Best way to use Reigns at Elimination Chamber


Championship Contender
Roman Reigns currently is not booked in a match and I think it should stay that way, I think the best use for him is to be in Ambrose's corner in his match against Rollins to help stop J&J and Kane getting involved. I think it allows him to take a lesser stage to the other Shield guys and with WWE still showing that Ambrose and Reigns are friends it is logical that Reigns would help. There is also the potential to create a feud between Reigns and Ambrose if he costs him the match or between Reigns and HHH if he tries to help Rollins and he and Reigns fight.

What are your thought on the idea suggested and how would/if you would use Reigns at EC
That's crazy, he shouldn't be in anyone's corner.. If he doesn't have a match he should have the night off or help Ambrose if he get's beatdown by Rollins and J&J.. Being in someone's corner diminishes Reigns a lot, which doesn't help anyone.. Taking a lesser stage to the other Shield guys makes no sense whatsoever, neither of them should be taking a lesser stage. They're all going to be big stars and WWE needs to treat them that way, especially if they want to continue to get Reigns over the way they are... It's working.
Well it's hard to say where he should be. I think Dean and Seth should stay as a singles match even though people have said Roman should be added. Obviously it looks like Randy Orton is taking time off and it wouldn't make sense for Big Show to come back for another match with Roman.

My guess is that he'll have a match with Kane. If I'm remembering correctly, there was a rumour about Reigns starting a feud with Kane after he was done with the Big Show, so I guess that could be where they go.
I'm fine if he didn't do anything to be honest. It'd be cool for him to have his own match, but I just can't think of a need for him or an effective way to use him at Elimination Chamber..We will see :)
I'm guessing Roman's next feud will be Kane, and hopefully he is on a collision course with HHH for SummerSlam 2015 in the story that was never completed in 2014.

I wouldn't put him in Ambrose's corner, but a role similar to what he did on last SmackDown! wouldn't be such a bad idea, tho, I wouldn't have minded if Roman being 'back of the line' meant he was placed into the IC Elimination Chamber match instead, as that would have been a great step for his build back up to the top.
I think keeping him off the PPV will give him and us a rest. As this is a network only, and one that looks like it was quickly thrown together, not expected to see everyone there.

Reigns doesn't really have anything going right now. With a reported feud with Kane on the horizon, don't know really how that will work out, since Kane is in the middle of a slow face turn.

Don't think we'll see Orton or Show either, and that's fine as well. They both appear to be at a loose end also. So maybe the WWE is keeping them off this PPV to sort them out. No point putting them into matches just for the sake of it.
Reigns doesn't really have anything going right now. With a reported feud with Kane on the horizon, don't know really how that will work out, since Kane is in the middle of a slow face turn.

That could be an interesting sidelight to EC since there doesn't seem to be anything in particular planned for Reigns, and that the plotline could use something to push Kane further along the path to turning face than simply aiding Seth Rollins, as he always does.

Then again, how the company would use a match between Reigns and Kane to turn Kane good seems problematic, don't you think?

Finally, I'm not sure I like the idea of having Roman serve as a second to Dean Ambrose; Roman has his own character development to concern himself with and it hardly serves to use him as a barrier to interference from J & J Security, since we already know how that would turn out.

If he doesn't have anything specific at EC, I'd use the occasion to bring Kane's storyline to critical mass. Even while WWE seems to be in no hurry to move Kane to whatever is coming next, a semi-betrayal of Rollins could be in store at EC.....using Roman Reigns as the catalyst.
That could be an interesting sidelight to EC since there doesn't seem to be anything in particular planned for Reigns, and that the plotline could use something to push Kane further along the path to turning face than simply aiding Seth Rollins, as he always does.

Then again, how the company would use a match between Reigns and Kane to turn Kane good seems problematic, don't you think?

Finally, I'm not sure I like the idea of having Roman serve as a second to Dean Ambrose; Roman has his own character development to concern himself with and it hardly serves to use him as a barrier to interference from J & J Security, since we already know how that would turn out.

If he doesn't have anything specific at EC, I'd use the occasion to bring Kane's storyline to critical mass. Even while WWE seems to be in no hurry to move Kane to whatever is coming next, a semi-betrayal of Rollins could be in store at EC.....using Roman Reigns as the catalyst.

See I don't think that having Reigns serve as a second to Ambrose would hurt him, they are friends. They've been looking out for each other since the Shield broke up, and Ambrose has come out many times to help Reigns out. I would just see it as one brother helping another, especially again Rollins, who they both presumably hate.

As for the Reigns/Kane proposed feud. Yea I don't know. All the reports are that he's next on the agenda, but I can't see two faces going against each other, unless they plan on turning Reigns heel. That would be a huge mistake, as he's not a heel character, Ambrose is more that way inclined. But like you say we'll have to see what's in store after this PPV, and what happens at MITB.
Here's the real problem, you got 3 PPVs in 6 weeks, that gives them very little time to build new feuds for the shows. If they had more time between these shows I would say have him feud with Bray for the next couple months since Bray has nothing going on right now either, but with so little time between PPVs you really don't have the the right amount of time to properly build that feud right now. Maybe just chuck him & Orton into a handicap tag match with Kane & J&J security, or a Reigns/Orton/Kane triple threat with the winner qualifying for MITB. Whatever match he gets at EC is really not all that important, & just something to do until they can build toward whatever his next big feud is.
See I don't think that having Reigns serve as a second to Ambrose would hurt him, they are friends.

Yes, you could be right. I suppose a lot depends on how much of a hurry WWE is to elevate Reigns to the exalted status originally planned for him. Since the next WM is a long way off, it might be that WWE is willing to let Roman develop at his own pace instead of rushing things, as they did in the months leading up to WM31. If that's so, they might very well let Reigns use a PPV to help Ambrose (or maybe even turn on him) and sacrifice Roman's personal development for another month.

As for the Reigns/Kane proposed feud. Yea I don't know. All the reports are that he's next on the agenda, but I can't see two faces going against each other....

But Kane isn't a face. True, his heart isn't in the program of keeping Seth Rollins on top, but there isn't anything else in his attitude (so far) to indicate the face change we see coming. That WWE is bringing about Kane's change in attitude slowly is terrific; it keeps us guessing as to if and when he will turn on Rollins.

Meanwhile, if there is to be a Kane-Reigns feud, we don't yet know whether it will end with Kane turning good or Roman going bad. I think it's great that there's such uncertainty; it gives us a lot of opportunity to debate the possibilities.
Ambrose needs to go out on his own, he doesn't need anyone in his corner, also it looks as though Seth Rollins will retain the title, it won't be a clean win, but still a win. That's why Reigns needs to be no where near this match.

As for Reigns, if Rusev can't compete, he should be the replacement in the match, the last man to enter and he would be an instant favourite. If he can start a succesful singles run as IC champion, it wouldn't be a bad idea.

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