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Biggest Misuse Of Talent On Raw This Week [SERIES/2]


Brilliant Idiot
So, what do you guys think? Who was used the most incorrectly this week? Personally, for myself it's Vladimir Kozlov.

He's not the greatest wrestler of all times by any means, but that Sheamus squash was just a waste of time. I was actually interested in seeing how good the match could be. However, Vladimir has lost such luster teaming with Santino that he was beaten in less than 3 minutes. Less than a commercial break. Seemed wasteful.

Anyway, what about you guys?
It's just to get Sheamus a win and set up the program with John Morrison. I think they've done a good job with this angle and it's about time they have some other stories going on besides whats happening with the titles. Sheamus and Morrison hopefully will have a long running feud that helps get them even more over with the fans.
Agree with the Kozlov thingy, he isn't the best wrestler and is probably a life time midcarder but for a guy who is returning he should have had a squash match... not Sheamus squashing him...
I would have to say the goldust dibiase fued. I dont know if I missed an ending on NXT (cause who watches it) but I thought it was fresh brought back an old school feel. Why I felt thiey are doing okay with JoMo and Sheamus I think they dropped the ball there. But hey, it can only go so long.
Would you rather Daniel Bryan job to Sheamus? Face it, Vladdy is a jobber, and Santino's been put through a table, Morrson's on the rise Dibiase is involved with Goldust, R-Truth was with Orton. Sheamus needed Fodder. At this point Vladdy seemed to be a good choice. And why not? Sheamus is one of the best ME's at the moment. Anyway, in my opinion the biggest waste of talent Alex Rieley the way he got bitch slapped by Show.
This series is going to get pretty stale, because it's invariably going to be some member of the undercard who only played a minimal part in the show and who never plays anything more than a minimal part.

As far as squashes go, Kozlov got in a decent showing; given that they left nearly 15 minutes for the Pee-Wee Herman/Miz segment, and that's before they gave Miz another 10-15 for his match with Big Show, how were Kozlov and Sheamus supposed to get more than 3 minutes to work a match? You'd have to explain to me where that time was going to come from, given the standard format of entertainment first-wrestling second that RAW typically follows.

I think that given the amount of time consumed by people who aren't actually on RAW, like LayCool and BigShow, not to mention a 5-minute ad for Linda mixed in, no one was misused much worse than anyone else this week. Overall, it was a pretty shitty RAW, with the main event intrigue being the only thing worth caring about

Forced to choose, I'll say Daniel Bryan was the most misused, because while he worked a good match with DiBiase, he continues to flounder narratively without a feud to build investment in his character. Michael Cole dogging him on commentary is only going to get him so far unless he can feud with someone the audience cares about.
I would have to say the goldust dibiase fued. I dont know if I missed an ending on NXT (cause who watches it) but I thought it was fresh brought back an old school feel. Why I felt thiey are doing okay with JoMo and Sheamus I think they dropped the ball there. But hey, it can only go so long.

I agree with you here, they haven't done anything on this since the ppv but I think Goldust still has ben Millino Dollar Belt. I think they need to continued this feud it is good for all involved. Ted needs someone to help him get over. Goldust finally getting a storyline instead of just comedy skits on raw. It also gives Maryse and Aksana something to do. I think it is interesting and should continued. Which they could just be waiting for the wedding, so ofcourse it can be crashed like all wwe weddings.
I'm gonna score this once again for ezekiel jackson. I know what your saying he won a squash match. Yeah against who, zach ryder is right. Who hasn't beated ryder in a squash match, the guy is lower on the rung than santino. If they are trying to hype up big zeke the best way is for him to beat kovlov and have sheamus do the segment without facing zeke, he didn't have to it didn't add to or take away from the angle, it just made kovlov look worse. At least is zeke beat him it would have been for a reason!

Maybe next week we'll get zeke facing a someone, but I doubt it.
I agree with you here, they haven't done anything on this since the ppv but I think Goldust still has ben Millino Dollar Belt. I think they need to continued this feud it is good for all involved. Ted needs someone to help him get over. Goldust finally getting a storyline instead of just comedy skits on raw. It also gives Maryse and Aksana something to do. I think it is interesting and should continued. Which they could just be waiting for the wedding, so ofcourse it can be crashed like all wwe weddings.

its continued on nxt..it has made it interesting....

but i'd say the biggest waste was zack ryder lol ive been hoping for his push for awhile lol but then again theres no room for him on raw right now..so i dont really think anyone has been too misused this week.

i thought raw was good overall, especially the main event.. loved the way orton pulled everything off, outsmarting cena n barret n then the smug grin while folding his arms in front of the crowd haha it was great.
I gotta say Zach Ryder, This guy has the stuff to be on the mid card. But we saw him get destroyed by Big Zeke. There is my bias.

Without any bias on my part I would pick Ezekiel Jackson. This is a guy who I see as a future champion, and he is put up against a guy, who has no reputation in the ring,sadly, and destroys him. Sure he looks dominate after dominating Ryder, but as an OP said, who hasn't.
I've got to agree with Terminal Sledgehammer on this one. Zack Ryder is actually a pretty good wrestler. He can cut good promos and he can work inside the ring. The WWE has mostly been using him as fodder on Superstars and Raw for a while and I think it's just a shame.

Ezekiel Jackson has an impressive look, but that's really about all he's got right now. Just being extremely muscular and posing isn't enough to get a guy over anymore. At first, I thought Ryder might be going up against Daniel Bryan, which I think would be a fun match, but I knew that Ryder was going to bit squashed when Big Zeke came out.
Zeke and Kozlov can't fight...they go way back with Regal in ECW...wait that happened more than 3 months ago. The misuse award for the night goes to Jomo. If he was gonna rescue Santino in his glorious 80s shirt, he shoulda come from some hard to reach place.
from what I read I don't have a problem with how the talent was used. I bet more of the long Island loud mouth would be good though. I just feel people net pick to often, the product is not strong but was there a time wrestling was prefect? I don't think so.
I'd have to go with Zack Ryder on this one too.

He was in his hometown and they had him get squashed... Seriously? They'd have been better off having a dark match with him and Yoshi Tatsu and letting someone else get squashed by Zeke.
Last week everybody was saying that Santino should not have won now everybody is saying that Kozlov should have won. Somebody has to win and somebody has to lose. Losing a match does not make you a jobber either it just means you lost this week. I would rather watch two superstars wrestle and have one lose than watch a complete unheard of nobody job to a superstar. At least the roster is being used. I dont think any talent was misused, well maybe Stephanie and Triple H were misused but no in ring wrestling segments were misused.
The above poster mentioned Lita, your post will be deleted soon enough but you've kind of got a point. Now Lita is not able to wrestle anymore, I believe but she could've done more than just a cameo appearance. Remember Trish Stratus had her own week to host or guest host RAW. Why not give Lita a seperate week on RAW. She would've gotten some ratings. Even if all she did was a couple backstage appearences. Could you imagine if Edge walk by backstage and just did something simple like walk by the office door just for a breif second...talk about marking out. Lita could've done a lot more than just three seconds with Pee Wee.

Another, is John Morrison. All he did was help poor old Santino. I like Santino, but I would've loved to see him get tossed off that stage a bit more. I would've loved to see John Morrison have a match against Sheamus even if it ended in a count out or something to further the feud. But just a few seconds on tv did not make me happy. He's an up and coming star and a one hundred percent future WWE or World Heavyweight Champion, they shoudve at least gave him a match. I knew something was missing last night besides CM Punk, and that was JoMo's excitement.
I'm kind of thinking that Morrison may be nursing a minor injury, how else do you explain him helping Santino two weeks in a row and not having a match himself. The most misused this week... In my opinion Ted Dibiase, I was quite enjoying the little feud with Golddust, Is it over? Why was Teddy fodder for Daniel Bryan? Sure decent match, but Bryan shoul keep the series with Dolph going and Teddy should be doing something with Goldilocks
I agree about Kozlov. Also, Zack Ryder getting totally squashed was also a disappointment IMO. He has worked hard to get a name for himself and stays lower-mid-card. He was Edge's stooge for the longest time and recovered from that better than Kurt Hawkins.

Also, having Michelle McCool in the second to the last match is a waste of "talent" because having a womens' match at that point in the program kills the audience! The audience died during that match. Mrs Taker (her husband is dead, again, so I feel sorry for her... how can she wrestle after such a tragedy) and Layla are annoying and they are not funny! Layla can't wrestle her way out of a douchebag!
I have to agree with Long Island Iced Z. I can't believe that they have wasted this guy so badly. He's my favorite low-card heel since Rob Conway became the Con Man, and Ryder can actually talk. He has the skills, the gimic, and the music to be a decent mid-carder but he keeps getting destroyed. He also posted some pretty amusing stuff on twitter.

I thought that the promos with Edge may have led to them doing something with him, but now Edge is the top face on Smackdown. Sadly, I think he's pretty much relegated to getting embarassed on a weekly basis until they decide to change his gimic which is sad because it is a large part of what makes him entertaining.
You know I actually love Zack Ryder, I love his gimmick, and he has the look and I honestly think he has the "it" factor people talk about. He had that unique style with one side of the pants short, the other one the full length, I thought that was great even if it looked stupid, it was something different. His catchphrases are great but he's like the heel Santino, which I hate. His twitter is probably the one people need to follow most out of the WWE too as mentioned before, since he actually has talked to celebs and not just WWE.

I hope he doesn't have a gimick change because the gimmick is the only thing I like about him. WWE can either put him in a tag team to help the division and help him out, or give him a decent push in the mid card. I honestly saw him as a future world champion at one point, yikes.

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