Better the second time around


Championship Contender
A lot of times when WWE brings back something old, people hate it. Examples: DX, nWo, and whenever Hogan returns (sorry, I just can't stand him). They try to do this every once in a while, and even though I like the new DX, none of the previously mentioned examples were better when they came back.

I was wondering if there has ever been a time when they tried something a second time, and it was AS GOOD or even better than the first time. Obviously this is an opinion question, so there won't be a right or wrong.

I can't think of any.
Intresting question, I cant think of any stables or angles but I think Finlay is better now than he ever was in WCW.
i'd say d-generation x are back and really good but i don't really think they are better yet. But other then that i can't think of anything.
William Regal. His first gimmick in wwe sucked so hard. He was a real mans man. Its so good to have him back as he should be
4 me HBK is better nownot dx hbk just this run he has been on the last few years.
you know, the wwe writers have actually been trying. this is in the hogan dvd, they have been trying to push these new "lions" as michaels quoted in the movie before the legend vs icon match, and he said they try so hard to push the newer faces in the company and the fans are just like "we dont want them, we want the older stars" or something along the lines of that. its just, ya you get tired of them but you never really want them to be done and gone. cause seriously...what is wwe gonna be like when michaels, hogan, taker, kane, HHH, vince, flair, all those guys we know and love in our generation are finally done and retired? think about it.

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