Big Show - This years H.O.F?


booyaka booyaka bye bye bye!
Recently, almost everytime he has appeared on screen, he has been referred to as The Giant. His ring name from his stint in WCW, the company he first came to prominence. He spent almost 5 years there and was successful throughout. In addition to being a two-time WCW World Heavyweight Champion, and the youngest man to ever hold the title, he is a three-time WCW World Tag Team Champion, and also got a cameo role in The Waterboy during that time!

It's pretty well known now that the next Hall of Fame ceremony is being held in Atlanta, the home of WCW, and with Big Shows history in that company, the reemergence of his old ring name, and the fact he is almost close to retirement, is it plausible that he will be a part of this Hall of Fame class?

I have three questions in relation to this.

1) Is Big Show worthy of Hall of Fame recognition

2) Do you think he will be considered this year?

3) If he is voted into the Hall of Fame, will this lead to him retiring?

As of late he has had quite a big Face push on Smackdown, and i get the impression they want to end his career on a high note. What better than recieving possible a lenghty championship run on Smackdown, and ending it at Wrestlemania, inducted into the Hall Of Fame? At his age and with him not being in the best shape, I don't feel as though he has much left in his tank. So i think it is possible he could be inducted this year.

Here are his career achievements:
Big Show is a five-time world champion, having won the WCW World Heavyweight Championship twice, the WWF/E Championship twice, and the ECW World Heavyweight Championship once, making him the only person ever to hold all three championships.
One time United States Champion
The World Tag Team Championship five times (twice with The Undertaker, once with Kane, once with Chris Jericho, and once with The Miz)
The WWE Tag Team Championship twice (with Chris Jericho once and The Miz once)
The Hardcore Championship three times.

What are your thoughts on this topic?
I'm a little confused about the topic of this thread. I have heard nothing or seen nothing to suggest that the Big Show is planning to hang up his boots any time soon. Unless he retires, the HOF is not even a consideration for him. I don't care if WM27 is in Atlanta, or if it has the WCW theme which has been speculated, unless he retires, he's not being inducted this year. The fact that they are calling him the Giant more than ever is odd, but I think it's irrelevant.

Make no mistake about it, when he does call it a career, he's a definite for the WWE Hall of Fame, I cannot imagine anyone questioning this fact with all of his accolades, his longevity, and his size. But not this year.
I don't think he accomplished enough.
It seems like everyone who has ever been in the company long enough people ask...
Hey do you think they deserve consideration?

He's the big show, he's nothing spectacular
He could be if they used him differently...He had great days in the past but he's not that impressive now...

Realistically no one could beat him if he didn't want them to...I found it kind of stupid how straight edge society handed his A** to him outside the ring the other week
Wrestlers are only inducted via retirement. While I believe Big Show is Hall of Fame bound, he will not be considered for it this year. I see Big Show being inducted in 5 years or so....depending on when he hangs up the boots.

I'm not too keen on sounding harsh, but this is a very ignorant thread.
Big Show deserves to be in the yo-yo hall of fame. His weight is never the same. He came back all slim, now he's bigger than ever.

That out of the way, I do believe that it would be interesting to see him inducted next year. Maybe it would make sense to nonchalantly write Flair out of the history books as the only "hall of famer while still a part of the active roster."
I think that while the Big Show will eventually be part of the WWE HOF, it will not be next year. Off the top of my head (I'm most likely missing people), only three active people have been inducted into the Hall of Fame, Lawler, JR, and Flair. Flair was the only active wrestler inducted, and it was already a foregone conclusion that he was retiring from the WWE at that point.

Hell, even Shawn didn't the Hall of Fame nod while he was active, thought I expect him to be inducted in a very short time. Flair was a special case, and I don't think many wrestlers will receive the same treatment, especially not the Big Show, who I think is on the lower tier of main eventers. Eventually, I think most everyone who's been associated with the WWE for any considerable amount of time will make it into their Hall of Fame (assuming you're not Savage, though in light of recent events, maybe that's changed). However, next year won't be Show's year.
I don't think he accomplished enough.
It seems like everyone who has ever been in the company long enough people ask...
Hey do you think they deserve consideration?

He's the big show, he's nothing spectacular
He could be if they used him differently...He had great days in the past but he's not that impressive now...

Realistically no one could beat him if he didn't want them to...I found it kind of stupid how straight edge society handed his A** to him outside the ring the other week

KoKo B Ware and Mr Perfect would like to say hello.

If a couple of USWA titles and OD'ing on cocaine is good enough to get you into the hall of fame, then someone who has held multiple world titles, appeared in multiple WWE main events and has had a longevity greater then most deserves to be in.

Big Show deserves to be in the HOF when he is done with wrestling more then most
Hey he's not the only one...
I think a couple of the people they induct are just a joke...

lol the yo yo hall of fame is funny but on a serious note...
He was out years back cause his weight was getting out of control and for him it is more of a priority to keep it down.

you guys think he's on the track of maybe having to step out again to take care of himself cause he is getting a little big again
and thats not making fun of him he said so him self before, not last return a couple years ago but I read in a magazine a couple years before then that he needed to shed a couple pounds for his health reasoning
Show will be in the HOF...but not next year. He is probably the second best really big man in the history of rasslin...that's reason enough.
i also dont think he will be inducted this year. they are doing all wcw, true, but he is now wwe. i dont see them calling him a wcw inducty if he is still wrestling for them. i also give it about 5 years, maybe more if he continues wrestling for awhile. look at the rock. one of the biggest of all time and not in the hof. it wouldnt suprise me if he turned down the invitation because he wants to distance himself from wwe, but thats just speculation.

to the op, your picture is of a guy who has accomplished a lot more and was in wcw. now i know he didnt win a world title in wcw, but he won the wcw title off the rock so i think he would be counted this year over the big show, but i dont think either will enter this year.

also to the op. the big show is not the only one to win the wwe, wcw, and ecw title. since kane just won the heavyweight title, he also has won all three. but its not the same granted since the heavyweight title was the wcw title but is no longer recognized as such.
good thread and I like your reasoning. One would speculate a possibility this year but wwe don't give a flying fuck about wcw, they love to bury wcw. That being said, I don't believe he will be inducted this year. Although if it did happen I'd like to see the scenario play out where he would hold the title til 'mania and then retire in a loss to the undertaker, that would be dope but I doubt that would happen. I think he's still gonna be around a few more years. He's still in decent shape, even if he were to take less bumps, his gimmick and stature alone make him an attraction. I do believe though that one day he will be inducted because he has done a lot of great things for the business. He's a loyall wwe guy and has had a good career, so maybe 2015 he'll be inducted (if the world doesn't end in 2012) :suspic: YODEL
1) Is Big Show worthy of Hall of Fame recognition

Yes I would say that he has done enough he is a 5 time WHC and the first man to hold WWE, WCW and ECW world championships.

2) Do you think he will be considered this year?

No way unless he is retired he wont get into the HOF and even then it wont happen straight away and I have seen no evidance that Show is retiring.

3) If he is voted into the Hall of Fame, will this lead to him retiring?

No because he wont be in the HOF until he is retired.
He'll be in the HOF but not this year, he can still go in the ring and won't retire yet.Yes he can get because he has been a dominate giant since his time in the WWE and WCW.There are not many big guys who have done as much as Show so he should be in for sure.
Well thanks for all the responses. It was my first thread so I apologise if it confusing at times. I haven't mastered the art of good thread posting yet.

To the person who mentioned Chris Jericho, sure he probably deserves it more than Big Show if it were a choice between the two, but I feel Jericho has more longevity. And he isn't a giant. Big Show's body must feel terrible every day. I know people who are just over 6 foot tall and their back and shoulders ache just from walking. This guy is over 7 foot and takes heavy bumps almost every week. So that's my reasoning for him maybe not wrestling for much longer. His health is more of a risk than Jericho's.

But i think you are mostly all right. This year is probably too soon for him to be inducted into the Hall of Fame.
1) Is Big Show worthy of Hall of Fame recognition

Big Show is certainly Hall of Fame worthy, his career has been quite a trip. He has done a lot inside of the business both match wise, as well as holding a lot of championships. Big Show is a name in this business who is definitely worthy of the Hall of Fame.

2) Do you think he will be considered this year?

Absolutely not, it's obviously gonna be WCW based. Sure Big Show has a past in the WCW, but I don't see his legacy big enough inside that promotion for him to get a WCW based Hall of Fame induction, compared to some of the other WCW names. Big Show will be inducted on WWE terms, and certainly not this year. He still has to retire, and he won't be doing that this year I'm certain.

3) If he is voted into the Hall of Fame, will this lead to him retiring?

No, because Big Show won't get voted into the Hall of Fame this year. But if he indeed were, yes he would be in a position to him retiring. Nobody except Ric Flair (Warranted) has gone into the Hall of Fame of wrestling without retiring first.
Firstly Great Post Haley, I understand that their is some confusion over the fact that you used this year's hall of fame but it's actually the 2011 class that will be doing the WCW inductions.

There is no doubt that big show deserves a Hall of fame spot but i doubt he will get one any time soon due to the fact that any person or person's in the hall or fame are either dead, or semi retired, big show is neither.

1) Is Big Show worthy of Hall of Fame recognition

Big show is worthy of Hall of Fame recognition but does not at this time need to be in it, Show's time in WCW was stale at best, nothing rememrable apart of his shoddy affilitaion with the dungeon of doom (which was bad even for sulivan).

His existance in the NWO was not even worthy to be noted apart from a short feud with Hogan over the title, his tag title run and re-emergance in the NWO whilst feuding with his tag team partner (sting).

Show has a more memoriable legacy in the WWE and gained recognition and instant championship glorification, there have been some questionable storylines such as his feud with the Big Boss man but still Show has managed to actually hold his own in the WWE and can carry a feud with literally anyone.

2) Do you think he will be considered this year?

No I don't, there are bigger names from WCW that deserve to be in the Hall of Fame and show's name shouldn't even be considered with the biggest of stars of that company, With negotiations going forth to bring Bill Goldberg in I doubt the WWE would need a big name headliner for the event anywho.

3) If he is voted into the Hall of Fame, will this lead to him retiring?

I doubt it, show has more time than any to work in the WWE, he is one of the biggest stars on smackdown and will recieve his run sooner than later, he is not just an invoator and one of the biggest guys in the company, he is also an attraction that can still work a gueling schedule unlike most of the past it stars TNA has to offer.

And as for the Giant reference I doubt it will mean a WCW themed run, more or less a statement to prove that show is bigger than the undertaker, Kane, Khali and all other so called 7 footers in the WWE.

Giant is more of a Distinction, they won't be throwing him back into the WCW hamper why you ask?, because it wasn't Vince's idea to begin with.

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