Best TNA ppv of all time


Championship Contender
I saw a recent thread titled best TNA ppv of 2010. So I was wandering what you thought was the best ppv in TNA's history?
Im going to have to go with Lockdown 08 when joe finally won the title. IMO 2008 was the best year in TNA and this ppv just set the tone for how the rest of 2008 would be and it planted the seeds for the MEM and storylines for TNA that ran well through 2009. So my pick Lockdown 2008
Im a huge fan of Turning Point 2009 myself.

The show kicked off perfectly with The Amazing Red/Homicide match for the x division title. I marked out big time when Red countered the gringo cutter off the top rope into the Code Red for the pin. This wasn't your typical Red match-it told a story in the ring.

The British Invasion retaining the tag titles at the time was a major thing too, as they were in the middle of their push as part of the World Elite. It was a 3 way that included then face teams Beer Money and the MCMG, and it was a damn good match that was booked well to make both of the other teams look strong in defeat.

But it was the double main event that seals the deal for me.

A few weeks earlier, Desmond Wolfe(remember him?) shows up on Impact and attacks Kurt Angle. Angle then manages to pull the victory out in a 20 minute barnburner when he made Wolfe tap out to a triangle choke. Hadn't seen that from Angle in a long time. These two had such tremendous chemistry with the other right off the bat that it was uncanny. It was like they had worked with each other 100 times before.

Then came the main event, the rematch 4 years in the making. Joe vs Daniels vs Styles, the same main event from UnBreakable 05, only this time for the World Championship. And while it wasn't quite as good as their match from 05, it was still great. It built at a slower pace this time, and told a great story in the ring. AJ couldnt possibly lose the title already, could he? I was convinced by match end that it was quite within the realm of possibility. What more could you ask for in a match then three great workers telling a great story?

Because of those 4 matches, and a solid undercard as well(Tara vs Kong in a cage, Steiner vs Lashley falls count anywhere), this was my personal favorite TNA PPV of all time.
Hmmmm Well nothing from 2010 - 2009 Period.
I would have to go with "SLAMMIVERSARY 2008" Now I Understand that it is not the best in terms of matches but outside of the Knockouts involvement the show is what a ppv should look like not to mention it was the first incounter between A.J and Angle
even though the bulid up was bad and the match would be ruined the following night it remains the last time I was excited about a wrestling match.

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