Beth Phoenix/Madusa Twitter War

Radical Canadian Goose

Getting Noticed By Management
So, as has been the case for a little while Beth Phoenix has been running her mouth on Twitter about being the greatest womens champ ever, blah blah blah. She is obviously going the Twitter route to gain some anticipation in her nearing feud with Kharma. Madusa keeps chiming in with comments, feeling that she is as great as it gets.

I have this to say to Madusa. Get over yourself! You were the face of a new womens division, you turned your back ran to the competitor and threw your belt in the trash. You proved to me and many others that you only "wrestled" for the money. Who are you to trash Beth Phoenix, who has proven to me to be a great entertainer and a respectable champ, both of which you were not. I personally think that all WWE competitors should block you from following them on Twitter,because you are a turncoat.

I also believe that you think that you can handle one last run. Guess what? You are probably the only one that Vince would NEVER hire back... GET OVER IT.

Am I being to harsh or am I right on the money?
I don't really think Madusa is trying to make herself relevant to have a comeback. She is nearly 50 now and is driving monster trucks for a living. I highly doubt she will ever wrestle again, after retiring a decade ago.

I think this is just a bit of a publicity stunt to be honest. WWE are unlikely to hire her back after the dropping of the womens belt in the trash on Nitro, so she is probably just a bit bitter about blowing her chances of returning to the company after WCW died.
It's not exactly a twitter war. Has beth even responded to any of madusa's tweets?

But yeah like naitch said, It's more of a publicity stunt on madusa's part. Vince would never hire madusa back imo. Sure he has forgiven many talents in the past but the vast majority of those talents were still somewhat relevant and could still draw and i highly doubt that anyone would even know madusa nevermind care about her returning.
I don't think she'll return to wrestle but it could make her relevant to go into the Hall of Fame. Her career is worthy of that. Plus she was apart of a very controversial moment in Monday Night War History.
I like Madusa. She is one of my favorite women wrestlers of all time. She looks great for her age. With that said, I don't think it's necessary to have a twitter war with Beth. If she is trying to get a match out of it, I wouldn't mind seeing it. I also wouldn't mind a hof induction for Madusa.

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