Big Show - Heel Turn? What Now?


Pre-Show Stalwart
So, as everyone's probably aware by now, Big Show won his match against Mark Henry yesterday to win the World Heavyweight Champion. Post-match, he got attacked by Henry, and then Daniel Bryan cashed in his MITB to win the WHC.

Considering that Daniel Bryan behaved pretty much like a face - getting a big pop from the crowd, rubbing his title in Michael's Cole face, celebrating with the crowd, and such - it seems unlikely that he'll turn heel. Big Show, on the other hand, sat dumbstruck on the ring, and walked out silently to the back.

But well, if that was everything, I could see both of them staying faces, with Big Show shrugging it off as part of the game. But there's more to it then this: now the feud between Big Show and Mark Henry is probably over (Henry seems to be injured and will probably fade out a bit while he recovers), and Smackdown already has a problem of having too many faces - just look at how Sheamus, one of their top faces, is getting booked.

Smackdown needs more heels - they need someone to feud with D.Bryan, and someone to feud with Sheamus. The only way I'm seeing it is with a Big Show heel turn. The fact that Kane left Smackdown adds to this, too.

Your ideas? Would you like to see Big Show as a heel? Would it be repetitive to have another big man monster heel right after Mark Henry? Could there be some sort of alliance between then? Can Show surprise us with something new?
While it would make sense characterwise for him to turn heel and go after Daniel Bryan the problem is we've seen Big Show turn back and forth so many times it's lost it's impact. Plus like you said We kinda already got Mark Henry doin' the whole monster thing right now so it would just seem like a one note act.
I don't think it matters. His feud with Mark Henry was as much about getting revenge for being put out of action as it was about the title. He got his revenge. It is entirely possible that the Big Show will let it slide. Kind of a well done, kid thing. Big Show would know that Daniel Bryan cashed in for the opportunity be champ, not out a desire to feud with him. This is possible. I don't think Bryan will be champ for long but it won't be Show that takes it.
A heel turn for Show is a logical possibility. After all, let's face it, Big Show was "screwed" out of his first World Championship win in about 9 years. His feud with Henry has been a physical one that's involved some memorable moments, so I don't see any realistic way of Show just letting this go. After all, that wouldn't exactly make the World Heavyweight Championship look prestigious.

Mark Henry has a rematch, but it's not known how long he'll be out. His groin injury is apparently much more serious than it was initially thought, so he could be out for only a few weeks or he could potentially miss WrestleMania, depending upon the circumstances. Technically, Show was also champ for a brief period so he's probably entitled to a rematch as well. It was looking as though WWE was building up for a type of David vs. Goliath situation between Henry & Bryan at WrestleMania. With Henry's injury, they may have decided to go with that same scenario but with Big Show instead. Or, maybe it'll be a 3 way dance between them at WM for the title.
Honestly, I think that WWE should just let D. Bryan escape with the world title and face off against Wade Barrett at Royal Rumble. Let Big Show turn heel, sure, but make him target Randy Orton or Sheamus to "regain" his throne as the top dog.

The reason why, is because Big Show is Big Show... and by being Big Show, he will ALWAYS have his credibility in WWE as a top contender for the world title, especially when he can move the way he does. Wade Barrett, on the other hand, is a young star that needs his push now before he gets lost in the shuffle. What are they going to do when by this time next year, Barrett's on Superstars facing off against people like Tyson Kidd?

Barrett has been red hot these past few months, and really, he's always been over looked as a potential main eventer by WWE. Sure he's had high profile feuds, but when it comes down to it, I'd like to see how well two "young" guys can pull in some ratings for Smackdown while the veterans do their thing on the sidelines.
Big Show, on the other hand, sat dumbstruck on the ring, and walked out silently to the back.

Yes, it seems more in line with his "happy giant" persona that he congratulate Daniel after the match, regardless of how the result came about. That Show silently stalked off could foreshadow an attitude change. After all, Paul Wight has been back and forth on the heel train numerous times over the years .....and it seems about time for him to get mad again. Can't have the big guy too happy for too long, y'know.

If it happens, though, I'd guess they have to keep him away from Daniel Bryan, who can't seriously expect to hold onto the title for long if he has to go up against the giant. Therefore, if Show is turning heel, he might be better served going to Raw.
I think that he will surely turn heel. Let's face it, the only type of heel that Bryan can be in this feud is a cowardly heel and he isn't really cowardly heel material. He lacks the skills to cut entertaining promos as one. Even Big Show's babyface act has always been boring. A heel turn by Show would help both the competitors perform to their maximum potential.

The story is perfect for a heel turn. Show won the title after a long time at TLC but his moment was not ony forgotten but also taken away by Daniel Bryan who was the name on everyone's lips by the end of the night. I expect there to be a huge celebration for Bryan on this week's Smackdown and Big Show trashing the fans for cheering on a guy who took advantage of a defenseless fan. In some ways Big Show will be a Christian-like heel, but without the cowardly aspects. I expect a decent feud between the two and Bryan will come out of it looking better as Show is always a good choice for putting a guy over.
So let me get this straight.

Big Show gets screwed out of the title, that he EARNED.

Daniel Bryan does the opposite of what he said he was going to do, making him a hypocrite, and cashes in the MITB on a weakened Show, making him a coward who didn't want to do it the right way.

Who is wrong here? Daniel Bryan, clearly.

Isn't the person who's actually in the wrong supposed to be the heel?

Honestly, these Big Show heel turn suggestions are mind-bogglingly illogical to me. That's like saying Jeff Hardy should have turned heel in 2009 after Punk screwed him out of the belt. You don't turn the guy who got screwed, because he deserves to seek out his revenge. He deserves to get a chance to beat Bryan senseless for taking away one of the greatest moments of his career, and he deserves to be cheered for doing so. In storyline, Bryan has talked a lot about what he's deserved and what he's earned. Well, by going against his own words, he's deserved and earned a Big Beatdown. Thus, Bryan going heel is the only logical thing they can do to save this already shit booking from getting even worse.
Yes, it seems more in line with his "happy giant" persona that he congratulate Daniel after the match, regardless of how the result came about.
What the fuck? Why would he congratulate the guy who just took his title away without even doing one single move? Friendly giant or not, of course he was going to be pissed.


... what?
Right now,I am guessing Henry might be taking some time off, maybe come back after RR or close to WM, but when I saw Daniel Bryan come in the Ring, and pose on the Turnbuckle in front of Show, perfect time to go heel.For some reason, I don't think, Show does well as a face, he is born to be a heel, and they make the storyline where Show is pissed that Daniel Bryan didn't come to him as a man to get a title shot, instead of attacking him when he has hurt.This idea will be included and we will find out fast if Daniel Bryan can put butts in seats li ke CM Punk.
Daniel Bryan does the opposite of what he said he was going to do, making him a hypocrite, and cashes in the MITB on a weakened Show, making him a coward who didn't want to do it the right way.

Who is wrong here? Daniel Bryan, clearly.

Isn't the person who's actually in the wrong supposed to be the heel?

Why exactly is Daniel Bryan in the wrong here, exactly? He didn't attack Big Show, Mark Henry did. When that kind of opportunity presents itself, through no actions of your own, you take it. When Edge did the EXACT SAME THING, he was lauded as a genius for taking advantage of the situation. Staying in kayfabe world, what wrestler, in possession of the MITB briefcase, wouldn't have done the exact same thing, face or heel? Who cares if he promised he would wait until Wrestlemania? He saw his chance, and he took it. It was too good of an opportunity to pass up. He attempted to cash it in a few weeks ago on Smackdown too, and "won" the title, only to have Teddy Long claim that it didn't count since Henry had been medically barred from wrestling. Clearly, Daniel Bryan, while still wanting that Wrestlemania match, isn't dumb enough to pass up almost a guaranteed title win.

Sorry, I just don't get the complaint. When you have a chance to become champion, you take it. The crowd didn't seem to mind either, they seemed to love the outcome.
If it happens, though, I'd guess they have to keep him away from Daniel Bryan, who can't seriously expect to hold onto the title for long if he has to go up against the giant. Therefore, if Show is turning heel, he might be better served going to Raw.
I agree that he shouldn't feud with Daniel Bryan, just one match and be done with it.

I don't think he should move to RAW, though. Smackdown needs heels. Let him feud with Sheamus, for example.


Don't try to find much logic of that kind on what gets pushed as a Face or as Heel. Daniel Bryan will be a face because he's over with the crowd, not because what he did was "right" or "wrong" (it was neither, for me, anyway).
Big Show has all the right in the world to be pissed, but this won't get the crowd behind him unless Bryan start insulting the fans or something like that. And a pissed character without the crowd behind him, no matter how justified he is, is a heel.
Big Show has all the right in the world to be pissed, but this won't get the crowd behind him unless Bryan start insulting the fans or something like that. And a pissed character without the crowd behind him, no matter how justified he is, is a heel.

Yes, but who should he be pissed at? Bryan for simply laying on top of him to take the belt, or at Mark Henry, who put him in that position in the first place? If Mark Henry doesn't attack him, Bryan doesn't cash in. This is exactly what happened on Smackdown a few weeks ago, only reversed. Big Show should be pissed at Mark Henry, not at Daniel Bryan.

Don't try to find much logic of that kind on what gets pushed as a Face or as Heel. Daniel Bryan will be a face because he's over with the crowd, not because what he did was "right" or "wrong" (it was neither, for me, anyway).
Big Show has all the right in the world to be pissed, but this won't get the crowd behind him unless Bryan start insulting the fans or something like that. And a pissed character without the crowd behind him, no matter how justified he is, is a heel.
You're both overrating Bryan and underrating Big Show here in terms of overness. Don't let some of the smarky crowds fool you, Show will outpop Bryan in most places. So he already has the crowd behind him; in fact, he has throughout this entire Henry feud.

As for Davi, you need to look at the history of Money in the Bank more closely. Edge was not "lauded" in kayfabe for what he did, he was booed and took a lot of heat off Cena for a short time. Since then, everyone to cash in this way has either been a heel or turned heel later, with the ONLY exception being Punk's first cash in. And that was on Edge, who had already done the same thing to huge faces and was getting a taste of his own medicine. Fans are not going to like the fact that Bryan robbed a likable guy who battled back from injury to eventually win the title.

Also, the fact that he promised he'd wait is hugely important here. Because he proved himself to be a hypocrite and a man lacking honor (irony). He said one thing and did another. He lied. And not only did he lie, but he perpetrated his real plan on a popular superstar. You can say what you want about, "Anyone would have done the same thing," but it's about who it happened to just as much as the actions themselves. Obviously, if the Henry cash-in had stuck, the results would be much different.

Fans are not going to like the fact that Bryan robbed a likable guy who battled back from injury to eventually win the title? Really? You must not have been paying attention to the crowd reaction then. Looked to me like the crowds went ape shit, marking out. The Mark Henry/Big Show feud was NOT about the World Heavyweight title. It was about Henry injuring Show and then Show getting his revenge. If Mark Henry had not been the World Champion, it wouldn't have mattered as far as the feud is concerned. They still would have been fighting each other. That Mark Henry was the current champion was just a bonus, not the cause of the feud. They weren't fighting over the title, they were just fighting. The title was a secondary concern.

Besides, what is to stop Daniel Bryan from saying "Big Show, you get the first shot!"??? If he said that, then were would your complaint be? Nobody gives a flying fuck that Bryan said he would wait until Wrestlemania. Gee, it's not like any face wrestlers have EVER said something that they contradicted later...NOBODY CARES.
So you're going to judge the whole storyline based on one crowd reaction? Big Show is more over in most places so that doesn't fly. Of course the crowd was going to pop for somebody's first title win, but they're going to side with Big Show if they have a feud or a match. Then again, Punk did put Bryan over huge last night, but I don't know if that will stick with audiences that aren't familiar with his indy work like Philly is. Point is, Bryan has not proven himself to be over enough to outpop someone like Show, who the crowd seems to love. If you're going to turn someone heel, you turn the guy who is less over as a face. It's easier to make the crowd hate you than it is to make them like you.

Also, your point about the title not being a focal point is a flat out lie, honestly. If all Big Show wanted was revenge, he would have beaten up Henry and then moved on. Of course the face should want revenge on the guy who injured him, but the feud doesn't have to go that long for that to happen. Remember Triple H's return earlier this year? He came back, Pedigreed Sheamus, and it was over, done, finished. There was no match. Big Show and Henry had three PPV matches, and Show crushing Henry's ankle at Survivor Series should have been more than enough revenge if he didn't want the title. Did you miss the promo he cut before the match that it had been nine years since he had been champion? His character didn't like Henry for sure but he was fueled even more by the desire to be champion, just like every performer should be. So yes, it was partially about the championship.

Yeah, Bryan can give Big Show the first shot. What happens then? Who wins? I don't see Bryan winning cleanly the first time they face off, and if he wins by some dubious means then he'll obviously get booed. I'm interested in how you see them booking that.
who cares about the reaction from the TLC crowd, they went nuts because 1, they witnessed a title change, and 2, Bryan was a first timer..

AS far as his promise goes i think at wrestlemania he will defend his WHC and I think the quick title change is going to be used as an excuse to let both men use their rematch clause simultaniously. So WM will be a 3 way match, Show might try to get his WHC back but it wont get personal. Show was the one who kept pushing Bryan to cash in anyways when he wasn't really open to it.

And why does someone have to turn heel or face based on being done wrong or avenging a wrong? Whats with these mandated attitude shifts in wrestling. Why cant they just be themselves, be they black hat, white hat, or grey?

Big Show's only persona that worked was the smug smoker one when he was the Giant..
Big Show will most likely be turning heel. The frustration in his eyes after Matthews told him he will have the "honor" of having the shortest World Heavyweight Championship reign in history showed that he is NOT happy about what happened. Henry is going to be out with an injury from what I heard, so Big Show turning heel would fill the void that Henry would leave. I'm honestly still disappointed that they didn't wait until Wrestlemania to have Bryan cash in, they could just as easily have left the title on Big Show, although this works too because they instantly have an angle to work on between the two thanks to the cash in.
It would appear that WWE like the idea of Daniel Bryan battling a monster. I would have guessed that had Mark Henry not been legitimately injured, we'd be looking at Daniel Bryan vs. the World Strongest Man. They've been buliding it for a while, getting Bryan involved in the build and even giving him a championship match. But if he's going to be off, it looks like they want Big Show to fill his rather large, heelish boots - something which Show can definitely fill.

Bryan isn't turning - let's clear that up. Look at him on Raw - it wouldn't make any sense whatsoever. Plus, monster heel vs. diminutive underdog is more likely than small, but angry heel vs. monster face. The only way they could possibly get away with making this a good feud with Bryan as heel is if he's unbelivably cowardly. But a character like that doesn't play to his strengths.

So a Big Show heel turn looks to be in the works - something which is bittersweet. On the one hand, he's great as a face. He flitters between funny and angry with great ease. On the other hand, an angle with a heel Big Show would do wonders for Daniel Bryan's credibility and heat.

Sure, Daniel Bryan is in the wrong. But this is wrestling - fuck being right. Wrestling fans don't care about that. This is an industry which saw a swearing, beer-drinking, short-tempered redneck become one of it's all-time greats.
big show will defiantly turn heel its a no brainer.mark henry is injured.there is no other main event heel on smackdown apart from maybe christian and wade barrett.the sad thing is though i see db being paper champion for all his talent i cant see wwe having the faith in him remain champion by wrestlemaina.
I think Show is on the road back to being a heel. Aside from WWE needing more big-powered heels (great to see Kane back as one, apparently), I remember a rumor from awhile back that WWE was in talks with Shaquille O'Neal about him coming in for a match with Show at WrestleMania. If this is true, the WWE representative in the match is generally a heel (Show against Money Mayweather, Bigelow against Lawrence Taylor, Piper against Mr. T) so I'd expect Big Show to return to his heel persona.

I do like Big Show as a face and would like to see him remain one for the rest of his career, but he plays either role well. If they do book him against Daniel Bryan though, I hope it's at least somewhat realistic because there's no way in hell DB could actually take Show in a match. A heel DB, maybe...but not a face DB.
The WON is reporting that, most likely, Big Show is going to turn heel. According to the report, there's talk of turning Show or Daniel Bryan heel, but it'll most likely be Show.

That will be especially true if WWE & Shaquille O'Neal are able to work out an agreement for Shaq to take on Big Show at WrestleMania. Shaq let it slip during an interview earlier this week that he's in negotiations with WWE. So yeah, I'd say it's pretty much written in the stars at this point that Show is going heel.
Big Show has not impressed me as a face in the past, but his most recent run has been some of the best work he's done in years! He's managed to stay away from the lame comedian routine he was doing before being entered into the Hall of Pain, and portrays emotion in his promos. Maybe he can keep entertaining me in the same way as a heel, but history is against him. It's not that Show is bad - in fact he's a very talented guy, regardless of his size. But I've just seen so much for so many years, that I can't get overly interested in his character. If he can possibly re-invent himself in the same way Mark Henry did, then more power to him! My question is, why turn Show when you've got a perfectly capable monster heel in Mark Henry? You're only gonna get the fans to care about so many guys on one brand...
I don't know about this heel turn for Big Show as well. It's bad enough in the beginning of his career he was always turning back and forth. Now he seems pretty good in his face role and the crowd enjoys it. But then again, he would probably be a heel guy if he's going to face Shaq, which I think is a bad idea as well.
most likely what we'll see is Big Show get fustrated that he's not champion. Become number one contender for DB's WHC, they have a match and mark henry ether distracts big show or cost him the match getting him dq DB is at the wrong place at the wrong time and gets destroyed by big show leading to a david vs galiah rivalry of some sort but i could be wrong...

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