Big Cass Fired!

Out of nowhere. I think there's more to the story than that little person incident. And I really don't recall Vince firing someone just like that out of the blue.

So let's see where this is going. It's a shame cause I really thought he had something going for him.
Must be more to the story then just a mutual decision. They were giving him a push and PPV matches the last few months. He was improving a little but the material they were giving him wasn't great and he wasn't ready for the push. He wasn't necessarily bad on the mic but had shown nothing special so far.
He had nothing going for him, so he tried to fall back on constantly calling
himself a big man.

He is smaller than Undertaker or Kane, they never called themselves a big

Needed more going for him than that.

Also, he recently broke up with Carmella, wonder if something happened there
that played into this.
If you believe the reports, he was fired by Vince himself which makes me think that he must have done something really awful for Vince to get involve in his release since it's really rare that Vince gets involve in somebody's release these days.

Anyway, i feel bad for him because he had a bright future ahead of him but he threw it away for some reason. Maybe getting release will give him a chance to learn from his mistake and grow up before getting another chance in a few years.
I've always seen him as a charisma vacuum.
He was sorta getting better on the mic but really was nothing special. He also had this weird shaped body which I'm not sure I was not comfortable watching on TV.
The Daniel Bryan feud really hurt Bryan more than him. Wouldn't be terribly sad if they released more people like him (Corbin for example)
There are vague rumors that something happened at Money in the Bank, that Cass was extremely upset and either did something or said something, possibly both, that pissed off someone important in the company. I haven't read anything stating about who that someone is, whether he or she is a wrestler or an executive, but the reports I've read state that it's not as random as it looks and that whatever happened at MITB was the final straw. Cass has been in trouble backstage before with the biggest issue, at least the biggest I've heard, is that he was a very vocal supporter of Donald Trump and was pretty confrontation if someone didn't share his views.

While I never like to hear about anyone losing his or her job, which is true even in this case, Cass is no big loss to WWE. Hardly anyone will even care by the end of the week.
I've always seen him as a charisma vacuum.
He was sorta getting better on the mic but really was nothing special.

This surprises me because I thought the times he got away from his SAWFT shtick and actually spoke--an in-ring segment with Jericho comes to mind--he was actually funny. I thought he had natural charisma that wasn't being captured by what WWE was making him say. Seems like a guy that would be funny if you hung out with him.
We made a point in the Money in the Bank discussion that Bryan-Cass feud was bad, and now we see why...
Cass had a lot of potential, even you like him or not. But as Neville is still employed by the WWE, why it’s so different? He probably was pissing since his broke up with Enzo and zero championships reigns in his pocket. He has been booked so bad since his tag team run.
Hope he gets more moveset and does not became a Ryback
It was reported that he was drinking like a fish on the European Tour, and showed up shitfaced to a public event. Add to that what Jack Hammer said about his antics at MITB and the Raw the next day, and you can see why VKM canned him. It Cass was smart, he would have told them to take the downside and stick it up their ass, and start booking himself. Even a place at All In.
Wasn't there a rumor about Carmella and Cena at one point? That might also have come into play, even if Cena is not involved, they are clearly high on Carmella right now so if he's mouthed off to her or about her then they might have taken the decision. Especially if he did so drunk!

I've heard talk of going off script and even that he was reckless with Bryan... all would be valid and perhaps cumulative reasons to let him go.

Can't see it as a loss really, to be fair part of me wondered if the annual cull was coming but this one seems a bit more serious. The other thing to remember is sadly for him, the taint of Enzo is on him... he didn't screw up, Enzo did...but it also meant he had to be doing it "cleaner and better than the other guy" and by the sounds of it he wasn't.

It's perhaps the most surprising release since Punk and arguably the most shocking/sudden since Kennedy. Seems to be in the same vein too. Can't help but think Cena is behind it some how though...
No loss to WWE.

He didn't have a good look for a big man. Say what you want, but it's a cosmetic business and there's a lot of different big men types that could work, but his just didn't, in my opinion.

Hopefully this opens up the door for others to get better pushes, because you know if Cass had stayed around WWE would have to try and get him into a decent spot on the card and now we kind of know it wouldn't have been worth it.
I don't like to see a guy get fired unless they really did something wrong that would warrant it. Having said that, I'm not gonna miss the dude on TV at all as he was not good and really should've been still in NXT trying to develop more. Like others have said he was a charisma vacuum. They actually never should've broken up him and Enzo as they were somewhat entertaining together but by themselves were god awful. Pretty sure that's why Bludgeon Bros attacked Bryan without any build on that because it was probably supposed to be Cass' spot. Now maybe Bryan can get a proper feud. Best thing for him to do if he still wants to be in the business is to get back with Enzo and call up Cody to try and get on the All In card.

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