Best Ring Name of All-Time

Best nickname of all-time?

  • Nature Boy - Buddy Rogers

  • Nature Boy - Ric Flair

  • Superstar - Billy Graham

  • Immortal - Hulk Hogan

  • American Dream - Dusty Rhodes

  • Macho Man - Randy Savage

  • Hitman - Bret Hart

  • Heartbreak Kid - Shawn Michaels

  • Phenom - Undertaker

  • American Bad Ass - Undertaker

  • Stone Cold Steve Austin

  • The People's Champ - The Rock

  • The Rated R-Superstar - Edge

  • Big Red Machine - Kane

  • Legend Killer - Randy Orton

Results are only viewable after voting.

S.J. Maximus

Championship Contender
Obviously since the beginning of pro wrestling the characters have been given nicknames that encourage us to feel a certain way about that particular star. The point of this thread is simple, which nickname do you think best fit the character it was given to? Which nickname put over his abilities far better than the nicknames of other guys?

My pick goes to "The Game" Triple H. From 1999-2001 no one's ring name was mentioned more on TV than The Game. He was billed as the ultimate competitor, the toughest, smartest and most capable ring general of the industry. Without it, I honestly feel he would've been less respected by the fans and wouldn't have been so big for the rest of his career. Steve Austin would've still been badass without being "Stone Cold", The Rock would still electrify without being "The People's Champ", but would Triple H be the Cerebral Assassin if he wasn't "The Game"? My answer is no, so I pick Triple H.
always loved the name macho man, plus randy savage sounded, well...savage, it perfectly captured randy poffos personality in the ring and in interview i think
I'd be inclined to agree with "The Game", but it's not listed as an option!

From the choices, I chose Heartbreak Kid. It fit his gimmick perfectly when he first put Janetty through the glass, and it's one of those names that have transcended his gimmick and just became a part of him. Sort of like how The Pedigree is still so-named despite the fact that HHH has no connection to being a Connecticut Blueblood anymore. I like when stuff like that happens.
Even though, 'The Hitman' is listed for Bret Hart, I also like his other nickname, 'THE EXCELLENCE OF EXECUTION.' Sounds prestigious, unique and most importantly, fitted him like a glove.

I would also go with Ken Shamrock. Being known as THE WORLD'S MOST DANGEROUS MAN, is pretty badass.
I also liked Shamrocks nickname but another i quite liked was the "Lethal Weapon" Steve Blackman.

Other mention goes to Rowdy Roddy Piper due to me being Scottish and although Piper was canadian i loved his Scottish gimmick !!
I think "the Phenom" is the best. It so accurately describes the Undertaker, his career, and accomplishments.
Legend Killer at the time was good because of the character. Going to have to go with Stone Cold on this one. Defines his popularity.
I'm not tying to knock the thread, but I think you should pick one or let us choose both seperately in two seperate threads because a Ring Name or Stage Name is different from a Nickname

You listed a nickname for HHH, "The Game" and btw "The Cerebral Assassin" is also another nickname so yes he would be that without "The Game"

nicknames are acquired by a stage name being that the stage name is who we identify the wrestler as, although sometimes okay it can be a more linked nickname that thus becomes a stage name in the form of a Real name/Stage name cross over

ex: Bret "The Hitman" Hart. it's a real name with an embedded nickname so we could use that as his stage name here, but he technically doesnt have one and just has a primary defining nickname intertwined there.

See Bret Hart on its own doesnt apply because that's his name, but even with Hitman that's actually just a nickname. So... you cant really count him under ring name just as you cant count John Cena... it's his name.

Ric Flair's name is a stage name however, because it's spelled different.

Shawn Michaels by itself is a stage name because that's not his real name, but his nicknames would be HBK, The Showstopper etc

Stone Cold is a bit more complicated because I believe he did change his actual name from Steve Anderson to Steve Williams and I believe he changed it again to Steve Austin, but I'm not sure.
He would then have had his real name then a nickname, main one, in front that defines him. When it was his ring name before he changed it, it was that and then he had a nickname in front.

So I just think there should be that clearing up, you cant compare The Rock to "The Viper" because one's a ring name and The Viper is a nickname as is "The Legend Killer." Nicknames that define Randy Orton and you cant even use that as a ring name, it's his name.

Best ring name should be a unique name created not just a real name

So anyhow I'm going to say one for each.

The best stage name: Honestly it's way hard. I like The Rock because it's just so damn simple, but so perfect at the same time because it sounds like a star, doesnt need much oomph in the name, it's simple The Rock, but it has flavor.

Shawn Michaels is a favorite of mine because he took a name that sounds cooler than his actual name (although there's nothing wrong with Michael Hickenbottom) and that's appealing to me, the name itself. It's nice to have a stage name that's a real name that fans can relate to you as a real person in some cases I guess.

Chris Jericho has the same appeal as Shawn Michaels to me

The Undertaker: it's out there, I like that plus it's not like Crush or Tank or something stupid that's overplayed like Bruiser or something plain it's a name that is meaningful to the gimmick which is the greatest gimmick of all time, I'd definately have to have that in my choice range.

I am going to have to say I'm undecided for now, but it'd be between one of these. I dont think that it must be top stars only though that get recognition because Gangrel to me has always been a pretty badass name. It just sounds and looks cool.

Viscera is another. I think I find dark names like that appealing, they sound cool. I happen to love Kelly Kelly personally. It's nice to have a Diva with a first name and last name the same like that. It's appealing and fun to say.

CM Punk actually is another one. I really like cant pick because there are a good few I really like, but for multiple reasons similar and different. I am going to stick to saying it has to be from one of these above

The best nickname:

This is a hard one too

I'm thinking about "The Most Electrifying Man in Sports Entertainment" I mean I like names like that. "The Best There Was, The Best There Is, And The Best There Ever Will Be."

"Stone Cold" "Y2J" "HBK" "The Game" "The Viper" "The Big Red Machine"

these are some of the coolest, it'd be between these, but there are literally millions... AND MILLIONS, of nicknames, way more than ring names
So if I'm ultimately undecided there I say the same here
I think Stone Cold Steve Austin is perfect. It has so much snap to it and is easy to remember. It's not the most creative name (I like the Game and the Phenom better), but it just fits him. I think Austin was blessed with the perfect name for his gimmick. It's sudden and badass sounding.
I would have to go with 'The Phenom' The Undertaker. It defines him perfectly because The Undertaker and his career have been simply phenomenal since day one. Phenomenal in presence both in and out the ring in size, ability and character. Phenomenal to have made a gimmick like the deadman last for so long and change just enough to outlast many eras. If not for The Undertaker I personally would never have gotten into pro wrestling as much as I did during my early days of watching. He rarely goes into a match as the underdog and when at the top of his game and fully fit is always the favourite to come out on top in my eyes..he simply is the phenom of the WWE like no other.
I think Mr. Perfect is my favorite. It just defined him and it just didn't seem right calling him Curt Henning in WCW. Mr. Perfect could never be played by anybody else. It just connected Henning with perfection and really enhanced the gimmick for me.
ill go with the heart break kid shawn michaels and heres why...first of all i have always been more of a fan of the wrestling names that sound like they could be real names plus the heart break kid nickname was pure genius! shawn got more famous in a way because of all the nicknames he recived over the years weather he gave them to himself or not isnt important but the point is it was a badass name! the game triple h is pretty badass also
Well undertaker's "The last outlaw" hit my mind when i saw the thread..
and also 'the all american american'.
well joking on last one.
Cena's chaingang soldier was cool when he was a rapper..and benoit's rabid wolverine...
look at the names they give wrestlers now..
Micheal Mcguillicuty,Daniel Bryan(no disrespect to his talent)etc..
Btw,did cm punk have 'the straight edge messiah' sort of a name?
I saw a Jericho interview in WCW, where he asked Mean Gene to be referred to as "Lionheart Chris Jericho, Man of 1004 Holds,The Ayatollah of Rock 'n' Rolla and true Paragon of Virtue for the entire free world" <------- Best
I'm going to take the biased road and say The People's Champion, THE ROCK! Think about it, "The people's champion". That means, whenever he wasn't WWF champion, whether he was heel or face, he was always THE PEOPLE's champion. I mean all the Rock has to do is close his eyes, and have you take a listen as they chant his name "ROCKY! ROCK!". And 9/10, the chants weren't piped in, those were miyans and the miyans of The Rocks fans:lol: cheering for The Rock. So that's my pick.
Mr. Perfect, honestly does it get any easier than that? The name and Curt Hennig as a peformer worked well together. In the ring he was flawless, on the mic he was arrogant, cocky and self assured. No other name for a character like that than Mr. Perfect. No one else could have pulled off that ring name and no other ring name more than defined a character.

Nick name wise? Excellence of Execution, Captain Charisma, Legend Killer, The Franchise, Innovater of Violence and Rowdy have always been my favorites they all defined the characters performances. Bret dismanteled an opponent in the ring. Christian got over because of his natural Charisma. Orton set out to rid the WWE of legend after legend. Shane Douglas was the Franchise of ECW and really injected the hardcore movement and anti-establishment that ECW was all about. Come one Dreamer always found a new and interseting way to hurt someone. Finally Piper was just nuts, wild and always ready for a fight.

But my favorite has to be "Big Sexy the Giant Killer" sorry that one was just fucking funny to me. Hell I even stole it and changed it around. Sure it didn't define Kevin Nash's character just one botched power bomb but, I don't know, just made sense to equate that name to Nash. The name was about attitude and no one else in WCW at that time had that attitude.
Mr. Perfect, honestly does it get any easier than that? The name and Curt Hennig as a peformer worked well together. In the ring he was flawless, on the mic he was arrogant, cocky and self assured. No other name for a character like that than Mr. Perfect. No one else could have pulled off that ring name and no other ring name more than defined a character.

Nick name wise? Excellence of Execution, Captain Charisma, Legend Killer, The Franchise, Innovater of Violence and Rowdy have always been my favorites they all defined the characters performances. Bret dismanteled an opponent in the ring. Christian got over because of his natural Charisma. Orton set out to rid the WWE of legend after legend. Shane Douglas was the Franchise of ECW and really injected the hardcore movement and anti-establishment that ECW was all about. Come one Dreamer always found a new and interseting way to hurt someone. Finally Piper was just nuts, wild and always ready for a fight.

But my favorite has to be "Big Sexy the Giant Killer" sorry that one was just fucking funny to me. Hell I even stole it and changed it around. Sure it didn't define Kevin Nash's character just one botched power bomb but, I don't know, just made sense to equate that name to Nash. The name was about attitude and no one else in WCW at that time had that attitude.

Thats my favorite nickname also. Yeah Kevin Nash botched that powerbomb, but who could blame him Big Show is fucking big (hence the name). Hell Nash struggled against Psycho Sid Vicious ( who is the same weight and height than Nash) so imagine having to powerbomb Big Show. And yeah it fit in with his attitude in WCW, Hogan had the "Hollywood" nickname Scott Steiner had "Big Papa Pump" for a nickname, so why not "Big Sexy" Kevin Nash?
"The Big Bad Booty Daddy" was hilarious for Steiner. As for what's listed in the choices, I like "The Rated-R Superstar". It perfectly described what you can expect from Edge, what he was all about. Plus it's catchy to say. I also thought "The Human Suplex Machine" was great for Taz. A lesser-known one that I like too is "The Party Starter" Curt Hawkins. And finally I agree with PompeyDJ about "The Voice of the Voiceless"; it's almost like CM Punk is saying what fans at home are thinking that know more about behind-the-scenes than a casual fan.
I was sad that Mr. Perfect wasn't an in the list, He had both the perfect gimmick (pun intended) and could sell that fact that he was absolutely perfect
I have to go with SCSA, not only the name itself but how it represent's a turn in his career and the birth of one of the greatest superstars in history. Steve would not have found the same success he has had he continued wrestling under the name "The Ringmaster". His change into the badass redneck Stone Cold Steve Austin in 1996 was the most pivotal moment in his career and after that he didn't go anywhere but up. Plus the name itself is just badass :p

One other that should be mentioned is Randy Orton's "Legend Killer", it was a brilliant role and name that fit Orton's cocky attitude and ego.
Stone Cold Steve Austin. Most of the others on the list are generic really. Stone Cold sounds so badass.
I don't know. I think "Jennifer Hudson's Boyfriend" is a pretty good nickname too.

But on a serious note, should Stone Cold be on the list. It seems like you are pointing out secondary names and Stone Cold is basically what his customary name was. Otherwise, how did "Ravishing" and "Mr. Perfect" miss the list.

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