Big Show Heel Turn Ahead?


Beating the odds since 1993
I may be looking too far into this but i think big show may turn heel soon on Raw. Yesterday, when he got drafted, he looked really disappointed to be drafted. It may be me thinking hypothetically but if he gets angry about being drafted, there may be a heel turn ahead and do not want ANOTHER guy to turn heel, we relly do not need it.

Do you think he will turn heel on raw?

Do you want him to turn heel now, later on, or not at all?

What was up with his face when he got drafted?
Big show was once a really good heel with the ecw twist, but i think big show has got really boring, him and kane seem too be very wasted, he is always the same, and kane has not been good since he lost his mask. the too giants. yet they get beating by the smaller wrestles i think big shows day has passed, poss another soon too be tna star
No way, and it would be bad if he did.

The amount of heels Raw has now is ridiculous as it is and Big Show turning would only make it worse, guy's like Ziggler, McIntyre and Swagger would be burried and seeing as they all have a lot of potential it would really hurt the WWE youth movement.
I think you're either reading too far into it or I wasn't paying attention to Show's face when he got drafted. In regards to a possible heel turn, I'll say anything is possible. Personally, I like the cheery, happy Big Show who is a beast in the ring when he needs to be. I don't think turning him heel would be in RAW's best interest at the moment considering that roles have now been flip flopped and now it's RAW with a large number of heels following the draft. I say keep him face for now. Depending on if the new members of the roster make face/heel turns over the coming weeks, Big Show may or may not turn in order to balance out the roster.
Shows probably just fed up of being drafted! I mean he moves basically every year. Plus I'm pretty sure he's said in promos in the past that he prefers SD! Could just be kayfabe obviously but it might be true.

I prefer Show heel but I can't see it. He's good at playing the big goofy lovable giant and while I may not like it the kids do.
I think above anything else, Big Show is a company guy. He'll do whatever he is asked to do and make the most of it. I don't think another heel turn will work for him as it is very obvious that when he is heel he is "portraying a character" and when he's a face he's just being Paul Wight.
I'm personally a fan of the Big Show as a face with the current product. Kids seem to like him, and I think Raw is already stacked with heels. Now that Randy Orton has left for Smackdown, they need more faces. If a heel turn was to take place, I think he'd be placed in a feud with guys like Kingston or Swagger (I think he turns face)
What got me more was how utterly winded Big Show looked during and after the Battle Royal. Granted, the man has never been the pinnacle of cardiovascular strength, but he looked legitimately out of it during most of that match. He was huddled up in the corner and looked like he couldn't get his breath.

It's possible that he was knocked whoozy by something I didn't see, but the man looked plain bad. It was almost like it took everything he had just to get through the finish.

I'm wondering if he has anything left in the tank to be more than an attraction at this point. If he can't work through a Battle Royal, what are the odds of him having a solid one on one match?
No i dont want big show to turn heel cause he is a great face maybe he was dissapointed cause he and kane have just won the tag tiltles again kanes turning back into a face and he was finally getting a title run which will probaley end now as there on different shows which leads me to belive big show might get a run at the wwe title but thats a big MIGHT or as allways he will be used to make cena ect look good cause fo a giant he moves well around the ring
Arent the tag titles unified? Pretty sure they are, so that means the Big Show and Kane can still carry them as a team, because of the titles being unified that means they can go on both brands to defend them.

I really dont want the Big Show to turn heel either. Hes a much better face in my opinion.
He did an interview after and he seemed pretty bummed out about it. Sure he can still hang out on SD since his partner is there, but I think he'd rather be a member of SD for good. I feel sorry for him, but...

He shouldn't turn heel because there's way too many heels on Raw. Another would be worse for a guy like Ziggler or Drew.
Big Show will only turn heel when and if they lose the Tag Team titles soon and if they do it will either be to the Corre or the Usos, but for some reason, i dont see them losing. IF Show does turn heel, i wont really honestly care.
I think the big problem for Mr. White is his name and music. Strap a new name and music on him and give him a less talking mean gimmick and he can dominate like the giant he is. He is never going to be a top face but he definitely could be a top ruthless heel. I hope he does turn but at least go as Paul Wight. I've always hated "big show"
Big Show is a great face, no need to turn him heel. Plus with the mass of new young heels on Raw, this would be a great opportunity to get them over a bit with this guy. The only concern with this, though, is how realistic it'll look when these young guys beat him. Big Show is often kicked in the thigh, ganged up, or hit with a weapon and hardly loses clean to a smaller guy. I can't take a guy as skinny as McIntyre beating Show cleanly, at all. Show tosses people around like nothing in the ring, and I love it, but I wonder how they're going to effectively book one of these younger guys over a guy that massive. Beating Khali isn't impressive at all because the guy is so slow, but beating Show CLEAN would make a better impression.
This guy, Big Show, has got to go.

Waste of time and space. The fact he feels he needs to be in some kind of big project is a waste of my viewing time.

He has probably the lowest selling WWE Career DVD, does nothing of humor or interest, and if he wasn't a big guy he would be nowhere.

I was done with Big Show once WCW was.
Big show was once a really good heel with the ecw twist, but i think big show has got really boring, him and kane seem too be very wasted, he is always the same, and kane has not been good since he lost his mask. the too giants. yet they get beating by the smaller wrestles i think big shows day has passed, poss another soon too be tna star

To Two To (sorry but that too business bugged me a bit :))

Big Show could still be a believable heel but with his current pursuits in the comedic host/movie role he has going on I can't see it happening
There's no question Big Show is a legend at this point and one of the greatest big men of all time. That being said, it's clear his career with WWE is coming to an end. If I were a betting man, I'd say this move to RAW is his final move before ultimately hanging 'em up.

I would think a heel turn at this point would be unnecessary and probably harmful to the entire character. He has built up a nice following as the cheerful face, and there really isn't any legitimate reason to suddenly turn him. Besides, RAW just got Drew McIntyre and Jack Swagger as heels in the draft anyway.
I was really disappointed to see Show drafted to RAW. He used to be a great character but he's really gotten boring over the years and isn't particularly entertaining as a serious wrestler anymore. I dont think i could take him seriously as a heel, as WWE has pushed him as a sideshow for too long.
Big Show is a way better heel than face. He's too bland when he's a good guy and never booked well. Not saying he's booked much better as a heel but his size just helps him so much more when he's against the top faces. With the chance Punk may not resign, at least not yet, push Show and build him up! He and Miz, although were partners at one time, could really wreak havoc on Raw and just coexist instead of teaming up.

I hope he goes heel again though. He's just a more believalbe monster heel than babyface.
I say bring him back as The Giant. He can stay a face but the character The Giant imo is more brutal and menacing of a character than Big Show. He just needs a feud that can really get some interest. His Swagger feud was starting to get interesting until Rey stepped in. His feud with Punk got killed because they had him go over Punk every time so it really didn't pose a threat. Give him a feud where someone is a genuine threat to him and can beat him so he actually looks like an under dog so people can root for him to win.
Do you think he will turn heel on raw?

No I don't. Big Show is a Tag Team Champion now. If he turns heel then Kane would need to turn heel with him unless they were splitting up, and they just GOT the belts. Let's wait a while before he should turn. It wouldn't make sense now.

Do you want him to turn heel now, later on, or not at all?

Maybe later on. I like him as a face though, he is funny. Plus he does not need to turn heel anytime soon now that he is on Raw because there are so many heels there at the moment. Big Show will do just fine remaining a face. I wouldn't be against a heel turn in the long term, just not anytime soon, as Raw is full of heels.

What was up with his face when he got drafted?

I don't know? He makes weird faces all the time, this is really no different than the usual faces he makes.
Too many heels in the WWE already and R-Truth and Mark Henry just turned as well. I would say they can ill afford turning Show heel. How often is this guy to turn anyway?
Personally, I like the cheery, happy Big Show who is a beast in the ring when he needs to be.

LOL, where was this beast during the Road to Wresltemania, minus Mania? Corre has worn Big Show's ass out since they formed.(Yes I realize it's to help put them over and this isn't a knock towards you.)

It'll have to happen once Kane and Show lose the titles. Personally, I like Show either way, but slightly more as a heel. Remember when he was heel last time? The only one who kept him in check was Undertaker, and Show still knocked him out in a ppv. It adds a sense of realism. He's the biggest guy there, and I think due to the loyalty he has shown, he deserves one more run as a champ. I don't even think he's held a singles title since he returned.
Big Show seems to have much more charisma being a face than he does a heel. To be frank, he's a boring heel. I don't see him switching up his gimmick for any reason, and the only thing we ever see out of Heel Show is, "OH, LOOK AT HOW BIG HE IS, HE'S SO INTIMIDATING." As a heel, he's just food for underdogs.

It looks much better for a heel to eat up a face Big Show than to see yet another underdog story featuring Heel Show.

LOL, where was this beast during the Road to Wresltemania, minus Mania? Corre has worn Big Show's ass out since they formed.(Yes I realize it's to help put them over and this isn't a knock towards you.)

It'll have to happen once Kane and Show lose the titles. Personally, I like Show either way, but slightly more as a heel. Remember when he was heel last time? The only one who kept him in check was Undertaker, and Show still knocked him out in a ppv. It adds a sense of realism. He's the biggest guy there, and I think due to the loyalty he has shown, he deserves one more run as a champ. I don't even think he's held a singles title since he returned.

Meh. Personally, I think Big Show is dull as a heel. Just personal preference. Although I do agree with you that he was interesting during his feud with Taker a couple years ago as the guy who knocked the man out. But that said, I still don't think he'll turn heel anytime soon. You mentioned Kane and Show losing the tag titles. I'd much prefer seeing Kane go back to the demented heel he was back during his feud with Taker. That was when I was most interested in him. Maybe have them feud for awhile after they drop the belts. But anyway, back to Big Show. With his move to RAW, I'm sure it'll be his time to get a singles title. I guess he exhausted all his programs on Smackdown. Maybe a feud with his former tag team partner Miz will be in the works?

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