BFG V: TNA Legends Championship 3 Way: Kevin Nash (c) vs. Hernandez vs. Eric Young

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The Sunflower Samurai
Though put together a bit abstractly, this match has potential just like every match on the card. This match does leave a lot of interesting outcomes. Either Hernantdez gets another push by having a run with the strap, Nash retains (and I wonder if anyone really wants to see that :suspic:) or Young finally gets a bit more credability as the leader of the World Elite by becoming a champion.

Personally, I'm rooting for Young, due to the storyline possibilities and the fact that EY finally needs some recognition if he's to be taken seriously.

Match-wise, they should be fine... as long as Nash isn't given any time to start working in his boring kick-punch routine.
I'm pretty sure everyone is expecting Hernandez to dominate Young, and for Nash to even it out, and leave with the belt. I, for one, think that TNA is going to put the gold on Hernandez, since they don't have a way to give him the TNA Title right now, since they essentially screwed him out of it, by making him cash his case in at the worst possible time.

Who I want to see win is completely different. I want to see EY win it. He'd be a great champion, and it would be nice to see a belt embroiled in the story between WE and MEM. Nash and Hernandez can keep feuding, and he can sneak away, giving the belt a whole new set of possibilities.
This match is, for the most part, just kind of meh for me. If Nash retains the title, then I feel it'll be a complete waste of time as generally everyone just wants to see the guy lose it. As for the match in and of itself, it might be decent but I'm not really holding my breath. Hernandez and Eric Young I think need to be established as serious threats/competitors.

Hernandez looked as though he was going to be in the world title picture but TNA creative completely screwed that up by having him cash in the FOF case at the worst time, using him essentially as a back up and unneeded prop in AJ Styles wining the TNA WHC. Hernandez has been on his own for several months now and I think does have some potential, but I think something interesting and/or meaningful needs to happen with him soon. Interest, at least for me, is really starting to wane.

As for Eric Young, kind of the same situation. He's proven himself to be a fairly effective mouthpiece for the World Elite but his in-ring work has weakend substantially. In nearly every match he's been in, he's either jobbed or been totally squashed. A win in this match, bringing a title into the WE could bring some momentum back to him as a wrestler and that's just another trophy for the World Elite.

Personally, I think I'd rather see EY win the match. As the head of what seems to be the current, or at least soon to be, alpha faction in TNA, he needs some credibility at this point.
I am completely lost with the concept of the Legends belt. Is it a title that at least one legend must be in the match for the title to be on the line? I mean if Eric Young or Hernandez win, will a legend have to challenge for it, or can it be fought over by two non-legends? Either way I completely disagree with the way this match was thrown together. Young and Hernandez don't deserve to stand in the same ring as Nash, let alone compete for his title, at least not without a proper feud to build it up. Eric is a bore in the ring, Hernandez has some good stuff, but Nash (as usual) will be the saving grace of the match.

Mick Foley versus Kevin Nash was a Legends title bout. This is pretty ridiculous. I would love to see Nash retain and then go on to feud with a different legend. Every other title is always about putting younger guys over. The Legends title should be one for the old guys.
Either way I completely disagree with the way this match was thrown together.

Me too. No way Nash should have any gold right now.

Young and Hernandez don't deserve to stand in the same ring as Nash,

You worded this poorly. Nash doesn't belong in the same ring as EY or Hernandez.

let alone compete for his title,

Oh...Wait...You're a Nash supporter :disappointed:

at least not without a proper feud to build it up.

:headscratch: EY and Hernandez have been feuding for a while, with the story being that he was screwing SuperMex out of title shots and title matches along the way. Kurt Angle put a hit out on EY, and EY paid Nash double to not attack him. So, while there's no big story between the two, there's at least something to build on.

Eric is a bore in the ring,

You're one of those people that confuses "good wrestling" with "boring". He's very good in the ring, and is probably the best of the 3 on the mic. I think he'd be a great choice for champion.

Hernandez has some good stuff,


but Nash (as usual) will be the saving grace of the match.

How? He's slow, not as strong as he used to be, and can't bump well at all, which is necessary when facing someone like Hernandez.

Mick Foley versus Kevin Nash was a Legends title bout. This is pretty ridiculous. I would love to see Nash retain and then go on to feud with a different legend. Every other title is always about putting younger guys over. The Legends title should be one for the old guys.

The other titles are putting young guys over?! Do you watch? Steiner and Booker T are holding the TNA belts...Young guys like Lethal Consequences and MCMG haven't even come close. AJ has the TNA title, but is he really "young"? He's been there for a long time, and Sting is in the title match. Matt Morgan has been held back by Kurt Angle, and misses out on another title opportunity.
If I'm booking TNA, Nash keeps the belt here, then loses it to STing who defends it on a farewell tour and then retires it.

Hernandez vs World Elite moves to a new level when WE makes their biggest acquisition when Joe lays out Angle. Styles, Morgan, Angle are at the top of the World Title mix while Hernandez and Joe are trying to fight their way in, often against each other.

British Invasion claims the tag titles, Homicide claims the X title, and WE is supporting Joe's world title chase.
The legend belt is over the top dumb in my mind it is pointless i was hoping that there were free speech therepy lessons in Bookers case that way he could learn to talk.

I would like for young to win just to see the mafia brake up come closer and or a huge feud with MEM v WE.

I think that Hernandez will win and keep getting pushed into the TNA WHC.
I'm sorry, but when you've got Eric Young competing in a match for a championship involving the word Legends, that is just a sad, sad joke. Wasn't the concept of this belt to be strictly for the legends and older guys in TNA? Nash and Foley were doing good things with the belt, but involving Hernandez and Eric Young of all people just does not sound appealing to me in the least. I imagine Nash will retain here, unless EY tries to screw him out of the title, in which case if we saw Eric Young win the Legends title, I'd have to seriously consider whether or not to continue watching TNA. Seriously.
You sadden me, X. I don't see the problem with EY winning the belt. I don't see how they can have a "Legends" belt anyway, considering the only Legends in TNA are Mick Foley and Sting. Nash is good, and Booker is good, but are they really all-time Legends? Are they among the greatest ever? I don't think so. If you're going to have a belt with no purpose, what does it really matter who holds it?

It's only there so they can call someone else a champion, which is why I think they'll put it on Hernandez, since they wrote themselves out of logically putting him in the main title picture. I'd just like to see EY hold a belt.
ok. by these posts, i can tell many people dont want kevin nash to retain the tiel at bfg 09. but if you think about it kevin nash is the closest thing to a legend TNA has. let alone for the match. it would make much more sense if he retained it and fought some other legend. besides the legends title shouldnt really be considered a title. because its for legends only. but if you think about it, every current tna star has a huge chance to become a legend.
You sadden me, X. I don't see the problem with EY winning the belt. I don't see how they can have a "Legends" belt anyway, considering the only Legends in TNA are Mick Foley and Sting. Nash is good, and Booker is good, but are they really all-time Legends? Are they among the greatest ever? I don't think so. If you're going to have a belt with no purpose, what does it really matter who holds it?

Ok, ok, we get it, you're a Nash hater. Yes, he's slow. Yes, he's not as strong as he was and blah blah blah. But what Nash haters and other haters of certain (by certain I mean almost all) big men in wrestling seem to always overlook is a little something called charisma. Charisma isn't JUST mic skills. Charisma and ring presence go a long way. Kevin Nash to me has always and will always be the James Dean of wrestling. I don't give a damn if his finishing move was a fart, I'd be entertained. It's like watching Good Times, JJ can't act for shit but damnit I like watching him anyway! And as for Nash and Booker T not being legends are you serious???? I don't know how long you've been watching wrestling or what your definition of legend is, but Nash and Booker are both undisputed legends. Let me tell you something, anybody who is a multi-time World Champion and has been in the business for over a decade is a legend. Hell there are some people who didn't even accomplish HALF of that and are a legend. Just because you're not entertained by someone doesn't change their resume. If the IWC was around during the days of Andre the Giant, they would have likened him to the Great Khali....does that mean he isn't a legend? Nash man was a forefather of the revolutionary nWo, had a one year World title reign in WWE, a couple reigns in WCW, multi tag champion, IC Champion, was a VERY over heel and a VERY over face both for very LONG period of times through his career. Add that up, and yes, he is a legend. Same goes for of the best tag teams of all time and a former WWE and WCW World Champion.

If you have championships and a lot of longevity, you are a legend...Booker and Nash are WAY beyond that...they are future HALL OF Nash's case, maybe even head of his hall of fame class.

And yes, I am pulling for my boy Big Sexy to pull through.

Also, who cares if the title is just for legends or not? The more titles TNA has the better. The X division title is just for high flyers, the tag title is just for tag teams, that just leaves the World Title why not have one more title for regular wrestlers? Don't overthink it.
You sadden me, X. I don't see the problem with EY winning the belt.

How's this: he's terrible in everything he does. He is one big fat waste of money and TV time. He's a curtain jerker, the kid should be jobbing at indy shows, but his friendship with Jarrett has taken him further than he ever, ever deserved to be.

I don't see how they can have a "Legends" belt anyway, considering the only Legends in TNA are Mick Foley and Sting. Nash is good, and Booker is good, but are they really all-time Legends? Are they among the greatest ever? I don't think so.

Nash isn't a legend? Nash helped kickstart the entire Monday Night Wars NSL, Nash and Booker T are both multi-time World Champions, and are both legends in this business. Seriously, if Kevin Nash isn't a legend, who the fuck is? I'm pretty sure Nash has actually accomplished more in wrestling that Mick Foley has. If Foley is a legend, so is Nash, and so is Booker. Anyone who's a multi-time World Champion is likely a legend.

It's only there so they can call someone else a champion, which is why I think they'll put it on Hernandez, since they wrote themselves out of logically putting him in the main title picture. I'd just like to see EY hold a belt.

Why would you want to see EY hold anything other than a pink slip? He's terrible on the mic, he's terrible in the ring, he looks like a five year old child, and it's pretty much impossible to ever take him seriously. If TNA were smart they'd give him the boot the fuck out of their promotion.
How's this: he's terrible in everything he does. He is one big fat waste of money and TV time. He's a curtain jerker, the kid should be jobbing at indy shows, but his friendship with Jarrett has taken him further than he ever, ever deserved to be.

Terrible? Big fat waste of money? Waste of TV time? His segments with Kurt Angle the last few weeks have been the second best thing going outside of Abyss and Mick Foley. The Knockouts have tapered off, and no one cares about Nash enough to follow along his trail of midgets and fat chicks.

Jobbing at indy shows? For real? If they don't want to give him a title, that's fine, but at least leave him in the title picture. He's worked well with a number of people, up and down the card, and could at least give someone a feud to hold them over.

I'm not a big Jarrett fan, but at least he's pushing someone that isn't himself. Had to toss that in there.

Nash isn't a legend? Nash helped kickstart the entire Monday Night Wars NSL, Nash and Booker T are both multi-time World Champions, and are both legends in this business. Seriously, if Kevin Nash isn't a legend, who the fuck is? I'm pretty sure Nash has actually accomplished more in wrestling that Mick Foley has. If Foley is a legend, so is Nash, and so is Booker. Anyone who's a multi-time World Champion is likely a legend.

So, Edge is a legend? CM Punk? Jeff Hardy? Jeff Jarrett? Holding the belt a few times means nothing since about 1990. I'm not saying Nash isn't good, or that he isn't a great, but I don't see him as a legend. I don't see too many "legends" active right now except for Sting, Foley, HBK, and maybe Jericho.

Why would you want to see EY hold anything other than a pink slip? He's terrible on the mic, he's terrible in the ring, he looks like a five year old child, and it's pretty much impossible to ever take him seriously. If TNA were smart they'd give him the boot the fuck out of their promotion.

I don't want to see EY holding a pink slip because he's my second favorite wrestler in TNA behind AJ Styles. His mic stuff is good, and his matches entertain me. He's also more consistent than a lot of guys in TNA right now. While he's always good, there's a bunch of guys that can go from shit to great one week, and then right back to mediocre.
Did I just hear someone accuse Kevin Nash of having charisma?...Excuse me, I'll need a stiff drink for this one...

First off, Nash hasn't had charisma since those vignettes with MCMG and Lethal... Guess how long ago that was?

Secondly, he hasn't got a compentant move set to keep up with either of these two. I just watched Armageddon 2003 which has the Triple Threat match: Triple H (EY) vs. Kane (Hern.) vs. Goldberg (Nash). Saw this and instantly thought of the trainwreck that this match has the potential.

And finally, who's fault is it? Eric, who is a proficent worker who CAN work good matches, or creative, who continue to put with in 5-min squash matches?
Terrible? Big fat waste of money? Waste of TV time? His segments with Kurt Angle the last few weeks have been the second best thing going outside of Abyss and Mick Foley. The Knockouts have tapered off, and no one cares about Nash enough to follow along his trail of midgets and fat chicks.

And you think they give a shit about Eric Young? They don't. They've done EVERYTHING imaginable to try and get him over, and nothing worked, nothing. So now they try to make him a serious heel, and what happens? The crowd still doesn't give two shits about him, and they never will. He doesn't have what it takes to be a successful pro wrestler in this business, and he likely never will.

I can't believe you actually enjoy his segments NSL. They're laughably bad, I feel like I'm watching some jackass who's never acted a day in his life try to step up and fill some serious role. It doesn't work, because EY is shit. Always has been, and always will be. The kid couldn't act his way out of a paper bag.

Jobbing at indy shows? For real? If they don't want to give him a title, that's fine, but at least leave him in the title picture. He's worked well with a number of people, up and down the card, and could at least give someone a feud to hold them over.

Who has he worked well with? I can't think of a single solitary match I've watched involving Eric Young that was even mildly amusing. Eric hasn't worked, and he'll continue not to work. He's a big fat waste of money, who would be lucky to be jobbing on Sunday Night Heat if it still existed if he were employed by the WWE.

So, Edge is a legend?


Too soon to tell, but he's on that path.

Jeff Hardy?

As much as I dislike him, yep, he'll go down as a legend. Seriously, do you hear what you're saying? You'd consider someone like Tito Santana or Greg Valentine a legend, right? Well they haven't accomplished even 1/4th of what a Jeff Hardy or Edge has.

Jeff Jarrett? Holding the belt a few times means nothing since about 1990.

Seemed to mean quite a bit for guys like The Rock and Stone Cold.

I'm not saying Nash isn't good, or that he isn't a great, but I don't see him as a legend. I don't see too many "legends" active right now except for Sting, Foley, HBK, and maybe Jericho.

How you consider Jericho or Foley a legend, and not Nash, is ridiculous to me, I'm sorry. Nash was one of the biggest stars in the entire industry during the wrestling boom of the 90s, this is the man that helped WCW win the ratings war, this is the man that ended Goldberg's streak. If Kevin Nash isn't a legend, than I'm sorry, but who the fuck is?

Bruno Sammartino was an atrocious worker, but he's still a legend, whether you enjoyed his work or not. Same with Nash.

I don't want to see EY holding a pink slip because he's my second favorite wrestler in TNA behind AJ Styles. His mic stuff is good, and his matches entertain me. He's also more consistent than a lot of guys in TNA right now. While he's always good, there's a bunch of guys that can go from shit to great one week, and then right back to mediocre.

I can't believe you enjoy Eric Young NSL. Oh well, enjoy what you will. How anyone finds any entertainment out of his unbelievably boring and poorly-delivered promos or his sloppy and unconvincing in-ring work is beyond me, but hey, whatever suits you man.
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As much as I dislike him, yep, he'll go down as a legend. Seriously, do you hear what you're saying? You'd consider someone like Tito Santana or Greg Valentine a legend, right? Well they haven't accomplished even 1/4th of what a Jeff Hardy or Edge has.

I wouldn't say Santana and Valentine are legends, but title reigns have little to do with it. It's an overall package. Like:

Seemed to mean quite a bit for guys like The Rock and Stone Cold.

Stone Cold could have done nothing more than the IC belt, and still be considered a legend. He was a great character, and entertained more people than Vince could have ever imagined. Whatever it was, it worked. same with The Rock. He could have been a career mid-carder, and still been a legend.

How you consider Jericho or Foley a legend, and not Nash, is ridiculous to me, I'm sorry. Nash was one of the biggest stars in the entire industry during the wrestling boom of the 90s, this is the man that helped WCW win the ratings war, this is the man that ended Goldberg's streak. If Kevin Nash isn't a legend, than I'm sorry, but who the fuck is?

Nash didn't really end Goldberg's streak. That taser rod ended it. Face facts, X. Nash did have a hand in WCW winning the ratings war, but tell me how the nWo would have been half as successful without Hogan pulling the strings, and bringing everyone he knew with him?

And Nash wasn't always good. Remember Oz? Vinnie Vegas? He wasn't good until Vince made him good, and he made friends with guys like Hall, Michaels, and Helmsley.

Bruno Sammartino was an atrocious worker, but he's still a legend, whether you enjoyed his work or not. Same with Nash.

I'm not saying I don't enjoy Nash. I like watching his matches. I just don't think he's a legend. Sammartino definitely is.

I can't believe you enjoy Eric Young NSL. Oh well, enjoy what you will. How anyone finds any entertainment out of his unbelievably boring and poorly-delivered promos or his sloppy and unconvincing in-ring work is beyond me, but hey, whatever suits you man.

I can't believe you don't enjoy him. I also can't believe you enjoy 80's synth pop, but I don't hate you for that either :p
First off, Nash is a legend, end of debate.

As for the match, whatever. I guess it could be good, but Kevin Nash is in it. The man can hardly move anymore really, it's just pathetic. I'm guessing a lot of work will be done by Hernandez and EY. The beginning of the match will be Hernandez domimating, until EY and Nash start double teaming him. Once EY tries to be a prick and steal the title, Nash will get pissed, and Hernandez will jump on the oppurtunity and walk away with the gold.

At least, that is the most logical thing that'll happen. Hernandez needs a title to keep up his momentum, Nash won't need it as the MEM should be crumbling, and EY shouldn't be near the Legend's Title.

Decent match here, nothing great.
Since I expect each member of the MEM to lose at BFG, I'm obviously not picking Nash to win.

As for Hernandez and EY, it could easily go either way. Hernandez because of his recent push and since TNA seems to want him in the main event, the Legend's title would be a good start.

EY is the leader of what will soon be the dominant faction in TNA. The world title is out of his reach, but the Legend's title is perfect for him and would give him some much-needed credibility as a leader.

As for the bitching about EY and Hernandez competing for the title, I think you guys are giving that belt too much credit. It's a worthless title that barely has any meaning or purpose. If it was only exclusive to Legends, there would only be a handful of guys that could go for it, making for a boring title scene. Besides, a title should be used to elevate guys; since when did a Legend need to be elevated? Right now, both EY and Hernandez would be much more interesting choices for Legend's champ than Nash or any other legend in TNA right now.

As far as a winner goes, I wouldn't mind EY or Hernandez winning, though I'd like to see EY win it a little bit more since I think that'd be more interesting. In the end, I think Hernandez will be walking out champ.
In yo face muh-fuckahs!

OK, now that it's out of my system...I'm definitely happy to see EY win. The belt is not a legit title. Remember all the confusion when it debuted, about whether or not it was a sanctioned belt? Well, it is, but it doesn't mean anything. It's just another reason for people to feud. So, why not Nash and EY?

The match was booked very well, beginning to end, and Hernandez not taking the fall lets him leave the show continuing his roll. Big props to Nash for dropping the belt, and not refusing to take the fall. Anyone else love that suplex by EY on Hernandez?
Decent match, but nothing special here. They didn't really have much time to do anything, but the match served it's purpose in furthering the angle.

That said, the fact that Eric Young now holds a title with the Legend in it is ridiculous to me. That title can no longer be considered a "Legends" title, not with a terrible wrestler like Eric Young holding the belt. What a sad joke.
The Legends title was always supposed to be a joke, so I have no objection with Eric Young holding it. It stopped serving it's purpose when A.J. Styles held it and now it's completely away from the MEM they may as well make it into a full on comedy title.
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