Better heel or face:Big Show

Is Big Show better as a face or heel

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I like the Big Show better as a heel. As a heel he seems more dominant and less boring. When he's a face it's like he has no gimmick but as a heel he acts like the big, strong, guy whose hard to beat. As a face he seems like a big teddy bear and I hate the corny jokes he makes. Not to mention the bandanna or whatever he wears around his head now looks ridiculous.

So do you like Big Show better as a heel or face? Make sure you explain why you chose which one.
Face, face, face, and again, for about a million times, FACE.

The Big Show has always been one of my favorites. I love him as a face because he portrays himself so dang well. His character has that classic "just do what is right" motivation that a lot of babyfaces don't have. He isn't out there to impress anyone with his flashy moves, he is out there to beat up the bad guys. And if he has a little fun in the process, it is just so funny to see that big SOB laugh and goof around. Add the fact that the guy is reported to be the nicest and most laid back guy, I don't see how anyone can think he sucks as a face.

Plus, you don't have to worry about his "credibility" when he is face. If he loses, it is because he didn't take it serious enough. When he is heel, they book him very carefully so if you beat him, he doesn't lose face.

I would love to see him move on to Alberto Del Rio. Like have him put his foot on Del Rio's car as Del Rio is trying to drive away but he can't. I think that would be funny to see.
I think he is a better heel. Mainly beacuse it works for him because of his size. He can always play the 'I'm bigger than you so I'm going to bully you' role as heel and pull it off. I like it when he is on the mic as well. He is one of the few big men that are good at that in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, when he plays face he isn't bad, but I think because of the size of him and his in ring ability he suits the heel role more and plays it better.
I am most certainly voting that Big Show is far superior as a face. Why, do you ask? Well simply because he is way more entertaining as face character. When he's a heel he really just comes off as a generic monster heel who is dominant over others and uses his size to bully everyone smaller than him. Thats the formula for just about every average monster heel. It may contrast well with him due to his size but it's when he's The Big Bad Show he comes off very boring most of the time and it's because he supposed to have this very serious demeanor about him all the time.

It's quite the opposite when he's a face. He is a funny joker and a lovable giant when he is in a face role. He comes off as someone you would just like to hang out with. A friendly and funny guy with a huge amount of strength and power. This is quite a contrast but Show always manages to make it come off very well. He is alway entertaining on the stick when he's a heel and it always seems like he's out to have a good time, well that is the reflection I get from his character anyway. I'll take him as fun loving giant face than a stereotypical and boring monster heel any day of the week.
Face, and it is not even close. As a heel he is a generic "I'm bigger than you so I can beat you up" monster heel who are about a dime a dozen. Basically as a heel there is nothing special about him, he has no real character he isn't that great on the mic and most importantly the fans don't really care about him.

As a face it is quite the opposite, he is really entertaining infact I quite often find myself laughing at him. Becasue of this he is good on the mic, he can joke around and all that but he can also get serious if needed. Most importantly as a face people actually care about him, listen on SD he is getting really good pops.

So in conclusion, Face Show is better than Heel Show in every way possible.
It's hard to say really. I've always liked Big Show no matter what he does.

When Big Show is a heel he's dominant as ever, and he has gotten the chance to feud with some of the bigger faces throughout the past few years (John Cena last time), as well as he gets to have some decent storylines from time to time.

However, as a face he gets more microphone time, he gets the time to shine as a face and to show his microphone skills, as well as his ability to be entertaining. Which is what Big Show is when he's a face, he's entertaining as hell.

He's still somewhat dominant, but he has his moments where he can be taken down (Jack Swagger Ankle Lock anybody?). So there's definitely a bit of a weakness in his face side as well.

I guess I would have to choose the face side though, mostly because he gets more microphone time, which he really would need as a heel. He would be a better heel if he got as much microphone time there.
Face: the crowd absolutely loves this guy and when he was here in a house show recently the crowd went bonkers he had a bigger reaction than that pathetic reymysterio and keeping in mind the crowd was 70% little kids thats how over he was, as a heel he's just another upper midcard jobber
Better as The Giant. I mean really, Big Show in his WCW day was a beast ! He was an incredible athlete for his size! I remember him playing in the air with Kevin Nash or some of his drop kicks. Big Show in WWE is more fat, bad athlete, and his current storyline is weak, expecially his moment at the last Smackdown.
Big show is funny as hell when he is a face. I also enjoy watching him a lot more, hes a lot more energetic and just looks like he is having a good time out there. I think he can play both heel and face very well, but just saying I like him a lot better as a face
Big Show is a decent face but he’s a much more credible superstar as a heel and comes across as a main eventer when heel which I don’t see when he’s being a face. I think as a heel he comes across as that big monster who will destroy anyone who gets in his way. As a face he doesn’t have that fear factor that he should. I like seeing him work as a face right now for a while but he’s certainly at his best when heel.

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