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Beth/Natalya Heel Turns


Getting Noticed By Management
So this week saw both Beth and Natalya turn heel. Both talked about putting an end to the pretty girl divas running the league. My first thought was isn't that what TNA is doing? My second thought was is this a continuation of what the Kharma s/l would have been but retooled for Beth and Natty?

What do you think?
Two Women Power Trip! I like it, but thats what kharma was doing (taking out the 'divas') so i wonder what will happen when she returns. Either way i'll enjoy it. Its always good to see a good divas storyline that isn't just about the title
That both of them would turn heel at the same time seems a clear indication that WWE finally plans to do something with the diva division. With the way the gals have stagnated in their roles, I can't see any other reason to turn both of them unless there's a plan that goes beyond the current practice of all the divas taking their turn at winning the title.

And yes, this seems to be an extension of the aborted Kharma program in which one wrestler was scheduled to dominate the entire division. To understand the power of Kharma as a performer, consider that it takes two "regular" divas to do what Kharma was going to do by herself.

The only problem with the heel turns is that we'll still be deprived of seeing Beth and Natalya fighting each other, although that isn't a certainty either.

Maybe Gail Kim pulled her power play a little too soon.....or maybe she had been told she wasn't going to have much of a role in this new program. Either way, we're now going to have two true wrestlers to coax decent matches out of the "models who wrestle."

Looking forward to it.
It is quite simply the very best thing they could have done with the divas right now. It's not just one sort of big heel, it's the two most dominant ladies in the division, almost a faction.

Firstly, they really deserve to be right at the top of the pile when it comes to women in the WWE. They are effortlessly better heels than The Bellas or Alicia Fox or Melina by way of their dominating demeanor. Secondly, whoever overcomes the two lady power-trip is going to be over big. I'm not talking Kelly Kelly pop big, I'm talking mid-card face big over.

Peole can go on and on about how the Divas aren't important, they are just filler, and whilst that may be true I'm sure they'd far rather it be good filler than what has been churned out for the longest while now. To put it bluntly, I'm excited about the Divas right now more than I have been for as long as I can remember, that means something in itself.
I'd also be intgerested to see if Kamina is going to get involved this as well.

I've been looking foward to a second gen diva match for awhile.

they both come from wrestling families and could put on a very credible wrerstling match,throw Beth into the mix and it could be interesting.

You might see actual wresting instead of gymnastics with wrestling touches throw in.
i completly agree. beth and nattie have been held back for way too long. nattie more so than beth,she's not only jim neidhardts daughter,she's bret & owen hart's neice and stu hart's grandaughter for the love of god!!. they are the 2 best female wrestlers on the roster. the rest of the divas with a couple of exceptions are nothing more than glorified fashion models. this is where i see this angle going: 1.tamina joins them(another one being held back) 2. they turn kelly & eve heel and they form a faction with the bellas (similar to the beautiful people and laycool) 3.they turn nattie beth and tamina face and they preceed to beat the piss out of the barbies. just throwin it out there:)
I absolutely loved it and felt it was way past due, but I do have one reservation about it.

Why'd they turn them BOTH basically at the same time? Now you've got carbon copy Divas on both shows. Seemed kind of odd.

Personally, I'd have liked for them to turn Beth, put the belt on her at SS, then have her appear on Smackdown one Friday and basically bully the Divas there (AJ in particular). Then Natalya could come out and tell her to pick on someone her own size. That way, you get a Beth (heel) and Natalya (face) program for the championship. Would certainly give us some very entertaining matches. Anyone else agree?
I can easily tell the Bellas apart. Brie has a wonderful smile and gives off vibes that she is just a sweetheart while Nikki has a huge ass and plays a bitchin' bitch.

But with Beth and Nattie, I can't find many differences.

- Why try to show emotion when you can effortlessly chuck people around? The crowd will react in the same way.. Which isn't much unless it is a new spot (i.e. Beth picking up both Bellas last week).

- Nattie has ****ed out that sharpshooter so much that what used to be the only thing that got a reaction in her match is now just another move. Beth's power moves stop getting reactions in 2008, if I am being fair.

- Both wear a lot of black. I guess Nattie separates herself by adding pink. Other than that, it doesn't surprised me that rumor has it that Nattie dyed her hair red to keep people from getting her and Beth confused.

So, for those always mentioning that the divas "don't get enough time," I hope you are looking forward to squash matches because that is the only match those two can do. Can't wait for Kelly to beat them both. :)
There are certain things in this angle that excite me, certain things that make me feel a bit down and certain things that I am uncertain about.

The Upside: Natalya and Beth, two of the most talented divas in WWE today, getting more screen time. These are the only two girls on the roster who are athletic enough and also trained enough to put on good matches inside the ring. Also the divas division was practically begging for a storyline and this seems like a very promising one indeed.

The downside: The fact that Beth and Natalya are going to put on matches with these swimsuit models. Beth and Natalya would have undoubtedly put on better matches with each other. But, to be honest, I am not too displeased. Beth and Natalya being on the same side makes for a better story and that counts more.

The Uncertainty: At first it seemed to me that whenever this angle would ultimately end, it would result in a victory for the babyface side which I presumed was going to be the swimsuit divas. And that made me a bit sad because I'd hate to see another of those wafer thin girls getting a push. But then I thought, after what has transpired in the recent weeks in the WWE can I really be certain that the models are going to be the babyfaces?

It all depends on where WWE wants to go with this angle. They can do the expected big girl bullying small girl angle or there is this other possibility of Natalya and Beth cutting a shoot promo on how the models have destroyed the divas division. That will get them support from some of the fans, no doubt, and it would be interesting to see which way the fans go. The models can play the weak sort of heels easily, the type that uses the numbers game to their advantage.

However, there is a very very slim chance of this story going down this route. For one the support for the likes of Beth and Natalya is much less than the support for CM Punk. The fact that according to them Cena cannot wrestle might piss off smarks but they won't be bothered by the lack of Kelly's wrestling ability because she's hot. But the prospect of Beth and Natalya turning babyfaces or at least gaining a fraction of support from the crowd has got me interested.
I like the heel turns, as I have grown weary of both Nattie and Beth being jobber to the "stars." I do however find it strange though that now we have the same story going on with different women on both shows. I'm interested in seeing where this goes.

I only hope it doesn't turn into the same story, different show. First, because that would be silly to see the same thing on different programs, but also because...who does nattie really have to dominate on the smackdown show? Caitlyn? Alicia fox? Ugh, that doesn't sound very promising.
I'm hoping WWE does this right and has Natty and Beth dominating for ages and then have them turn on each other for the gold after one of them wins it and jealousy follows. But give it time to breathe, don't have them split the moment someone gets success, after all of this maybe have a feud between them that lasts a decent amount of time then have Kharma face the winner of that feud.
Not to change the topic but I am not sure what everyone sees in Natalya in the ring. Not a single match she has been a part of has really impressed me any more than most of the other Divas. She looks weak and uncoordinated.

I think this is a case of since Natalya is not built like the other twig Divas we tell ourselves that she must be good in the ring. Maybe I'm wrong, but I just haven't seen the ability that others have mentioned. Same goes for Tamina.

Back to the topic, I like the angle. It is far from fresh but adds something to the weak division. Beth has always been competent in the ring and as a heel on the mic. Somehow I get the feeling that this may be the return of Santino in to the Divas division.

I wonder if the Bellas play any role or if they just get pushed back to being nothing more than eye candy?
The weirder thing is that they got rid of Melina who was probably one of the only swimsuiters that could legitimately hang with the bruisers, beth and Natalya. Her athletic ability is phenomenal.
Kamina - not enough experience (she's still REALLY rough) and everybody else is too lightweight.
I oo can't wait for the return of THE AWESOME KHARMA_KONG!!!!

And I do agree that Natalya is stiff in the ring but she's no more stiff than 75% of the dolls. I wish we could go get the old roster from GLOW circa 1986-87 - for those that remember it...
Something Eve Torres said about Gail Kim and Malina's recent leavings of WWE, great talent and an credit to the division.
Natalya & Beth turning heel WAS NEEDED, Bella's are good but wrestling wise they can't complete to either Kim or Melina's standards and Melina was pretty hot until the start of the year. My thoughts are WWE needs to an all Diva's show maybe re-vamp superstars into an all Diva's show and give them ample time for matches, not 2-3 minute forgettable matches, Trish, Lita MAIN EVENTED RAW in 2004 and today we've got more divas who can wrestle and uphold the division, sure we've got some who aren't at that level but giving them their own show would benefit them and WWE, of course trial it out for say 2-4 weeks and see if ratings improve, but keep them off RAW/Smackdown until they have some meaningful feuds that could be used to progress either tv show, and have Eve, Natalya & Beth at the forfront of the division.
I think the current situation with Beth and Natty has a good amount of potential.

They are both well built women who together can hold the Diva division at ransom.
Bearing in mind that they had Kharma face turn as she bowed out here is what I'd like to see....

I would like to see, Beth and Natty [ and maybe a third diva, Tamina comes to mind but I'd like to see WWE test Kaitlyn out in a Heel role... just out of curiosity... anyway, I digress ], where was I?

I would like to see Beth capture the Diva belt and with Natty go on the rampage through the Diva division that Kharma was originally scheduled to perform.

This would lead right in to when Kharma is set to re-debut and WWE could bring her back in as a face to challenge the [if you'll excuse me]... "The Two Girl Power Trip".

It'd create an interesting situation because then Kharma would seemingly be fighting to defend the same Diva she had originally debuted to decimate.

Going further I'd then have an angle set up where Kong appears to swerve and side with "The Two Girl Power Trip"... only to have her do a double swerve and pull off a full blown Heel turn against all of the Divas... which would then finally lead back into the inevitable One on One show down between Beth Phoenix and Kharma at a PPV for the Diva's Championship.

Thew... That was exhausting!

That all sounds good, but I would rather just dump the rest of the diva's that can't step up. Beth & Natalya are both good wrestlers & good strong female role models, and as a father of an 8 year old girl that likes to watch wrestling I'm more bothered with role models in the diva's division than I am with my 6yr old son and role models in the rest of the WWE as a whole. For me, not so much as a life-long fan, but specifically as a dad, it's more important to have good role models in the divas because I want my daughter to see that women can be strong and take care of themselves, and DON'T want to her to think some chick like Candice Michele is a good role model.

As far as I'm concerned the rest of the diva's are heels and Beth & Natalya are faces, and that's the slant I use when I talk about it with my daughter while we're watching WWE TV.

Aside from my parenting rant (sorry about that btw :p ), I really wished they would get a few more diva's that really looked like they could compete physically with the likes of Chyna circa 1997. For my money, Chyna will probably always be the best diva to perform for the WWE. I mean come on, she beat Chris Jericho for the Intercontinental Championship.
I love it.

Beth Phoenix and Natalya are the two currently active Divas that stand out. Beth and Natalya are two large females; see them in real life, live, and you'll know what I'm talking about. They are muscular, they are different to the others and the thing about it is, they are the two Divas that always seem to have the consistent and flowing bouts.

Take the short, yet technical match between Natalya and AJ Lee last night on Smackdown. I can't remember the last time WWE had a technical female wrestling match. They spent the opening two - three minutes just locking in holds, reversing them, countering them, transitioning, it was great to see something different.

I'm sure the angle has something to do with both dominating the respective female divisions on each show, coming together regularly to destory the other Divas, which will eventually continue until Kharma or Kong makes her return in six months time and then It'll become interesting, but that's the only immediate plans I can see within the alignment change.

Still, loving it though. Natalya is a better heel than a face, same with Beth, small resurgance in the Divas division here.
Much of a big nothing to me. Beth was only remotely interesting as a heel because of Santino and Natalya bores me. I would have been fine with just turning Beth heel but I'm not really excited either way.
Was very pleased to see the heel change. They will actually pull off 'hatred' heat rather than 'annoying' heat like Laycool and Vicki G.

I might be wrong but did I read that Dustin 'Goldust' Rhodes is now running the Divas division? Perhaps the new figurehead saw what it was lacking and decided to shake things up.
I love the heel turns because I like, Beth and Natalya, often times said that they are where the entertainment in the Diva's division is. It is a little odd on the timing but I do believe that WWE was going to do this months ago but TNA got the jump because WWE fumbled the idea after Kharma got pregnant.

My problem and my question regarding this angle is, are they going to sign new female talent? I mean they just got rid of one their better female talents in Melina, then Gail quit. The only Diva that can pose a threat is Tamina, you go Tamina vs Beth and Natty? Gonna get old. AJ has talent she can be something in the future but in the mean time who else is there? This one of those things I'd hate WWE to screw up.
I like the heel turns, and I have no problem with the 'same' storyline over the two brands. If anything, it adds more interest to the divas in both shows. Have Beth and Natalya jump to the top of the food chain and convincingly beat each of the divas who challenge them. It is unfortunate that two of the best divas are gone now, but it does give the other girls a chance to step up. It's too bad that Maryse is currently injured. I thought she managed to hold the women's title successfully. Eve shows some promise and is obviously athletic. I like Alicia Fox's attitude and she's pretty decent on the mic. Layla is currently injured, but I think she's very underrated as a wrestler. I think it would be cool to have Beth and Natalya dominate their brands until, say, Royal Rumble. Then, they somehow have a confrontation in the ring or backstage and they run a program all the way until they have a match at Wrestlemania. If that happens, I think they could have a match that would be on par with some of the men's matches. If you go back to Wrestlemania 22, Mickie vs Trish was better than most of the other matches. I think Beth and Nattie can do the same
I guess WWE finally realized that shoving Kelly Kelly, Eve Torres and the Bella Twins down our throats every week wasn't working.

Beth was understandable to turn heel. Her "Glamazon" persona works better as a heel, and with Kelly Kelly the current Divas Champion, it was understandable to turn her. Her turn was even hinted at at the end of the 7-on-7 tag team match they had the week before.

Natalya was another story. She was on Smackdown acting as mentor to Kaitlyn and AJ, then suddenly turned.
Personally, I think it should make for an interesting story. If the WWE doesn't screw it up it should be the best thing for the Diva's Division since Kharma. Only time will tell :)
i like this current idea of beth and nattie being a 2 woman power trip taking over the divas division! idk if this is the current plan wwe has but the way id like to see it happen is beth DESTORYS kelly kelly at summerslam and wins the title (basically kelly kelly hits 1 or 2 moves at the beginning then beth takes her out) and after beth wins natttie runs down to the ring and they cut a promo about running the division and beth goes on to hold the title (or even nattie but hopefully not another co-champion thing like laycool did :banghead:) then they say theres nobody left for them to beat they beat every diva on raw and smackdown when Khrama's music hits and she makes her come back! Beth vs Khrama or Nattie vs Khrama would be awesome!
Finally, a reason to watch the divas other than because of their looks. It should be a good storyline. It's realistic as both divas are two of the top divas on the roster yet they don't pushed and all the pretty divas who are a lot less talented get pushed and that's basically the stoy. Who takes both woman down though? All heels get beat eventually but who of the current divas deserve to beat them? I personally think we may see a return from a former diva, maybe Trish. She's still relevant, she's over and she is a realistic option to take beat Beth and Natalya because she's one of the top divas of all time and you can believe that she wants to help the current divas.

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