Big Will v. Nate Thorpe v. Gus

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Setting/Background: Santa's North Pole set-up

The camera opens on Big Will, who's dressed in a pair of blue jeans, with a splatter paint "The One" Big Will "Famous" shirt on. Its tucked halfway in the front of his jeans. He's also sporting a new leather coat & carrying his Elite X Championship. As the camera begins to pan out, we see Heidi beside Will. Heidi is wearing a short red dress type skirt, with a santa hat on. She has leather boots that go almost up to her knees. As the camera turns it focuses on a sign that reads: "Welcome to the North Pole: Come Meet Santa Claus"

There is a short line of children, stretched around a wall, as Big Will approaches the back of the line. He taps the first child's shoulder, only to point at something in the distance, then shoves the kid out of the way, moving up the line. As he comes to the second kid, he motions for Heidi, as he steps beside the child, only for Heidi to tap the boy on the shoulder. As the boy turns, Heidi blows a kiss toward him, then slowly motions for him to come to her. As the boy steps out of line to follow her, she then runs her finger across the side of the boy's face, tapping him on the nose, as the boy passes out. Will & Heidi both continue through the line, coming up to a little girl. Will pulls out a candy cane, as he offers it to the girl, if she'd move. She shakes her head no. Will then pulls out his wallet, & offers the little girl $20.00 if she'd allow him to go ahead. She once again declines. Getting frustrated, Will then whispers something into the little girl's ear, that causes her to run off crying. With a smirk on his face, Will & Heidi proceed around the corner, only to see that the line was a lot bigger than they thought.

Not wanting to waste anymore time, Will simply barges through the line of children, shoving them out of the way one by one, making his way to Santa, who's sitting in a chair.

(Santa)- "Ho, Ho, Ho. Who's next in line?" Big Will & Heidi both proceed passed the gate, as Heidi stops at the gate making sure no children come through, while Will walks up to Santa.

(Big Will)- "That would probably be me, 'Santa.'"

(Santa)- "Ho, ho, ho, why its "The One" Big Will. Tell me, what can Santa ge.." Will cuts Santa off, before he can finish his sentence.

(Big Will)- "Shove it St. Nick, I have a problem & you seem to be the root of it." Will proceeds to sit on Santa's lap, tapping him in the chest, as he continues to talk "You see, this time of the year, YOUR time of the year, its meant to be spent inside, in a nice warm & cozy place. I wanted to spend my Christmas in my nice home, in Toronto, with her wearing nothing but that hat. But somewhere along the lines of time, someone thought it'd be a great idea for the Superstars of W.Z.C.W. to spend Christmas in Iraq. And I happen to think that someone.. is you."

(Santa)- "Well, son, you see.. the men & women of the armed forces that are over in Iraq won't get to see their friends & family this Christmas, instead those brave souls who battle for our freedom & rights, have to spend it in fox-holes, & bunkers that come under fire. I happen to think its a great gift that W.Z.C.W. is giving those wonderful people, & you should be very proud to be apart of that."

(Big Will)- "You know what, Cringle, this.." (Will holds up his Elite X Championship) "is what I'm proud of. This Championship, is what I fight for. Not some stupid war started over bullies & oil. But somehow, I still managed to find myself going over seas in less than 4 hours. So instead of spending my Christmas in my home, with her.. We'll be spending it on a cargo plane, carrying all of us into the middle of a battlefield. Is that something I deserve? NO! So why don't you explain to me, what I did to deserve it, & why I can't have a Merry Christmas!"

(Santa)- "Now Will, I've checked my list & I checked it twice. My dear boy, you have been anything but good this year, & she's part of the reason why. Why, that very Championship you hold, you won out of controversy because of her unfaithfulness. When you add that on top of the faction you've joined up with, & the tactics you use to win matches, I find it hard to believe you deserve anything less than coal in your stockings this year."

(Big Will)- "How dare you, of all people to judge me, this comes from the guy who watches children 24/7. I earned this Championship. I climbed the ladder to success, I pulled down glory, I won the match because of my pure athletic talent, she was merely a bonus. But that doesn't excuse the fact that not only am I headed to hell this holiday season, but I have to defend this Championship against two guys that quite frankly aren't even in my league, & couldn't on their best day defeat me on my worst. Yet that still doesn't stop the fact that I don't even have to be involved to lose my Championship. I could end up losing it out of dumb pinning dumber."

(Santa)- "Think of all the joy you'd be putting on those Men & Women's faces in Iraq when you go out there & defend your Championship though. Not even you, my dear boy, could have a heart of coal, surely you'd want to give back to the people who gave so much to you. It would be a start to a new year for you to turn things around."

(Big Will)- "What the hell have they ever given to me?! Lets stop & think, "I" earned my way into that 4-Way Ladder match, "I" had the athletic talent to overcome everything & win this Championship, "I" have a gift that none of those morons could have even a fraction of. And yet "I" still get screwed! Just because you couldn't end up with a beautiful woman like her, doesn't mean you have to be jealous & take it out on me. You know, you're exactly like that ungrateful son of a bitch, Gus. All you think about is yourself."

(Santa)- "Well, speaking of Gus, I happen to know his heart has been broken this holiday season. Furthermore, he's done nothing to deserve that. He's been good all year long. His match with you at All or Nothing was all he wanted for Christmas, & you kept dodging that wish. I happen to be very pleased that this match is going to happen, & when I think of the Triple Threat match coming up in Iraq, I see it as a sample of things to come."

(Big Will)- "You know, I'm getting sick & tired of everyone thinking I'm afraid of Gus, or thinking that I'm trying to duck him in some way. I won the ladder match, the only reason why anyone thinks he's even remotely close to being in my league, is because they feel sorry for him that he couldn't keep the girl he never had. Its hardly my fault that she seen greatness & wanted to touch it. However, I can promise you this much, Santa. Come Meltdown in Iraq.. Gus is gonna get a nice holiday welcome, & I'll make sure he won't make it to the p.p.v. And as far as Nate Thorpe goes, he just better stay out of my way, because I have no time for interruptions."

Heidi suddenly runs up to Will, as she whispers something into his ear, only for Will's eyes to enlarge, as he turns his head toward the gate. The camera turns as well, only to focus on several angry Parents with their children making their way toward the gate.

(Santa)- "Ho, ho, ho. It looks like someone's been very naughty & he's about to get whats coming to him." Big Will gets up off Santa's lap, as he frantically looks around for an exit.

(Big Will)- "Oh yeah, you think thats funny Santa? Well guess what, if I'm not gonna be able to celebrate Christmas properly, than noone can.. Christmas has been cancelled!" Within an instant of saying that, Big Will delivers a vicious "Willennium" to Santa Claus, knocking him backwards out of his chair. As the Parents rush the gate, trying to come through, Big Will & Heidi jump down from the stage, & take off through the back area, rushing for freedom as the camera suddenly cuts off.
*We focus in on Gus at a Denny's in Seattle, from there Gus will head to Iraq for Meltdown, Gus is sitting at the counter, when some drunk frat boys come up to him*

Frat #1: Hey, arent you, Doug, you know from WCQZW, its him right guys?

Frat #2: Yep, but i think his name is Drug

Frat #1: Hey, we could totally take him, did you see him lose on that one show on monday?

Frat #2: Yea, lets do it

Gus: Don't even think about it

*They ignore Gus and throw one of Gus' chicken wings at him, Gus just sits there, until one of them slaps him in the face*

Gus: You just made the biggest mistake of your life

*Gus grabs his glass of pepsi, and smashes it on one of the guy's heads, the other one keeps trying to slap him, Gus grabs him by the throat, and punches him, sending him crashing to the floor.*

Gus: God damn it, not again

*Gus runs out into his car, and drives over to the airport, where there's a bunch of WZCW fans waiting outside, he sees someone who looks like Ben Legend walk past the fans and into the airport.*

Guy: Hey, its Gus!!!

Dynasty mark: Hey, its Gay!!!

Guy: Shut up, Gus, can i have an autograph?

Mark: Why would you want his autograph?

Gus: Sure, you can have my autograph

*After Gus signs the paper, The Dynasty mark grabs it from Gus' fans hand, and rips it in two*

Guy: What the hell?!?!?

Gus: Dude, you need to leave

Mark: Why should I, you have an Elite X title shot, when you lost the #1 Contender's match on Meltdown, why do you deserve it???

Gus: Why, because, if Thorpe wasnt a pansy and actually had the balls to face me at 100%, then i would be the sole #1 Contender, and after Will got done with his orgy with Thorpe, Will decided that he was scared to face me and decided to take me out so he could have an easy victory, face it, Will doenst have the balls to take me one on one, when i'm 100% and he doesnt cheat, why? because he knows that i'll whip his ass, now if you'll excuse me, i have a plane to catch

*Gus walks into the security checkpoint, he boards the plane, and there's a WZCW camera crew on the plane, there is nobody else on the plane*

Gus: Sweet

*Leon Kennedy randomly appears*

Leon: Gus, how do you feel about your match this week, in front of the american troops?

Gus: It's an honor to compete in front of the troops, I have tremendous respect for the troops, i mean, there are people younger than me out there fighting for america's freedom!

Leon: That is true, now, about the match?

Gus: Right, It's really just sad that Thorpe sunk so low as to actually going through with our match when i wasn't 100%, shows what kind of competitor he is, but I actually expected it when i went out there, when Holy Diver started playing, i thought, it wouldnt be below Thorpe to continue with this even though i was hit from behind, but I almost won!!! which shows how much skill Thorpe really has, i have a problem with him now, and hes in m way on getting to Will, so, things aren't looking good for him now.

Leon: What about Will???

Gus: I, well I can believe Will would sink so low, but i know he did that just because he's scared of me, plain and simple, he can't beat me when im 100%, hell, he cant beat me in a fair one on one match, without him cheating, so, im not too worried about him, im not worried about Thorpe, they're just going to think to themselves, "he should be worried" and they're going to make excuses about this and that and the other thing, but it doesnt matter what they say or think, it matters what they do, and what they do is cheat and conive their way to win, Will doesnt deserve to be champion, and Thorpe doesnt deserve to be half #1 contender, plain and as simple as that.

Leon: What about your and Will's match at All or Nothing?

Gus: Well, unless Thorpe or Will cheat to beat me in Iraq, then I plan to walk in Elite X champion, I plan to make Will wish that he was never born, and I plan to exact my revenge on Will, now if you dont mind, we have 22 hours of flight...

Leon: Ok, thank you Gus

*Gus puts his iPod earphones into his ears and sits down as he makes his way to Iraq*
*We see Gus, not on the plane, but in a dark room, he is standing on a hardwood floor about 4 square feet, we cannot see anything but Gus and the floor,when all of a sudden, a picture of the elite x title appears in front of Gus, he reaches for it, when a picture of Will slides in front of it, Gus stops reaching, balls his fist, and puches the picture of Will, only to have it be an illusion, Gus falls from the hardwoor floor platform into a dark abyss, where he falls, he sees an image of Thorpe, but then Will appears over it, and Thorpe's image shatters like brittle glass, an image of Heidi appears next to Will, the two images then begin to kiss each other, with the Elite X title behind them, all while he is still falling, he looks down, he sees the ground, it is red, and says, "All or Nothing" in white, back on the plane, Leon is asleep, the camera crew is asleep, right before Gus hits the ground, Gus wakes up infuriated, he sees that he punched the fold out tray on his seat, and it is now broken*

Gus: Will, it is really sad, in order for you to avoid me, you try to make me lose the #1 contender match by trying to take me out, which you miserably failed in doing so, I might add... once I get my hands on you Will,

*A very determined look on his face*

Gus: I swear, that I will exact my revenge, I will kick your ass, and take the Elite X Championship that is rightfully MINE!!! Thorpe, its sad that the only way you could beat me, is after Will failed to take me out and i was injured, and you still almost lost, to me Thorpe, you dont even deserve to be in this match, and I will dispose of you as such, now Will, you've crossed me for the last time, when I am finished with you, you will no longer resemble a human, more like a puddle of blood and assorted body parts, this is your last stand Will, consider this your last few days, on Meltdown... it's over

*Gus has that same determined look on his face, he stares at the seat, the camera fades out*
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