Big Show what a waste?


Pre-Show Stalwart
The Big Show is the largest athlete in the world he is a monster but sinc he has came to the WWE they have'nt used him well at all, the shear size of him could of been a big draw WWE could of invented another monster like the late great Andre the Giant.

but instead they had him dancing with too cool in 2000, they had him loose to guys like Rey and other smaller wrestlers. for god sake he lost to Floyd Mayweather.

for me the Big Show could of been bigger then Andre if he would of been booked right, we could of had him hold the WWE or World title for long periods of time instead short reigns, WWE could of booked him as holy shit its Big Show vs Stone Cold and have us believe that Austin Did'nt have a chance in hell, but now when they try and build the big show up as a monster no one really cares because we all know that within a month or 2 he will be getting beat all the time.
and the only person the big show has helped make in to a star was Brock Lesner only because brock could throw him around the ring.

but now when someone goes over the big show its nothing speaical because so many lack luster stars have done it.

what do you think guys?
A waste? Hardly. Didn you see his first year in WCW? Hogan put him over in a feud (although Hulk won many of the matches) and he squashed Flair for the WCW title. Dominated World War 3 in (96?) He's been booked as a giant, and in turn helped put over people like Rey, Cena and Goldberg establishing them into stars in their own right.
Pop Quiz: whom did Cena defeat for his first belt? (Alex, who is Paul Wight, aka Big Show?)

Just because someone is over 7 feet tall doesnt mean they should be book as unstoppable (*coughGiantGonzales,Andre,Kane,Takercough*)

As for the more goofy parts of his run (The Showster, Too Cool) it was simpy used to get a cheap pop.

Lets look at a few of his monster feats: mAny title squashes including his violent run as ECW Champ, Pwning HHH (with help from Vinne Mac) for his first WWE title, Showmiz and Jeri-Show.. dominating the tag team division.

Booked wrong? No way! Show is solid, and I believe I read he doesnt want another title run, even though he could carry it any day of the week. The guy is 39 years old, and with his size and giantism disorder thing: he's on the road to retirement.
The problem with Big show, is that he is too big (hence the name) for other WWE wrestlers. I know its not his fault but what i mean is that except for Undertaker, Kane and Khali that are about the same size as him there is no one he can wrestle and make it believable. Even when he was in WCW he was too big for the other wrestlers, only Nash and Psycho Sid could hang with him in the ring.
Dude they brought him in and he won the title within a year of being there. That doesn't happen often. Then he got cocky and lazy and they had to send him back down to OVW for a while for him to get his attitude right. Then he came back for another main event run and got so out of shape that he couldn't have more than a five minute match. Plus he was sick. Then he came back and the FLoyd Mayweather match was actually a highlight from that WM and a very memorable WM moment. The WWE gave Big Show plenty of chances and he failed to capitalize on them. You can't just say "You're going to be the next Andre" and make it happen. It takes commitment from both sides and that just didn't happen. Big Show has still had a long running, solid career regardless.
Dude they brought him in and he won the title within a year of being there. That doesn't happen often. Then he got cocky and lazy and they had to send him back down to OVW for a while for him to get his attitude right. Then he came back for another main event run and got so out of shape that he couldn't have more than a five minute match. Plus he was sick. Then he came back and the FLoyd Mayweather match was actually a highlight from that WM and a very memorable WM moment. The WWE gave Big Show plenty of chances and he failed to capitalize on them. You can't just say "You're going to be the next Andre" and make it happen. It takes commitment from both sides and that just didn't happen. Big Show has still had a long running, solid career regardless.

I kind of agree with you to a certain degree but there's still one problem to me, the WWE isn't able or doesn't want to hide their performers weakness.

Big Show in wCw was a monster, you don't need to have him talk, you don't need to make him lose or have 45 minutes match he was getting in the ring and the nWo were all running away and he was destroying them.

Same for Goldberg he didn't needed 45 minutes match to be big, he had 1 minutes to 15 minutes match were he was made to look strong while hiding is shortcomings.

wCw and ECW were always good to work with their talent shortcomings but WWE want total package or they don't care, which I can understand but they still could have made better choices with some of their performers. Just like when they believe they knew better than wCw and Goldberg how to book him and they failed.
It’s not fair to compare Big Show to Andre for one key reason. Overexposure. Andre was able to remain a dominant monster for so many years because he was a special attraction. He rarely wrestled on television. If you wanted to see Andre you had to buy a ticket to see him at your local arena. Even if WWF came to town five times a year Andre would be on maybe two of those shows if you were lucky. If Andre had to be on television every week, a ppv once a month, and house shows all the time he would have been booked differently. It was ok that Andre never lost because we only saw him a few times a year and we wanted him to win. If Big Show was winning every single week for the past ten years the fans would be criticizing him to death demanding a change.
First off Big Show is oneof Vinces favorite superstars. He can have a title run whenever he wants one. He was sent down to OVW not because he was lazy but to get rust off after an injury. Mark Henry was sent down there to trim down in weight as well. Big Show has never dropped any balls since coming to the WWE. He beat Lesnar as well as help Boost Lesnars monster status when that Superplex that caused the ring to collapse. Big Show has squashed and help make some the WWE's biggest Superstars to say he is a waste tells me either you dont know what your talking about or your just plain ignorant to what the man has done in general for others and his own accolades.
You can't compare Andre & Show because they existed in two different eras of wrestling. Back in the 60s & 70s, the territory system was still alive and healthy. Andre was such a huge draw because he never stayed in one place for very long. He might work for a month in the Mid-Atlantic area before going to WCCW for a few weeks, then he'd head up to Stampede Wrestling for a brief stint, then maybe over to AJPW for a month, etc. Basically Andre was around for a very small number of shows in any given territory and he wouldn't be back in that area for maybe another year or more. By the time Big Show came around, the territory system was dead and you could see him on WCW Monday Nitro each and every week. Andre was a special attraction because of the rarity in which you'd see him on the local channel that carried the wrestling programs of companies that operated in the area you lived in. As with live shows, if a company had a wrestling program on a local cable affiliate, you'd see Andre the Giant a few times a tops.

Another problem with The Big Show is that the guy just steadily let himself go over the course of the first 10 years or so of his career. When he first showed up in WCW, the guy looked like a monster. A legitimate 7 footer and he probably weighed about 340-350 pounds at the time and he was in great physical shape. At that time, I'd never seen a guy as big as Paul Wight and be built like he was. He could do dropkicks off the top rope, he was fully capable of pulling off a moonsault in addition to his great size and strength. Now he was never incredible inside the ring, but he was head and shoulders above what he's been for the majority of the past decade. By the time he came to the WWF, he'd let himself go a little and was probably hovering close to 400 pounds, though he was still in pretty good shape. Over the years, however, Show progressively stopped working out as much and the weight was piling on. As a result, the guy was pure shit to watch inside the ring. By the time WWE restarted ECW, Show was legitimately over 500 pounds and had long since been pretty difficult to watch inside the ring. When he left WWE, he took some time off and got back into better shape and you could tell by his build that his workout routine focused more on cardio than anything else. He's still in better shape now than he was for probably the last 4 years or so he was in WWE before his hiatus, but now it's really kinda too late. He's almost 40 years old and his prime years are definitely behind him.

I think the WWE was smart enough to realize that Big Show simply wasn't going to be a long term commodity if they kept him as your typical dumb and/or angry one dimensional monster heel. Also, over the course of the past decade really, simply being 7 feet tall and/or have a Herculean physique isn't enough to get you over anymore. Look at guys like Mason Ryan, Rob Terry, Monty Brown and Nathan Jones as good examples of that. These guys either were or currently are very limited with nothing more than a great look going for them.

In his own way, Paul Wight is the last of a dead breed. Name a guy his size that's his size, or larger, in the past 20 years that's become as big of a star as he has.
His WWE career hasn't been a total waste but I don't think he's been used to his full potential since WCW. I'm sure there are several factors that contribute to that like age, work ethic, health etc. but WWE has given him all those cheezy comedy relief angles so WWE creative is also a bit to blame.
I can understand the frustration with having a guy as big as he is lose as often as he does. To some extent, it doesn't seem right, especially when one thinks a guy like this should be the prime dominator. To be honest, however, he has been in a variety of non-title story lines.

A few have already been mentioned. Don't forget he was also the one who destroyed the first straight edge society. As a heel he had a lot of great matches with The Undertaker (didn't win a lot of them but could be considered to have taken the Dead Man to the limit several times.)

Yeah, okay, perhaps the silly bits are a detracting factor to many. Not me, though. I like that the WWE has allowed him to be more than a deaf mute monster. He's a class act when it comes to promo comedy when allowed to be, but can also go all angry and intense (very good at that role.) I think the WWE has used him extremely well in this way.

Would I like to see him have a main event title run? Absolutely, but it's possible that he's more interested in putting other guys over, the way he's doing now with The Corre, giving the various members of that faction a great big obstacle to deal with.
It's easy to say that we'd of liked certain things to happen. However, regardless of what we want, we can't deny what he's done.

A few title runs. Big career in WCW for the most part. Classic feuds in both companies with the likes of Kevin Nash, Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold, Triple H. WrestleMania headliner. Wrestled for more than two decades.

If I said this about any other athlete, this would be more than enough. Due to his size, however, people expect more. Not really fair, to be truthful.
I never really liked Big Show, don't get me wrong it's not his move-set, gimmick, or anything like that. Only thing that bothers me is that he slows down other wrestlers. Most of the brawler/power guys have their move-set restricted. If you give me the crap that Cena, and Goldberg, it's not like Cena was FU'ing Show for 15 minutes of the match. The same with Goldberg super-plexing Show off the top rope.

But on the other hand, when he is in the ring with a guy like 'Taker, or Kane the match get's exciting. The clap from when whoever's body hits the mat is loud enough for fans too jump off their seats.

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