Beth Phoenix - Version Three?

Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
As what we saw from Monday Night RAW, it seems that diva Beth Phoenix has had a spark lit underneath her again & is determined to get back into the division as she once stood. Her match against Mickie proved how ruthless of a diva she can be & the amount of power will not disappear once again. The way she... errr... womanhandled the diva's battle royale & Mickie James in the championship match made her dominance felt again.

The main discussion point for this topic is this: Seeing how this is trying to distance herself away from the whole Glamarella storyline, how do you think her presence will be felt among the diva's division seeing how she is the only heel on the RAW roster who gets crowd reactions & can actually roster? Will her new Kane mixed with Orton persona of being a sadistic viper help the division?

For one, I am excited to see Beth getting back on track reviving herself from Santino/Santina burying her & will pose a great force onto the division. Both her & Mickie are the ones to be looking for in order to revitalise the division as the WWE is doing for the other divisions, assuming that WWE have indeed pulled the plug on the James/Kim feud. I have always been a fan of Phoenix when she started & held in the highest of regards for the efforts contributed to the division. I am hoping the audience stops being ignorant bastards & gives her a chance to get back to the top.
I have to disagree with you on the reaction thing. Beth has never been majorily over with the crowd, only when she was attacking Mickie (think Katie/Mickie on Raw last year), was she getting a reaction. The crowd really only pops for her when she is doing something big, didn't you notice that the whole time she was getting the offense in on Raw, the crowd was silent during most of it? The crowd only chanted and cheered when Mickie was wrestling - another example of that is Armageddon 2007; Beth got boring chants when she was throwing in her offense. The crowd don't care that much about her, and i've also a bone to pick with her selling, she undersells alot of the time, despite her gimmick, there isn't an excuse for it. Other than that, I think they should work her like they did with Victoria, I don't mean jobbing, but actually doing some chain wrestling instead of dominating matches; when Mickie was wrestling Victoria, it looked 50/50, and it looked good, but with Beth, it's 80/20.

I think this is the way they should work Beth, just do what they did with Vic.

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I had a thread a couple months back where I said Santino killed Beth Phoenix. I got some red rep for that surprisingly. Now Santino is still a comedy jobber who is getting cheesier and cheesier every week, and Beth Phoenix before Monday didn't even get to do her intro. She was coming out to Maryse's music or already in the ring coming from commercial break. If you're already in the ring, you're not important.

Its good to see that they killed Glamarella and relegated Santino back to his corny bullshit so Beth Phoenix a real female athlete can do her thing. If they keep having matches like they did on Monday in the Diva's division the women will start to get more and more of a reaction because we will have to take them seriously. If they are doing that six diva shit, or putting people like Kelly Kellly, Maria, or the Bella Twins in the ring in any form we will not take it seriously and we will not care to watch.
This past Monday night on Raw, we did see a side of beth Phoenix that we haven't seen since the beginning stages of the Glamerlla storyline. And to tell you the truth... I loved it. Beth Phoenix is one of the more talented divas in the WWE, and to be honest, I was quite worried about her. For several weeks, we didn't see Beth on Raw, and I was worried that a release was in order for her, but hopefully I am wrong.

Beth Phoenix back on track will do nothing but help the other Raw divas in my opinion. If you have Beth Phoenix, Mickie James, and Gail Kim all fueding over the Divas Championship, it will really help the Divas division. Letting the three take turns holding the title would do good as long as they don't do very short term title reigns. Add Maryse to it when she's healthy, and I'm interested again.

As for Rebecca, I see where you are coming from with Beth Phoenix not getting much of a reaction. But, Suneeboy, I must say that Beth was getting most of her reaction during the whole Glamarella thing. So, I wouldn't say that the Glamarella angle killed Beth Phoenix at all. It helped her mostly in the long run to help get her noticed, but it's just that WWE didn't know when to end it.

And back to Rebecca, it is much better to see a Beth Phoenix match a little more 50/50-ish. However, it is her job to look dominant, so the best you'll get is likely 70/30. And that match you showed with Mickie James and Victoria, it seemed more like 55/45 Victoria, in my opinion.
[QUOTE="Cool Guy" Jensen;1350881]And back to Rebecca, it is much better to see a Beth Phoenix match a little more 50/50-ish. However, it is her job to look dominant, so the best you'll get is likely 70/30. And that match you showed with Mickie James and Victoria, it seemed more like 55/45 Victoria, in my opinion.[/QUOTE]

WWE do way too much to protect Beth Phoenix, since coming to the WWE, last night was the first time Beth was pinned clean on television - I don't mean roll ups, I mean a legitimate finisher, and a pin; anybody else find that ridiculous? She has had some incredibly strong booking and the crowd still doesn't care about her, she doesn't have much charisma, and the dominant thing can only go so far before people get bored - and judging by the crowd reactions last night when she was dominating, it has gone as far as it can already go. And even against Victoria, we saw quality wrestling from Mickie with that Heat match - and that one match blows everything Mickie and Beth have done together out the water - make Beth like that, and the matches will become alot more exciting, because watching somebody being dominated through out a match, and only getting very little offense in, is extremely boring.
Beth before Glamerella great.

Beth during Glamerella reeked of a diva who seemed to have no place in that storyline. I did not like it whatsoever, remember at Backlash this year when we were forced to go through the Santina skit? Boring.

Now that Beth is officially back, I hope she becomes what she was before, the most dominant diva in the WWE.
Ah Rebecca... care to have another discussion on why I am right? :lmao:

There is a reason that Beth has been booked strong. The WWE needs Phoenix to help relegate the division & give something for the heel side of the division. She has the power, somewhat wrestling skills & knows how to work in the ring wrestling wise. So, they need to make her character authentic just like how the E seem to let Dolph Ziggler defeat the Great Khali. The one who gets the victory gets the rub yet the person who got pinned doesn't lose any credibility. This is a good thing as they need to get Beth over again with the crowd to someone as popular as Mickie. She can do it & needs someone like Mickie to give her the rub.

Basically, what she is potentially going through is one of the factors that the whole diva's division needs to go through... getting a character happening. We saw this on RAW when she face Mickie. She became sadistic in the ring, especially during the rag-toss fest after Mickie got smacked into the steel ring post. If Beth can re-solidify herself with this mini-push, expect the crowds to take her serious again & she will be one of the biggest assets for the company.
Ah Rebecca... care to have another discussion on why I am right? :lmao:

I refuse to have another long-ass debate with you.

There is a reason that Beth has been booked strong. The WWE needs Phoenix to help relegate the division & give something for the heel side of the division. She has the power, somewhat wrestling skills & knows how to work in the ring wrestling wise. So, they need to make her character authentic just like how the E seem to let Dolph Ziggler defeat the Great Khali. The one who gets the victory gets the rub yet the person who got pinned doesn't lose any credibility. This is a good thing as they need to get Beth over again with the crowd to someone as popular as Mickie. She can do it & needs someone like Mickie to give her the rub.

How can she help the division when nobody cares about her? What is the point in booking somebody so strongly when the crowd doesn't give her a reaction? It's pointless. Just becaus she's a heel, there's no need for her to dominate matches so much, especially when she's making other womens offense look like shit because of her terrible underselling. Just on Raw she no sold Mickies low drop kick. Ziggler got the victory over Khali because of a chair shot, that's a ridiculous comparison to make because Beth doesn't use chairs to win, and Beth wasn't over with the crowd in the first place - and Mickie got a clean win over Beth now, so she's done and dusted with.

Basically, what she is potentially going through is one of the factors that the whole diva's division needs to go through... getting a character happening. We saw this on RAW when she face Mickie. She became sadistic in the ring, especially during the rag-toss fest after Mickie got smacked into the steel ring post. If Beth can re-solidify herself with this mini-push, expect the crowds to take her serious again & she will be one of the biggest assets for the company.

But the matches aren't entertaining when you're watching somebody dominate, it's boring. Mickies offense is what the crowd loves, and that's what we should see. It's a simple concept. Why book somebody so strongly when people do not care? That's the point i'm making. Push her, give her character, but there's no reason as to why she shouldn't tone it down and wrestle the way Victoria did in that match I posted.
I see that Rebecca is Anti-Phoenix.

You keep saying that Beth doesnt get a reaction... well who does? What women other than Mickie James gets a crowd reaction? Last time I checked, none, unless they are having wardrobe malfunctions. Its not fair to put Beth Phoenix in the same light as Layla El, seeing as "neither get a crowd reaction".

ITS A WOMEN'S MATCH, get over it. The crowd has never been into a women's match...pretty much ever. Its sad, I know. Very few matches with the Divas or Knockouts seem to draw a whole lot. They are filler matches and for the niche fans to enjoy. I like the product as a whole, and a good divas match once and a while is good for me, but would I ever say it was the best match of the night... probably not. Not even close. Only way any of the women draw are by showing T & A or by being Jillian.
I see that Rebecca is Anti-Phoenix.

You keep saying that Beth doesnt get a reaction... well who does? What women other than Mickie James gets a crowd reaction? Last time I checked, none, unless they are having wardrobe malfunctions. Its not fair to put Beth Phoenix in the same light as Layla El, seeing as "neither get a crowd reaction".

ITS A WOMEN'S MATCH, get over it. The crowd has never been into a women's match...pretty much ever. Its sad, I know. Very few matches with the Divas or Knockouts seem to draw a whole lot. They are filler matches and for the niche fans to enjoy. I like the product as a whole, and a good divas match once and a while is good for me, but would I ever say it was the best match of the night... probably not. Not even close. Only way any of the women draw are by showing T & A or by being Jillian.

Have you seen the Knockouts recently? :) To me, they seem to all draw some form of reaction. Ok, maybe with a couple of exceptions... Sojo....

I refuse to have another long-ass debate with you.

Too bad... mwuhahahahahaha :lmao: Aren't I EVIL?

How can she help the division when nobody cares about her? What is the point in booking somebody so strongly when the crowd doesn't give her a reaction? It's pointless. Just because she's a heel, there's no need for her to dominate matches so much, especially when she's making other womens offense look like shit because of her terrible underselling. Just on Raw she no sold Mickies low drop kick. Ziggler got the victory over Khali because of a chair shot, that's a ridiculous comparison to make because Beth doesn't use chairs to win, and Beth wasn't over with the crowd in the first place - and Mickie got a clean win over Beth now, so she's done and dusted with.

The thing is, to get someone over with the crowd... you need to push them if just the normal antics aren't working. Since she is a woman in the WWE diva's division, the only way the crowd is going to notice anyone for talent in that division is via a push. During her last reign, she did get noticed by the crowd & thought of her as an intimidating presence. However, she was not all that successful as all she had to her name was wrestling ability. Much like Gail Kim now, she gets reactions for her wrestling but not as a name. This why I suggest to make Beth adopt a character that we saw on RAW. She is powerful & sadistic. If she can pull it off, she can become cared about like Mickie did during her psycho character heel reign. Maryse is being the over-cocky female & people seem to notice her. Jillian does that singing, so she gets reactions. All Beth needs is a character & you will see people give a damn.

But the matches aren't entertaining when you're watching somebody dominate, it's boring. Mickies offense is what the crowd loves, and that's what we should see. It's a simple concept. Why book somebody so strongly when people do not care? That's the point i'm making. Push her, give her character, but there's no reason as to why she shouldn't tone it down and wrestle the way Victoria did in that match I posted.

Yes, it is true that the matches should be more of a 50/50 or even 60/40, but to make someone rise the ranks as a powerful strong character, they need to get in all the offense to make themselves look credible in the ring. That's what Beth did, but Mickie's quick offense & victory as champion allowed her to not lose any credibility herself.

If you have the creditials like Beth Phoenix has an in-ring worker who can life a grown man on her shoulders... then she can be booked as strong as this & make the crowd give a damn. I found the low dropkick to Mickie to the ring post quite shocking where I was in disbelief about what has occurred. If she pulls moves off like this with an experienced veteran like Mickie, it can be great for her. Let me compare Beth's rise back to fame as Umaga's initial push. He completely dominated the matches, even with well-established superstars. Some matches, he even got the most offense against guys like HBK & HHH. Beth needs to show her power & give most of the offense to reveal to the audience that she is a dominant force... despite the fact it may not catch on at first.

Beth has it in her to pull off the powerful character again, but the side we saw on RAW with her evil sadisticness needs to be implemented right now. Could you imagine the matches & promos these two could have if Beth had a different character? Almost as good as Trish & Mickie a few years back, I guarantee. She needs to learn from old school Kane & "Viper" Orton & she can be a force not to be reckoned with. Trust me with this, if Katie-Lea Burchill can be the bitch that gets inside your head & Maryse has the over-cockiness where Maryse gets a reaction & Katie gets more of a reaction than Paul... Beth's sadistic character that fans have bought for many years WILL work & make people give a damn about the matches.

If only the WWE would realise that every DIVA needs a CHARACTER, they won't need to do much to the division. I mean, hot girls grappling & groping each other that have character in which you can associate alongside them & can moderately wrestle... a winning combination once you teach them to become proper wrestlers like Kelly is doing.
Too bad... mwuhahahahahaha :lmao: Aren't I EVIL?

You're an asshole :)

lols, I kid, but you're a Beth fan so this wont be easy.

The thing is, to get someone over with the crowd... you need to push them if just the normal antics aren't working. Since she is a woman in the WWE diva's division, the only way the crowd is going to notice anyone for talent in that division is via a push. During her last reign, she did get noticed by the crowd & thought of her as an intimidating presence. However, she was not all that successful as all she had to her name was wrestling ability. Much like Gail Kim now, she gets reactions for her wrestling but not as a name. This why I suggest to make Beth adopt a character that we saw on RAW. She is powerful & sadistic. If she can pull it off, she can become cared about like Mickie did during her psycho character heel reign. Maryse is being the over-cocky female & people seem to notice her. Jillian does that singing, so she gets reactions. All Beth needs is a character & you will see people give a damn.

First thing is first, i'm not against pushing Beth in general, i'm just not in favor of the way they do it. With Beth, I do agree that a powerful sadistic character would be great, but she can pull that off through promos, not in the ring. Her last reigns where awful because all she did was dominate her opponents, and everytime it was the same thing. One could argue it made Mickies victory even sweeter, it did, but she was always the 'fluke' champion who only won Beth via roll up. Give her a gimmick, give her a personality, but just don't make her dominant in the ring as such because the matches get stale and boring, watching somebody have the shit beaten out of them time and time again isn't exactly entertaining or fun to watch.

Yes, it is true that the matches should be more of a 50/50 or even 60/40, but to make someone rise the ranks as a powerful strong character, they need to get in all the offense to make themselves look credible in the ring. That's what Beth did, but Mickie's quick offense & victory as champion allowed her to not lose any credibility herself.

She can still look dominant in tag matches by picking up the wins, she can make herself look strong by going over girls like Kelly Kelly. She shouldn't be dominating matches against arguably the best female wrestler in the company, nor the most over face because it makes them look weak. Not to mention the constant underselling - a point which I keep making. The excuse that it's her gimmick can only go so far, when she IS supposed to be selling offense, she doesn't do it, and it takes away the credibilty.

If you have the creditials like Beth Phoenix has an in-ring worker who can life a grown man on her shoulders... then she can be booked as strong as this & make the crowd give a damn. I found the low dropkick to Mickie to the ring post quite shocking where I was in disbelief about what has occurred. If she pulls moves off like this with an experienced veteran like Mickie, it can be great for her. Let me compare Beth's rise back to fame as Umaga's initial push. He completely dominated the matches, even with well-established superstars. Some matches, he even got the most offense against guys like HBK & HHH. Beth needs to show her power & give most of the offense to reveal to the audience that she is a dominant force... despite the fact it may not catch on at first.

Beth can show her power, but making Mickie seem like a complete underdog is silly. The crowd did not care about Beth during her last two reigns, with the exception of her storyline with Satina, Beth has never got a decent reaction from the crowd, she's never had major heel heat. I don't know what it is, but the crowd legitamtely doesn't like Beths offense, hence the boring chants she sometimes gets, why keep shoving that down peoples throat when they don't want to see it? There's a difference between disliking somebody because they're a 'bad guy' and disliking somebody because their wrestling skills aren't entertaining.

Beth has it in her to pull off the powerful character again, but the side we saw on RAW with her evil sadisticness needs to be implemented right now. Could you imagine the matches & promos these two could have if Beth had a different character? Almost as good as Trish & Mickie a few years back, I guarantee. She needs to learn from old school Kane & "Viper" Orton & she can be a force not to be reckoned with. Trust me with this, if Katie-Lea Burchill can be the bitch that gets inside your head & Maryse has the over-cockiness where Maryse gets a reaction & Katie gets more of a reaction than Paul... Beth's sadistic character that fans have bought for many years WILL work & make people give a damn about the matches.

Exaxctly, promos. Like I said, i've no problem at all with changing her character, but she doesn't need to dominate in the ring as such. She can be evil and sadistic by attacking over faces backstage. Maryse gets cat-calls, I wouldn't exactly call that a reaction because she's never been solidly boo'd, and the only reason Katie got heat was because she got on the mic and spewed out her British accent. If Beth does the character, who is to say people will care? Can she pull it off? She isn't exactly charismatic, and there's no way she could pull off a psycho character to the extent as Mickie, I don't mean the perky in your face character, but in general with the psychology behind it.

If only the WWE would realise that every DIVA needs a CHARACTER, they won't need to do much to the division. I mean, hot girls grappling & groping each other that have character in which you can associate alongside them & can moderately wrestle... a winning combination once you teach them to become proper wrestlers like Kelly is doing.

You can only take the 'dominant' thing so far though, you cannot make Beth dominate every single week. It makes the opponent look like a constant underdog, the crowd hates that. Beth I don't think will be getting much of a push now anyway, Mickie has finally gone over her clean, and there's no need for them to have another match.
I really hope Beth is back because she and Mickie could save the women's division and have another stellar feud. Also throw Gail Kim into the mix and they could help the other divas out. She seems determined to get back onto the top of that division and she could carry the load for a long while. She's a tough woman and will soon again dominate.
ITS A WOMEN'S MATCH, get over it. The crowd has never been into a women's match...pretty much ever. Its sad, I know. Very few matches with the Divas or Knockouts seem to draw a whole lot. They are filler matches and for the niche fans to enjoy. I like the product as a whole, and a good divas match once and a while is good for me, but would I ever say it was the best match of the night... probably not. Not even close. Only way any of the women draw are by showing T & A or by being Jillian.

Ok so here is where i comme in i am soooo in agreeance with that listen i remember way back when trish was heel and lita was face and trish said she was the kiss of death and the night lita won the women title that match was the freacking MAIN EVENT :wtf: seriously i am one who wants to see womens wrestling reduced to almost nothing dont get me wrong i love women:lol: but if they are to wrestle VKM and the WWE better make them look legit but for some reason that seem so hard:banghead: well anyway that was my anti-women division post

P.S: TNA semms to have made a huge mistake knockut title ok thats cool BUT a knockout TAG TEAM TITLES its like WCW making cruiserweight tag titles its useless but there female single division still seems not bad but not great what you want its women wrestling
I see that Rebecca is Anti-Phoenix.

You keep saying that Beth doesnt get a reaction... well who does? What women other than Mickie James gets a crowd reaction? Last time I checked, none, unless they are having wardrobe malfunctions. Its not fair to put Beth Phoenix in the same light as Layla El, seeing as "neither get a crowd reaction".

ITS A WOMEN'S MATCH, get over it. The crowd has never been into a women's match...pretty much ever. Its sad, I know. Very few matches with the Divas or Knockouts seem to draw a whole lot. They are filler matches and for the niche fans to enjoy. I like the product as a whole, and a good divas match once and a while is good for me, but would I ever say it was the best match of the night... probably not. Not even close. Only way any of the women draw are by showing T & A or by being Jillian.

How did I miss this post? And you're incorrect, i'm not anti-phoenix, lovely assumption though. So because i'm not a fan of her selling, or her dominance, i'm 'anti-phoenix' ? I've already stated that she's a solid worker, and the difference between Beth and the likes of Layla, (lol at saying I put them in the same light) is that Beth has actually had a hell of alot stronger booking, she's been able to attack top face divas in the face, and she's had over a dozen chances to garner herself a reaction, and she hasn't.

And crowds have been into womens matches, did you ever see Mickie/Trish at Wrestlemania? Melina/Mickie at Backlash? Mickie/Melina/Beth from Raw? I guess not. I'm not a Beth hater, far from, but i'm pointing out the obvious, her selling is awful, and booking her dominantly wont get her over because it's been done before and the crowd still didn't care.
You're an asshole :)

lols, I kid, but you're a Beth fan so this wont be easy.

But I am not a Beth fan... :lmao:

First thing is first, i'm not against pushing Beth in general, i'm just not in favor of the way they do it. With Beth, I do agree that a powerful sadistic character would be great, but she can pull that off through promos, not in the ring. Her last reigns where awful because all she did was dominate her opponents, and everytime it was the same thing. One could argue it made Mickies victory even sweeter, it did, but she was always the 'fluke' champion who only won Beth via roll up. Give her a gimmick, give her a personality, but just don't make her dominant in the ring as such because the matches get stale and boring, watching somebody have the shit beaten out of them time and time again isn't exactly entertaining or fun to watch.

I could not have said it better myself, except for the in-ring dominance. If you are powerful sadistic character... you need to incorporate everything you do outside the ring inside the ring as well. How does a powerful sadistic character do this at the start of their push? Match dominance. It does not need to be 80/20 with the best diva's like James & Kim as it can detract from the match, but say if she took on the likes of Jillian [example only], she can blast her way through the entire thing to show off her skills. The crowd is most likely not going to care about the match, but having Beth easily beat up these diva's will certainly garner some attention.

She can still look dominant in tag matches by picking up the wins, she can make herself look strong by going over girls like Kelly Kelly. She shouldn't be dominating matches against arguably the best female wrestler in the company, nor the most over face because it makes them look weak. Not to mention the constant underselling - a point which I keep making. The excuse that it's her gimmick can only go so far, when she IS supposed to be selling offense, she doesn't do it, and it takes away the credibilty.

True, but this is the case for all big men/women. You can't have small moves like punches & kicks have all the effect in the world for the purposes of selling. It would not make the big type character work if we had Henry falling down from a punch delivered by someone like Chris Jericho... it would instantly kill his toughness in the ring. Even though Beth isn't bigger than some women like Mickie, Beth has been built to act accordingly so she has some reason to undersell.

Oh, I watched the match between Beth & Mickie just to see if you were correct about no selling... I believe the words you might be looking for are under-selling. I did not see one move Beth "no sold". All of Mickie's offense was hit & due to Beth's character, she acted appropriately to Mickie.

Beth can show her power, but making Mickie seem like a complete underdog is silly. The crowd did not care about Beth during her last two reigns, with the exception of her storyline with Satina, Beth has never got a decent reaction from the crowd, she's never had major heel heat. I don't know what it is, but the crowd legitamtely doesn't like Beths offense, hence the boring chants she sometimes gets, why keep shoving that down peoples throat when they don't want to see it? There's a difference between disliking somebody because they're a 'bad guy' and disliking somebody because their wrestling skills aren't entertaining.

This statement would have warranted something, but its the diva's division. No diva other than those that have some sort of character don't technically get a reaction from the crowd whether it be positive or negative. During glamarella, Beth had a gimmick & got a connection happening with the crowd together with Santino. The other reigns she was just a dominate force & hadn't much reaction. Nothing to do with the crowd not liking her offense, as there are times that the crowd become stunned by her moveset. It has to do with character. The whole thread was about Beth getting one to get a connection with the crowd. Don't agree? Let me list some of the diva's that get given some reactions from the crowd:

Jillian: Her singing gimmick gets people to not like her, thus drawing heat from the audience. Since she has been placed as a filler/jobber for the division on RAW, she doesn't need to do much other than remind people that they hate her.

Mickie James: She once had a gimmick as a psycho diva & the crowd has respected her transition from heel to face due to the hard work she has put in.

Kelly Kelly: They have given Kelly the role of "most hotest" diva which the crowd seems to give decent pops to her. When she enters, she gets cheered & occassionally gets reactions from her in-ring work.

Maryse: She is more over-cocky than any other heel diva, & gets some reaction. Not much as she still is like the standard heel.

Notice how all of them seem a little different from the standard "I'm the baby face diva" or "I'm a heel, grrr...."

Exaxctly, promos. Like I said, i've no problem at all with changing her character, but she doesn't need to dominate in the ring as such. She can be evil and sadistic by attacking over faces backstage. Maryse gets cat-calls, I wouldn't exactly call that a reaction because she's never been solidly boo'd, and the only reason Katie got heat was because she got on the mic and spewed out her British accent. If Beth does the character, who is to say people will care? Can she pull it off? She isn't exactly charismatic, and there's no way she could pull off a psycho character to the extent as Mickie, I don't mean the perky in your face character, but in general with the psychology behind it.

Mickie's psycho character & the proposed sadistic powerful Beth character are two different things. Mickie's gimmick involved her as being unpredictable & unable to control herself. Sadistic means that you know what you are doing & can control yourself, yet you let loose on everything despite consequence. Add the fact that Beth can use her power to make her intimidating, something Mickie never had... two different gimmicks.

Since Beth is an actual wrestler who has been trained to be a wrestler from the start, her chances of pulling off a wrestlinbg gimmick/character would be a lot easier for her to successfully do than others like Rosa or Alicia. She is credible to make the gimmick work & does not need great mic skills to make it happen. Orton doesn't have the greatest skills on the stick, but at least he gets the job done. Beth can do this easily from how she can conduct herself when she gets "frustrated."

Basically, a character is one of the few factors that will get someone over in the business. If you don't have one, expect to fight very hard to become noticed. As long as the character or gimmick is not overly-stupid like the one's Tenta has reviewed in his thread, they have a decent chance. Look at the diva's that don't have any character. The crowd does not care for them. Those that get a reaction had/has a character.

You can only take the 'dominant' thing so far though, you cannot make Beth dominate every single week. It makes the opponent look like a constant underdog, the crowd hates that. Beth I don't think will be getting much of a push now anyway, Mickie has finally gone over her clean, and there's no need for them to have another match.

Not at the moment no. Mickie can be kept busy away from Beth in order for her to receive a push. You saw the end part of the match where she was going to snap & after the match was finished. Now, Beth can be given a chance to show her dominance against all the other diva's on the roster & be like Kane... no heel nor face wants to associate with them. Make this her rise to the top again & make the people care that she is somewhat legit.
But I am not a Beth fan... :lmao:

I hate you. I really, really do.

I could not have said it better myself, except for the in-ring dominance. If you are powerful sadistic character... you need to incorporate everything you do outside the ring inside the ring as well. How does a powerful sadistic character do this at the start of their push? Match dominance. It does not need to be 80/20 with the best diva's like James & Kim as it can detract from the match, but say if she took on the likes of Jillian [example only], she can blast her way through the entire thing to show off her skills. The crowd is most likely not going to care about the match, but having Beth easily beat up these diva's will certainly garner some attention.

The attention wont last because you cannot continue the dominant thing forever. Beth has tried dominating before in matches, see Mickie/Beth from November last year, the crowd was dead during the match, and after. Point proven - nobody gave a shit that Beth squashed the top diva face of the company.

True, but this is the case for all big men/women. You can't have small moves like punches & kicks have all the effect in the world for the purposes of selling. It would not make the big type character work if we had Henry falling down from a punch delivered by someone like Chris Jericho... it would instantly kill his toughness in the ring. Even though Beth isn't bigger than some women like Mickie, Beth has been built to act accordingly so she has some reason to undersell.

Beth Phoenix is not Mark Henry, and she's not even the womens divisions 'Mark Henry' because frankly she isn't all that much bigger than Melina and Natalya. Regardless of gimmick, her selling technique in general is fucking awful, she either no sells are undersells too much, even when she IS supposed to be selling a move.

Oh, I watched the match between Beth & Mickie just to see if you were correct about no selling... I believe the words you might be looking for are under-selling. I did not see one move Beth "no sold". All of Mickie's offense was hit & due to Beth's character, she acted appropriately to Mickie.

She more or less no sold the low drop kick when she got up straight away, and only started to sell about give seconds afterwards. So because she's dominant and sadistic, she shouldn't be able to feel moves? lol okay.

This statement would have warranted something, but its the diva's division. No diva other than those that have some sort of character don't technically get a reaction from the crowd whether it be positive or negative. During glamarella, Beth had a gimmick & got a connection happening with the crowd together with Santino. The other reigns she was just a dominate force & hadn't much reaction. Nothing to do with the crowd not liking her offense, as there are times that the crowd become stunned by her moveset. It has to do with character. The whole thread was about Beth getting one to get a connection with the crowd. Don't agree? Let me list some of the diva's that get given some reactions from the crowd:

Beth can't connect with the crowd, she has never really been able to, even during Glamerella, she was always that girl tagging with Santino. She isn't with Santino now anyway, and he was the guy who helped her 'connect'. I don't really see the point you're making here.

Jillian: Her singing gimmick gets people to not like her, thus drawing heat from the audience. Since she has been placed as a filler/jobber for the division on RAW, she doesn't need to do much other than remind people that they hate her.

Mickie James: She once had a gimmick as a psycho diva & the crowd has respected her transition from heel to face due to the hard work she has put in.

Kelly Kelly: They have given Kelly the role of "most hotest" diva which the crowd seems to give decent pops to her. When she enters, she gets cheered & occassionally gets reactions from her in-ring work.

Maryse: She is more over-cocky than any other heel diva, & gets some reaction. Not much as she still is like the standard heel.

Notice how all of them seem a little different from the standard "I'm the baby face diva" or "I'm a heel, grrr...."

This isn't relevent. None of them are booked like Beth Phoenix.

Mickie's psycho character & the proposed sadistic powerful Beth character are two different things. Mickie's gimmick involved her as being unpredictable & unable to control herself. Sadistic means that you know what you are doing & can control yourself, yet you let loose on everything despite consequence. Add the fact that Beth can use her power to make her intimidating, something Mickie never had... two different gimmicks.

And? The crowd doesn't care. Even with some of the strongest booking we've seen a diva get in years, the crowd does not care. Even though Beth went years without being cleaned, the crowd does not care. The only time she gets a reaction as i've said before, is when she's lifting two people up, and she can't always do that. Beth wont be changing up her character anyway, she's the same old 'Glamazon' that gets boring chants when delivering her oh-so-dull offense.

Since Beth is an actual wrestler who has been trained to be a wrestler from the start, her chances of pulling off a wrestlinbg gimmick/character would be a lot easier for her to successfully do than others like Rosa or Alicia. She is credible to make the gimmick work & does not need great mic skills to make it happen. Orton doesn't have the greatest skills on the stick, but at least he gets the job done. Beth can do this easily from how she can conduct herself when she gets "frustrated."

You don't just need crediblity to make a gimmick work, you need charisma, something Beth lacks. The difference with Orton is that he gets more match and promo time than Phoenix, that's how he is over and gets the job done. With divas you get either no promo, or a skit with another diva talking about your love life, along with a 5 minute match. It does not work.

Basically, a character is one of the few factors that will get someone over in the business. If you don't have one, expect to fight very hard to become noticed. As long as the character or gimmick is not overly-stupid like the one's Tenta has reviewed in his thread, they have a decent chance. Look at the diva's that don't have any character. The crowd does not care for them. Those that get a reaction had/has a character.

Beth has already been given the Glamazon character and the audience was not interested. Squashing somebody in a match wont get you as noticed as somebody running out and attacking someone. She should run her character like that, and I do not see the problem in Beth wrestling a match like Victoria does. Orton is a sadistic character yet he gets a ton of offense delivered to him, he rarely dominates a match, and Beth shouldn't be dominating them either because it has been proven once before that not many people really enjoy it.

Not at the moment no. Mickie can be kept busy away from Beth in order for her to receive a push. You saw the end part of the match where she was going to snap & after the match was finished. Now, Beth can be given a chance to show her dominance against all the other diva's on the roster & be like Kane... no heel nor face wants to associate with them. Make this her rise to the top again & make the people care that she is somewhat legit.

Fine by me. But I still don't see why she can't run out and randomly beat the shit out of some people, and still be able to make the match entertaining by not dominating her opponents. WWE have done too much to protect Beth, and the crowd didn't like it. All the same, lets agree to disagree, it's been another good debate FalKon. Shame it wasn't about Mickie though, I enjoyed that debate much, much more.
I'm a big fan of Phoenix. I think she's a great talent, and WWE would be stupid to release her or do something to make her want to quit. Now if I were running the Women's Division on RAW, I would do what Vince always tries. I would shake things up. I would make some faces heels, some heels faces, give the women a little more air/show time, and actually give them a chance to shine like the Knockouts do in TNA. I honestly would make Phoenix a face. She's been heel almost since she started with WWE. Then I would make either Kim or James a heel. I know that would probably piss a lot of people off but unfortunately sometimes your favorite face turns heel, or vice versa, and it ends up being good for ratings in the end. I would actually change Jillian's gimmick altogether because no one likes it. I'd make her a face, and actually give her a chance to wrestle.
I have to agree that there is hardly any reaction to the Divas these days. When contrasted to the days when Trish and Steph were there, it is a shame. Maybe if WWE began using the more skillful Divas like Natalya and Beth instead of less skillful and thinner ;) divas like Melina and the Bella twins, it may begin to pick up the attention of the audience both at home and in the arena.

Either that or just use divas as valet like they used to :p
You know I gotta say that I'm real disappointed in the WWE divas these days. Not to say that I don't have my favorites, but still. I'm a huge fan of Melina, Mickie James, Beth Phoenix, Natalya, and Gail Kim. I gotta be honest and say that Kelly Kelly, Alicia Fox, the Bella Twins, Michelle McCool, Maria, and a few others might be easy on the eye but I don't really think that any of them are real serious contenders for the Women's title. I think that Katie Lea is more of a contender for the title than almost all of the SD roster. She needs to break away from Paul, and be moved to RAW or SD so she can contend for the title. Rose Mendes needs to be moved to ECW as well. No title contender there. Layla and Eve could possibly in time with lots of training maybe become contenders. Anyway, I don't know why WWE won't capitalize on a Beth Phoenix/Natalya Neidhart feud. I just don't see another feud like Trish/Lita anytime soon.....unless there are some major face/heel turns, and some trades of DIVAs to new shows.
i think she should be jerishows valet aswell as the divas champion. when trish stratus was GM she tagged with them amnnd they loooked pretty good together so i think she shouldd be a valet/no.1 contender.

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