Best WCW Starrcade match ever!!


F*ck Friends, Rather die wiv ma AK!
Note the thread title is WCW!!!...

It will include NWA-WCW, so I'm looking at the years from 1988-2000...

There are alot of great matches to choose from...So what would you say..

The best match to take place at Starrcade??

I would have to pick...1988, Luger vs Flair...I just recently watched it, and I have to say it was a great match...unfortunately enough for Luger, he didn't win the match therefore Flair retained the NWA World title...

What match do you pick??
Without a doubt, the best BUILDUP to a Starrcade match was Sting-Hogan in 1997, but Hogan didn't want to job cleanly (which I only remember him doing that to Goldberg, The Rock and Kurt Angle over the last fifteen years).

1985 - Magnum T.A. defeats Tully Blanchard for the NWA United States Heavyweight Title in an I Quit Steel Cage match
Its hard to pick a Starcade best match ever... But I believe the worst match, with the worst ending is actually the best match I guess LOL... Simply because of the hype and build up... The anticipation for Sting coming back after a year and a half of being gone, and finally facing Hollywood Hogan for the title was EPIC!!!!
The build up to starcade 1997 was one of the best build ups ever in wrestling history so story wise id go with sting vs hogan however match wise i can not has it wasnt great at all and never went how it should of and mainly that was due to hogan and his ego at the time , match wise id go for sting vs flair from 1989.
Hmm... I would have to go with Ric Flair vs. Vader (c) for the WCW Championship at Starrcade 1993.

Simply, one of the greatest stories ever told in professional wrestling. WCW built Vader up as this unbeatable monster, while giving Flair his first true babyface run in years as a beaten up old man who's perhaps had enough. How could Flair, past his prime, beat someone like Vader? Well, if he couldn't, then he would have to retire. To make the match even more special, the event took place in Flair Country: Charlotte, North Carolina. So, obviously... the crowd was in full support of Flair in this one.

The match, basically, was just Vader beating the living tar out of Flair. I mean, literally... kicking his ass. Flair taking brutal, brutal punches (even getting his nose broken at one point it seemed), and just getting tossed around like a rag doll. But of course, Flair would not give up. He kept fighting back and fighting back, usually only to get knocked back down. That is... until the end, when he would hit a roll-up after chop-blocking Vader's knee for the 1-2-3. The place went insane, and to this day it's one of the greatest pops you'll ever see when Flair got the win.

Not the best technical match by any case... but man, it was a wonderful story filled with incredible emotion. I'll always love it.
Why would this possibly be spam? Who in their right mind would be spamming with a snippet of their opinion about the topic at hand, not to mention on a wrestling site, this isn't fark, you know. Who cares if I don't have annoying graphics as my signature making these forums difficult to read. Just because you haven't seen me, doesn't mean that I am not watching. So you should probably adjust your spam radar and keep your exclamation points to yourself.

Anyhow, 2 of the best NWA tag teams fight suspended 20 feet above the ring. When I was a kid, this was the biggest thing since sliced bread.
Care to explain why??

I ask now, before you get done for spamming.. which I believe this is!!

I know you're trying to be helpful mate, but not only is this spamming, as well, but it also might get taken down for not being on topic. Get what you're trying to do, buddy, but be careful for yourself, you know?

Oh, Starrcade. It's one of my favorite events. I'm quite glad you've made this thread, and I'm going to break mine up into three categories; Actual Ring Work, Story and Build Up, and Overall selection.

Actual Ring Work: Jushin Liger VS. Chris Benoit. This wasn't as good as the matches they'd have in New Japan, and I won't even pretend otherwise. That said, it's the best pure wrestling match on any Starrcade Pay Pew View. The chemistry between these two is unrivalred, and the only people who come relatively close are probably Tiger Mask and Dynamite Kid. It's an opening match, and was perfect for what it was supposed to do. It goe the crowd excited for what would wind up being the best event in the year of 1995 in either the WWE or WWF. This was also pretty revolutionary, as it provded WCW with the sneak peek of the future. Granted, Liger had worked in WCW before, but this was a case of Liger bringing in his boys, and WCW using them effectively. I absolutely loved this match.

Story Wise: It's been said, but Vader and Flair is the correct answer here. JMT already did it justice, so instead, I'll go with my second choice, and go with Piper/Hogan. Yes, the wrestling itself was reprehensible, but the story building up to it was great. Here was a guy that kind of had Hogan's number, came into the company on his own volition, sworn out to beat his arch-nemesis. It was a battle of icons, and though the wrestling wasn't great, the build up to this match was done perfectly. I'm sure I should go with Hogan/Sting for my storyline pick, but I always felt that while Sting beating Hogan was great, it was really Luger, and not Sting, who deserves the credit for how WCW stayed alive during that entire angle.

Overall: Yeah, nutt said it, but it needs to be said; I'm not sure how any other match in history can even compare to Blanchard/TA in the cage. This was going to be the match to propel TA to superstardom in wrestling, and it was done perfectly. Blanchard never gets his due in wrestling, and this is a case of Blanchard and TA's emotions carrying this match. It was brutal, it was gutsy, and it was overall the most fantastic spectacle in professional wrestling. Hands down, in terms of the whole package, I'm not sure how else it can be Blanchard/TA in the Steel Cage, I Quit Match.

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