Best Stable of all time other than Horsemen


Dark Match Winner
So who is the best stable in wrestling history?? other than the horsemen because i know 90% of the people would have said them thiers guys like NWO, DX, Job Squad lol, BWO etc in your opinion what was the best stable...i would go with right to Censor lol just playin i myself would gowith NWO thier promos and thier beat down on wrestlers were awsome back in wcw..
I am a huge huge huge 4 Horsemen fan so they will always be best to me but the 2nd best is without a doubt the NWO. The real NWO not the lame wolfpac or NWO 2000 or the pathetic version WWE put out. They had it all. A sense or realism, pazazz, cockiness, attitude, and they backed up what they said. They said they were going to kick ur ass n they did it.
Evoluteion; Heel team; Pretty over with the crowd anyways
DX; Heel team; Pretty over with the crowd anyways
NWO; Heel team;; Pretty over with the crowd anyways
Hart Foundation; Heel team; Pretty over with the crowd anyways
Corporate Ministry; Heel team; Pretty over with the crowd anyways
Legacy; Heel team; Pretty over with the crowd anyways

Is anyone else seeing a pattern here? These heel stables were still pretty over, and will go down as the greatest in history, yet they failed in their job. As a heel stable, your job is to make people hate you, and whilst this was the case with most of these at some point, all were immensely over, certainly in the IWC. So step forward my Men in White, Steven Richards, Bull Buchanan, The Good Father, val Venis and Ivory. I pick the only heel stable who to this day is still over as a heel stable...Right to Censor. Whilst primarily a team of jobbers, they achieved their goal and were even booed in the Bible belt for goodness sake! Having a tag title reign and Womens belt to their credit, everyone still knows who they are, and hate them for it. Ladies and Gentlemen...IT'S FOR YOUR OWN GOOD!
My favourite faction was the nWo Wolfpac Elite featuring

Hollywood Hogan
Kevin Nash
Scott Hall & his tazer!
Lex Luger & Miss Elizabeth
Scott Steiner
Buff Bagwell
Disco Inferno
David Flair & Torrie Wilson

nWo Wolfpac Elite 4 LIFE
for me I am going with the lesser know of the wrestling industry an saying the embassy
from ring of honor aswell as L.A.X before konan left he was great on the mic but less not for get other stables like the new breed nation of domination D.o.A ,Truth commision raven's flock or nest group as seritodian would have been great if used properly who else am i forgetting oh yeah the hennan family remember those guys from years past well there are tons more i failed to mention oh the dudelyville with all of the dudelyz ecw had alot more of them beside bubba way devon and spike
my favorite stable is the Hart Foundation, then of course the nWo, the Ministry of Darkness and original DX... Raven's Flock was also cool, but let's not forget about the LWO, Latino World Order, mexican jobbers were awesome in WCW :)
Evolution. I don't even need to say why... I'll show you...


Name another stable to hold every single major title on the Brand... or in a the same time.
The best faction of all time is three big letters

To me they are even better than the four horsemen. The revolutionized the wrestling industry and started a new era, the catapaulted WCW ahead of the WWF and i dont think they cna ever be replicated. Fuck the 4 horsemen, nwo for life.
Beyond a shadow of a doubt the second best heel group in the history of professinonal wrestling is the New World Order. Aside from the four horsemen the nWo was the most dominent force in wrestling. The nWo is the reason WCW was winning the ratings war. The combined star power of Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, and Hulk Hogan are why the nWo is the second best heel group in all of professional wrestling, brother!
While I liked the NWO and DX I'd say it's a toss up really (for me at least) between The Brood and The Minestry of Darkness (I liked them more when they weren't with the corporation) and The Acolytes were pretty good too
The Main Event Mafia is better and you know it. Never has there been a more dominate stable than MEM.
Look who's in it

Booker T- 5 time 5 time 5 times the WCW world Champ countless WCW tag belts. Great matches with Canadian Wrestler X and many US title runs.

Sting- What else is their to say? THE reason WCW was competition.

Kurt Angle- Olympic Gold medalist, world Heavyweight Champ in every organization he's been in.

Nash- The original enforcer and WWF world Champion, mainstay in nWo and tag champs with Scott Hall.

Steiner- Yes, he's had better days but was he ever good in Japan and WCW. 16 time world tag champ and 1 time TV 2 time US and 1 time WH champ.

I rest my case.
as stated before, evolution was to be the only stable with all the belts...but how about the two man power trip??? stone cold steve austin and hhh, with vince debra and stephaine,. thats a stable no? they held all the titles in the company. wwf, ic and tag, and noone stood in their way. so im gonna go with them.
evolution was to be the only stable with all the belts

They were only together a few weeks because of Bret's injury so I don't know if you want to count it but technically the NWO2000 held all the belts too. Bret was the World champion, Jarrett US champion and Hall and Nash the tag champs.

But to answer the question I gotta go with the original NWO. Not the water downed version that had like 20 guys half of which were scrubs but the first year or so of it. They had everything, they had the premier tag team in the Outsiders, the World champ in Hogan, a kayfabe rich guy to buy talent in Dibiase, a monster in The Giant as well as a couple guys to do your dirty work in Buff Bagwell and Vincent. Then of course they had the boss in Bischoff. What other stable took over an entire company and pretty much became a kayfabe federation themselves? Everything from PPVs to video games was always labeled "WCW/NWO" not just WCW. No stable can say they had an impact like that.
hartfoundation was the best. they were great overall. second would have to be evolution. all 4 members are former world champios, royal rumble winners, and all future hof
Obviously both the NWO and DX are probably the most popular and influential stable outside the Horsemen. And they are certainly the epitome of the Attitude Era and two of the driving forces in the Monday Night Wars (in NWO's case, they were what kept WCW going). And some of the most memorable moments and matches are attributed to these two factions.

But as far as my personal favorite goes..there is another tied with NWO and DX. And that is none other than Evolution. The group that propelled Flair to one last run; pushed Triple H to the moon and showed how he carried the company on his back after the departures of Austin and Rock as well as how ruthless he still was as we hadn't seen it since the McMahon-Helmsley regime; and gave rise to two of the biggest stars in this generation in Batista and Randy Orton. They were completely dominant during their 2 year or so run , particularly in that period from early 2003 to mid 2004 before Orton was kicked out. And would you count this...36 world title reigns between the four of them. To my knowledge there is no other stable that comes remotely close, save maybe the nWo which had about 30 members. Evolution was truly one of the greatest groupings of talent in wrestling history., their music was kick ass!
2nd best stable ... I don't like all these people going for NWO, DX, Evolution, and all those in-your-face loud 90s/ early 00s efforts.

I'm old school for life me. So I'm going to put these names out there:

1. The Dangerous Alliance: Led by Paul E. Dangerously (with a massive phone), this stable had Rick Rude, Arn Anderson, Bobby Eaton, Steve Austin, and Larry Zybysko. They were extremely hard and extremely cool. They often used to all wear tuxedos and just looked badass. I'd take these guys over Hogan, Hall and Nash any day of the week.

2. The Heenan Family: specifically the 1988-90 incarnation. Heenan had Andre the Giant, Mr. Perfect, Ravishing Rick Rude, Haku, The Barbarian AND The Brainbusters (Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard). And, during that time, he was heavily allied with Ted DiBiase as well. So the greatest manager of all time with one of the WWF's all time legends (Andre), two of it's greatest ever heels (Rick Rude and Mr. Perfect), one of the all-time best tagteams (Arn and Tully), and Haku -- who was hard as hell -- plus occasional help from DiBiase (see Mega Bucks vs. Mega Powers angle and when he helped Perfect win the IC Title).

NWO?? Pffft. These people had real talent.

Although I will say this: from a smarky perspective making three of the laziest workers with some of the worst attitudes ever heels was an inspired move because someone like me hated them already. In all honesty though, I think the NWO angle went crap right around the time The Giant came in -- which was pretty soon.

Heenan Family and Dangerous Alliance FTW
I have to agree with you on the Heenan Family and Dangerous Alliance but would also add Skandar Akbar's 'Devastation Incorporated'. 'Hot Stuff International' with Eddie Gilbert, Sting, Ric Steiner and manager Missy Hyatt were also a decent triple threat team.
would have to be the freebirds Micheal "PS" Hayes, Buddy "Dont call me bald" roberts and Terry "Im the badest MF'er on badstreet" Gordy freebirds even better than the 4 ponymen
nWo has to be one of the greatest stables of all time. They really began a new era in wrestling when they came around. They kind of got out of hand with how many members there were at the end. I would also have to say the wolfpack as well, there were some great storyline with then and nWo black and white.
For those of you who are putting certain stables just to show your wrestling knowledge, quit it. The topic is BEST stable other than the Horsemen, and you can't honestly think that Hot Stuff International even comes close (and this is coming from a huge Sting fan). Part of this is about personal opinion, I get that, but the other part is freaking common sense! Common sense should tell you that a group from the Universal Wrestling Federation is NOT one of the greatest stables of all time. And as good as the Dangerous Alliance were as individuals and as a group (I remember I absolutely HATED them...they did their job well), they didn't make an impact on the business really at all. The Horsemen...well, I don't even have to say whether or not they made an impact.

So who made an impact in wrestling as much as if not more than the Four Horsemen? In the famous words of Scott Hall: "Survey more for the good guys!"

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