Big Show is the Rodney Dangerfield of wrestling

mr. krinkle

Getting Noticed By Management
he gets no respect, no respect at all folks... all i hear is how he shouldnt be in ECW, let alone the champ.

what is more extreme than a 7' plus, 500 lb man with a mean streak ready to crush everyone in his path? i know he has had his issues with motivation in the past, but since jumping i havent seen him more intense...
i followed the old ECW, and if he wouldve wrestled there he wouldve won gold ther too... Heyman obviously loves him, remember when he double crossed Lesnar and joined with Show to take Lesnar's title?
i think he should add one more power move...i think he should adopt Jushin Liger's running power bomb...if Show did that, i dont know that you could get up...
people are warming up to Test...why isnt anybody warming up to Show?

no respect at all people
The Big Slow is nothing more than just another big guy that moves around like a little old lady. He can get angry, chop people, give the big boot and chokeslam people - wow, how impressive! I will give him credit for being good on the mic and playing the role of heel to the hilt (when I saw an ECW house show, he insulted the crowd during the match!). As a wrestler, he does nothing for me. But since he's a really big guy, he doesn't have to use any non-traditional offensive maneuvers. He can fight like a bear and that's good enough.
The reason why I don't like him is because - if you watch the old ECW - most moves made you go "oooh!!!" The only time that happens for me in a Big Show match is when he does that Cobra Clutch Backbreaker. ECW is not about 500 lbs guys's about fast paced and/or intense and/or hardcore matches. Big Show doesn't really qualify for any of those. I had no problem with him on RAW...he just looks incredible awkward on ECW
WWECW is going in the wrong direction, but good luck convincing Vince McMahon and Kevin Dunn of that - there's no way of getting through to those egomaniacs, even if thousands of ECW fans write letters.

Bringing ECW back in the current state it's in might not only have been a bad idea for the present (it's just another brand of sports entertainment with nothing to separate it from Raw and SmackDown), but for the future as well. People who have never watched the original ECW before and see the DVDs from the old days will steer clear of it, thinking that what they watch on Sci-Fi is a representation of what's on those DVDs. So McMahon is tarnishing a product in the library by doing this.

Going back to The Big Slow - there are worse big guys out there (don't get me started on The Great Khali) but his style doesn't represent the ECW we know. Making a big guy the top draw on the band proves that McMahon has assumed 100% control of the direction of ECW - that's his style of wrestling, not the kind that was presented by Paul Heyman. Where are the luchadors and the scientific wrestlers? The sad thing is that WWECW has fewer wrestlers in this category than the other WWE shows. McMahon is basically treating WWECW as a dumping ground for wrestlers that couldn't get over on other shows (Matt Striker, Rene Dupree, Test, The Bashams, Kevin Thorn/Mordecai, etc.). At least Raw and SmackDown have their differences - WWECW basically feels like a synthesis of the two brands. We weren't expecting the same level of brutality and controversy on this show, but to turn it into whitewashed, bland sports entertainment is not the way to go. WWECW may not be a failure of the magnitude of the XFL, but without some serious changes (and not the ones that moron Dunn is proposing), it may at least be a mistake much like the WWE Restaurant & Bar in NYC was.
Brilliance In Supremacy said:
The reason why I don't like him is because - if you watch the old ECW - most moves made you go "oooh!!!"

This isn't the old ECW though. Based on the new presentation (WWE calling itself ECW with the occasional ECW touch) he fits in fairly well.
Brilliance In Supremacy said:
The reason why I don't like him is because - if you watch the old ECW - most moves made you go "oooh!!!" The only time that happens for me in a Big Show match is when he does that Cobra Clutch Backbreaker. ECW is not about 500 lbs guys's about fast paced and/or intense and/or hardcore matches. Big Show doesn't really qualify for any of those. I had no problem with him on RAW...he just looks incredible awkward on ECW

Big Show is getting better a bit. You forgot about another core element of ECW. It was technical. Big show is neither Lucha Libre or technical but if you make it a hardcore match then you got a good match iwht Big Show in it.
mr. krinkle said:
he gets no respect, no respect at all folks... all i hear is how he shouldnt be in ECW, let alone the champ.

what is more extreme than a 7' plus, 500 lb man with a mean streak ready to crush everyone in his path? i know he has had his issues with motivation in the past, but since jumping i havent seen him more intense...
i followed the old ECW, and if he wouldve wrestled there he wouldve won gold ther too... Heyman obviously loves him, remember when he double crossed Lesnar and joined with Show to take Lesnar's title?
i think he should add one more power move...i think he should adopt Jushin Liger's running power bomb...if Show did that, i dont know that you could get up...
people are warming up to Test...why isnt anybody warming up to Show?

no respect at all people
i agree with you 100% it's funny to me how people can say andre is so good and big show is horrible has anybody seen andre wrestle? big show is 10x the wrestler he ever was,he could bearly move, he was about as talented as the great khail,people always say cena,test,big show, and hogan, andre,goldberg,ect...rules i challege you people to go back look at these wreslers matches and tell me who the better wrestlers are, to me big show is one of the best big men to ever wrestle and deserves way more respect then he recives.
i challege you people to go back look at these wreslers matches and tell me who the better wrestlers are

Reason for that being wrestling has changed ALOT since the glory days.. Back then seeing a Powerbomb would make us awwe... But now a Powerbomb is just an everyday move.. Also, wrestling back then was at a much slower pace then it is today.. Back then seeing those guys wrestle.. We believed they were great.. But watching those compared tot he matches we have now, we would get bored..

But I also the Big Show is very underrated.. For a big man, he's very entertaining.. Ever since his switch to ECW, he has expanded his move-set, he doesnt use the Show Stopper really at all anymore, and has gained a lot of confidence. Big Show is great for many reasons.. He has one of those personalities that we can love him or hate him.. But the Big Show hating really doesnt make sence.. It seems like people are expecting him to start doing 450's or something.
I think the problem is that he's even on the roster. I don't have that much of a problem with Show but I think that ECW needs a champion that represents a factor of the old ECW if it's to be taken seriously and considered more than just a dumping ground for Raw and SD failures. For example, ECW was famous for hardcore, technical and a little bit of lucha libre wrestling but the Big Show isn't very good at any of that. If anyone says he could do hardcore then they're wrong, he'd probably take a half hour to knock down, never mind if you have to toss him out of the ring and onto a table.
I think that show fits in well in the new ECW, the problem is that people keep on thinking that this is still the old ecw. I think that big show would have fit into the old ecw. I dont know why people dont like him but it seems to be a fact.
When will the world relize that this IS NOT the "old" ECW the whole product is being reborn to create a new feeling listen to the motto "the NEW breed" not the old guys....
Mr. Sam said:
I think the problem is that he's even on the roster. I don't have that much of a problem with Show but I think that ECW needs a champion that represents a factor of the old ECW if it's to be taken seriously and considered more than just a dumping ground for Raw and SD failures. For example, ECW was famous for hardcore, technical and a little bit of lucha libre wrestling but the Big Show isn't very good at any of that. If anyone says he could do hardcore then they're wrong, he'd probably take a half hour to knock down, never mind if you have to toss him out of the ring and onto a table.
I really don't know what you're getting at. It seems like you're saying he doesn't fit in ECW, because he's big and can't put on a "hardcore" match. Even though ECW was about many different styles they did have bigger guys like Mike Awesome, Scott Hall, 911, Sid, Sal E. Graziano (who was 6'9 and 600 lbs), Brian Lee, etc... were all pretty big guys. I know some of them weren't in ECW for along time, but they all learned to adapt to how ECW was regardless of how big they are.

Alot of people rather see different a champion and I'm one of them who rather see RVD or Sabu as ECW World Champion, but Big Show isn't doing a bad job and I don't mind him being ECW World Champion as long as he puts on a good match. So far he's only put on a selected few of bad matches, but I don't expect everyone to enjoy every match they see. Big Show is doing everything WWE allows him to do and i'm sure he does everything they ask him to do. I bet Big Show would take a big bump, if WWE really wanted him to do, but who knows if they ever asked him to do that. Plus it doesn't seem like ECW is leaning towards as many hardcore matches as there was once.

WWE says the "new breed unleashed" meaning it could be anyone, whether you believe they are "Raw" and "Smackdown" failures. WWE never specified who the "new breed unleashed" was at the time it was annouced. I'm sure alot of people believed it would mostly be ECW originals, but WWE owns it now and we can't do much about it. Who cares if there is some guys from Raw and Smackdown. Look at all the male/female wrestlers who were in ECW who in the past and present were in different promotions such as WCW, WWE, TNA, NWA, AWA CZW, AAA, and all those other promotions out there. Also how is Big Show and others on the ECW roster failures?
I like the Big show I don't see why everyone making a big deal about his weight and him begin slow I bet people don't know Big show use to do a moonsault as his finsher.

any if you really want to use flat and slow as a reason he sucks what about Tazz or bam bam biglow they were fat and slow so i dont see why eveyone single out Big show
Edge-number1 fan said:
I like the Big show I don't see why everyone making a big deal about his weight and him begin slow I bet people don't know Big show use to do a moonsault as his finsher.

any if you really want to use flat and slow as a reason he sucks what about Tazz or bam bam biglow they were fat and slow so i dont see why eveyone single out Big show

As far as the Moonsault is concerned: I'm from Missouri, so I would like The Big Show to show me. I doubt that will happen.

Taz was cool because he had an incredible arsenal of suplexes. From a technical perspective, that made him exciting to watch.

Bam Bam Bigelow had an incredible amount of agility for a big man. During his first WWE run as a face, he would celebrate victories by performing cartwheels. He also went to the top rope quite often and did perform Moonsaults.

Other big guys had characters that could get over with the crowd, like 911 coming out to chokeslam someone because they were not hardcore, Mike Awesome was easily one of the most talented wrestler his size, and Sal E. Graziano just being the big overweight guy which induced lots of crowd chants like "Big Sal Ate It!".

The Big Show was never in the real ECW, and he is not skilled in any of the styles of wrestling that ECW displayed prominently. People actually give him credit for being hardcore because he falls through a table from off the apron after taking several hits - I've seen him do this same thing on numerous occasions. That is nothing compared to the spots that the ECW originals performed. Of course, I'm not expecting him to jump off a 30 foot balcony, but he needs to do more to make himself a credible ECW Champion - most of the fans are not accepting him and it's not hard to see why.

I just think that The Big Show, at the end of the day, is just a slight notch above your prototypical big guy (i.e. A-Train, Test, Mike Knox, Tyson Tomko, etc.), and I find his matches to be slow-paced and boring, with too many rest holds and repeated maneuvers. He's alright, but not deserving to be champion. Far more deserving would be: RVD, Sandman, Sabu, Chris Benoit and Rey Mysterio. ECW has too many large wrestlers and not enough enough technical wrestlers and cruiserweights - Benoit and Mysterio are ECW Originals and would provide the brand with the marquee names that it desperately needs, especially with the departure of Kurt Angle.

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