Jackson: Openly in favour of removing Native Americans from certain states.

And that's just the beginning of the list. You want more?

And all would be liberals right now. I don't know what the fuck your point was about this, other than liberals make shitty leaders. Thanks though.

Yeah, and you want to explain how the economy became so shitty to begin with? No, you don't, because that would require you being critical of your own party, and we know you can't do that.

Yeah, I can. Right before the Democrats took control of Congress in 2006, both home ownership and the Dow were at all time highs. Within six months of the transfer of power, the mortgage industry became overregulated and collapsed. I have a degree in economics. I doubt you could even finish high school. You do not want to get into this argument with me. You are too fucking stupid for that.

Also, Archie's dead.

If only your name was Archie.
Well, then the great majority of the nation must be idiots, because Fox News is now the number one network on all of cable in prime time. Once again, though, you resort to talking out of your ass. You can't prove a single thing you say, and you truly suck at this.

You really don't want me to touch that one. It's just too goddamn easy.

These studies are done by Harvard, which would be biased against Fox. Stop just attacking the source, especially when you aren't smart enough to know about it. The other study is by George Washington University, and it is more liberal than Harvard.

And, once again, if they ask a certain demographic these questions, without even realizing it, then they'll get certain results. I am so tired of having to explain this to you and you just blatantly ignoring it.

I look at it perfectly clearly. The party is revolting against Obama because he is politically nuclear right now due to the incompetence of him and his staff.

Yes, it's all HIS fault, even though his party is pushing him to go back to the tax cut that Bush put in place when he was in power, thereby allowing the rich more money. This is all on him.

Congrats. One example. I guess I should follow your lead and attack the source, whether I know anything about it or not. You lose. You lose bad. Every time you try and debate me, your parents get more and more disappointed in themselves.

And this statement has what to do with mine? Funny, it just looks like you repeating what you said before, and then proceeding to suck your own dick. That's impressive, by the way.

I get tired of losing things I'm not good at too. Don't take it personally. I'm just on an upper level intellectually. You aren't even on a level.

You gotta tell me how you managed to get your head low enough to place your mouth around your own dick. That really is impressive.

That's not prejudice. He is espousing his values. Your calling him prejudiced is your way of trying, and once again failing, to attack a source because you aren't smart enough to make a good example. Bill O'Reilly was in favor of the decision to legalize sodomy, as he never wanted people to not be able to live their lives. He just isn't in favor of celebrating it. Whether you agree or not, it is his opinion, and his right to have that opinion, and your argument shows how you are hypocritical and intolerant. And stupid. I can't forget stupid.

And we are back to you acting like you know what I'm thinking! I missed this game. No, see, I said he's prejudiced because I think he's, you know, fucking prejudiced! Imagine that, someone who says what he means! Holy shit! And yes, he has a right to his opinion, but how does he get the right to get pissed when a lesbian couple gets "Couple of the Year"? Regardless of whether he's prejudiced in the open or not, it's still fucking prejudice.

It's not hate at all. It's his voicing an opinion to an action that is contrary to his values. He never said they deserved to die for being gay. You are an oversensitive pussy about this.

No, but apparently, they aren't allowed the same basic liberties heterosexuals are. Like the ability to get married.

So you obviously aren't tolerant enough to allow someone to have an opposing viewpoint. Don't preach to me about tolerance. It is clear to me that you have no idea in the slightest what that word means. Tolerance doesn't mean automatically accepting it. It means listening to opposing viewpoints, something you are clearly not equipped or inclined to do.

This is maddening coming from you. I've had an opposing viewpoint from yours since I first came to this section, and you've wasted no time at all attacking me whenever I post. So don't tell me I don't know anything about tolerance when you clearly don't either.

I love how you think Fox has a viewpoint, but universities with janitors, much less students and professors, smarter than you, who study it, disagree. But, hey, attack the source when you aren't smart enough to attack the facts, right? Furthermore, the owner of Fox was a Hillary Clinton supporter, so your theory is just a big pile of shit.

You really are the only person I've met who can't seem to see that Fox does in fact have a viewpoint and is pushing it onto people through fear. It's just mind-numbing. Also, I don't give two shits if Fox supported Hillary Clinton.

Two hours of commentary a day. O'Reilly is a centrist, Van Sustern is too. Two hours out of a 24 hour day (I felt the need to say there were 24 hours in a day because I doubt you know that) and you're claiming bias? Find one conservative, other than Pat Buchanan (about ten minutes daily) who has a voice on CNN or MSNBC. Those networks are far more biased than Fox. They don't teach you that in left wing dumbass school, so you didn't know that. Fucking idiot.

Considering the network likes to print stories about escalators supposedly being able to kill people, I really have to wonder if they aren't picking and choosing certain stories. Also, why is it that because I say Fox is biased, you assume I'm also saying CNN and MSNBC aren't? I never said they weren't. I will freely admit that they are. You're the one claiming that Fox news isn't, and I'm arguing that. That's what's being said. Stop putting words in my mouth, it makes you look like a giant asshole.

And that has what to do with Bush? God, you lefty idiots will do anything to vilify the guy whether it makes sense or not. Of course, you don't know what making sense means.

And you will do anything to make Obama look like the worst mistake the country ever made. Tou-fucking-che.

So, when he questions the source, he's an idiot, but I am supposed to accept it when you do it? Fucking hypocrite. Fucking moron.

Considering he sent the supposedly best team in the country to find it, and they came up dry, what possible reason would he have to question them? If the best guys you have find nothing, chances are you either need new guys to look again, or THERE'S NOTHING THERE.

That was almost English. Good job, moron. Now, there was conflicting intelligence. The British seemed to get the same intelligence and went. But, you're working your way down the "This is what they tell us to say" checklist by referring to Bush's dad. That's how lefties go down in flames. Please, just give up, because you are not cut out for this at all.

So Bush Jr. didn't avoid the Vietnam war? Is that what you're saying? Please tell me it isn't, I don't think I can take another one of your idiotic statements.

Blame the media. MSNBC and CNN have been supporting the bill since day one. But, God forbid you use facts or understand anything, when you could just bash Bush and Fox. You sound like the party that is losing Massachusetts, New Jersey, Virginia, and soon the Congress and the Presidency. You can all go sit together and blame Fox and Bush in your worhtless hippie drum circle for all I care. Please, just quit. You suck shit at this.

"Death Panels". Like before, 'nuff said.

And all would be liberals right now. I don't know what the fuck your point was about this, other than liberals make shitty leaders. Thanks though.

Washington was independent, moron. It's sad that I, someone who doesn't even live in your country, knows this, but you don't.

James K. Polk: Started the Mexican-American war.
Franklin Pierce: Repealed the Missouri Compromise, which prevented slavery in that region.
James Buchanan: Basically did nothing to stop the oncoming Civil War.
Andrew Johnson: The first president to be impeached, refused to sign the Civil Rights bill.
Ulysses S. Grant: Forced the sale of 4 million in gold to prevent gold prices from rising, resulting in stock and food prices dropping.

And the point I'm trying to make is that Obama is not even close to the worst president of all time. Not even. Then again, your bias refuses to allow you to believe otherwise.
Well personally if anyone takes Stewart's show serious they are a fucking dumbass him and Colbert all just entertainment and if you can take Political Humor it can be pretty funny, but as for getting actual news there, you really can't.

As for FoxNews and any other news channel, the ratings don't really lie. Hell more Democrats probably watch more of FoxNews than other news channel. Fox's ratings are THROUGH the roof and are pretty much almost like tripled the ratings of other shows. And with O'Reilly dominating just about everything. That must tell you people trust them, I mean what idiots would turn into a news show for someone they didn't trust? As for Beck to actually be able to understand him, you actually have had to watch his show more than once. He's been saying the same shit today as he was saying when he was on CNN, but obviously no one cared, and if you think he is a voice for the Republicans than you are oblivious, and don't watch his show AT ALL.

Thing is there is so much Liberal bias in this country, to people that are oblivious to the world they live in Fox seems SOOO crazy. You got Liberal Media, although no one watches them, you got musicians/hollywood for the most part are pretty Liberal, you got alot of college that are also Liberal. So when something is different IE: FoxNews it seems crazy to people.

As for Obama being the worst President ever...I don't know, as much as I dislike him I'm not sure he is there YET. As for the Presidents named, you have to take the things mentioned in the historical content that was around at the time.

Also something I would like to mention or ask is where is all this Anti-War protest that was all around when Bush was President but I rarely seen anything now that Obama is now in Offense.

Also I'm pretty sure the Palin/Beck for president was a joke, sure Palin might have aspirations to run but I highly doubt Beck would.
I can't explain how much the liberal bullshit I have read on here makes me fucking sick. You who defend the left are like AIDS to the country. I try to take it with a grain of salt because you are too stupid to believe anything but what they tell you, but the blind uneducated support of the liberal agenda just infuriates me. I don't give a shit what any of you think about FOX News for starters. If you were smart you would we listening and watching, but your not, so you stay uninformed about the bullshit Obama does with his liberal counterparts.

The difference between the Republican(non liberal) and the Democrat(Liberal) is that the Republican wanta to think for themselves and the Democrat wants the thinking done for them. The Republican wants fact and numbers laid out to judge what is right, The Democrat wants to hear flowery bleeding-heart speeches, and basically wants to be told what think(subconsciously), you just eat up the bullshit they feed you because you are either too dumb, too lazy, or both, to do the thinking for yourselves. It's easier to just take what bullshit Obama tries to sell you than to stop and think about why this asshole is doing it in the first place.

How any of you can raise your head after electing this fucking joke is amazing to me. The fact that you did is just further proof and support of what I am saying. All the evidence, all the proof was there to show this guy was the worst decision you could make. But, he wasn't white #1 so he must have been ok because "the white man" is the devil, he tries to talk like he's the second coming of Christ mixed with a little MLK Jr., and the pop culture was in love with him because they are all stupid too and so you took the bait like the good little sheep you are. He never presented that he had comprehensive plans to do anything, all he talked about was "Change is Coming" unfortunately you people were too stupid to see the obvious, that the change he was talking about was going from a country based on capitalism to become a socialist nation.

All the background on him proved he was a lying crooked bastard, and that he wasn't fit to be president. I wouldn't buy a used car off that asshole let alone allow him to run my country. You people make me sick, and you are the problem with this country. The fucked up part too, is that you act like everyone else is just crazy, bible belt, back woods, far right, Christian extremists. You act like people opposed to your highly flawed and liberal views are just some kind of radical minority, when in truth YOU are the minority, you are the ones with the fucked up wiring, and you are what is wrong with this country. If everyone listened to you everyone would be multiracial gay atheists living in a socialist country where everyone had to wait in line to get piss poor medical assistance, where all businesses and wealthy people were taxed into bankruptcy.

The liberal ideals and the people who support them that you champion are the same ideals and people that would gladly screw you in a heart beat, but they tell you otherwise so you don't question it because they aren't white republican Christians who know how to properly run an economy. And if you try to mention Bush don't even, the economy was tanking before he can into office and didn't get really bad until you fucking dems took control of the house and senate. That's another thing that is so funny. You people blame Bush and the Republican party for everything, when it was your own democrats who fucked everything up. Not only that, you all demonized both Bush and the entire Republican party for supporting and fighting TWO necessary wars, you sympathize with terrorists who would love nothing more than to kill your ass, and you support the very people who will blatantly do harm to our economy and gladly sell all of us up the river. Do any of you realize that this fuck head Obama has acquired more debt in less than a year than all the presidents of the past COMBINED!!!!! Get a fucking clue, this guy is not the answer and never was. He has fucked things up so much worse I don't know if there is any kind of recourse, but that was his plan all along. If everyone is unemployed, can't afford health insurance, businesses can't afford to be in business without the government, and the economy is worse off than in the depression, everyone is then reliant on the government and they have all the power.

What does all of this have to do with the topic or FOX News, a lot. They are the only people who have been willing to come out and expose all this bullshit for what it is, a fucking crime against the people and an attempt to rape our constitution. They tell it like it is, and the reason it seems so biased is because there are people who don't like their government pissing on their heads telling them it's raining speaking up. It's because the current administration had done all the wrong things that you, I, and everyone should be concerned about if you give one fuck about the future of the country and the economy. If you don't care about those things than you are a short sighted loser and you need your head examined, maybe a lobotomy followed by a colonoscopy because you are full of shit for everything you say and stand for. You are the type of people Joseph Stalin had executed, and if this country had any balls they would too because you are worse than any cancer, you are like the AIDS virus on society. You are like a poison spreading across the country, tainting the minds of people and ruining what this country used to stand for. In closing, you can go fuck yourselves and I hope you die of Ebola.(this is in reference to liberals in general and no specific individuals, just in case anyone tries to screw me with a bullshit flaming infraction. You never know, the mod could be a liberal.)
All this really goes back to the HUGE double standard, that is Liberalism/Progressivism/Whatever the fuck they are calling themselves now. To be a Liberal, or to call oneself a Liberal means that you are supposed to opened about anything, but in reality they aren't. Before Obama got into offense, you would have the protests about Bush, and the right really didn't do anything about them, because it would be Freedom of Speech, now that Obama and the Democrats take charge and people start protesting whether it's the Tea Party movement or other gathering it is quickly brushed off as Racism and all of them involved are a bunch of rednecks or idiots. So they are telling me, they respect they're own right to protest but once conservatives or even independence now even begin to move it is deemed as crazy, and racist.

Than alot of people on the left call their heroes like people like Mao Zedong, Chavez, George Benard Shaw, Karl Marx, Che Guevara and other people that are extremist and some have even killed over 60 million people. I got to ask do they really know who these people really ARE??????? And if they say yes, I would be fucking terrified, of what a potential future can hold. Who the fuck are they gonna say they idolize next? Hitler?

Now lucky or unlucky there are few good Liberals/Democrats that are true to the actual cause, but unfortunately they have their heads up their asses scared that if they disagree, something will happen to them.
First let me just say that I'm glad that you're able to present your opinion calmly and reasonably lghikas, unlike Game_Rage who thinks it's cool to call all liberals "AIDs" to America, but what both of you are saying kind of strkes me as the same typical bullshit double standard nonsense that you two just claimed to be against, and yet immediately display in your posts.

"Liberals are evil, Republicans want to save the US!", sorry boys, newflash to you: they're both fucking terrible and neither is the slightest bit efficient. Democrats can't get shit done to save their lives in the senate, and the Republicans are too busy calling Obama a Nazi and crying on national television to actually suggest what the fuck THEY would do differently. I'd consider myself an independent with very strong leftist leanings, but I absolutely hate what the Democratic party has become and agree with you that it's a bit of a joke these days. But good LORD get back to reality, especially you Game_Rage, if you ACTUALLY think that Obama is some fucking conspiracy fascist sent here by the Russkies to kill us all and turn our children into pinko commies, well, I feel unbelievably sorry for you and just how closed-minded and naive you truly are.

As for O'Reilly, I haven't really "hated" the man in years. He used to be the fiery spitting frontman of conservatism on television, now he's practically a liberal compared to the two big dogs at Fox now in Hannity and Beck. I watched his interview with Jon Stewart and really enjoyed it, thought both men were pleasant, reasonable, and most of all they weren't rude dckheads trying to catch the other side of the aisle with their pants down. It was really refreshing to see, and I'm glad that Stewart has become so chummy with O'Reilly, kind of reminds me of FTS and myself (haha).

I don't have any beef with O'Reilly. Hannity and Beck on the other hand, are two of the biggest fucking morons I've seen on my television screen in my entire life. Both should be mocked and ridiculed on a daily basis for being so unbelievably stupid.
First let me just say that I'm glad that you're able to present your opinion calmly and reasonably lghikas, unlike Game_Rage who thinks it's cool to call all liberals "AIDs" to America, but what both of you are saying kind of strkes me as the same typical bullshit double standard nonsense that you two just claimed to be against, and yet immediately display in your posts.

Yeah, anytime someone outside of the liberal arena strongly expresses their feelings, and aren't afraid to stand and call you out on your bullshit that is what we get, demonized. That is expected, and why wouldn't you? No one likes to be called on their bullshit, that is why I encourage you to stop believing in bullshit and wake up.

"Liberals are evil, Republicans want to save the US!", sorry boys, newflash to you: they're both fucking terrible and neither is the slightest bit efficient.

That's not my message and you grossly misrepresent it. When it comes down to it at the end of the day this country is run on a two party system Republican and Democrat which means to get anything done you have to side with one of the other. I don't necessarily agree with everything the Republicans do, but I believe and even better I know that the republicans economic ideals are better suited to successfully run a nation based on capitalism. The Republicans are efficient, that is why the 90's were so great economically, because of the work that Bush Sr, and Reagan before him did to revive the economy after the debacle that was the Carter administration. If you try to say it was Clinton that your just sucking the democratic cock even more because he's the guy who destroyed the economy, on his way out everything was going south and that is what Bush Jr inherited, Clinton's fuck ups. When we have a Republican house and senate shit can get done, otherwise it is just an in-fight where the democrats try to expand government and rape you for unnecessary taxes for unnecessary spending.

Democrats can't get shit done to save their lives in the senate, and the Republicans are too busy calling Obama a Nazi and crying on national television to actually suggest what the fuck THEY would do differently.

The dumbocrats can't get shit done for a number of reasons. Firstly, few are bold and stupid enough to publicly endorse their out of whack bills they try to pass. Secondly, they are so fucking stupid and indecisive that they can't agree on anything. As for the Republicans, they have been doing all they can to keep Obama from going too far as he has already tried to do by shoving that stack of shit health care bill down our throats. He used every back handed dirty tactic he could to try and get that abomination passed, even going as far as trying to have a senate vote during thanksgiving I believe it was so that the public wouldn't know about it until it was too late to protest it. No one has called Obama a Nazi either, he is just the worst president in American history, and his views and agendas are not in your interests or mine. If you actually knew a thing you'd know that the Republicans have done all they can to block this guys ridiculous spending, and the reason they haven't been able to get anything done as of recent is because of the Democrat house and senate. Not one piece of legislation from their side has even been considered because it doesn't expand government or socialize the economy.

I'd consider myself an independent with very strong leftist leanings, but I absolutely hate what the Democratic party has become and agree with you that it's a bit of a joke these days.

Ah Ha! You do have some intelligence!!! Everything but the liberal part. The only way I could ever let you live that down is if in "liberal" you mean open to discussion and debate, that's fine, everyone should be open to discuss what is in the best interest of the nation if they are on the up and up. But if you actually support even a fraction of their views than I would fear for your soul.

But good LORD get back to reality, especially you Game_Rage, if you ACTUALLY think that Obama is some fucking conspiracy fascist sent here by the Russkies to kill us all and turn our children into pinko commies, well, I feel unbelievably sorry for you and just how closed-minded and naive you truly are.

No, I know that Obama is a socialist, and that he has been doing his damnedest to socialize the economy. If you can't see that than your wearing blinders or rose colored glasses. Do you even know what it means to socialize the economy? It is when the government takes over industry which leads directly to communism. Now if your a communist I can see why you agree, but I am not and this country actually fought to defeat communism, so the idea of Americans supporting a guy who is trying to do that to our nation is pretty alarming if you ask me. I could only wish that is was a conspiracy, at least they would be trying to hide it then, but these assholes are doing it right in the public eye which is pretty bold and shows that they think everyone is too dumb to see past it. Why wouldn't they though, you were dumb enough to elect him, you must then be dumb enough to accept that too. And you have the nerve to call me naive and closed minded, when it is public knowledge that anyone opposed to Obama and his radical views is ostracized and torn down, what a hypocrite.

As for O'Reilly, I haven't really "hated" the man in years. He used to be the fiery spitting frontman of conservatism on television, now he's practically a liberal compared to the two big dogs at Fox now in Hannity and Beck. I watched his interview with Jon Stewart and really enjoyed it, thought both men were pleasant, reasonable, and most of all they weren't rude dckheads trying to catch the other side of the aisle with their pants down. It was really refreshing to see, and I'm glad that Stewart has become so chummy with O'Reilly, kind of reminds me of FTS and myself (haha).

I don't have any beef with O'Reilly. Hannity and Beck on the other hand, are two of the biggest fucking morons I've seen on my television screen in my entire life. Both should be mocked and ridiculed on a daily basis for being so unbelievably stupid.

Well what an anecdote, we're all enlightened. Thanks.
I can't explain how much the liberal bullshit I have read on here makes me fucking sick. You who defend the left are like AIDS to the country. I try to take it with a grain of salt because you are too stupid to believe anything but what they tell you, but the blind uneducated support of the liberal agenda just infuriates me. I don't give a shit what any of you think about FOX News for starters. If you were smart you would we listening and watching, but your not, so you stay uninformed about the bullshit Obama does with his liberal counterparts.

The difference between the Republican(non liberal) and the Democrat(Liberal) is that the Republican wanta to think for themselves and the Democrat wants the thinking done for them. The Republican wants fact and numbers laid out to judge what is right, The Democrat wants to hear flowery bleeding-heart speeches, and basically wants to be told what think(subconsciously), you just eat up the bullshit they feed you because you are either too dumb, too lazy, or both, to do the thinking for yourselves. It's easier to just take what bullshit Obama tries to sell you than to stop and think about why this asshole is doing it in the first place.

How any of you can raise your head after electing this fucking joke is amazing to me. The fact that you did is just further proof and support of what I am saying. All the evidence, all the proof was there to show this guy was the worst decision you could make. But, he wasn't white #1 so he must have been ok because "the white man" is the devil, he tries to talk like he's the second coming of Christ mixed with a little MLK Jr., and the pop culture was in love with him because they are all stupid too and so you took the bait like the good little sheep you are. He never presented that he had comprehensive plans to do anything, all he talked about was "Change is Coming" unfortunately you people were too stupid to see the obvious, that the change he was talking about was going from a country based on capitalism to become a socialist nation.

All the background on him proved he was a lying crooked bastard, and that he wasn't fit to be president. I wouldn't buy a used car off that asshole let alone allow him to run my country. You people make me sick, and you are the problem with this country. The fucked up part too, is that you act like everyone else is just crazy, bible belt, back woods, far right, Christian extremists. You act like people opposed to your highly flawed and liberal views are just some kind of radical minority, when in truth YOU are the minority, you are the ones with the fucked up wiring, and you are what is wrong with this country. If everyone listened to you everyone would be multiracial gay atheists living in a socialist country where everyone had to wait in line to get piss poor medical assistance, where all businesses and wealthy people were taxed into bankruptcy.

The liberal ideals and the people who support them that you champion are the same ideals and people that would gladly screw you in a heart beat, but they tell you otherwise so you don't question it because they aren't white republican Christians who know how to properly run an economy. And if you try to mention Bush don't even, the economy was tanking before he can into office and didn't get really bad until you fucking dems took control of the house and senate. That's another thing that is so funny. You people blame Bush and the Republican party for everything, when it was your own democrats who fucked everything up. Not only that, you all demonized both Bush and the entire Republican party for supporting and fighting TWO necessary wars, you sympathize with terrorists who would love nothing more than to kill your ass, and you support the very people who will blatantly do harm to our economy and gladly sell all of us up the river. Do any of you realize that this fuck head Obama has acquired more debt in less than a year than all the presidents of the past COMBINED!!!!! Get a fucking clue, this guy is not the answer and never was. He has fucked things up so much worse I don't know if there is any kind of recourse, but that was his plan all along. If everyone is unemployed, can't afford health insurance, businesses can't afford to be in business without the government, and the economy is worse off than in the depression, everyone is then reliant on the government and they have all the power.

What does all of this have to do with the topic or FOX News, a lot. They are the only people who have been willing to come out and expose all this bullshit for what it is, a fucking crime against the people and an attempt to rape our constitution. They tell it like it is, and the reason it seems so biased is because there are people who don't like their government pissing on their heads telling them it's raining speaking up. It's because the current administration had done all the wrong things that you, I, and everyone should be concerned about if you give one fuck about the future of the country and the economy. If you don't care about those things than you are a short sighted loser and you need your head examined, maybe a lobotomy followed by a colonoscopy because you are full of shit for everything you say and stand for. You are the type of people Joseph Stalin had executed, and if this country had any balls they would too because you are worse than any cancer, you are like the AIDS virus on society. You are like a poison spreading across the country, tainting the minds of people and ruining what this country used to stand for. In closing, you can go fuck yourselves and I hope you die of Ebola.(this is in reference to liberals in general and no specific individuals, just in case anyone tries to screw me with a bullshit flaming infraction. You never know, the mod could be a liberal.)

I think i just threw up a little in my mouth. It was tacos.

The fact that with a couple of word changes your case points could easily be degrading the people your are so poorly trying to defend.

Uninformed? Fox News is uninformed. If they would take off the proverbial ear muffs they're so quick to throw on anytime someone with opposing views has something of merit to say, they might carry more legitmacy with their programs.

Thats the major underlying problem we have. We can kick eachother in the balls until theyre destroyed, but in the end we have the remaining problems and crushed balls. The republican party has no desire for change. And i don't mean a change of adress for one man who gets to move into a nice white house. True Change. As in the realization that the system our entire country relies on has more than failed us. The system that was put in motion ''for the people, by the people", but shits on ''the people''.

They are only one half of this outdated and crumbling government of ours. Just because of the blind mudslinging and child like tantrums that the right wing seem to be so fond of, doesn't mean many of their points are valid. The other side has for some time been "Say lot, do little" and have taken the reigns of change and done nothing with them.

Seeing that i have very little political affiliation, I consider myself a somewhat middle ground and have tried to see thing for what they are and decide for myself what they need to be. But ive grown incredbily put off but what i've educated myself on. The problems with what he have or have imbedded themselves so deep that without major constructive change, nothing will be resolved and the cancer will remain.

In regards to your initial statement, liberals being AIDS and all, if they're aids then republicans are the bitch we slept with to get em.
Yeah, anytime someone outside of the liberal arena strongly expresses their feelings, and aren't afraid to stand and call you out on your bullshit that is what we get, demonized. That is expected, and why wouldn't you? No one likes to be called on their bullshit, that is why I encourage you to stop believing in bullshit and wake up.

Hey, I'm sorry, do you know me? No? Then I kindly suggest you shut up. You haven't even the slightest inkling of what my political affiliations or beliefs may be, who I may have voted for, what party I'm registered with. This is Problem Number One with your hilariously inept post in this thread, you lump MILLIONS of people together under this blanket of "liberals" all because of a fucking interview on the O'Reilly Factor. Yeah, that's not unfair at all.

I'm trying to be reasonable. You, as everyone's good friend Norcal would say, are throwing toys out of your crib and crying about how we're all headed to Armageddon. Excuse me if none of us take you seriously after the bullshit you've spewed in this thread.

That's not my message and you grossly misrepresent it. When it comes down to it at the end of the day this country is run on a two party system Republican and Democrat which means to get anything done you have to side with one of the other. I don't necessarily agree with everything the Republicans do, but I believe and even better I know that the republicans economic ideals are better suited to successfully run a nation based on capitalism. The Republicans are efficient, that is why the 90's were so great economically, because of the work that Bush Sr, and Reagan before him did to revive the economy after the debacle that was the Carter administration. If you try to say it was Clinton that your just sucking the democratic cock even more because he's the guy who destroyed the economy, on his way out everything was going south and that is what Bush Jr inherited, Clinton's fuck ups. When we have a Republican house and senate shit can get done, otherwise it is just an in-fight where the democrats try to expand government and rape you for unnecessary taxes for unnecessary spending.

This is what I absolutely hate about most conservatives; their seemingly never ending belief that the only fucking thing that matters is the economy. The economy is important, but I'll take Clinton getting his cock sucked over Reagan and Bush funding drug dealers in South America and selling weapons to terrorists, dealing information and weapons to both sides of the Iran/Iraq war and funding Al-Qaeda. But right, the economy, that's the only thing that matters.

The dumbocrats can't get shit done for a number of reasons. Firstly, few are bold and stupid enough to publicly endorse their out of whack bills they try to pass. Secondly, they are so fucking stupid and indecisive that they can't agree on anything. As for the Republicans, they have been doing all they can to keep Obama from going too far as he has already tried to do by shoving that stack of shit health care bill down our throats. He used every back handed dirty tactic he could to try and get that abomination passed, even going as far as trying to have a senate vote during thanksgiving I believe it was so that the public wouldn't know about it until it was too late to protest it. No one has called Obama a Nazi either, he is just the worst president in American history, and his views and agendas are not in your interests or mine. If you actually knew a thing you'd know that the Republicans have done all they can to block this guys ridiculous spending, and the reason they haven't been able to get anything done as of recent is because of the Democrat house and senate. Not one piece of legislation from their side has even been considered because it doesn't expand government or socialize the economy.

Obama...the worst president in history? Are you fucking joking me? Anyone who believes that, I am sorry, you may be mentally ******ed. If you are telling me that Obama is worse than Richard Nixon...just, no, can't take you seriously anymore (not that I did in the first place).

Ah Ha! You do have some intelligence!!! Everything but the liberal part. The only way I could ever let you live that down is if in "liberal" you mean open to discussion and debate, that's fine, everyone should be open to discuss what is in the best interest of the nation if they are on the up and up. But if you actually support even a fraction of their views than I would fear for your soul.

Christ you are petty. This is what I'm talking about, why do you have to look at politics like one giant game and your on one team and the other side is on the other team? It's like you don't even give a shit about this country, you just care about making sure the other side looks bad and loses face. This is why I hate our political system, both sides are a joke.

No, I know that Obama is a socialist, and that he has been doing his damnedest to socialize the economy. If you can't see that than your wearing blinders or rose colored glasses. Do you even know what it means to socialize the economy? It is when the government takes over industry which leads directly to communism. Now if your a communist I can see why you agree, but I am not and this country actually fought to defeat communism, so the idea of Americans supporting a guy who is trying to do that to our nation is pretty alarming if you ask me. I could only wish that is was a conspiracy, at least they would be trying to hide it then, but these assholes are doing it right in the public eye which is pretty bold and shows that they think everyone is too dumb to see past it. Why wouldn't they though, you were dumb enough to elect him, you must then be dumb enough to accept that too. And you have the nerve to call me naive and closed minded, when it is public knowledge that anyone opposed to Obama and his radical views is ostracized and torn down, what a hypocrite.

Typical American "OMG SOCIALISM WILL MURDER ALL OF THE CHILDREN!" bullshit. Why are you people so frightened of the tiniest bits of socialism? You realize this country has already implemented massive socialist policies over the last century, right? And that the world hasn't imploded yet? Then again I guess we wouldn't want to be anything like one of those icky Socialist-Democratic states like Sweden, land of murders and gangrapes and massive economic problems in that nation.

Oh, wait, that's our country.

Well what an anecdote, we're all enlightened. Thanks.

No problem, I figured with the amusement you've given me I should provide some for you as well.

Now, if you want to calm down, and stop screaming that the sky is falling, maybe we can have a reasonable conversation.
*sigh* OK, I know I've probably mentioned this at least once before, but it looks like I need to explain this to you overly-paranoid doomsayers.


Socialism was about spreading the wealth and making sure the government didn't have all the money. Communism took the concept too far and became more about putting all the power in the working class, which was what resulted in the collapse of the idea. Big difference.

So for those who are going on about how Obama is going to be the end of America and is the opposite of everything you stand for, you need to a) do some research, and b) get a fucking grip on reality. Especially if you're calling him the worst president ever. That's just fucking idiotic. Yes, presidents in the past have proven to be for racism and slavery, but Obama is the worst president ever.

The statements made by these people have shown some of the most biased and ill-informed people I have ever met. And the sad part is that these people will still think exactly the same as before, and just brush me off as some leftist hippie. It's amazing people take these idiots seriously at all. It really is.
First let me just say that I'm glad that you're able to present your opinion calmly and reasonably lghikas, unlike Game_Rage who thinks it's cool to call all liberals "AIDs" to America, but what both of you are saying kind of strkes me as the same typical bullshit double standard nonsense that you two just claimed to be against, and yet immediately display in your posts.

Well I try not to insult people and make personal attacks, although sometimes I would admit I get out of hand. I believe there is a right and wrong way to discuss politics or anything for that matter, and once you jump to personal attacks and name calling, in my book you'll lose any argument.

And if you think I have a double standard please point it out and call me out on it, cause I love hearing many different points of views and opinions, now I am not really seeing it but I wouldn't be surprised if there was one, but please don't be afraid to call me out on something, if I see it who knows it would probably make me a better person. I just not sure what you are talking about.

The thing is there are bad Republicans/Conservatives and bad Democrats/Liberals, not all Republicans are conservative and not all Democrats are Liberal. There are extremists on all sides, and they give the more main stream ones a bad name. And people have to be able to see the difference from the extremist to the mainstream ones. And to say that you have to agree with everything one party says is stupid, and isn't what this country was founded on, there would be no Checks & Balances. And both sides do have good ideas in my opinion, some Businesses do need some type of regulations to a point or the government shouldn't be so much involved, or that all people need to have civil rights, some people need welfare, but not the ones that abuse it. Having all of one party will never work, for this country to function well they need to find a common ground or we'll will be our own worst enemy.

Right now the Democrats are trying to do too much, while the Republicans aren't trying to do anything, and all should be held accountable.
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I'm going to have so much fun. Thanks for point this one out, Xfear.

I can't explain how much the liberal bullshit I have read on here makes me fucking sick.

I'm sorry. Have you tried any medicine for that? I hear Tylenol might help being a close-minded, egotistical swine.

You who defend the left are like AIDS to the country.

Oh? I am caused by a sexually transmitted disease, HIV, I infect the babies of those born to me at birth, I have left millions of children orphaned in Africa, and I have killed millions if not billions in Africa? Wow. I didn't know saying Obama isn't a terrorist from Kenya did all that.

I try to take it with a grain of salt because you are too stupid to believe anything but what they tell you,



You're speaking to me, right?

I'm too stupid?

No, no. You must be kidding. I get paid to go to college, I have taken math and sciences that you probably have never even sneezed at. I can mathematically prove to you that water flows down a slope, and I can scientifically espouse the positives that Evolution has granted us throughout the millennium while warning of the horrors present when one applies Evolution to social or economic problems.

I sincerely, sincerely hope you weren't talking to me.

but the blind uneducated support of the liberal agenda just infuriates me.

That sounds about right. Call the other side uneducated and the "AIDs of the nation" because they don't agree with you. In Logic class we call that an ad hominem attack. Those are bad.

I don't give a shit what any of you think about FOX News for starters.

How nice. I don't give a shit about you or your mother either. But I still take her out to a nice place every week or so. Keep her feeling wanted.

If you were smart you would we listening and watching, but your not, so you stay uninformed about the bullshit Obama does with his liberal counterparts.

I would wager that I'm rather well informed, actually. I just apply ethics and basic morals to what I learn, so I don't believe what you believe. Sorry. At least FTS argues from a basis of Constitutional Conservatism. You just argue from being a jackass.

The difference between the Republican(non liberal) and the Democrat(Liberal)

Is that Republicans want Big Government, Big Business, and Big Military while Democrats want Big Government, Big Schools, and people fed.
is that the Republican wanta to think for themselves and the Democrat wants the thinking done for them.

Remind me of that the next time someone tries to claim that the Iraq was justified, despite the numerous mounds of evidence showing that there was no legal reason to invade. Also, there has been a memo that has surfaced showing that PM Blair and President Bush conspired to invade Iraq a year before they started to move troops to the country. I won't cite it, because it's yet to be officially authenticated. I'd bet it was true, though.

The Republican wants fact and numbers laid out to judge what is right,

Like what? If I still the right to privacy from 10,000,000 Americans, I can kill 10 terrorists? That sounds about right.

The Democrat wants to hear flowery bleeding-heart speeches,

There it was! "Bleeding Heart." I was wondering when you would break that out. Also,


You were saying?

and basically wants to be told what think(subconsciously),

Actually, I have based my decisions off of my life experiences and my own Deistic religious belief system. But you can keep trying to act like no one thinks, when Palin can somehow get support for VP after admitting she didn't know what the fuck a VP does.

..Funny thing is, all they do is serve as President of the Senate. That's it. That's all they do. And she didn't even know that.

Also, she didn't know that Ahmedinejhad holds no official power in Iran. It's all the Ayatollahs. But hell, let's make her VP. She's not black, right? :rolleyes:


you just eat up the bullshit they feed you because you are either too dumb, too lazy, or both, to do the thinking for yourselves.

Mmhmm. Let's lose some more rights because Bush said we need to to fight terrorists. Let's not even worry about the FBI listening to our phone calls...We did nothing illegal, right?

It's easier to just take what bullshit Obama tries to sell you than to stop and think about why this asshole is doing it in the first place.

Then tell me, oh mighty one. Why is Obama telling me this stuff?

How any of you can raise your head after electing this fucking joke is amazing to me.

I do it every morning. Right before I go to my super smart college classes.

The fact that you did is just further proof and support of what I am saying.

The fact I get up in the morning is just further proof of your inane bullshit? That's new to me.

Oh, wait. I elected him, so I don't think for myself. I understand now. You should right more coherently.

All the evidence, all the proof was there to show this guy was the worst decision you could make.

Oh? Because he doesn't hate Abortionists, huh?

But, he wasn't white #1 so he must have been ok because "the white man" is the devil,

I thought the Devil was red. I'm a Deist and I know that.

he tries to talk like he's the second coming of Christ mixed with a little MLK Jr.,

Oh? He's pronounced a Utopian society after defeating the Anti-Christ in the Final Battle of Armageddon? Where? Did I sleep through that? Fuck. I always sleep through the cool shit.

and the pop culture was in love with him because they are all stupid too and so you took the bait like the good little sheep you are.

Yeah, and there wasn't a massive movement to support Hillary because she was the first woman, or support Palin because she gave birth to a mentally ******ed child. Sure. Whatever you want to believe.

He never presented that he had comprehensive plans to do anything, all he talked about was "Change is Coming"

He gave plans. I heard them at most every speech. If you could pay attention instead of listening to your "He's a dirty Muslim. He's a dirty Muslim." chanting, you would have heard his plans also.

unfortunately you people were too stupid to see the obvious, that the change he was talking about was going from a country based on capitalism to become a socialist nation

Hmmm...He never said that. Not once. You're making up shit. That you are.

All the background on him proved he was a lying crooked bastard, and that he wasn't fit to be president.

What background proved that?

I wouldn't buy a used car off that asshole let alone allow him to run my country.

He's your President. He's the leader of your Armed Forces. If you could show him just a tad of respect, that'd be great.

You people make me sick, and you are the problem with this country.

I'm sorry. Did you take that Tylenol I mentioned earlier?

The fucked up part too, is that you act like everyone else is just crazy, bible belt, back woods, far right, Christian extremists.

Not at all. FTS isn't. But everyone who actually believes what Beck spouts? Yeah, I'll make that claim.

You act like people opposed to your highly flawed and liberal views are just some kind of radical minority,

Let me guess. They're highly flawed because you think so. Fuck me, we should have just asked you before coming up with the Democrat Platform. Would have saved me the trouble of going through this bullshit post.

when in truth YOU are the minority,

Yeah, that's why our Presidential Nominee WON IN A FUCKING LANDSLIDE VICTORY. Yeah. We're the majority.

you are the ones with the fucked up wiring, and you are what is wrong with this country.

Explain to me what I have wrong. Is it the feeding people part?

If everyone listened to you everyone would be multiracial gay atheists

Everyone can't really become multiracial and gay. Gay ain't a choice, and neither is being multi-racial. Try again.

living in a socialist country where everyone had to wait in line to get piss poor medical assistance, where all businesses and wealthy people were taxed into bankruptcy.

Must be why all those British and Canadian people are suffering from deaths at a much higher rate. Oh wait. THEY AREN'T. Kindly stop spouting from your ass. Walls of text are only good when they actually have a point to them.

The liberal ideals and the people who support them that you champion are the same ideals and people that would gladly screw you in a heart beat

Nah, I wouldn't screw you over. Unless you were a dirty Capitalist. Then I would gut you like a fish.

but they tell you otherwise so you don't question it

I'm sorry that I trust the political party that didn't lie to get us into a 7 year war, and didn't completely abandon their own basic principles to steal my rights and spend more money on shiny guns and tax breaks.

because they aren't white republican Christians

What about White Democrat Christians? Can I still listen to them? They're awfully nice sometimes.

who know how to properly run an economy.

How about Black Republican Christians? Can they run the economy right? Racist.
And if you try to mention Bush don't even,

Should have said this before. I would have laughed in your face then.

the economy was tanking before

Oh? We had a decade of unprecedented growth. I don't know what economy you were living in. Malaysia, perhaps?

he can into office and didn't get really bad until you fucking dems took control of the house and senate.

Stop saying what FTS says all the time. You aren't nearly as good as him.

That's another thing that is so funny. You people blame Bush and the Republican party for everything, when it was your own democrats who fucked everything up.

Oh, wow. A Republican blaming all of the Democrats. How...hypocritical.

Not only that, you all demonized both Bush and the entire Republican party for supporting and fighting TWO necessary wars,

The Iraq War was not, nor will it ever be, necessary. You can stop trying to argue for it now, because you'll get nowhere. Bush and Blair lied us into it, don't even start to say something about how we should invade countries because we don't like their dictator. That's bullshit.

you sympathize with terrorists who would love nothing more than to kill your ass,

I don't want to stoop to their level and torture them. I'm sorry.

and you support the very people who will blatantly do harm to our economy and gladly sell all of us up the river.

I can say the same for you. Public discourse is awesome.
Do any of you realize that this fuck head Obama has acquired more debt in less than a year than all the presidents of the past COMBINED!!!!!

Hmmm...Bush did that before him. You're mixing shit up, right there.

Get a fucking clue, this guy is not the answer and never was. He has fucked things up so much worse I don't know if there is any kind of recourse, but that was his plan all along. If everyone is unemployed, can't afford health insurance, businesses can't afford to be in business without the government, and the economy is worse off than in the depression, everyone is then reliant on the government and they have all the power.

Because that makes sense. He's been in power for a year and he's fucked shit up royally. Never mind the man who had 8 years to avoid disaster but steered us straight into the Housing Bubble.

What does all of this have to do with the topic or FOX News, a lot. They are the only people who have been willing to come out and expose all this bullshit for what it is, a fucking crime against the people and an attempt to rape our constitution.

PATRIOT Act. Oh shit, I just blew up your argument. I'm sorry.

They tell it like it is, and the reason it seems so biased is because there are people who don't like their government pissing on their heads telling them it's raining speaking up. It's because the current administration had done all the wrong things that you, I, and everyone should be concerned about if you give one fuck about the future of the country and the economy.

What were you saying when Bush was president? I'm just wondering.

If you don't care about those things than you are a short sighted loser and you need your head examined, maybe a lobotomy followed by a colonoscopy because you are full of shit for everything you say and stand for.

Lulz, how silly do you sound. Though you did get the "lobotomy" and "colonoscopy" right.

You are the type of people Joseph Stalin had executed,

Wait, so we're not Communists?

AND LULZ, you just said that Joseph Stalin executed us, which would make us his political enemies. Which would make you, the person he didn't execute, his political ally. Congratulations, you just called your own side Communists. :thumbsup:

That was awesome. Please do that again.

and if this country had any balls they would too because you are worse than any cancer, you are like the AIDS virus on society.

You're advocating for the mass murder of every Liberal in the country? Yeah, I'm going to avoid the flaming infraction here and now.

You are like a poison spreading across the country, tainting the minds of people and ruining what this country used to stand for.

Wow, what everyone was saying about the Republicans 8 years ago. Can you find some new material?

In closing, you can go fuck yourselves and I hope you die of Ebola.(this is in reference to liberals in general and no specific individuals, just in case anyone tries to screw me with a bullshit flaming infraction. You never know, the mod could be a liberal.)

You just claimed every Liberal needs to die of Ebola. Therefore, you have said you want me to die a very violent and bloody death. Congratulations, your little disclaimer at the bottom does jackshit.
Alright, that is almost too much to go back through and respond to every single smart ass comment. You have made my case for me. C'mon you got anymore witty responses of personal attack to try and make a fool of me with. You realize I never said anything about anyone specifically? You realize you all said a million things directly at me? I'm pretty positive if I was directly like that to you I would be banned or get an flaming infraction. But you, you are all a part of the club so to speak, and I am obviously insignificant to your grace.

For all your preaching, and talking down to me, and just finding a dozen different ways to disparage me, you really prove how full of shit you are. You act in contradiction of the very thing you are standing for. Of course saying that just prompts you to say I don't have a clue about this or that or yada yada yada, I'm this that a ton of other shit that doesn't actually apply to me, so on and so on. Seriously, it's pretty lame. I can always expect the same approach from any one of you, that seems to be the way of things here.

As for anything you try to present as evidence, I would be surprised to see any of you back your claims with anything credible other than "It was on the news" or "I heard it here" or the even better "Everyone knows that" just suggesting and insisting you are so dead on with your facts. Prove anything you say, and I will gladly, gladly congratulate you for not being full of shit, and backing what you say. Until then all your "Hard Copy" arguments have shown nothing to the contrary of anything I have said unfortunately when you really look at it. Just smart ass insolent insults aimed straight for the jugular. Do you ever try sticking to the point, or are you unaccustomed to debating the facts?

You are doing the same thing you think I am doing to you. For all your talk about how smart the lot of you are, you sure miss the big details. If you consider yourself a liberal or not and take offense to what I say, just disagree. You think you prove anything by trying to verbally lash me? You think you are going to "Teach me a Lesson"? Sorry boys, I am at least on the level with any of you, and I am intelligent, I learn well. There is just nothing you are going to teach me. And don't bother trying to come back and say "we can't teach you a lesson because your so dumb" or some variation of that.

I often write these things, anticipating who is going to use the cheesiest most over the top response, filled with ego driven hate. I stated rather strongly what I think and what I fell about the type of people I described. If you are not like one of the people I described, than obviously I am not talking to you. Instead of acknowledging that you choose to just take offense because I don't have anything good to say about the lot of piece of shit liberals there are out there. I never said the republicans were angels either. I happen to believe that their ideas on how to properly run "A Country"(had to say that since being accused of only obsessing over economy) are better than those from the other side of the table based on the values and ideals of both parties. Trying to derogate the republicans isn't a help to your argument either, we could go back and fourth all day about shit presidents and congressman have done on all sides. That is why the liberals get hammered on it so much though is because you try to repudiate any and all accusation, while throwing stones. That people is called affected piety.

The shit I love the most is when you constantly accuse me of fabricating just about everything I am saying. Yeah, like that's valid. It's like saying "Tag! Your It!" but instead you call me a liar, how thoughtful. I would ask why you accuse me, or why you have to deny the truth that I speak, but I already know why. You just can't stand to hear anyone speak of a truth that you don't accept. At least that is what it appears to be. Of course your probably going to have some poignant avowal to that too. It's funny because I spoke rather clearly of moderation, and not going too far one way or the other. But, you paint me as the typical stereotype, accompanied by every other ascertainable swellhead comment you can make up. However, It seems because I believe that republicans are much better at running the economy, and I am also more conservative on most issues than I am liberal you come at me like sharks. It's not like I do not sway to the left a little on some issues, you just have to sometimes. I never said the far radical right was correct, you only surmised as much which is your own doing.

I did realize one big mistake I made though. I made it clear how much I dislike Obama. Maaan oh Maan I should have known better huh? Was there any way I was going to avoid being verbally bludgeoned after that? Don't dare criticize the messiah, or point out his glaring flaws that we are all going to pay for. He apparently can do no wrong as he has been appointed to be the anointed one. It doesn't matter that he has openly broken every campaign promise he made, or that he comes from the most crooked clout in the country. It doesn't matter that hid record on practically every political and economic topic is exceedingly to the radical far left even though he talks about bipartisanship but has refused to practice it himself.

It doesn't matter that against the unanimous disapproval of the nation he tried to railroad the worst health care bill anyones ever seen right down our throats with the intentions of taking over the private industry. It doesn't seem to matter to people that the government officially owns in the neighborhood of 60-70% stock in GM. The list goes on and on and on and on. It doesn't matter that he had next to nothing for experience, or that he his attendance at meeting of congress were almost non existent, which means he was never even doing the job he was hired for. This guy dodged as many votes as he did questions about his policies. None of that seems to matter because he's charismatic to some degree, and he's the exact opposite on the surface as what has been deemed evil by the leftist media and their cohorts. The worst part of it all is that anytime you point out all the dirt on him and show him for what he is, it's called racist, or it's called something else to mark you as some kind of dogmatist because you don't want this fabulist as president.

Next time you decide to make horses asses of yourselves, do it with someone who is going to be intimidated by your bravado. I think you made yourselves look petty, caustic, and sloppy. You'll have to come with something more than the weak old despotism routine to prove a point against me. I appreciate the attempt, and the effort that went in to your harangues but those do no justice to your cause. If you don't like what I have to say or the way I say it, that is of no consequence to me, nor does it matter to me. You can take what I say literally and get all pissed, or you can just take away from it, what is meant to be taken away from it. That is your choice not mine. If you choose to make what I have to say into something it is not, that is your problem. If you don't like where I stand on issues, too bad. Maybe practice what you preach, or preach better practices. Either way, you are out of line, out of context, and out of your mind if you think that anything you have said has any real bearing on the truth of my statements, no matter how brashly they were made, or how adamantly you oppose.

I noticed something else, you seem to have no perception for sarcasm or dry humor. I say crazy shit because it is simply that, crazy shit. But you geniuses take it all at face value because from what I have gathered, no matter what I do you people hate me. No matter what I say, you try to turn it against me. The message is loud and clear. I am not one of "You" so I don't count, nothing I say is valid, and it's always open season on me, but if I say anything to really ruffle your feathers it's time for punishment. Got it. It makes me really question your intelligence when I say "Liberals are like AIDS" and you take it seriously, or when I make random crazy off the cuff comments like that and you are so quick to put me on the cross for it. Do you even understand how horrible that makes you all look? It's like you just try to fuck with people because you are the "Elite" or something, and someone like me is supposedly not on your levels, I am just too stupid, and too out of touch to match your wits, and above all else everything I say is a lie, and everything you think you know is the gods honest truth no matter what anything else says to the contrary. It's good to know that there are certain rules for some, and different rules for others. It's good to know that only the right people count here, and if your not chummy with the "Right People" or you have the balls to say something contrary to one of you thespians you are ostracized and badgered into silence. Can't let those "Wrong Thinkers" talk, they might prove how full of shit all of you are.

The overwhelming majority of what you have had to say in response to my impassioned stands on what I know and believe to be true, was downright embarrassing. It's the worst retorts I've seen in some time, although they are shrouded with a mystique of intelligence. It's just blather out of spite. A bunch of smart ass remarks, and assumptions of the truth. Like simply denying what I have said to be true makes it a lie. I love how you try to prove it all too, you just say something to the contrary and make a big deal about it like you really got me or something. I say Barack is a lying cheating bastard and his history proves it, and your response is "Huh-uh, that's not true your lying" Oh really? How so? What about the guy says any different? Explain that one. Then there are the parts where you present random statements as some kind of historical fact, I love that one too. You give these ideas that are based solely on opinion and tout them as the truth, like statements made about bush, the patriot act, so on and so fourth. Your interpretation of events in history does nothing to disprove anything I have said in regards to it, or any of the parties involved in the discussion.

And those were supposed to be "Good" responses that blow me out of the water from one person who is supposedly "The Poster of the Year" and another who never even puts an argument together, just a bunch of irrelevant, unsupported comments. If this is supposed to be the best you can offer, than you are in for a big surprise. That's not good enough to deal with me, I know it was supposed to be your big comebacks where you were going to humiliate and crush the "wrong thinker" but what you have done instead is make fools of yourselves by acting so childish and ultimately unintelligible through the whole thing. A bunch of puffed up, propped up, opinions. I would take the time to go through and line by line reduce you to nothing, but honestly, I don't want to take that much time to do it, and you probably wouldn't pat attention to it anyways because that is when it would be made horribly apparent how miserably you have failed in this argument and you wouldn't want to face that. Still waiting for some real competition.
So, let me see if I've got this straight:

Rather than try to prove us wrong by making an actual case, you waste paragraph after paragraph attacking and insulting the people who disagree with you. Yes, that'll make people change their opinion of you. Seriously, you used about 5 or 6 paragraphs that are nothing but long-winded speeches about how you're so smrt and everyone else is dumb. It's like you're the Ultimate Warrior of this forum.

And when you actually talked about the supposed topic of this thread, it was just more insults. Let's go over them:

"Obama broke all of his campaign promises" - I dare you to find one person who was elected into office who DIDN'T break a campaign promise.
"Obama comes from the most crooked clout in the country" - It's funny that you keep saying this, yet you never say where exactly that is. What, Hawaii's crooked now? News to me.
"Obama's forcing a bad healthcare bill that nobody wants" - First off, wrong, people do want it. I've talked to these people, and they want to be able to get healthcare without worrying about losing all their money. Second, yes, it's bad. It's so bad that Canada and England have been using a similar bill for years. Sure.
"If anyone disagrees with Obama they're labeled a racist" - Give me one example that isn't from a total douchebag.

And then, after more insults, you try to pass off your "liberals = AIDS" comment as a joke. Seriously? Did you really make that comment and expect people to take it as a joke? Are you high? Permanently? Did you practice being this mentally challenged, or is it a natural thing? Honestly, it doesn't matter what you MEANT something to be. If people take it as an insult, too bad for you. Not to mention that's a really, really weak defense.

In fact, let me show you how bad it is:

You are the real reason the country of the United States of America is hated by every other country in the world. I hope you die from testicular cancer and burn in Hell forever, so that the rest of the human race doesn't have to endure more of your liberty-hating, gun-loving, overly paranoid self.

Oh, hold on. I'm sorry. I was joking. Ha. Ha. Ha.

So, then after two more paragraphs of insults, I think we can safely conclude that you truly are this forum's answer to Ultimate Warrior: an overblown, biased, socially unaware egomaniac who takes three hours to say something you could sum up in one sentence. In this case: "Fuck you". See how easy that is? Then again, people would take you less seriously than they already do if you did that. No, wait, they wouldn't, that's not possible.

In short, please get the fuck off the internet until you know what you're talking about.
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