Big Show VS Triple H?


There's a story on the main page and a few other websites talking about Triple H's potential return to the ring. As of right now, according to, Trips is expected to wrestle twice between now and WrestleMania XXX. The report says that Big Show is one of the rumored opponents for him.

On one hand, the idea of Show vs. Trips is a little underwhelming. When you compare Triple H's last opponents have been Brock Lesnar and The Undertaker, you can't help but feel that Big Show really isn't on that level when it comes to star power or drawing potential. On the other hand, it makes sense if Show is someone that's going to be a frequent target of Triple H's put downs and threats. Over the course of this past week, especially this past Friday, Big Show was the primary target of Trips' verbal barrage and tactics. Maybe it's because Triple H is being such an excellent prick in his current heel role, maybe it's residual support since Show has tried to somehow aid Bryan; but the fans of Raw & SD! this week both were chanting for Show to get involved. Show could be more over now as a babyface than he has been in years.

If this is a match that goes down, it'll be surprising if it happens at WrestleMania XXX. Then again, it's sort of surprising to see such a strong response for Show as a babyface since his return. While I'm not exactly blown away by the prospect of these two hooking it up in a heavily hyped match, I remember thinking the same thing about Big Show's trio of matches against Sheamus just slightly less than a year ago and they were great.
This makes zero sense. Why would you give the babyface rub to a 40 year old guy who doesn't need it? It should go to a younger guy who actually needs it. But then again, HHH had Kevin fucking Nash come out of retirement to put him over, so this wouldn't surprise me one bit.
It would be an underwhelming match up in the ring, because from what I can remember of their past encounters, Show/Triple H matches weren't anything to brag about, and they didn't exactly tear the house down every time they locked up. In the past, Triple H VS Show looked good on paper, but the matches were subpar at best. You can say the same thing about Show VS Taker a few years ago. On paper, the feud looked promising, and the builds to their matches were executed well. But again, the matches didn't deliver.

Considering the fact both men (HHH and Taker) have put on numerous five star classics with other wrestlers, I think it's safe to say Show is the problem. That's what worries me about this feud ending up in the ring: I'm not sure Show will be able to hold up his end of the bargain. I'm sure a Spinebuster or Pedigree on Show would bring a nice pop out of the crowd, but HHH is a heel now, so if he wins, you would think he'll win by cheating or using some weapon to maim Show (possibly the hammer).

But if this has to happen before Wrestlemania XXX, then I think Hell In A Cell would be the ideal place. Triple H could brag about being dominant in Cell matches, and Triple H could use the Cell as a means to punish and show Show, who's boss. But yeah, I really don't see this happening at Wrestlemania. I highly doubt WWE could stretch out a Big Show VS HHH feud THAT long, and still hold everyone's interest in a potential match up.

So while I can understand the purpose of the match for storyline reasons (i.e. Show getting his revenge on Triple H for the constant bullying and hazing by beating him senseless), I don't think this is a match people are dying to see. It's 2013, so I have a hard time in believing people foaming at the mouth to see a Big Show VS Triple H match on pay per view.
This makes zero sense. Why would you give the babyface rub to a 40 year old guy who doesn't need it? It should go to a younger guy who actually needs it. But then again, HHH had Kevin fucking Nash come out of retirement to put him over, so this wouldn't surprise me one bit.

Its not always about putting "younger guys" over etc. Guys like Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes,Nick Bockwinkel, DDP etc all wrestled in their 40s. Age doesn't matter if they can still go, and Triple H and Big Show can still go in the ring so I have no problem.
Hunter and Bryan are going to have a match at some point. When? I don't know, but they are going to face each other one-on-one during this feud. I think pairing up Hunter with Show works right now and keeps the Hunter-Bryan match saved for a later date. Bryan can focus on Orton, while Hunter stays involved, but doesn't have to deal with Bryan. Plus based on this past week, it looks like Show, Ziggler and Miz (at a minimum) are going to be involved in this McMahon-Helmsley Era 2 storyline. I'm fine with it and I doubt this stretches to WrestleMania.
I think Triple H/Daniel Bryan will happen at Survivor Series. Show/HHH is agreed extremely underwhelming. If Triple H is going to wrestle again it needs to be against Miz or Ziggler. Younger talent who can benefit from a match with a big name. Show is already over and only has a few years left before he retires. Ziggler and Triple H would be good for WM XXX. He needs the push and doesn't exactly have to win to get over. Ziggs is long over due for his time and Show is past his prime. Its all about the YOUNGER TALENT. If Show/HHH does happen then it will happen at Battleground or Hell In A Cell.
I have no problem with this one. Show has lost a lot of weight since he last encountered HHH,at least 80 pounds i say. While their matches never burned the house down,it was above sub-par i say. I necessarily dont think its about putting younger guys over,if your 40ish and can still wrestle,why the hell not? HHH is a badass Heel where he belongs and of course,i look for him to use every advantage he knows. As to who wins,i honestly look for Show to go over..
This is a match that would make sense for an episode of Raw but nothing more. They could hype it up but it would do nothing for a PPV meaning it would fit perfectly for a Raw. Give them 20 minutes in a No DQ match and it would be very entertaining.

If I remember correctly these two had decent chemistry together and put on some good matches. It is not worthy of being on a PPV but I would be fine if it was on a Raw.
[I]Originally Posted by Irishock View Post

"This makes zero sense. Why would you give the babyface rub to a 40 year old guy who doesn't need it? It should go to a younger guy who actually needs it. But then again, HHH had Kevin fucking Nash come out of retirement to put him over, so this wouldn't surprise me one bit."

Why ?? Because more fans will watch established stars than new ones, and nothing turns off fans faster than making their beloved favs job out to newbies they don't know well and are not invested in. You build a star slowly, it takes time for him to be accepted with the audience, and often the best way for a new guy to "get a rub" id by having an evenly fought, entertaining feud and LOSING to the bigger, albeit much older star.

Besides, didn't anyone watch HBK-Taker a few years ago, there wasn't a "young guy" on the card that could have outperformed those two 45 year olds, or drawn as well. They needed HHH-Taker II & III back to back to help elevate more recent WrestleManias, and they stole the show match wise each time.

That said, Big Show hasn't been a major factor for awhile so it's harder for me to get excited about another re do with him & HHH, even more so since HHH hasn't been close to a full time wrestler for several years. If he was wrestling on a semi regular basis, like Flair & HBK were before they retired, he would have more relevance. WWE could certainly use his star power with their dwindling ratings and Cena out with injury.

I don't see Show-HHH as anything more than a stop gap mid card match, although it could serve a dual purpose of making Show relevant again (he is still entertaining and could contribute a lot to WWE if used well) and establishing HHH as a more regular performer, thus making him vs Bryan a bigger match/feud down the road.
I think it makes sense as long as the other match is with Daniel Bryan. If Bryan and Triple H were to have a match it would make sense for Bryan to go over. Then Triple H can have a match with The Big Show afterwards, Triple H goes over so he can look strong heading to WM. Big Show is the best opponent for Triple H for that purpose since Big Show doesn't lose anything and is an established enough star.
It's got to be nice to have a guy like Triple H around. This time, I really (foolishly) believed he was hanging up the tights for good. His gut is growing and it's probably hard to keep himself in shape at age 44, especially with his days fully taken up with administrative stuff.

Still, especially when the company's top guy (Cena) is out for an extended period, having one of the legends of the sport available for spot duty is a luxury that can't be undervalued. Not only can he still bring the goods in the ring, but when they need someone to look capable of facing down a Brock Lesnar, he's right there.....working out of the executive offices, just down the hall from the water cooler.

As always, they need something new for Big Show to do. He's a good guy again, and I remain awed at how effectively he can function on either side of the fence. He played the angry giant during his last run and I wondered if he'd ever be turning face again......which was dumb, because he's made the transition smoothly.....for the umpteenth time.

Now, with Trips turning bad again after all these years of face-dom, there's perfect reason for him to bang heads with Big Show. They can pound away at each other in a nice feud and let the direction of the storyline determine who's going to come out on top.

I can really appreciate Paul Wight; every time you figure he might call it a career, he emerges with a useful program once again.

We can appreciate Paul Levesque too, and for all his administrative duties, I wonder at what age he'll wrestle his last match. Before he's through, Trips might be tag-teaming with his daughters as they form a "Legacy: Greenwich" faction.
I like it and I don't.

On one hand, I like and buy into the idea of Big Show as an opponent for HHH. He's been critical of HHH both in storyline and in real life, and he's the one guy logically who should be able to stand up to him. It seemed WWE had forgotten it until JBL brought it up Friday, but Big Show does have an Ironclad Contract. Still, I don't get the idea that HHH could tear it up, as JBL suggested. Isn't the entire idea behind Ironclad, that he can't tear it up?

So in that sense, I don't quite understand why Show has stood by and taken abuse from HHH, when in storyline, he shouldn't have to.

On the other hand, the past matches between Show and HHH have been pretty awful. Their match at New Year's Revolution 2006 was pretty bad, and both are almost 8 years older now. If they couldn't produce a good match(in the last one-on-one I remember) then, in their physical peaks, how are they going to now?

It seems like that's what they're building towards, and outside of Big Show non-sensically standing by, I like the build thus far. The moment when Show explodes should be awesome, although I expect he'll drop the match, as this will set up an even bigger one for HHH.
I think its going to be inside HIAC. Its looks like they are building towards Big Show finally snapping on Hunter.
I don't mind the match from a storyline aspect but I'd rather they not put it inside a Hell in a Cell, I'd rather see Bryan vs Triple H for one last chance at the WWE title as the HIAC match, but Show vs Triple H at Battleground would be ok.

Of course I'm still not totally sure that Show doesn't end up swerving Bryan and become the Corporate Giant.
Its not always about putting "younger guys" over etc. Guys like Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes,Nick Bockwinkel, DDP etc all wrestled in their 40s. Age doesn't matter if they can still go, and Triple H and Big Show can still go in the ring so I have no problem.

Oh, OK. So because two overrated has-beens can still lace up the boots, you have no problem with them hogging on-air time and in-ring time. May as well bring Kevin Nash and Waltman back while we're at it.

Oh christ, do people realize that this is the PERFECT opportunity to make new stars? And you're in favor of putting SHOW, of all people, in that spot?
Seems to me that HHH lost him last match and wants to have a win. If Big Show vs HHH does happen its almost certain that HHH would go over. HHH can have it against someone who he hasn't faced, they will gain popularity if they lose to him instead of him going against Big Show, it doesn't make sense at all to me.
I'd be okay with Show vs HHH as long as it takes place in Raw and not a PPV. Could see the return of the Cerebral Assassin with HHH taking Show out of action with his sledgehammer and further him as the ruthless heel. It would serve as a main event for Raw that most people could get excited for, because when was the last time Triple H wrestled on Raw?

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