Best Stable In Pro Wrestling?

Best Stable?

  • Nexus

  • Immortal

  • Fortune

  • The Corre

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Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
TNA and WWE have had their fare share of dominant stables recently. Some of these stables have been used to push young talent, and these stables have been the cause of some pretty nasty hostile takeovers. All of these stables have made a noticeable impact, but which stable is the best? Let's take a look at the stables in WWE and TNA:

Immortal- I've never been too high on Immortal. Hogan and Bischoff's master plan was finally revealed on 10/10/10, and since this night, Immortal has made their presence known. Every other Immortal segment or promo usually starts off with Hogan and Bischoff praising each other. They make sure everyone knows how smart and great they are, and their promos can become tiresome after a while.

Jeff Hardy's title reigns might have been lackluster and dull, but I think losing Hardy hurt this stable big time. Hardy was that one big name guy who could actually wrestle and he was Immortal's World Champion. Who could fill that role now? Gunner? Abyss? Matt Hardy? The only man who comes close to being a credible World Champion is Jeff Jarrett. Bully Ray could be looked at as a dark horse, because he has done a fine job with this bully character, and his mic work is impressive.

When I look at Immortal, I don't see a stable that has a true identity. You can expect your usual love-fest promo promo between Hogan and Bischoff every other week on Impact Wrestling, and you might see the occasional Ric Flair tirade, but for me, Immortal has been very disappointing.

Fortune- I think Fortune turning face and breaking away from Immortal was a good thing. Sure, they lost Flair as a leader, but Fortune has a nice set of wrestlers who can go in the ring, and these men can deliver some damn good matches.

Beer Money is a phenomenal tag team, and as far as tag teams go, they are at the top of the food chain. AJ Styles is an outstanding wrestler, and he can have a good match with just about anybody. Also, Daniels was a nice addition. He's getting up their in age, but he can still deliver in the ring.

Fortune might not be the perfect imitation of The Four Horsemen, but I don't think they're bad. Just keep Kaz away from the mic, and Fortune should be fine.

Nexus- CM Punk being the leader of this stable is the highlight of Nexus. Punk's new philosophy was something edgy and bold, and the initiation process a while back was shocking to watch. But the New Nexus hasn't reached that high level I thought it would reach. The feud with Cena never reached that epic level, and Orton was able to destroy the entire stable by himself.

Punk's followers aren't anything to brag about either. Otunga and McGillicutty are just about as bland as bland can be when it comes to personality, and Mason Ryan hasn't shown me anything special yet. Yeah, he's a good Batista look-alike, he's young, and he has an outstanding physique, but Ryan doesn't wow me.

Although, Nexus could be on the path to another resurgence. I doubt Otunga and McGillicutty will have memorable reigns as Tag Team Champions, but this could be the slight boost Nexus needs.

The Corre-
This stable just seems to be there. The Corre doesn't excite me too much, because they don't have anything that catches my attention. Barrett's reign as Intercontinental Champion hasn't been memorable and Heath Slater just comes off as another random mid carder. Justin Gabriel can be fun to watch in the ring, but I don't think he's ready to go off on his own yet.

I understand every man is supposed to be equal in The Corre, and this an interesting philosophy for a heel stable, but The Corre just feels so plain most of the time. I thought Barrett would go on a fierce rampage after receiving the boot from Nexus, but The Corre hasn't found it's spark yet. It'll be interesting to see how this feud with Ezekiel Jackson plays out.

This is a hard choice for me, because I don't think any of these stables have reached that elite level, but I think I'll have to go with Fortune. When they're given enough time, the members of Fortune can provide some entertaining wrestling matches. They're solid as a group, and the split from Immortal gave them some much needed breathing room.

Who's your pick for the best stable in pro wrestling?
It has to be fortune. almost everyone (except maybe james storm, but his tag team resume speaks for itself) in fortune could be seen as a legit main eventer at some point. As far as in ring ability, I don't think i've ever seen a better all around wrestling stable in my life.
Fortune is the best stable in pro wrestling currently. Not to say that they are a bad stable but they do not have a lot to compete wih, really. Immortal is supposed to be the most dominant stable since nWo but they lose quite often and despite Bubba Ray's best efforts, it is too late for him to be seen as a main eventer. They really lack a main event level wrestler. Immortal are more dominant backstage than they are in the ring.

Nexus and Corre have both been disappointing. The members of the Nexus except for Punk act as fodder for the rampaging babyface before he goes toe to toe with Punk. There has hardly been any character developement for the other members of the Nexus. Corre on the other hand have had some character developement but the creative seems to be confused as to what they should do with them. First an all out dissension was teased and now I guess they are following Nexus' path with Barrett playing the role of Punk here and the rest acting as fodder for the rampaging Ezekiel Jackson.

Fortune is a group of really talented young guys. They are the guys who built TNA up from scratch and with their company in trouble, it makes a lot of sense for them to hang out together. It will be interesting to see if they stay together once they have gotten rid of Immortal. And, if they do stay I wonder if they would remain faces.
Fortune is the best thing to happen to wrestling in years. The Corre were terrible and should have never split off from Nexus. Nexus themselves went downhill the moment Barrett left. Punk's version of Nexus has been awful and they aren't the same group anymore. Immortal are awful in every sense of the word. Dominant? It's Hogan, Bischoff, Matt Hardy, Bully Ray, and a former security guard. Wow, really "dominant" indeed. Fortune are great though because they are pushing TNA originals as the best guys in the federation to build up each of the divisions (AJ in the main event, Beer Money in the tag teams, and Kazarian in the midcard). Therefore they are by a rather large margin the best stable in wrestling right now.
Hands down it's Fortune.

The Corre makes no sense, never should've happened.

Immortal was supposed to be all powerful until "The Network" decided to show up and call the shots, and the Nexus?

They're the worst stable in years. They're even worse than the Spirit Squad. Seriously? How can anyone think of them as a threat seeing as how Orton and Cena single-handedly took them apart on separate occcasions?

I mean, it took DX to take down the SS!
If these current active Stables followed the “Stable” formula, they might all be “successful”. Let’s take a look at what they should all look like.


Main Eventer – CM Punk
Mid-Carder – Mason Ryan
Tag Team – David Otunga
Tag Team – Michael McGillicutty

So far, this looks like it works. They have all the components in place. They just need to make it all come together and win some Gold.


Main Eventer – Wade Barrett
Mid-Carder – None at the moment
Tag Team – Justin Gabriel
Tag Team – Heath Slater

The Corre had the pieces in the puzzle complete, but with Big Zeke out and possibly Skip Sheffield coming back to join the original Nexus (hey this reminds me of HBK kicking Booker T out of the N.WWE.O), things may be looking up.

Main Eventer – A. J. Styles
Mid-Carder – Daniels / Kaz
Tag Team – Robert Roode
Tag Team – James Storm

This has to be the Best current active Stable today. They follow the formula, and they execute it well. With the addition of Daniels, a turn can’t hurt, but it can only help the situation.


Main Eventer – Jeff Jarrett
Mid-Carder – Abyss, Matt Hardy, Bully Ray, Gunner, Tommy Dreamer, Chris Harris
Tag Team – None at the moment
Tag Team – None at the moment

This has to be the Worst current active Stable today. How can you go
• being a Stable named after the greatest Superstar ever
• having said Greatest Of All Time as the manager / leader of the group, including one of the greatest minds as the co-leader
• consisting of only former World Champions (Jeff Jarrett, Abyss and Jeff Hardy)
• adding a Heel version of the company’s “heart and soul”, Fourtune, with the 2nd Greatest Superstar Of All Time as your “Wolpac” so to speak
• and holding all of the company’s Championships and having all the control
• Planet Jarrett 2011, I put him in the Main Event slot by default
• N.W.O. Elite (Hogan, Flair, Bischoff, and for the sake of having an active Star on this side, Jarrett)
• N.W.O. B-Team (Abyss, Matt Hardy, Bully Ray, Gunner, Tommy Dreamer, and Chris Harris playing the role of Bret Hart in the N.W.O., is he in, is he out, is it a one-time thing)

Things could change, but it sure doesn’t appear that way.

I say Fortune is the best thing going today!!
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