Biggest Heel in WWE History?


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So this is really an open question, and i am expection a lot of different answers on it, but just wondering who everyone thought was/is the biggest Heel in WWE history? who gets the most heat from the crowd?

this may seem a little odd but i am going to have to say vickie guerrero.. i dont remember the last time i have herd 100% of a building boo as loud as they can when you hear those 2 ear piercing words "EXCUSE ME!!" and thats on a weekly basis, sometimes once or twice.

so, there's my pick, lets hear yours.
There's a lot of different wrestlers you could choose for this really.

The first one that came to my mind was Triple H: He was truly hated. He had the crowd hating on him during his on-screen marriage with Stephanie, as well as during his time with Evolution where he was feuding with numerous wrestlers who were very over faces.

Triple H has a great ability in playing the crowd, making them hate him and making them want to see him get beaten. Also the fact that he was the leader of Evolution, dominating RAW and ganging up against the face wrestlers helped Triple H get over as a heel.

Another choice would be Vince McMahon: I've always said Vince is one of the ultimate heels, he has feuded with the majority of top faces in his company, and other incredibly over talents that he trusted with holding the world championships (Stone Cold, Shawn Michaels, Hulk Hogan etc.) all guys that the crowd loved like no other.

Because of Vince's ability to draw heat, and get the crowd worked up in his feuds, he is definitely one of the biggest heels in WWE history.

There's probably more that are much bigger heels in terms of getting heat from the past, but these are those that comes to mind first, as well as those I prefer.
the Ayatollah of Rock n Rolla, Y2J, Chris Jericho. Actually there's been a few really good heels throughout the WWE. Randy Savage, Sgt. Slaughter, Ted Dibiase, Bobby Heenan, Bret Hart, HBK, The Rock, HHH, Undertaker, Kurt Angle, JBL, Eric Bischoff, Paul Heyman, Vince, Shane. It's hard to say. I'll give my vote to either Bischoff, JBL, Jericho or Heenan because all three of those guys were legit hated by a large number of fans.
I would have to say either Jbl or Muhammad hassan. Both when they came out got huge crowded reactions and boo's and both played there character and gmmick really well. Jbl was got over with his rich texas thing. While Hassan got over with his Middle eastern gmmick. Both were great on the mic imo and were awesome heel's.
Since I am fairly new to wrestling (been a fan since 2006), I have not seen any wrestling before 2006 therefore I have to agree that I have always though Vickie Guerrero can gain heat so much more easier than the best heels e.g. Randy Orton, Edge etc. just by saying "Excuse Me"
So many to choose from, but for its got to be either Rowdy Roddy Piper or the Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase.

For Piper, he was the single biggest thorn in Hogan's side. If the thread were about greatest faces in WWE history, Hogan would have been my obvious choice, so I have to think his biggest thorn should at least be considered one of the greatest heels.

In regards to DiBiase, the man tried to BUY the WWF title because he couldn't win it. That is pretty damn good heel behavior. In fact, his entire persona was absolutely brilliant. It was so easy to hate someone like that, that I didn't realize just how great he was at it until years later. The Million Dollar Man was perhaps the greatest heel gimmick, and Ted DiBiase played it to perfection.
I've gotta say "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase was the biggest heel in WWE. He worked his entire wrestling career as a heel and fit the part to a T. I still can't believe the reactions he got every time he came to the ring. He kicked a ball out from under a 5 year old kid, he made Rob Van Damn kiss his feet, and he made some chick get down on all fours and bark like a dog for some money. I still remember when he kicked everybody out of a public pool for $300. He probably had a private pool at his house, but he did it because he could. I bet Ted could bribe you out and make you say he was the biggest heel in WWE history because "...everybody's got a price for the Million Dollar Man!" *laughs hysterically*
as you may see with my sig, I love heels! and the E knows about making heels, I think we could point out JBL, Jericho, Vinnie Mac, Edge, even now with the Nexus. however if it all comes down to biggest heel of the E, I have two names that comes to mind, and I just can't decide wich oine is better:
Triple H: I don't recall very much the Helmsey-Mcmahon era, but the period with Evolution show me how a great heel must be. Having a dominant faction, bieng called the CEREBRAL ASSASIN, screwing basically every champion that the E had to offer, heating every opponent with the sledgehammer in the head, or stomach/chest..I mean you watch all these things and you hated the guy! my climax was when he screwed Randy Orton from the WHC! and that brings me to my next point.

Randy Orton: since the first punt he gave to HBK and then to Cena's father I thougt this guy is grabbing the E by the balls!lol, you could see how many people was offended by that I mean, super Cena was about to cry! (I can't blame him) in that period, someone step up and made a real feud with Cena, something so personal...he heared voices in his head for crying out loud! that man was sick! what a shame, anyway those are my picks.
Theres a reason why "Million Dollar Man" is the best wrestler to never win a world title. He was everything that the average wrestling fan hated. Cocky, arrogant, cowardly, super-mega rich, flaunted his wealth and was down right mean. He was just a complete @$$hole. EVERYBODY young and old hated this guy. Vickie Guerrero gets cheap heat because shes horrible. I agree she is a great heel though because no one wants to see her. But MDM was top heel, hands down.
bobby the brain heenan. as the leader of the heenan stable he was a constant thorn in the side of hulk hogan, ultimate warrior, andre the giant, and any other top face of the time. heenan guided andre, big john studd, king kong bundy, rick rude, ric flair, mr perfect, haku, harly race, the brain busters and others to either championship gold or main event status.
When Sgt. Slaughter turned heel, he became the biggest heel ever. He may not have been a career heel, but I'll put that heel run up against anyone else. There are others who have spent most of their career as heels, in the long run were able to acomplish more, But for that one run, I think Sgt. Slaughter was hated more then any other wrestler in history.
So this is really an open question, and i am expection a lot of different answers on it, but just wondering who everyone thought was/is the biggest Heel in WWE history? who gets the most heat from the crowd?

this may seem a little odd but i am going to have to say vickie guerrero.. i dont remember the last time i have herd 100% of a building boo as loud as they can when you hear those 2 ear piercing words "EXCUSE ME!!" and thats on a weekly basis, sometimes once or twice.

so, there's my pick, lets hear yours.

To say Vickie is the biggest heel in wwe history is idiotic or it means you haven't been watching wrestling for too long. I have to go with triple h I remember I hated him as a kid when he was aligned with the mcmahons and dx. I'd also have to say chris jericho when he had his undisputed title reign I remember how pissed I was when he beat the rock and austin on the same night on vengeance 2001 but I still think triple h is ahead of him.
To me Ravishing Rick Rude is the ultimate villian because his attitude towards women in general was mean and malicious. Who can forget him painting Cheryl Roberts face on his trunks and then gyrating in front of Jake the Snake, driving him crazy?
Vince Mcmahon is the biggest heel in WWE History. When WWE was at its most popular and taking out WCW, it was the Vince and Austin rivalry. Vince and Rock rivalry. Even until today Vince is the benchmark. He has been holding down the heel position for the last decade, nobody does it better. I wouldn't call him the best heel wrestler ever, but I would call him the best heel character ever. Rick Rude never made a girl get on her hands and knee and bark like a dog (Trish Stratus), Vickie Guerrero draws a lot of heat and even that I credit to Vince Mcmahon. Nobody thought anything of Vickie and now look at her. In fact in 28 years of watching WWE, the only person that I have seen truly fail with a very visible position was Mike Adamle.
I would say Vincent Kennedy McMahon is the greatest heel in WWE History. His Mr. McMahon character has been a great heel character for the better part of over a decade. He can make a crowd hate him like no other on screen personality. He can even get the crowd to cheer for him. Vince plays his sadistic boss character to a "T" and my opinion there has been no one else since McMahon has used this character that has been able to play a better heel than the boss. His character is believable since he is the chairman, you believe he has the power to fire performers, screw wrestlers, and to get his way when he pleases.

Other honorable mentions would be: Triple H and Chris Jericho since they have always been shining stars when they play heel roles. Both are also good faces and can pull that off well also, but when they are heels their characters just work to perfection.

Then you have superstars who just work as heels. Edge is one of those superstars. He has been a heel and thrived at it for so long that when they tried turn him they couldn't because Edge just couldn't make it work when it came to mic time. CM Punk is also a wrestler who works much better as a heel, and in my humbled opinion is the most over heel in the WWE right now. He is the number one heel today and no one currently garners as much heat as Punk's character does.
To say Vickie is the biggest heel in wwe history is idiotic or it means you haven't been watching wrestling for too long.

For pure crowd hatred and reaction, Vickie is far and above one of the biggest heels in the history of the company. People flat out HATE her. There's a reason they brought her back after Edge "dumped" her, and it wasn't because she was a diva or even a wrestler.

You can have your opinions, you're entitled, but to call someone idiotic for their OPINION makes you sir, the idiot.
Vince McMahon has to be the correct answer. He has feuded with all the top faces in the company at one point their careers: Hulk Hogan, The Rock, Stone Cold, HBK, HHH, Undertaker, Bret Hart, and the list can go on forever.

Then after Vince it would have to be Bobby the Brain Heenan, he managed just about every big time heel in WWF during his run, and made them all the better with his presence.
Serious people. Bobby the Brain Heenan. He wanted Hogan gone from professional wrestling. He was always attempting to put him away. He had the best faction to hit the WWF. You guys just do not know. He turn all of the best faces to heels trying to stop hogan.

Paul Ondoroff
Andre the Giant

But the biggest thing was all the NWA talent they put Heenan with.

Rick Rude
Hercules Hernadez
Big John Studd
The Barbarian
The Brainbusters (Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson)

And he manage the greatest wrestler to never win WWF/WCW world champion; Mr.Perfect Curt Hennig.
Rick Rude would grab the mic and the crowd would get so loud even on max you couldn't hear him. Vickie Guerrero comes close today but nobody riled up a crowd like Rick Rude. Lots of wrestlers have had great heel moments but few have had great heel careers.
My pick would be Vince Mcmahon. he is surely one of the biggest heel not only in wwe but in all pro wrestling world. Look at the responses he got from the crowd back in 98-99. fans really hated him and he was the reason that fans were behind stone cold.

I could surely pick vickie guerrero but her career is not long enough yet. How long she was a heel GM. may be 7-8 months. Besides edge's storyline she is not involved in any good storyline despite getting huge crowd response. So my pick is Vince
Sgt. Slaughter was, without a shadow of a doubt, the most hated man ever in WWE. Whether that's the "biggest" is in question, because while he was immensely hated, he wasn't hated during the WWE's golden age during the attitude era.

Rowdy Roddy Piper definitely gets the silver medal during that time. No one could incite a crowd like Hot Rod. Edge and Christian and many other modern heels credit studying Roddy Piper for inspiration for their promos.

Triple H was the biggest heel during the biggest era of WWE. He was the only guy to really embrace being a "bad guy" and not trying to be the cool heel or tweener or what have you like The Rock and Austin were.

Vince McMahon gets the silver medal for this time period too. I think if the question were who was the "best heel", you'd be between Vince, Triple H, and Bobby Heenan.

The biggest and best heels were always the guys that people literally paid money to see get beat up. Slaughter, Piper, Trips, and Vince were all those guys in there time.

And for the true old school fans - there's always Gorgeous George and Classy Freddy Blassie. But they're not necessarily "WWE". And to get really obscure, good old Andy Kaufmann really changed the wrestling heel during his feud with Lawler.
Sgt. Slaughter was quite a big heel, when he was the Iraqi sympathizer..Ton of heat and at the time they were doing the story, i believe there was a war going on..

Mr. McMahon was a top heel, the character was just huge, being the 'boss' added to this villainous character...

Bobby Heenan was probably the most heelish manager ever!! and Vickie, well you can't even hear her when she talks on the mic..

A personal favourite of mine would have to be Rick Rude..he was just born a heel..he could just do nothing and get a reaction from the crowd..having a womens face on his trunks as well, (i forgot who he was feuding with?), he was just great on the mic and got huge heat from the crowd every time...

No one has mentioned Hollywood Hogan? was he not heel...when he shocked the wrestling world!!
The Magnificent Muraco...sets the standard for which heels should aspire one of my favorite matches ever..he destroyed some jobber...while eating a sandwich. His heel promos, were the best, because his arrogance was turned up to 11. I remember him coming out with the Intercontinental title and it would be all scratched up. The heels today, with the exception of Jericho, are too busy trying to be "cool heels" This man along with Jake Roberts, needs to be STUDIED by the wrestlers of today.
Muhammed Hassan & Vickie Guerrero...

Hassan was the Iron Sheik of my generation and could have been a career heel...
And Vickie, well, I think she has made a name off of her late Husband Eddie, (whom I still Idolize), but the reaction she can get with the crowd is unlike anything I've ever heard of...

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