Better Tag Series: MCMG/Beer Money or Hardyz/Dudleyz/E&C

Which tag series do you prefer?

  • MCMG/Beer Money

  • Hardyz/Dudleyz/E&C

  • Both Suck

  • They are both equal

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Fucking Hostile
I have heard many people saying (including TNA themselves) that the recent tag series between Beer Money and The Machine Guns may very well be the best tag team series ever and I would be inclined to agree, until yesterday that is when I was watching the Royal Rumble from 2000 (great PPV BTW) and saw the Hardyz vs The Dudleyz in a tables match and thought to myself this amazing three way fued would have to atleast rival the MCMG/Beer Money fued. So which one was better?

The three way Hardy/Dudley/E&C fued was mainly known for its high flying gimmick matches (I've heard KB call these three teams the WWFs answer to the cruiserweights) including the first ever Tag Team and Triangle Ladder matches aswell as the first TLC and first Tag Team tables matches but many forget that they were more than capable of having a good wrestling match with no gimmick's attatched (RR '01 and NWO '00 being proof of that).

The Beer Money/MCMG fued was the same as they were able to have great gimmick matches and great wrestling matches however I would argue that the straight up wrestling matches were better.

Overall I would go with the three way fued simply because it lasted much longer and they were able to have way more matches, I think in time the Beer Money/MCMG fued will catch up though. Also they gave us more memorable matches and moments as well as revolutionising the ladder match.

So what do you think the better tag team series is The Dudleyz/Hardyz/E&C or MCMG/Beer Money?
This is hard to say. From an in ring quality standpoint on the non-gimmick matches, it's the TNA series. For the gimmick matches, it's the WWF stuff. I think it's a bit too early to tell with the TNA series as the TLC matches were what started Edge and Christian and the Hardys on their way up the ranks in WWE. Another issue that's hard to differentiate is that with the WWF guys, you could spin them off into regular team vs. team feuds which gave the feuds far longer shelf lives. As good as TNA's was, eventually it would get boring as it would be the same teams going at it forever. That would eventually happen in WWF also, but with a third team it helps a lot. I think I would go to the WWF here, but not by much. I think if you stretched the TNA series out longer, as in more time between the matches so that it was a few months rather than like 5 weeks, it would have been seen as better down the line like the WWF series is.
Hardyz/Dudleyz/E and C without a shadow of a doubt.

The first tag ladder match, the triangle ladder match and the first two TLCs are regarded as classics. Gunz/Beer Money were good matches but are not classics by any stretch of the imagination.
For this I have to go with the history of Team Extreme, The Dudley Boyz, and Edge & Christian. Don't get me wrong I love the Murder City Machine Guns and give respect to Beer Money Inc. (America's Most Wanted was and still is the best TNA tag team) but most households do not recognize them. However, most people will recognize ATLEAST one of the other three.
I completely agree with KB on this one. Beer Money and Motor City Machine Guns definitely put on the better in-ring work with their match series. However E&C/Dudley Boys / Hardy Boyz definitely put on the better match quality in terms of gimmick matches.

Both have put on great series of matches, that did very well for their tag team division, however choosing one over the other wouldn't be right. It would certainly be very hard, because the feuds were displayed in a completely different aspect, while Beer Money / MCMG feuded in gimmick matches, so did the Hardy boyz / Dudleys and E&C in terms of wrestling non-gimmick matches.
I can't see how you can compare the two, I mean the Hardys/E&C/Dudleys match series go down in history and are classic matches. Beer Money/MCMG matches were good but not classics. The Hardys and E&C started their success from the TLC matches and now they are considered to be two of the best tag teams ever, so the TLC matches almost built The Hardys and E&C. Yeah, Beer Money and MCMG had very good quality matches and maybe better quality matches but the matches aren't historical.

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