Better Feud: CM Punk VS Raven Or CM Punk VS Jeff Hardy?

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
I've been watching a ton of CM Punk's ROH stuff over the past couple of months, and this thread idea popped into my head.......

During his days in Ring Of Honor, CM Punk had a very intense feud with Raven. The matches were pretty good, and this was by far one of my favorite CM Punk feuds. And of course, we all know Punk feuded with Jeff Hardy about a year ago. Now you might be asking yourself, why am I comparing these two feuds? What do Hardy and Raven have in common?

During the ROH feud with Raven, Punk would cut some very intense and passionate promos about Raven's lifestyle and mistakes. The lifestyle I'm referring to is the drinking of alcohol, and illegal drug use. This is something Mr.Straightedge looks down upon. Fast forward to 2009, Punk begins a feud with Hardy that has a very similar premise. Punk would constantly mock and belittle Hardy for his mistakes, and the way he chose to live his life. The promos Punk cut on Hardy weren't as "hardcore" as the ones he cut on Raven, but a lot of that has to do with the PG era.

As far as the matches go, I would say it's close one to call. I loved the TLC match Hardy and Punk had at Summerslam, I really liked the steel cage match they had on Smackdown, the match at Night Of Champions wasn't too bad either, and the match at The Bash was okay. The matches Punk had with Raven were so brutal and bloody. This help showcase the hatred these two men had for each other. The cage(The Conclusion) match and Dog Collar(Death Before Dishonor) matches they had were awesome.

I'm going to pick Hardy VS Punk for one major reason, while I did love the Punk VS Raven feud, I don't think this was Punk's best feud in ROH. The feud with Hardy has easily been his best in WWE, and this feud helped get Punk over big time as a heel in WWE. Also, Hardy VS Punk is one of the better feuds I've seen in WWE over the past couple of years.

So what's your pick? Punk VS Raven or Punk VS Hardy?
I'd have to go with the Hardy feud. Simple fact is that the Hardy feud had matches that were, at the very least, solid. The Raven feud, on the other hand, excelled only in the promos. The cage match with Punk and Raven was plodding and snore enducing. Even Punk hated it. It really brings the feud down a notch, considering that was supposed to be the big blowoff.
I have to with Hardy feud, it was just solid the whole way through...the promos and the matches were just amazing...Especially the Summer Slam main event..the TLC with the Hardy spot, really got me off my sofa!!

Also this helped CM Punk a lot to being a top WWE heel..
For matches- Vs Jeff Hardy

For promos/emotion/storytelling- Vs Raven

Raven is quite simply the master of promos, he is so intelligent and smart in the things he says, and is captivating to watch when he is on the mic. CM Punk himself is a brilliant speaker, and the feud with Raven really gave him a chance to show people what he was capable of on the mic.

However, even if the promos are amazing, you need to produce in the ring and the Raven feud did not have the same quality of matches as Punks feud with Hrdy. Plus, the feud with Jeff got Punk over with a much wider audience and brought him up to the big time

So I will go with the Hardy feud, as much as I love Raven
Based on promo work, Punk vs. Raven would have a clear advantage as Jeff Hardy is pretty God awful on the mic. Guy can't cut a promo to save his life. Raven has given some good promos in his career, I think he's been overrated to some degree, but he's better than Hardy on his best day. No contest.

When it comes to who the more sympathetic face goes, a Punk vs. Hardy feud has a clear advantage there. Jeff Hardy was absolutely beloved by WWE fans and many of them are more than willing to forgive anything he does.

When it comes to matches, I'm going with Punk vs. Hardy. They had some fantastic matches over the course of the summer last year and they don't have to be hardcore in order for it to happen. Raven is a better hardcore wrestler than Hardy, but Hardy has a clear edge outside of hardcore matches. I'm not a huge fan of hardcore wrestling. They're a good novelty that should be brought out now and again, but most of them ultimately just don't stick with me.

In the end, I'm giving the edge to Punk vs. Hardy because it's the feud that ultimately put CM Punk over the top. We all knew he was good inside the ring, but this is the feud that established him as a credible heel and mic worker. It showed that he does belong in big time feuds and that he can hold his own with just about anybody out there.

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