Best/Worst Promotion

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Ultraviolent Icon

Title says it all. Give Reasons.

Best: CZW & IWA MS. Both are known for deathmatches but both companys have high flying junior heavyweights and pure wrestling.

Worst: Current CZW and ROH. Both are very good feds but CZW is booking way too much local talents and are losing fan support. As for ROH excellent pure wrestling but in my eyes good promotions need more hardcore styles. I know ROH has had a few shows like that every year but it needs to happen more often.
You must not have seen ROH all of last year. Their feud w/ CZW was violent & the Jimmy Jacobs/BJ Whitmer feud has been nothing but a blood feud.

ROH is by far the best. They have the best product IMO. They have a great mix of pure wrestling, high flying, & hardcore action. They don't need deathmatches. They use a good mix of old school wrestling w/ today's style.

I haven't seen any CZW since Cage of Death 6. And for the past 2-3 years I've heard nothing, but bad things. I hear they'll have one good show, but then follow it up w/ 10 bad shows. I don't visit a whole lot anymore, but guys are always bitching and ready to give up on the product.

I like IWA:MS. They have a good mix of deathmatches & good wrestling. Plus IWA's a good place to watch for new talent. Most of the talent in ROH has been through IWA:MS. Ian sure knows how to book guys and put them over.

So out of those 3 I'd say CZW is the worst, but the worst independent promotion in the US...I don't know. Probably some local indy promotion for some small town. But out of the major ones ROH, IWA, PWG, JAPW, CHIKARA, CZW, etc. I say CZW.
Ultraviolent Icon stop going on about hardcore wrestling. ROH doesnt need more hardcore wrestling because it's not a hardcore federation. Occasionally they have hardcore match's but that's not what there about. Your entitled to like whatever sort of wrestling you want but saying that another brand need's your particular favorite wrestling is just stupid.
okay sorry jake. ROHDude another bad promotion is PWU. I never seen it but i hear it sucks.
Then If you havent seen it how do you know if it sucks.....?

But, anyways out of those top that ROHDude, I hate to sound like an "ROHbot" but really, That is the best promotion. If you look at alot of the current WWE and TNA rosters, alot of the more promising stars came from ROH. Look, you have Aj, Daniels,Hotstuff Hernandez,Michael Shane,CM Punk,Possibly Colt In the future, Spanky (brian Kendrick whatever, Paul London,Austin Aries and Jamie Noble (James Gibson).
ROH has the perfect blend of pure wrestling, high flying, strong style and all around grapling. Hardcore sometimes ? Yes.Homicide Vs Colt cabana was one of the best feuds of last year and CZW/ROH is one of the best storylines of all time.
Hardcore is not what makes a wrestling promotion so I think that CZW may be one of the worst. Hardcore wrestling to me isnt just a bunch of random table spots. Hardcore wrestling isnt light tubes or chair shots.
Hardcore wrestling is getting thrown four feet in the air and Landing on KENTA's knee. Hardcore wrestling is watching as someone can barely get out of Cattle Mutulation and they dont even sell it cause it hurts so bad.
Hardcore wrestling is watching Kenta Kobashi chop samoa Joes's chest for 3 minutes.
hardcore wrestling is paul london executing a SSP off a latter onto Michael Shane.
You wanna call ROH the worst promotion in the indys ? Ok
but if you wanna say its the worst simply because theirs not enough hardcore, well thats your problem. Call Gabe and say "less wrestling more lightubes" im sure hell appreciate that.
This is why ROH is the best promotion, they dont need a stupid ass gimmick, they dont need a road to wrestlemania, the only thing they need is say hey, this is colt cabana, he dances lets wrestle.
Correct me if im wrong but when was the last time CZW had a match of the year ? When was the last time CZW had an epic like Joe Vs Kabashi ? What was their Joe VS Punk II ? what was their Blood Generation VS Do Fixer ?
So many matches of the year candidates and MOTY themselves, amazing feuds, over characters and belivable storylines show why Ring of honor is the best wrestling promotion around today.
Then If you havent seen it how do you know if it sucks.....?

But, anyways out of those top that ROHDude, I hate to sound like an "ROHbot" but really, That is the best promotion. If you look at alot of the current WWE and TNA rosters, alot of the more promising stars came from ROH. Look, you have Aj, Daniels,Hotstuff Hernandez,Michael Shane,CM Punk,Possibly Colt In the future, Spanky (brian Kendrick whatever, Paul London,Austin Aries and Jamie Noble (James Gibson).
ROH has the perfect blend of pure wrestling, high flying, strong style and all around grapling. Hardcore sometimes ? Yes.Homicide Vs Colt cabana was one of the best feuds of last year and CZW/ROH is one of the best storylines of all time.
Hardcore is not what makes a wrestling promotion so I think that CZW may be one of the worst. Hardcore wrestling to me isnt just a bunch of random table spots. Hardcore wrestling isnt light tubes or chair shots.
Hardcore wrestling is getting thrown four feet in the air and Landing on KENTA's knee. Hardcore wrestling is watching as someone can barely get out of Cattle Mutulation and they dont even sell it cause it hurts so bad.
Hardcore wrestling is watching Kenta Kobashi chop samoa Joes's chest for 3 minutes.
hardcore wrestling is paul london executing a SSP off a latter onto Michael Shane.
You wanna call ROH the worst promotion in the indys ? Ok
but if you wanna say its the worst simply because theirs not enough hardcore, well thats your problem. Call Gabe and say "less wrestling more lightubes" im sure hell appreciate that.
This is why ROH is the best promotion, they dont need a stupid ass gimmick, they dont need a road to wrestlemania, the only thing they need is say hey, this is colt cabana, he dances lets wrestle.
Correct me if im wrong but when was the last time CZW had a match of the year ? When was the last time CZW had an epic like Joe Vs Kabashi ? What was their Joe VS Punk II ? what was their Blood Generation VS Do Fixer ?
So many matches of the year candidates and MOTY themselves, amazing feuds, over characters and belivable storylines show why Ring of honor is the best wrestling promotion around today.

i know becuse people say it sucks.
Anyway. I guess you guys proved me wrong ill try and pick up some good ROH dvds next time i get money. Any recomendations? To stay on topic i guess hardcore isnt everything but i still like it more than anything. One promotion i can stand is IWS in canada its cool from what ive seen. ISW is just plain stupid. Youve got people walking aroud looking like zombies and i cant stand it.

BTW does anybody have vid of the cattle mutulation. It sounds wicked.
go to out the video roster, or the video this is ROH....that will show some good these guys said, you can be hardcore without all the lame props...the wrestling itself is intense and hard hitting that they dont need shit like lighttubes or weedwhackers
Hardcore fanatics are obsessed with wrestling's adrenaline rush. That's why I think wrestling is all a prefrence. If you like crazy, ultraviolent wrestling, you have CZW, IWA:MS, etc. But if you want nice technical, real mat wrestling with some good storylines in between, ROH, PWG, and more are there for you. That's about all there is on the indy scene, blood thirst, technical wrestling smarks and fanatics, and a little in between. So, Ultraviolent icon, obviously you're all up for someone falling off a 40 foot scaffold or someone getting thrown off the top of the arena into 4 tables...but honestly, that just brings out the fake part of wrestling. Unless you pull off hardcore wrestling PERFECTLY, it will be fake as hell, and boring to watch. In mat wrestling and cruiserweight wrestling, it's the exact opposite. So, like I said, it's all about prefrence. Unless you're a WWE fanboy, of course.
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