Best Wrestlemania match to not have any HOFers involved


Championship Contender
Most of the "Greatest Wrestlemania Matches" agreed upon on many forums have one or many Hall of Famers in them, and for good reason. But, just to switch things up a bit, what is your favorite Wrestlemania match to not include a WWF/E Hall of Famer? I listed this in Old School because your answers need to be from Wrestlemania I - XIV. Why? Well, because it's my post. haha. But, really, I wanted to broaden the scope of the repetitive posts here and didn't want your answers to include active or recently-retired superstars. (Yes, I realize Undertaker vs. Kane, for example, is a legit answer and falls into that category....but overall this will limit those answers and bring back some old schoolers)

Honestly, I thought of this post idea before thinking of the I am thinking right now. But, I will go with Jake Roberts vs. Rick Martel's Blindfold Match at WMVII. For that time and that era, it was really done extremely well. It got the crowd involved, it had comedic moments, it had suspense and it had a DDT victory for Jake (face). I thought it was a fun addition to the WMVII card and was a great showing by two all-time greats.

Looking forward to hearing yours...please stay within the guidelines. Managers do not count. If a HOF manager was involved, that is ok.
Interesting topic but this is an easy answer for me. I'll go with WMVII as well but my vote is for Randy Savage vs. Ultimate Warrior. Both men probably belong in the hall of fame but as of right now neither are in it. For about a five year period Savage and Warrior were easily the biggest names in the WWF besides Hulk Hogan. The two of them meeting at mania with their careers on the line was epic. I hate the overuse of the word epic but I'm using it here. It was an incredible match. The stakes were high and you could feel that with every action and reaction of the wrestlers and the story told by the announcers. It was full of emotion and drama. For as great as the match the reunion between Savage and Elizabeth was even better and overshadowed a great match. That was one of my all time favorite mania matches, hall of famers or not.
Someone stole my answer! I will always pick a good standard match over a gimmick match.
It's much easier to entertain with the benefit of ladders or weapons. So my answer is definitely Randy Savage vs The Ultimate Warrior. This match shouldn't be in the running but Warrior turned down the HOF and Vince has yet to put Savage in.

Two easy matches to put in are TLC II and "the end of an era" match. But, as I said earlier, it's much easy to entertain a crowd with the benefit of ladders or a cell.
Ultimate Warrior vs. Rick Rude...Wrestlemania V. Not the greatest match in the world...but as a little kid routing for the Warrior...I was shocked that he lost the belt. Damn that Bobby was very fitting he cheated to get Rude to win. That feud went from the Pose Down at the Royal Rumble to Summerslam dont get feuds like that anymore...
AndrewA0615 thats a good one but i believe this one bests yours Retirment match between Ultimate Warrior vs "Macho King" Randy Savage at WMVII..... This was the best matchup on the card and by far probably the best Warrior match of all time..... These two are bound for Hall of Fame sometime in this life but right now they arnt in meaning they are the best match at Wrestlemania without Hall Of Famers....
Damn i see the brain beat me to the punch so i want an alternate answer as usaul and that match is Kurt Angle vs Brock Lesnar WM XIX...... By far the greatest pure wrestling match as far as no hall of famers go and hell botch or not but a SHOOTING STAR PRESS from BROCK LESNAR is AMAZING in itself..... This is hands down the second best match after Warrior vs Savage......
Savage and Warrior was a great match, and the ending with Elizabeth really was if not as good then better than the match it self, but I am going to go with the first match that popped in my mind when I read the thread. I agree with the OP, and am taking Roberts/Martel blindfold match. They really got the crowd into the match. It wasn't a technical masterpiece obviously, but it was original, and they really did a great job pulling the match off.
Savage/Warrior seems to be the answer and its hard to argue with. Although (like pointed out above) its two guys who should be in the HoF so Im going to pick another match. I really liked the Steiners vs the Headshrinkers from WMIX. One of the best tag matches in WM history and one of my favorite tag matches ever. Honorable mention goes to
Like some people already stated, Warrior vs Macho King. That was an under-rated match. I love the whole story about that match, Macho hitting 5 Elbows, Warrior not giving up (Even though Hebner's pin count was slow after Macho pinned Warrior after the 5th Elbow Drop!), and after the match with Randy and Liz reuntied. Both men deserve to be in the hall. Hope someday McMahon and Warrior will bury the past and get along, Warrior needs to be in the HOF! Vince has to put Macho and Liz in the hall, it's weird to see them two not in it, they deserve to be in their with Hogan, Andre, and Piper.
Angle & Lesnar was a great match, although at some point Angle will get in the HOF. I'll give my nod to Savage-Warrior. The true mark of a great wrestler is a guy who entertains in the ring and on the mic regaradless of his opponent. No doubt Savage was a great on screen character, and he had some great matches vs guys like Steamboat, Flair, Hart, HBK, but all those guys were great performers. Warrior however may have been the least skilled and hardest to work with guy Vince ever pushed to the top of the company. Universally unpopular with wrestlers for being too stiff & careless in the ring, clearly working with limited athleticism and even more limited move set, getting anything close to a 4 or 5 star match out of him was a monumental challenge. Savage clearly carried this match and made it one of the most memorable in WM history. I believe at some point Savage will go in HOF (he certainly deserves it) but until he does this is my pick in this category.
As most have said, Savage v Warrior is the winner. A great match with a good story heading into the match.

Some other matches to condsider would be Takers matches at 12, 13 and 14. We all know Taker is going to be a HOF'er but he's not yet so its fair game. These matches are the first set of opponents who posed real threats to him and each match was good. I have always felt his match with Sid is underrated and liked how Sid controlled most of the match.

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