Best mic skills, best charisma and most entertaining.

Cereal Killer

Boy Better Know
Now I am sure you have read my "who is the best wrestler" thread and also the best mic skills in TNA thread (by some random poster), now what I would like to ask is who do you think has the best:

1. Mic Skills?

2. Charisma?

3. Entertainment skills?

Now you guys are all probably gonna say: Dwayne Johnson of course:shrug: but, he gets help from other people I hear and rights down notes on his arm. If this is the case, Dwayne isn't the best in all of these wrestling attributes, now please don't say the answer is the guy who helped him, I'm talking about Superstars in the WWE/TNA/Other promotion of all time.

Ric Flair? Hulk Hogan? CM Punk? Roddy Piper? hgje327r6t367rg2fd673Y2J? Someone else?


EDIT: Remember, charisma is not popularity and explain your answer, especially if you still think it is The Rock.
1. CM Punk because he can work with any material and make it fresh and seem confident. Cena and Rock have cut better promos but they have also been predictable and stale at times.
2. Triple H. Always intimidating, heel or face, part of stable or not. He makes it seem real.
3, Noone. There is no clear winner. Ther is no wrestler who is the most entertaining in the ring as well as the most entertaining in cutting promos. Nope.
I'm sure nearly all superstars have received help at some point in there career and I'm sure not all of Rock's promos were helped either. That being said, it's still the Rock. He was born with that superstar, rockstar gene that made everything he did that much better. Can you imagine anyone else getting away with some of his lines?

"Can you smellllllll, what Spike Dudley is cooking?"
"Finally! Snitsky has come back to Dallas!"
It's gotta be The Rock in every of those fields, and I know it's cliche to answer with him but it's because it is true. As much help as he has, and has much as he read the scripts while cutting the promos, that doesn't mean he is worst than a guy that WE assume that doesn't.

Back in his days The Rock was just a funny guy, it's impossible even now to see The Rock and simply don't care about what he has to say. You may not like him personally, but his work is excellent. He has the crowd in his hand every single time, that's charisma. He made a crowd chant Fruitty Pebbles, who does that? Also according to Rock's DVD he used to cut the BACKSTAGE PROMOS live, so in his prime we have to assume that there is nobody past or present that could touch him.

Now if we want to talk about second best I'll give:
»» Jake Roberts as the best talker ever, probably ahead of The Rock thanks to the serious character he had that can come off as more interesting, and The Miz currently.

»» Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin, John Cena... The list goes on and on, mainly guys in the main event scene and WWE figures.

»» The Rock is the best ever here, but EVER EVER! Currently I'll give that to Daniel Bryan.
1. Mic Skills? I am sure Piper will be grossly underestimated in this thread. He still has the chops now to entertain. Back in the day you could not top what he was doing on the mic. Right up there with him would be the Rock. I don't care if he got help or even if he read from a paper his delivery is what made him tops on the mic. In his prime no one gave a more exciting, laugh out loud promo than The Rock.

2. Charisma? I am liking The nature Boy Ric Flair for this one. Face or Heel the fans gravitated to this guy. You could feel what he was saying and you believed it. He was so charismatic that I am sure he got laid just based on some of his promos alone. To me that is Charisma lol.

3. Entertainment skills? If we are talking about working a crowd here, and flat out entertainment skills based on talking then it has to be The Rock again. No one ever had the crowd in the palm of his hand like The Great One. He could get a crowd to chant anything. I am not just talking about a pop here either. I am saying he could have the crowd eating out of his hand for an hour if he wanted to. If you bought tickets to a show and The rock was going to be there you knew you would be entertained even if the rest of the card sucked. As stated before though I want to make mention of Piper being up at the top of all of these categories too.
The Rock. Plain and simple. Nobody comes close to being as dominant in all 3 categories combined as much as the rock. He's an outstanding athlete, well spoken on the mic, and the overall charisma as a wrestler. There are some that have the athleticism and mic skills such as Kurt angle, cm punk but don't have the best charisma. Not many, if any, wrestlers could captivate the WWE the way the Rock did in the late 90's to early 00's. He spoke and people listened. He could smack talk to the highest degree and get over with the fans with coming up with clever and funny catchphrases to undermine his opponents. The Rock, simply put, did it all.
1 - The Rock. He took himself from being a "meh" member of the Nation to the very peak of the business, and it was largely down to his skill with the mike.

2 - Hulk Hogan. From the moment I saw him on tv, even as a kid, he was just, awesome. Even now, being live in an arena and knowing the shit he has going on as a prick of a person, I still end up going mental with the words "it's Hulk fucking Hogan". He's the man.

3- Austin. For the Tyson pull apart alone, yet everything about his major run was just entertaining as fuck for me.
Its not even close and only one choice and thats Flair. He is one of the originals for catch phrases and when he wasn't in the WWE it was all off the cuff. The promos he and Dusty would do against one another are legendary. Rock even stated once with his promo style their would be no Rock on the mic if there wasn't Ric Flair.
Its easy!
The Miz!Why?Its simple....HE'S AWESOME!!

Now seriously I would say Miz cause as for charisma and mic skills he is on top along others.But as for entertainment I would pick Stone Cold Steve Austin.Everything this guy did was damn good!Damn why did I miss the Attitude Era?:(
I think the OP must be delerious to think that Punk would list in any of those categories. With being the best comes a big following. Since Punk has been Champ, we have seen ratings decrease. He sounds like a radio DJ on the mic- not a tough wrestling Champ.

There are 2 guys that could easily fit into all the categories- Stone Cold, and the Rock (with Hogan having great consideration). All 3 of these guys took wrestling to unbelievable heights.
I am going to call it a tie between Stone Cold and the Rock. There work with each other was nothing short of amazing. What they did with everyone else was great too. It never got old watching Rock make an ass out of Michael Cole, Coach, and Kevin Kelly, or Austin make an ass out of McMahon. I have been watching a lot of the attitude era Raws lately, and it reminds me how talented these two men were on the mic. Also, they must have good entertainment skills, if they can go on to be successful actors.
In terms of mic skills and charisma, jake roberts will go down as the greatest promo guy ever. Just the combination of all the idioms, facial expressions, and charisma made him unmatched on the stick.
Now I am sure you have read my "who is the best wrestler" thread and also the best mic skills in TNA thread (by some random poster), now what I would like to ask is who do you think has the best:

1. Mic Skills?

2. Charisma?

3. Entertainment skills?

Now you guys are all probably gonna say: Dwayne Johnson of course:shrug: but, he gets help from other people I hear and rights down notes on his arm. If this is the case, Dwayne isn't the best in all of these wrestling attributes, now please don't say the answer is the guy who helped him, I'm talking about Superstars in the WWE/TNA/Other promotion of all time.

Ric Flair? Hulk Hogan? CM Punk? Roddy Piper? hgje327r6t367rg2fd673Y2J? Someone else?


EDIT: Remember, charisma is not popularity and explain your answer, especially if you still think it is The Rock.

Dude you cant start a thread like this...You stating what you did about The Rock is going to alter peoples choices. If you didnt want The Rock included you should have said besides The Rock who are the best on the mic. Starting a thread by criticizing the most popular option takes away from getting good and fair opinions on the question asked.

Mic Skills- The Rock is the BEST ever. No competition here. I dont care who writes his stuff. His delivery is flawless, facial expressions are awesome, and he can work a crowd like no other.

Charisma- Ric Flair...that was too easy

Entertainment skills- as far as matches go...Im going with HBK or Foley. If we are talking about entertainment outside of actual matches than its a tie between Rock and Austin
There's no single answer to this. So I'll break down each category:

Mic Skills: CM Punk
There isn't anyone better on the mic than CM Punk, in my opinion. Piper is close. And others like Flair, Rock, Jericho, Michaels are very good as well. But CM Punk is himself. He has the passion and natural talking ability. He isn't a character. He isn't spouting catch phrases to get popular. He just talks, and when he does, people listen. His pipebomb in 2011 is just one example. The Straight Edge Society is another. His mic work in his feuds vs The Rock and the Undertaker are other examples. His most recent mic work in his feud with Paul Heyman has been second to none. CM Punk is the best on the mic.

Charisma: The Rock circa 1998 - 2000
Watch him evolve from the leader of the Nation, to the People's Champion, to the Corporate Champion, to the biggest babyface in the company. Even when he was a heel, fans couldn't help but to cheer him because he was so charismatic. The sunglasses, the sideburns, the ridiculous shirts... and of course the catchphrases. Charisma is having people pay attention to you because there's something about you that draws interest from others. The Rock drew attention to himself with everything he did. He rose to superstardom faster than almost anyone else in the business, and he's continued to rise to superstardom in Hollywood for the very same reason. He oozes charisma like no other.

Entertainment: This could be anyone from The Rock, Steve Austin, Hulk Hogan or even Chris Jericho. It's incredibly subjective based on what each of us finds entertaining. Personally, I could make a case for Chris Jericho being one of the most entertaining in the business from his time in WCW (feud with Malenko, Mysterio, Rufus, imitating Goldberg) to his babyface run in WWF in 1999-2000 (his Y2J debut, almost winning the title on RAW, verbally assaulting Stephanie to no end) to his heel run as undisputed champion in 2001/02. Then you could make a case for any of Hogan, Austin or Rock just based on ratings and buyrates at the times they were the face of the company.
1.Chris Jericho - His mic skills have ALWAYS been under rated. But he made it possible for a whole generation of mid card guys to have mic time..

2.Jeff Hardy - Has charisma built right into his name.. He has made a huge career from it.

3.Entertainment - I really really hate to admit it but The Rock has this without contest..
Best Mic Skills - JBL

JBL crushes anyone on the mic. None of what he says is scripted. He's the best heel in the business. He can get a crowd to hate him by just telling them the truth. He doesn't need to insult their hometown, he doesn't need to make anything up and he doesn't need to resort to dramatics.

Best Charisma and Most Entertaining - RVD.

The biggest difference between RVD and what most people list (The Rock) is that The Rock has always had the WWE behind him. The WWE has tried to bury RVD repeatedly and failed every time. The fans wouldn't let them. They've tried everything from limiting him on the mic to putting him in squash matches. They had The Rock squash him. They had the Taker squash him. They had Lawler downplay everything he did. The fans still chanted RVD. RVD can get the most people behind him the fastest that I've seen in wrestling history. Faster than Stone Cold. Faster than The Rock and even Faster than Hogan.
My personal opinion and I may be biased but Shawn Michaels in the 90's. I always liked his delivery and attitude during his promos. When he said something it felt like he really meant it.
I don't think anyone can deny Shawn had charisma. He may not have had people chant crap like "Fruity Pebbles" but people still paid attention when he spoke.
He wasn't dull by any means and he could entertain on the mic and in the ring.
In terms of charisma, mic skills and being a superstar The Rock, Austin and Hogan are by far the best. If I had to pick one I'd say The Rock.

If you include the ability to put on great matches and being the best entertainers on the mic as well as in the ring I'd say HBK, Jericho and Eddie Guerrero. If I had to choose one I'd pick HBK. His promos were amazing, just look at his Hulk Hogan Larry King parody in 2005.

All things said and done I believe The Rock is the best of all time overall simply because unlike the other top stars he never refused to job to anyone at any point in his career, if you look at his win/loss record he has probably lost more matches CLEANLY to more people than any of these other top guys(except maybe Jericho) yet he is still considered to be no less to any of them, that speaks volumes about his talent.

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